134 research outputs found

    Ultrastable CoxSiyOz Nanowires by Glancing Angle Deposition with Magnetron Sputtering as Novel Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation

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    Cobalt is one of the most promising non‐noble metal as electrocatalyst for water oxidation. Herein, a highly stable silicon‐cobalt mixed oxide thin film with a porous columnar nanostructure is proposed as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction (OER). CoOx and CoxSiyOz layers with similar thickness were fabricated at room temperature by magnetron sputtering in a glancing angle configuration (MS‐GLAD) on tin‐doped indium oxide (ITO) substrates. After characterization, a comparative study of the electrocatalytic performance for OER of both layers was carried out. The excellent long‐term stability as electrocatalyst for OER of the porous CoxSiyOz thin film demonstrates that the presence of silicon on the mixed oxide network increases the mechanical stability of the Si/Co layer, whilst maintaining a considerable electrocatalytic response

    Ecological Diversity within Rear-Edge: A Case Study from Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica Willd

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    Understanding the ecology of populations located in the rear edge of their distribution is key to assessing the response of the species to changing environmental conditions. Here, we focus on rear-edge populations of Quercus pyrenaica in Sierra Nevada (southern Iberian Peninsula) to analyze their ecological and floristic diversity. We perform multivariate analyses using high-resolution environmental information and forest inventories to determine how environmental variables differ among oak populations, and to identify population groups based on environmental and floristic composition. We find that water availability is a key variable in explaining the distribution of Q. pyrenaica and the floristic diversity of their accompanying communities within its rear edge. Three cluster of oak populations were identified based on environmental variables. We found differences among these clusters regarding plant diversity, but not for forest attributes. A remarkable match between the populations clustering derived from analysis of environmental variables and the ordination of the populations according to species composition was found. The diversity of ecological behaviors for Q. pyrenaica populations in this rear edge are consistent with the high genetic diversity shown by populations of this oak in the Sierra Nevada. The identification of differences between oak populations within the rear-edge with respect to environmental variables can aid with planning the forest management and restoration actions, particularly considering the importance of some environmental factors in key ecological aspects.LIFE-ADAPTAMED: Protection of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612H2020 project European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER)European Research Council (ERC) 64703

    Documenting models and workflows: the next challenge in the field of ecological data management

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    Los modelos ecológicos se han convertido en una pieza clave de esta ciencia. La generación de conocimiento se consigue en buena medida mediante procesos analíticos más o menos complejos aplicados sobre conjuntos de datos diversos. Pero buena parte del conocimiento necesario para diseñar e implementar esos modelos no está accesible a la comunidad científica. Proponemos la creación de herramientas informáticas para documentar, almacenar y ejecutar modelos ecológicos y flujos de trabajo. Estas herramientas (repositorios de modelos) están siendo desarrolladas por otras disciplinas como la biología molecular o las ciencias de la Tierra. Presentamos un repositorio de modelos (ModeleR) desarrollado en el contexto del Observatorio de seguimiento del cambio global de Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almería). Creemos que los repositorios de modelos fomentarán la cooperación entre científicos, mejorando la creación de conocimiento relevante que podría ser transferido a los tomadores de decisiones.Ecological models have become a key part of this scientific discipline. Most of the knowledge created by ecologists is obtained by applying analytical processes to primary data. But most of the information underlying how to create models or use analytic techniques already published in the scientific literature is not readily available to scientists. We are proposing the creation of computer tools that help to document, store and execute ecological models and scientific workflows. These tools (called model repositories) are being developed by other disciplines such as molecular biology and earth science. We are presenting a model repository (called ModeleR) that has been developed in the context of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory (Granada-Almería. Spain). We believe that model repositories will foster cooperation among scientists, enhancing the creation of relevant knowledge that could be transferred to environmental managers.El desarrollo de ModeleR ha sido financiado por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio de la Junta de Andalucía a través de la Red de Información Ambiental (REDIAM), gracias a un convenio llamado “Diseño y creación de un repositorio de modelos para la red de información ambiental de Andalucía”. A.J. Pérez-Luque agradece al MICINN por el contrato PTA 2011-6322-I

    Analysis of the Influence of Terrain Orientation on the Design of PV Facilities with Single-Axis Trackers

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    This paper investigates how to optimally orient the photovoltaic solar trackers of an axis parallel to the terrain, applying the sky model of Hay–Davies. This problem has been widely studied. However, the number of studies that consider the orientation (inclination and azimuth of the terrain) is very limited. This paper provides an examination of incident solar irradiance that can be extended to terrain with variable orientation and in consideration of different azimuths of the axis of rotation. Furthermore, a case study of the south of Spain is provided, considering different inclination and orientation terrain values. The results obtained in this study indicate, as a novelty, that for lands that are not south facing, the rotation axis azimuth of solar trackers should be different from zero and adjusted to the same direction as the land azimuth in order to maximize energy production. Annual energy production is sensitive to changes in the rotation axis azimuths of solar trackers (an influence of around 3% of annual energy production)

    Construction of a recycled plastic filament winder for 3D printing.

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    The work presented here exposes the development and design of a new machine: the recycled plastic filament winder understood as an innovative DIY tool that enables and provides new solutions for the recycling and reuse of plastic, creating customized filaments that can be used in 3D printing, for instance. It is a cost-effective and sustainable solution that helps reduce waste and environmental pollution. The construction of this machine makes possible to create 3D printing filament from discarded plastic. It can be understood as one more option among the existing solutions that, in a profitable and sustainable way, contribute to reduce waste and environmental pollution. Thus, the construction of this winder joins the set of machines that allow to extend the useful life of plastic materials, trying to prevent them from ending up in landfills or seas and oceans; in short, to reduce the amount of plastic waste that every year pollute the ecosystem and the environment. The winder works by taking plastic from disposed containers such as bottles, caps, jerry cans, etc. These containers need to be previously shredded into small plastic shavings or flakes, which are then fed into an extruder machine, where they are melted and, through the winder, this molten mass of plastic is transformed into a thread or filament that can be used in 3D printing. In addition, this winder design also gives users the opportunity to create customized filament since the color, texture and thickness of the filament can be controlled.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Landscape evolution and geodynamic controls in the Gulf of Cadiz (Huelva coast, SW Spain) during the Late Quaternary

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    The coastal evolution of the El Abalario area (Huelva, southern Spain) during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene is reinterpreted after a refinement of the available geochronology by means of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. New data come from the analysis of soft sediment deformation, palaeosols, geomorphological mapping, and published seismic surveys on the onshore and offshore Gulf of Cadiz. The present structure of El Abalario dome resulted from the complex interaction of littoral-catchment processes and sea-level changes upon an emergent coastal plain, conditioned by the upwarping of the underlying Pliocene - Pleistocene prograding deltaic sequence. Upwarping is probably related to escape of over-pressurized fluids, accompanied by dewatering, prior to (?) and during OIS (Oxygen Isotopic Stage) 5. Continued upwarping produced the large NW - SE gravitational fault of Torre del Loro (TLF) in the southwestern flank of the dome, roughly parallel to the present coastline during OIS 5 - OIS 4. The resulting escarpment favoured the accumulation of aeolian sand dunes (units U1, U2, and U3) from OIS 5 to early OIS 1. Unit U1 (OIS 5) ends upwards in a supersurface with a thick weathering profile that suggests moist and temperate climatic conditions. Unit U2 accumulated mainly during OIS 4 and OIS 3 with prevailing W/E winds. The supersurface between U2 and U3 records a part of OIS 2, with relative low sea level. Sedimentation of unit U3 took place during the Last Deglaciation (radiocarbon and OSL ages) with prevailing W/SW winds, under a temperate moist climate, that became more arid towards the top (Holocene). A major supersurface with an iron crust-like layer (SsFe) developed during the Holocene Climatic Optimum (OIS 1) under wetter and more temperate conditions than before, fossilizing the TLF. The supersurface is covered by younger aeolian dunes (U4, U5, U6, and U7) transported by W - SW winds since the Late Neolithic - Chalcolithic cultural period (̃5.0 ky cal BP).Financial support from Spanish Projects BTE2002-1065 and BTE2002-1691. This is a contribution to IGCP 495 and to the INQUA “Coastal and Marine Processes Commission”

    How oral probiotics affect the severity of an experimental model of progressive multiple sclerosis? Bringing commensal bacteria into the neurodegenerative process

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    A growing number of studies support that the bidirectional interactions between the gut microbiota, the immune system and the CNS are relevant for the pathophysiology of MS. Several studies have reported alterations in the gut microbiome of MS patients. In addition, a variety of studies in animal models of MS have suggested that specific members of the gut commensal microbiota can exacerbate or ameliorate neuroinflammation. Probiotics represent oral nontoxic immunomodulatory agents that would exert benefits when using in combination with current MS therapy. Here we investigate the effect of Vivomixx on the gut microbiome and central and peripheral immune responses in a murine model of primary progressive MS. Vivomixx administration was associated with increased abundance of many taxa such as Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Tenericutes and TM7. This was accompanied by a clear improvement of the motor disability of Theiler's virus infected mice; in the CNS Vivomixx reduced microgliosis, astrogliosis and leukocyte infiltration. Notably, the presence of Breg cells (CD19 + CD5 + CD1d high) in the CNS was enhanced by Vivomixx, and while spinal cord gene expression of IL-1β and IL-6 was diminished, the probiotic promoted IL-10 gene expression. One of the most significant findings was the increased plasma levels of butyrate and acetate levels in TMEV-mice that received Vivomixx. Peripheral immunological changes were subtle but interestingly, the probiotic restricted IL-17 production by Th17-polarized CD4 + T-cells purified from the mesenteric lymph nodes of Theiler's virus infected mice. Our data reinforce the beneficial effects of oral probiotics that would be coadjuvant treatments to current MS therapies

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (31)

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    Sumario : Relámpagos en las alturas.-- El misterio de Di Herculis.-- Jets en galaxias activas.-- HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA. Los All-Star de la física.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS. Cómo “encender” un cuásar .-- EL “MOBY DICK” DE... María Rosa Zapatero Osorio (CAB, CSIC-INTA).-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES : El Sistema Solar: ¿conocemos de verdad nuestro vecindario?.-- ACTIVIDADES IAA, AGENDA Y RECOMENDADOS.N