573 research outputs found

    Tumores en ganado ovino sacrificado en matadero

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    Trabajo presentado al: XL Congreso Nacional y el XVI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Castellón de la Plana, España, 16-18 septiembre 2015).Peer Reviewe

    Presencia de infección y lesiones mínimas en mama y otros tejidos en ovinos afectados de Maedi-Visna

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    5 páginas, 2 tablas.--Trabajo presentado al: XL Congreso Nacional y el XVI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Castellón de la Plana, España, 16-18 septiembre 2015).Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado por los proyectos LE361A12-1 y LE314U14 de la Junta de Castilla y León y por una beca FPU del Ministerio de Educación.Peer Reviewe

    Anencephaly and Severe Myelodysplasia in a Stillborn Brown Bear (Ursus arctos arctos)

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    [EN] Malformations in the development of the neural tube have been described to be associated with different aetiologies, such as genetic factors, toxic plants, chemical products, viral agents, or hyperthermia. A twenty-four-year-old female Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos), permanently in captivity and kept under food and management control, gave birth to a stillborn cub at the end of gestation. Several malformations resulting from the anomalous development of the neural tube, not previously reported in bears, were observed, such as anencephaly, hypoplasia, micromyelia, severe myelodysplasia, syringomyelia, and spina bifida. Multiple canal defects (e.g., absence) were also observed in the spinal cord. In some regions, the intradural nerve roots surrounded the spinal cord in a diffuse and continuous way. The aetiology remains unidentified, although the advanced age of the mother and/or folic acid deficit might have been the possible causes of this disorder. Supplements of folate given to the mother before and during early pregnancy may have reduced the incidence of neural tube defects. That supplementation should be considered when the reproduction of bears is to occur in captivity, in order to prevent the loss of future generations of this endangered speciesSIThis work was partially funded by the Principality of Asturias (PCTI 2021–2023, GRUPIN: IDI-2021-000102) and the European Regional Development Fun

    Una forma gráfica de enseñanza: aplicación al duopolio de Cournot

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    El principal problema que acontece en la enseñanza de materias económicas es la falta de visualización que tiene el alumnado de los conceptos presentados. Una forma sencilla de poder transmitir esos conocimientos consiste en la utilización de equipos informáticos y software de uso general accesible al alumnado como las hojas de cálculo. En este trabajo, presentamos la aplicación de estos medios informáticos a la explicación de la dinámica del duopolio de Cournot con distintas funciones de demanda, mostrando de forma gráfica, mediante una sencilla programación de la hoja de cálculo, la reacción de una empresa ante las cantidades producidas por su competidor. Estas reacciones se van sucediendo de forma alterna hasta alcanzarse el equilibrio

    Harmonic model of electronically controlled loads

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    The use of electronically controlled loads is the way used to improve the efficiency as well as the power factor of normal elec- tric loads, obtaining thus energy efficient loads. This electronic con- trol changes the load’s global behavior resulting in a strongly non- linear one, at this regards, the available models used to represent loads are not accurate enough, especially in the context of an iterative frequency domain harmonic penetration program/algorithm. In this article, we propose an extension of the crossed-frequency admittance matrix, in order to get a better representation of these electronic loads. The extension is done by adding another dimension to the matrix, the harmonic phase. The model is obtained using a programmable power source connected to a PC, and by means of an acquisition board, we measure voltage and intensity. Due to the large number of tests needed we have developed a software tool that auto- mates the process giving as result the load model. Therefore, the proposed model linearizes loads according to three variables: Amplitude, Frequency and Phase of the harmonic with regard to the fundamental

    Approach to multivariable predictive control applications in residential HVAC direct load control

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a new constrained multivariable predictive control strategy applied in Residential HVAC Direct Load Control. In this way, starting from a target load profile prefixed by the utility in order to achieve several objectives - economic, technical- and taking into account customer constraints - minimum “fort levels, HVAC limits- this control algorithm provides, in a multiobjective hework, the most suitable HVAC load control strategy to minimize the discrepancies between the controlled load curve and the predefined target load curve. The control system has a close-loop behavior with a proper and consistent treatment of modeling errors and other disturbances. It is allowed a dynamic modification of the target load me according to the real-time system behavior. In order to demonstrate its qualities widely, this control system has been applied to modify a real load curve profile under different operating conditions

    Validación de un simulador de conducción de bajo coste para el diseño de carreteras convencionales

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    [ES] La cantidad de estudios de seguridad vial basados en simuladores de conducción está en continuo crecimiento. En este sentido, la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) ha desarrollado un simulador de conducción de bajo coste: SE2RCO (Simulador para la Evaluación, Entrenamiento y Rehabilitación de Conductores). El principal objetivo de la investigación es la validación de este simulador, con el fin de desarrollar estudios relacionados con la seguridad vial y el diseño geométrico de carreteras incorporando el factor humano. Dicha validación se ha realizado a partir de la observación en campo de los perfiles continuos de velocidad desarrollados por 28 voluntarios conduciendo su propio vehículo en un tramo de carretera convencional de 30 km. Los mismos voluntarios condujeron posteriormente en el simulador de conducción ese mismo tramo de carretera reconstruido en un entorno virtual. Un total de 79 curvas y 52 rectas fueron objeto de análisis. La comparación entre las velocidades desarrolladas en la realidad y las observadas durante la simulación permitieron llevar a cabo la validez objetiva del simulador de conducción. Los resultados mostraron que la velocidad media en el simulador y en la realidad era similar cuando la velocidad simulada era inferior a 87.3 km/h. En caso de ser superior, la velocidad media en la realidad era menor que en el simulador. En cuanto a la velocidad de operación, se observó que la velocidad real era aproximadamente 5 km/h menor que la simulada. Finalmente, estos resultados estuvieron apoyados por la percepción de los conductores, ya que la mayoría de ellos evaluaron la calidad del entorno simulado y el grado de similitud entre la tarea de conducción real y simulada como medio o alto, consiguiendo de esta manera la validez subjetiva del simulador de conducción.Los autores quisieran agradecer a la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), que financió el proyecto de investigación “CONSIM - Desarrollo de un Modelo para la Evaluación de la Consistencia del Diseño Geométrico de Carreteras Convencionales mediante Simuladores de Conducción” (PAID 05-2012). Asimismo, agradecer también al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y al Fondo Social Europeo, que financiaron el proyecto de investigación “CASEFU - Estudio experimental de la funcionalidad y seguridad de las carreteras convencionales” (TRA2013-42578-P), del cual forma parte este estudio.Llopis-Castelló, D.; Camacho Torregrosa, FJ.; Pérez Zuriaga, AM.; Marín-Morales, J.; García García, A.; Dols Ruiz, JF. (2016). Validación de un simulador de conducción de bajo coste para el diseño de carreteras convencionales. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1866-1879. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3444OCS1866187

    Sistema IoT de sensorización, almacenamiento y representación de datos para espacios universitarios

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    In the past years, the concept of Smart City has been a main paradigm for public developments, with the objective of improving the well-being of the citizens, and the performance of public services by means of a detailed monitoring and actions over the different parameters associated to them. Among these monitoring, environmental measurements related with air quality and such are needed. The university campuses, as relevant areas with high concentration of people and infrastructure, as well as centers for education, research and innovation, are perfect areas for the adoption and testing of several projects of this kind. In this way, the present paper presents the ICT design and development of the SmartTree project in which a public infrastructure will be created with capacities such as providing clean energy and gathering environmental data in an integrated way.Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro de la iniciativa Smart- Campus de la universidad de Málaga, en colaboración con el resto del equipo de desarrollo del proyecto Smart Trees financiado por el I Plan Propio de Smart-Campus de la Universidad de Málaga y por la Universidad de Málaga a través del I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Genetic Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses Detected in Spanish Assaf Sheep with Different Mammary Lesions

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    [EN]Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLVs) are widespread in many countries and cause economically relevant, slow, and persistent diseases in sheep and goats. Monitoring the genetic diversity of SRLVs is useful to improve the diagnostic tools used in the eradication programs. In this study, SRLVs detected in Spanish Assaf sheep with different grades of lymphoproliferative mastitis were sequenced. Genetic characterization showed that most samples belonged to type A and were closer to Spanish SRLV isolates previously classified as A2/A3. Four samples belonged to subtype B2 and showed higher homology with Italian B2 strains than with Spanish B2 isolates. Amino acid sequences of immuno-dominant epitopes in the gag region were very conserved while more alterations were found in the LTR sequences. No significant correlations were found between grades of mastitis and alterations in the sequences although samples with similar histological features were phylogenetically closer to each other. Broader genetic characterization surveys in samples with different grades of SRLV-lesions are required for evaluating potential correlations between SRLV sequences and the severity of diseases.SIThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish government (LE361A12-1 project and FPU13/01081 grant) and by the University of Camerino (FAR-Preziuso)

    Immunohistochemical characterization of tuberculous lesions in sheep naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis

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    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.[EN] Background: Sheep have been traditionally considered as less susceptible to Mycobacterium bovis (Mbovis) infection than other domestic ruminants such as cattle and goats. However, there is increasing evidence for the role of this species as a domestic Mbovis reservoir, mostly when sheep share grazing fields with infected cattle and goats. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information about the pathogenesis and the immune response of Mbovis infection in sheep. The goals of this study were to characterize the granuloma stages produced by the natural infection of Mbovis in sheep, to compare them with other species and to identify possible differences in the sheep immune response. Samples from bronchial lymph nodes from twelve Mbovis-naturally infected sheep were used. Four immunohistochemical protocols for the specific detection of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages were performed to study the local immune reaction within the granulomas. Results: Differences were observed in the predominant cell type present in each type of granuloma, as well as differences and similarities with the development of tuberculous granulomas in other species. Very low numbers of T-lymphocytes were observed in all granuloma types indicating that specific cellular immune response mediated by T-cells might not be of much importance in sheep in the early stages of infection, when macrophages are the predominant cell type within lesions. Plasma cells and mainly B lymphocytes increased considerably as the granuloma developed being attracted to the lesions in a shift towards a Th2 response against the increasing amounts of mycobacteria. Therefore, we have proposed that the granulomas could be defined as initial, developed and terminal. Conclusions: Results showed that the study of the lymphoid tissue granulomata reinforces the view that the three different types of granuloma represent stages of lesion progression and suggest an explanation to the higher resistance of sheep based on a higher effective innate immune response to control tuberculosis infection.SIThis paper was funded by a grant from INIA-RTA2014–00002-C02–01 (FEDER co-funded)