1,102 research outputs found

    Marmota marmota

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    Rupicapra pyrenaica

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    What makes balance sheet effects detrimental for the country risk premium?

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    This paper builds upon the empirical literature on the macroeconomic impact of real exchange rate depreciations for a sample of 27 emerging economies. We find that real exchange rate depreciations tend to increase a country¿s risk premium. This effect is neither linear nor symmetric: large real exchange depreciations are much more detrimental and real appreciations do not seem to reduce the risk premium. We also show that the main channels for the real exchange rate to affect country risk are external and domestic balance sheet effects, stemming from the sudden increase in the stock of external or domestic dollar denominated debt, respectively. This is particularly the case in the countries with the largest financial imperfections. Competitiveness is not an important enough factor to outweigh this negative effect. Finally, fixed exchange rate regimes tend to amplify balance sheet effects, beyond the extent of real depreciations. The data indicates that it could be due to a larger accumulation of external debt under fixed regimes

    The External Version in Modern Obstetrics

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    Do trade and financial linkages foster business cycle synchronization in a small economy?

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    We estimate a system of equations to analyze whether bilateral trade and financial linkages influence business cycle synchronization directly and/or indirectly. Our paper builds upon the existing literature by using bilateral trade and financial flows for a small, open economy (Spain) as benchmark for the results, instead of the US as generally done in the literature. We find that both the similarity of productive structure and trade links promote the synchronization of cycles. However, bilateral financial links are inversely related to the co movement of output. This might point to financial integration allowing an easiertransfer of resources between two economies, which could enable their decoupling, as predicted by a standard model of international business cycles. Both the effects of trade and financial links on output synchronization are statistically significant and economically relevan

    Análisis de la estructura del ataque en equipos de alto nivel de balonmano

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    Este trabajo de investigación trata de analizar a través de una metodología observacional, la estructuración del juego de ataque en balonmano de alto nivel y su eficacia en función de si se realiza transformación del sistema ofensivo o no se produce. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se ha tomado como muestra todos los partidos que han enfrentado entre sí a los cuatro primeros equipos de la liga ASOBAL, analizando en total veinticuatro partidos. Mediante análisis estadístico, se ha valorado la significatividad de los resultados y su aplicación a una mayor población. Por último se exponen algunas consideraciones para el entrenamiento en función de los datos hallados en el estudio

    Análisis en función del género de los jugadores sobre la percepción que tienen de su entrenador

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    [ES] El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar en función del género de los jugadores la percepción que tienen de sus entrenadores respecto a su estilo de liderazgo auténtico, justicia percibida, competencia y atención a las necesidades psicológicas básicas . Participaron en el estudio 217 jugadores de fútbol y balonmano (147 hombres y 70 mujeres). Las deportistas de género femenino a diferencias de los de género masculino, mostraron niveles más altos en las variables psicológicas seleccionadas. Este estudio debería ser útil a los entrenadores para reconocer cuales son las percepciones de sus deportistas, y de este modo, poder matizar su intervención en función del género del equipo al cual se entrene.[EN] This study aimed to analyze gender differences in athletes' perception of their coaches' authentic leadership style, perceived justice, competence, and attention to basic psychological needs. A total of 217 soccer and handball players (147 men and 70 women) participated. In contrast to male athletes, female athletes showed higher levels in the selected variables. This study should be helpful for coaches to identify their athletes' different perceptions depending on gender. Consequently, coaches may use a different approach depending on their team’s gender.S

    Anàlisi de l’estructura de l’atac en equips d’alt nivell d’handbol

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    Aquest treball d’investigació tracta d’analitzar, mitjançant una metodologia observacional, l’estructuració del joc d’atac en handbol d’alt nivell i la seva eficàcia en funció del fet que es realitzi transformació del sistema ofensiu o no. Per portar a terme aquest treball s’han pres com a mostra tots els partits que han enfrontat entre ells els quatre primers equips de la lliga ASOBAL; en total, han estat analitzats vint-i-quatre partits. Mitjançant una anàlisi estadística, s’ha valorat la significança dels resultats i la seva aplicació a una població superior. Finalment, s’exposen algunes consideracions per a l’entrenament en funció de les dades trobades en l’estudi

    Perception of Coach According to the Role of Starter or Substitute in the Final Stage of the Season

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    [EN] This paper examines the athletes’ perception of their coaches according to the role of starter or substitute in the final phase of the season. The variables analyzed were: leadership style, perceived justice, competence, and support for basic psychological needs. A longitudinal study was developed, evaluating the participants at two different stages: the end of the season and seven weeks before. A total of 112 football and handball players participated in this study, 78 completing the questionnaire at the two waves. The final sample comprised 51 starters (80.39% males) and 27 substitutes (70.37% males) who evaluated their coaches’ leadership, competence, and support of the players’ psychological needs. The interaction moment of measurement (seven weeks before the end of the season vs. end of the season) * group (starters vs. substitutes) was statistically significant for the variables authentic leadership, perceived justice, and the basic psychological need of competence. Post hoc analyses revealed a significant decline in the perception of authentic leadership from coaches, perceived justice, and support of the psychological need of competence at the end of the season only in those in a starter position, with no change observed in the substitutes group. The findings show that the perceptions of coaches among starting players deteriorates significantly in the final phase of the season, while those among substitutes remain unaffected.S