495 research outputs found

    Traducción de un texto literario procedente del sitio web Pottermore y análisis de sus problemas y dificultades

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) consiste en la traducción comentada de un texto de carácter literario procedente del sitio web oficial de la saga de libros Harry Potter. En primer lugar, abordaremos el concepto de traducción literaria y detallaremos las dificultades específicas que plantea para, posteriormente, pasar a explicar la taxonomía de dificultades y problemas de traducción en que nos hemos basado para la realización de nuestro trabajo. A continuación, analizaremos las características principales de nuestro encargo, que justificarán las decisiones que hemos tomado durante la realización de nuestra traducción, la cual presentaremos seguidamente. Analizaremos entonces las diferentes particularidades que hemos encontrado durante la traducción de nuestro texto origen, basándonos en la taxonomía previamente mencionada. Finalmente, cerraremos nuestro trabajo con unas breves conclusiones acerca del mismo.Grado en Traducción e Interpretació

    Simulating the remote handling of the blanket segments in DEMO fusion reactor with thermo-mechanical meshfree multibody dynamics

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    The present study shows a first approach to the simulation of the remote handling oper- ation which takes into account the thermal and flexible behavior of the blanket segments and its implications on the remote handling equipment, in order to validate and improve its design

    Endoscopic ultrasonography: Enhancing diagnostic accuracy

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    Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is an essential technique for the management of several diseases. Over the years, new technologies have been developed because to improve and overcome certain limitations related to EUS guided tissue acquisition. Among these new methods, EUS guided elastography and contrast enhanced EUS has arisen as the most widely recognized and available. We will review in this manuscript the different techniques of elastography and contrast enhancement. Nowadays, there are well establish indications for advance imaging, mainly for supporting the management of pancreatic diseases (diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and differential diagnosis of solid and cystic pancreatic tumors) and characterization of lymph nodes. However, there are more data on new potential indications for the near futureS

    Carbon Nanohorns Modified with Conjugated Terthienyl/Terthiophene Structures: Additives to Enhance the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

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    [EN] A series of carbon nanohorns (CNHs) constituted by the aggregation of about 2000 individual conical graphene tubes (diameters from 2 nm to 5 nm and a length of 40-50 nm) that have been modified with dyes of two, three, or four terthienyl groups has been prepared by adsorbing the corresponding dye on the CNH. Persistent inks in o-dichlorobenzene (o-DCB) of these dye-CNH conjugates were obtained by laser irradiation of o-DCB suspensions of the dye-CNH solids. These inks were used in combination or not with N719 dye for the preparation of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) of TiO¿. It was measured that the terthienyl dye with the largest conjugation deposited on the CNH additively increased the performance of an analogous TiO¿ cell from an efficiency of 4.07% to 6.24%. This result shows the potential of dye-modified CNHs as additives in the construction of more efficient DSSCs.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, (Severo Ochoa, Grapas, CTQ2016-76721-R and CTQ2012-32315), Iberdrola Foundation (CONV120313) and Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (PEII-2014-002A) is gratefully acknowledged. P.A. also thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation by a Ramon y Cajal research associate contract (RYC-2012-10702) and the Generalitat Valenciana for the grant GV-2014/101.Iglesias, D.; Atienzar Corvillo, PE.; Vázquez, E.; Herrero, MA.; García Gómez, H. (2017). Carbon Nanohorns Modified with Conjugated Terthienyl/Terthiophene Structures: Additives to Enhance the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Nanomaterials. 7(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/nano710029471

    Complementariedad entre las relaciones diacrónicas de los T-Patterns y los patrones de conducta en acciones de esgrima de espada masculina de élite

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    El objetivo de este artículo es establecer las posibles relaciones diacrónicas detectadas en el análisis táctico de los asaltos de esgrima de espada masculina, desde tres técnicas analíticas complementarias. Se utilizó un diseño observacional nomotético, puntual y multidimensional en el registro de ocho asaltos de dos esgrimistas finalistas en los mundiales de Budapest 2013 y Kazán 2014. Se utilizó el instrumento de observación ESGRIMOBS. En el muestreo observacional realizado con LINCE v.1.1 se registraron 407 frases de armas. El análisis metodológico se realizó con los programas THEME v.6 Edu, GSEQ5 y HOISAN. Los resultados concluyen el interés de este análisis complementario a través de dos claras orientaciones. En primer lugar, un análisis táctico (intra-frase de armas), que vincula el pensamiento táctico con la ejecución técnica específica y su eficacia. Este análisis intra-frase de armas se lleva a cabo mediante el análisis secuencial del Retardo 0 (análisis de coocurrencias) y las configuraciones de los T-Patterns. En segundo lugar, un análisis estratégico (inter-frases de armas) que nos informa de la relación bidireccional, prospectiva y retrospectiva, de las acciones de esgrima en relación a su eficacia. Este análisis inter-frases de armas se realiza mediante el análisis secuencial en los retardos -1 a -5 y +1 a +5, las agrupaciones de clusters de los T-Patterns y el análisis de coordenadas polares. Estas herramientas nos permiten establecer relaciones directas entre las distintas acciones tácticas y su eficacia en el marcador, así como sobre las operaciones estratégicas de los tiradores durante la competición, pudiendo constituir un excelente complemento para la mejora de la toma de decisiones de los esgrimista

    FinFET Versus Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET: Performance, Scaling, and Variability

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    Performance, scalability and resilience to variability of Si SOI FinFETs and gate-all-around (GAA) nanowires (NWs) are studied using in-house-built 3D simulation tools. Two experimentally based devices, a 25 nm gate length FinFET and a 22 nm GAA NW are modelled and then scaled down to 10.7 and 10 nm gate lengths, respectively. A TiN metal gate work-function granularity (MGG) and line edge roughness (LER) induced variability affecting OFF and ON characteristics are investigated and compared. In the OFF-region, the FinFETs have over an order of magnitude larger OFF-current that those of the equivalent GAA NWs. In the ON-region, the 25/10.7 nm gate length FinFETs deliver 20/58% larger ON-current than the 22/10 nm gate length GAA NWs. The FinFETs are more resilient to the MGG and LER variability in the sub-threshold compared to the GAA NWs. However, the MGG ON-current variability is larger for the 10.7 nm FinFET than that for the 10 nm GAA NW. The LER ON-current variability depends largely on the RMS height; whereas a 0.6 nm RMS height yields a similar variability for both FinFETs and GAA NWs. Finally, the industry preferred 110 channel orientation is more resilient to the MGG and LER variability in both architectures

    Analysis of the high-frequency content in human qrs complexes by the continuous wavelet transform: An automatized analysis for the prediction of sudden cardiac death

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    Background: Fragmentation and delayed potentials in the QRS signal of patients have been postulated as risk markers for Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). The analysis of the high-frequency spectral content may be useful for quantification. Methods: Forty-two consecutive patients with prior history of SCD or malignant arrhythmias (patients) where compared with 120 healthy individuals (controls). The QRS complexes were extracted with a modified Pan-Tompkins algorithm and processed with the Continuous Wavelet Transform to analyze the high-frequency content (85–130 Hz). Results: Overall, the power of the high-frequency content was higher in patients compared with controls (170.9 vs. 47.3 103nV2Hz−1; p = 0.007), with a prolonged time to reach the maximal power (68.9 vs. 64.8 ms; p = 0.002). An analysis of the signal intensity (instantaneous average of cumulative power), revealed a distinct function between patients and controls. The total intensity was higher in patients compared with controls (137.1 vs. 39 103nV2Hz−1s−1; p = 0.001) and the time to reach the maximal intensity was also prolonged (88.7 vs. 82.1 ms; p < 0.001). Discussion: The high-frequency content of the QRS complexes was distinct between patients at risk of SCD and healthy controls. The wavelet transform is an efficient tool for spectral analysis of the QRS complexes that may contribute to stratification of risk

    Impact of threshold voltage extraction methods on semiconductor device variability

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    This paper presents a study of the impact that several widely used threshold voltage (VT) extraction methods have on semiconductor device variability studies. The second derivative (SD), linear extrapolation (LE) and third derivative (TD) extraction techniques have been compared to the standard method used in variability, the constant current criteria (CC). To estimate the influence of these methods on the results, an ensemble of 10.7 nm gate length Si FinFETs affected by RD variability have been simulated. We have shown that variability estimators like the VT, VT and the VT shift, are heavily affected by the selected extraction methodology, with up to 30% differences in the standard deviation. We have demonstrated that being aware of which VT extraction technique has been used in a variability analysis is crucial to properly interpret the results as they may be heavily method-dependentResearch supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2013-41129-P and TIN2016-76373-P) by Xunta de Galicia and FEDER funds (GRC 2014/008) (accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08), by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds (TEC2014-59402-JIN). Authors thank CESGA for the computational facilities provided. The work of G. Indalecio was supported by the Programa de Axudas á Etapa Posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia under Grant No. 2017/077S

    Alimentos contaminados con pesticidas y su riesgo cancerígeno: Revisión sistematizada

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    El presente trabajo de investigación es una revisión sistematizada de tipo básica, el cual tiene como objetivo general analizar las investigaciones que establecen la relación de los alimentos contaminados con pesticidas y su probable riesgo cancerígeno, para ello se realizó la búsqueda de la información en Scopus, Google Schoolar, ScientDirect, Pubmed, publicados desde el 2011 hasta el 2021. Se incluyeron 13 estudios descriptivos correlacionales sobre pesticidas que se han encontrado en diferentes continentes, en distintos alimentos (6 en Sudamérica, 48 en Asia, y 14 alimentos en el continente africano, de los cuales predominan en su mayoría, las frutas y vegetales), así como su riesgo cancerígeno declarado en los productos basado en la ingesta diaria del pesticida en el alimento contaminado y la ingesta tolerable. Se encontró que los grupos de pesticidas más frecuentes en ello son los carbamatos, organofosforados y organoclorados, siendo los residuos de pesticida de carbamatos, los que presentan mayor carga de toxicidad, debido a su estructura química, en donde están incluidos, el HCH, DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptacloro, clorpirifos, ometoato, perjudicando a los vegetales como col rizada china, espinaca de agua, frijoles negros, granos de cacao, maíz, soja, calabaza, coliflor y zanahorias, así como a diferentes frutas como la manzana, pera, pomelo y la guayaba. Se debe realizar más estudios en animales o en personas, para identificar el mecanismo de acción el cual lleva a una persona a tener algún tipo de cáncer, y en qué periodo de tiempo puede ocurrir esto, ya que las investigaciones solo mencionan al alimento, y con esto tomar medidas preventivas en futuras investigaciones