204 research outputs found

    Publicidade digital, storytelling e transmedia narrativa: educomunicação do consumidor

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    The present text tries to analyze the relationships between the concept of digital storytelling applied to advertising starting from the base of the transmedia narrative. This is: how the new transmediatic narrative helps the construction of advertising discourses based on the notion of storytelling and how it establishes the bases for an educommunication of the consumer, the spectator and / or the target.El presente texto trata de analizar las relaciones entre el concepto de storytelling digital aplicado a la publicidad partiendo de la base de la narrativa transmedia. Esto es: cómo la nueva narrativa transmediática ayuda a la construcción de discursos publicitarios basados en la noción de storytelling y cómo ello establece las bases para una educomunicación del consumidor, del espectador y/o del target.O presente texto tenta analisar as relações entre o conceito de narrativa digital aplicado à publicidade a partir da base da narrativa transmedia. Isto é: como a nova narrativa transmediaica ajuda a construção de discursos publicitários com base na noção de narrativa e como estabelece as bases para uma educação do consumidor, o espectador e / ou o target

    Preparación y evaluación de lipoproteinas de alta densidad radiomarcadas con 177-Lu, con fines radioterapéuticos

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    Tesis de maestría, titulada: Preparación y evaluación de lipoproteinas de alta densidad radiomarcadas con 177-Lu, con fines radioterapéuticosEn los últimos años, las combinaciones de tecnología nuclear y nanomedicina han revolucionado la atención médica convencional y tecnología médica. Y en las últimas décadas se ha incrementado la búsqueda de moléculas endógenas que puedan sintetizarse y ayuden a mejorar la entrega y dirección de fármacos y radiofármacos. Tal es el caso de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL), cuya función es el transporte inverso del colesterol desde los tejidos hasta el hígado principalmente. Su importancia radica en la alta afinidad del receptor endógeno SR-B1 y la apoproteína A1, contenidos en las HDL. Adicionalmente, se ha demostrado que los receptores SR-B1 se sobreexpresan en células tumorales, lo cual lo hace un blanco idóneo para el transporte y liberación de fármacos. En este trabajo se reporta la preparación de un sistema nanolipídico como posible transportador de fármacos mediante la elaboración de lipoproteínas de alta densidad reconstituidas (rHDL) cargadas con colesterol previamente modificado con la conjugación de un agente quelante (DOTA-isotiocianato), el cual tendrá capacidad para el quelado de radioisótopos, como Lutecio 177, capaz de producir muerte celular en tumores sólidos, como una alternativa de medicina nuclear. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue sintetizar el sistema de transporte de fármacos dirigido al receptor SR-B1 a partir de lipoproteínas de alta densidad reconstituidas, radiomarcadas con 177-Lutecio y evaluar su actividad biológica mediante estudios biocinéticos y de captación celular. Se realizó una amplia caracterización del sistema y los subproductos obtenidos utilizando técnicas fisicoquímicas (punto de fusión, CCF, propiedades fisicoquímicas) y técnicas analíticas (UV-Vis, IR-FT, DLS), además de estudios biológicos, que incluyen la biodistribución y captación celular. Los resultados demostraron que fue posible sintetizar el compuesto Colesterol-DOTA, con características ideales para incluirlo en la preparación de las rHDL. Se logró preparar rHDL, modificadas con Col-DOTA, además el radiomarcado de éstas mostró una pureza radioquímica superior al 90 % y eficiencia de marcado superior al 90%. Las pruebas de biodistribución en ratones demostraron que el sistema tiene interacción en gran medida con el hígado, riñón y hueso; además de una adecuada eliminación del complejo para ser excretado en mayor proporción por los riñones sin acumulación significativa en tejidos sanos. Las pruebas de captación celular demostraron especificidad de las rHDL preparadas por receptores celulares SR-B1. Se concluye, que las 177Lu-DOTA-rHDL, son un sistema con capacidad de ser aplicado en sistemas de diagnóstico y terapia, además de poder ser un sistema liberador de fármacos para explorar alternativas de quimio-radioterapia.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México bajo el marco de la convocatoria de Investigación Científica para la Consolidación de los Grupos de Investigación y los Estudios Avanzados UAEM 2019, bajo el proyecto con clave de registro 4745/2019CI

    Microtargeting and electoral segmentation in advertising and political communication through social networks: case study

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    Western political debate, like other areas, has entered the digital world. Political actors have had to adapt to new communication strategies linked to technology in general and to social networks in particular. A new debate has opened that has provoked changes in the traditional system of political communication with its different audiences. Thus, the configuration of negotiation and dominance in democratic systems is linked to technological change. This research aims to provide a descriptive interpretation of the role of social networks, specifically Facebook, by the Popular Party to win the elections of June 26, 2016 in Spain. How the strategies of microtargeting, data mining and geolocation were hollowed out in order to capture the indecisive vote and thus obtain the seats necessary to expand the electoral advantage. To this end, a comparison will be made with Barack Obama's campaigns in 2008 and especially 2012, which were also carried out by The Messina Group (TMG) and whose results were a great success. The results show that Facebook is one of the social networks more successfully used in the campaigns

    An SDN-based architecture for security provisioning in Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) computing systems

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    The unstoppable adoption of cloud and fog computing is paving the way to developing innovative services, some requiring features not yet covered by either fog or cloud computing. Simultaneously, nowadays technology evolution is easing the monitoring of any kind of infrastructure, be it large or small, private or public, static or dynamic. The fog-to-cloud computing (F2C) paradigm recently came up to support foreseen and unforeseen services demands while simultaneously benefiting from the smart capacities of the edge devices. Inherited from cloud and fog computing, a challenging aspect in F2C is security provisioning. Unfortunately, security strategies employed by cloud computing require computation power not supported by devices at the edge of the network, whereas security strategies in fog are yet on their infancy. Put this way, in this paper we propose Software Defined Network (SDN)-based security management architecture based on a master/slave strategy. The proposed architecture is conceptually applied to a critical infrastructure (CI) scenario, thus analyzing the benefits F2C may bring for security provisioning in CIs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Educomunicación, televisión y valores. Análisis de la programación desde una óptica publicitaria

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    Compreender a televisão como uma mera entidade de entretenimento é um conceito obsoleto. A definição tradicional da mídia com um propósito informativo também é pequena. No século XXI, damos um passo adiante: afirmamos que, além de informar e divertir, a mídia e, no caso que nos interessa, a televisão, forma. Educa. Portanto, começamos a partir da revisão da literatura existente, a partir de uma perspectiva de publicidade, para fazer uma análise da grade focada em alguns casos concretos comparáveis na televisão espanhola. E observamos como isso afeta à estratégia dos meios publicitários

    Towards an efficient key management and authentication strategy for combined fog-to-cloud continuum systems

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Fog-to-cloud systems have emerged as a novel concept intended to improve service performance by considering fog and cloud resources in a coordinated way. In such a heterogeneous scenario, security provisioning becomes necessary, hence novel security solutions must be designed to handle the highly distributed fog-to-cloud nature. In the security area, key distribution and authentication are referred to as two critical pillars for a successful security deployment. Unfortunately, traditional centralized key distribution and authentication approaches do not meet the particularities brought by a Fog-tocloud system due to its distributed nature. In this paper, we propose a novel distributed key management and authentication (DKMA) strategy to make Fog-to-cloud systems as secure as possible. The paper ends up presenting some results assessing the benefits of the proposed strategy in terms of traffic and delay reduction.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Pvlearning: herramienta web para la enseñanza de la energía solar fotovoltaica

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    En este trabajo, se describe la web www.pvlearning.com, desarrollada en la Universidad de Alcalá para la enseñanza de la energía solar fotovoltaica. PVLEARNING asiste al alumno en la realización de tareas como la evaluación de la radiación solar disponible, la selección de los componentes del sistema, la configuración de éstos y la estimación del rendimiento global y la energía total producida. Frente a otros programas de simulación, la plataforma presenta la novedad de estar enfocada al aprendizaje de la ingeniería de proyectos, sin por ello perder todo el rigor y la funcionalidad necesarios en este tipo de simuladores.This work describes the web www.pvlearning.com, which has been developed at the Universidad de Alcalá for photovoltaic solar energy teaching. PVLEARNING assists the student in tasks such as the evaluation of the solar radiation, the selection of the system components, the configuration of the solar generator and the estimation of the performance ratio, the final yield and the total energy production. In contrast to other simulation programs, the platform has the novelty of being focused on the learning of project engineering, without losing the accuracy and functionality which is required in this kind of simulator

    Monitoring treatment of field cancerisation with 3% diclofenac sodium 2.5% hyaluronic acid by reflectance confocal microscopy: a histologic correlation

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    Visual inspection may fail to accurately evaluate field cancerisation (subclinical actinic keratoses [AKs]). We aimed to describe field cancerisation by confocal reflectance microscopy and changes induced by the application of 3% diclofenac sodium gel in 2.5% hyaluronic acid. Fourteen male patients, > 50 years old, with AKs on the bald scalp were included. Clinical examination, confocal microscopy and histological study of clinically visible lesions and 'normal appearing' adjacent skin before and after treatment was completed. Reflectance confocal microscopy showed a decrease in scaling (p = 0.001) and atypia of the honeycomb pattern (p = 0.001) at 2 weeks of treatment. Changes in parakeratosis, inflammation and dermal collagen remodelling were also observed. Histology correlated with confocal features in AK and subclinical AK. Reflectance confocal microscopy was useful in the evaluation of field cancerisation and monitoring of treatment response. A rapid improvement in epidermal atypia was observed

    In Vivo

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    In recent years, technology has allowed the development of new diagnostic techniques which allow real-time, in vivo, noninvasive evaluation of morphological changes in tissue. This study compares and correlates the images and findings obtained by high-definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT) and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) with histology in normal healthy oral mucosa. The healthy lip mucosa of ten adult volunteers was imaged with HD-OCT and RCM. Each volunteer was systematically evaluated by RCM starting in the uppermost part of the epithelium down to the lamina propia. Afterwards, volunteers were examined with a commercially available full-field HD-OCT system using both the “slice” and the “en-face” mode. A “punch” biopsy of the lower lip mucosa was obtained and prepared for conventional histology. The architectural overview offered by “slice” mode HD-OCT correlates with histologic findings at low magnification. In the superficial uppermost layers of the epithelium, RCM imaging provided greater cellular detail than histology. As we deepened into the suprabasal layers, the findings are in accordance with physiological cellular differentiation and correlate with the images obtained from conventional histology. The combined use of these two novel non-invasive imaging techniques provides morphological imaging with sufficient resolution and penetration depth, resulting in quasihistological images

    Determining the Habitual Practice of Abuse (Article 173.3, Spanish Criminal Code)

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    La habitualidad se configuraba como el elemento esencial del delito de maltrato habitual (artículo 173.3 CP). Pese a ello, no se contiene, en el Código Penal español, una definición de lo que ha de entenderse por habitualidad. El legislador se ha limitado a fijar los criterios que deben ser tomados en consideración por el órgano judicial para apreciar su concurrencia. Pues bien, la finalidad de este artículo es el análisis de esos criterios a efectos de aportar los elementos materiales con los que dar contenido a cada uno de ellos. Para ello hemos tomado en consideración no solo las opiniones doctrinales y la jurisprudencia existente al respecto, sino también los datos extraídos de los expedientes de la Fiscalía de Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, España), relativos a asuntos sobre violencia de género y que concluyeron con sentencia firme, por delito de maltrato habitual, durante los años 2005 a 2012.Habitual practice was seen as the essential element of the crimeof habitual abuse (Article 173.3, Criminal Code). However, the Spanish Criminal Code does not contain a definition on what should be understood as habitual practice. The legal system has been restricted to set the criteria to be taken into consideration by the legal system to consider its concurrence. The purpose of this article is to analyze such criteria in order to provide necessary material elements to give meaning to such criteria. For this purpose, the article has not only taken the doctrinal opinions and the existing jurisprudence into consideration, but also the data taken from the files kept by Santiago de Compostela Prosecutor’s Office in Galicia (Spain), in relation to issues on gender violence that ended up in a final verdict for the crime of habitual abuse between 2005 and 2012