978 research outputs found

    Data on the working population in Spain related to training, workplace conditions and accident rates

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    Obtaining data on worker accident rates is necessary in order to analyze the causes and variables involved in the occurrence of said accidents. The majority of these data, collected after the accident occurs, do not consider the employee's working conditions. Here are presented the data on workplace accidents and the conditions of the workers by analyzing the generic data supplied as part of the 7th National Survey of Workplace Conditions (EWCS) in Spain, conducted in 2011. These data will yield the variables needed to determine if the information on workplace risks provided by the survey respondents has an appreciable effect on the occurrence of occupational accidents in the working population, and will also be used to explore other variables

    Fracture test of a Gothic ribbed vault

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    A Gothic ribbed vault has been built at the School of Architecture of Madrid in order to investigate the construction complexities of this kind of vaults. The ribbed vault is described in the manuscript of Alonso de Vandelvira, and its shape was reconstructed making using the drawings this architect from the 16th century. The fracture test was carried on by loading the central keystone of the vault until its collapse took place. The experiment was filmed and by doing so, it was possible to observe the failure mechanism of the vault. At the same time, it was interesting to compare this collapse experience with the results obtained using two different me-thods. First, a stability calculation was carried out through graphic statics, and secondly a calcu-lation was performed using the rigid-block analysis method. The focus of this paper is to show and analyze the results of both studies

    Investigación previa del conjunto catedralicio de Granada

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    Antes de emprender la restauración o estudio de los procesos de alteración de un monumento, es imprescindible la realización de una serie de estudios preliminares conocidos genéricamente como investigación previa; estos estudios deben proporcionar suficiente información sobre muy diversos aspectos al objeto de poder estar en condiciones de realizar una adecuada interpretación de los datos que se obtengan en las investigaciones siguientes a fin de garantizar, en la medida de lo posible, que las futuras intervenciones sean las más adecuadas. Es necesario, en primer lugar, realizar una investigación profunda que permita conocer las diversas etapas constructivas del monumento, las modificaciones que se han realizado sobre el proyecto original, así como todas aquellas incidencias que puedan haber tenido una repercusión directa sobre el monumento,tales como derrumbamientos, terremotos, modificaciones urbanísticas del entorno, etc. En segundo lugar, se ha de realizar una investigación bibliográfica que permita conocer la procedencia de los materiales pétreos empleados en la construcción; esta información será esencial tanto para el investigador como para el arquitecto restaurador. Al primero le servirá para poder obtener grandes cantidades de material inalterado para la realización de ensayos de laboratorio, que no puede detraerse del monumento sin causar en la mayor parte de los casos graves daños; al restaurador, esta información le permitirá disponer de material de las mismas o similares características al original por si fuese necesario realizar reposiciones. La localización de las canteras de procedencia de los materiales es a veces una tarea no demasiado fácil por diversas razones, entre las que se encuentra el hecho de que muchas de ellas no se encuentran en explotación desde hace muchos años, o el nombre por el que son mencionadas en los antiguos documentos no se corresponde con el actual, etc., no obstante, diversos estudios químicos y petrográficos pueden permitir la identificación inequívoca de las mismas comparando con los materiales del edificio . Por último, el conocimiento de las condiciones ambientales a las que se encuentra sometido el monumento resulta de un particular interés debido a que muchos procesos de alteración tendrán su origen en las mismas y, además, las tareas de restauración a realizar se pueden ver fuertemente condicionadas por aquellas

    Study of the turbocharger shaft motion by means of infrared sensors

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    This work describes a technique for measuring the precession movement of the shaft of small automotive turbochargers. The main novelty is that the technique is based on infrared light diode sensors. With presented technique it is possible to perform secure mounting of electronics and also to measure, with good accuracy, far enough from the turbocharger shaft. Both advantages allow applying it even in critical lubrication conditions and when blade contact occurs. The technique's main difficulties arise from the small size of the turbocharger shaft and the high precession movement in critical conditions. In order to generate the optimum albedo reflection for infrared measurement, a special cylindrical nut with larger diameter than the original one is assembled at the shaft tip in the compressor side. Following, shaft balancing, the calibration of the sensors and the compensation of errors from different sources are needed steps before the method is able to identify the main frequencies of shaft motion. Once synchronous and sub-synchronous frequencies have been obtained it is possible to reconstruct the instantaneous position of the shaft to determine its precession movement.This research has also been partially supported by the Programa de Desarrollo del Talento Humano de la Secretaria Nacional de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion del Gobierno Ecuatoriano No. 20100289.Serrano Cruz, JR.; Guardiola, C.; Dolz García, VM.; López, M.; Bouffaud, F. (2015). Study of the turbocharger shaft motion by means of infrared sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 56-57:246-258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.11.006S24625856-5

    Initial learning scenarios based on the computational thinking evaluation for the course Programming fundamentals at INACAP

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    The paper’s objective is present the design and the planning of initial learning scenarios for the course Programming Fundamentals, from the evaluation of computational thinking to new students of the careers Computer engineering and Programmer analyst of the Technological University of Chile and Training Center Technical respectively at INACAP, to favor the motivation and autonomy of study through the recognition of skills and the use of the instructional design of the face-to-face course. The proposal is based on correspondence with three of five change trends that integrated the educational model. Regarding the Knowledge society, promote recognition of the individuality of the student as a person who will do university studies, that is, the scenarios respond to the fact that each person learns differently. In the Training of competences, contribute with preventive actions that the teacher communicates when there is a lack of specific skills. Finally, in the Flexibility and articulation, provide a diagnostic tool that favors the recognition of previous competences to have an articulated beginning of studies based on the needs of the student. Consequently, contribute to the INACAP´s educational model

    Applying a model-based methodology to develop web-based systems of systems

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    Systems of Systems (SoS) are emerging applications composed by subsystems that interacts in a distributed and heterogeneous environment. Web-based technologies are a current trend to achieve SoS user interaction. Model Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) is the application of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) into the Web development domain. This paper presents a MDWE methodology to include Web-based interaction into SoS development. It's composed of ten models and seven model transformations and it's fully implemented in a support tool for its usage in practice. Quality aspects covered through the traceability from the requirements to the nal code are exposed. The feasibility of the approach is validated by its application into a real-world project. A preliminary analysis of potential benets (reduction of eort, time, cost; improve of quality; design vs code ratio, etc) is done by comparison to other project as an initial hypothesis for a future planned experimentation research.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3- 3-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Antiangiogenic Therapy in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

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    Approximately 75% of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at advanced stages (FIGO stage III/IV), with 15-23 months median global survival and 20% 5-year survival. Angiogenesis plays an important role in tumour development and proliferation. Increased angiogenesis is associated with worse clinical outcome in ovarian cancer. Here we review the play of bevacizumab in the treatment of ovarian cancer and also other antiangiogenic drugs. In total, to date there are no promising results for most of the reviewed antiangiogenic agents, except those already known for bevacizumab, trebananib, pazopanib, cediranib and nintedanib. Ongoing research will shed more light on this fascinating tumour process and its control

    A software system to teach economics to secondary school and first year engineering students

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    [EN] In this paper, we present a graphical user interface which has been devised to teach the basic concepts of economics in secondary schools and first year engineering courses. The application allows students to vary certain parameters and visually observe the effect on the supply and demand curves. The system has been developed in Matlab and employed in a secondary school in Spain. The first results are presented.[ES] Presentamos una interfaz gráfica desarrollada mediante Matlab diseñada para complementar el aprendizaje de los conceptos básicos de economía en Bachillerato, grado superior de ciclos formativos y cursos universitarios de introducción a la economía. La aplicación informática permite que los estudiantes varíen los parámetros de los que dependen las curvas de oferta y demanda, y visualicen el efecto sobre el equilibrio de mercado de estas variaciones. Se presentan los resultados de una primera experiencia de aplicación del programa en enseñanza secundaria en España.García-March, M.; Zacarés, M.; Isidro, J.; Monreal, L.; López-Javier, C.; Arevalillo-Herráez, M. (2009). A software system to teach economics to secondary school and first year engineering students. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 2:105-113. doi:10.4995/msel.2009.3126SWORD105113