4,059 research outputs found

    Trashumancia y arquitectura de piedra en seco en Albacete

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    La catalogación de bienes culturales durante la primera década del siglo XXI en la provincia de Albacete, con unos criterios muy amplios, que abarcan la arquitectura, la arqueología, la etnografía y la paleontología, ha posibilitado que construcciones relacionadas con las actividades cotidianas y de producción de pequeñas comunidades agricultores y ganaderos hayan sido objeto de catalogación e inventario. Sin embargo, la falta de estudios, de documentación, de restos materiales o la pérdida de la información oral, impiden por el momento abordar más allá de las suposiciones aspectos claves para su compresión cultural. Es habitual, y en ocasiones arriesgado, establecer una cronología o una evolución de muchos de estos bienes, pero creemos llegado el momento de realizar una primera aproximación a su catalogación y estudio, no solo por una cierta envergadura o monumentalidad de las construcciones, que llegan a configurarse como señas de identidad del paisaje del cual forman parte, sino porque estamos convencidos de que su perdida supondría un daño irreparable para el patrimonio albaceteño y para la historia que durante siglos marco el devenir de las poblaciones que las crearon y utilizaron, en un proceso similar al que se produce con los grupos humanos de la prehistoria o la antigüedad. Los estudios sobre la arquitectura en seco tienen un cierto desarrollo a partir de los últimos años de la década de los años noventa del siglo pasado, con desigual intensidad y continuidad según las regiones peninsulares, centrándose primero en los elementos arquitectónicos más notables, como los cucos, bombos o chozos, para posteriormente extenderse, especialmente en algunas regiones como Cataluña, a otros elementos del paisaje realizados con similares técnicas, como muros y márgenes de bancales, pozos de nieve, palomares, entradas de bodegas subterráneas, etc. En este sentido destacamos el hito que supuso la celebración en Albacete, en mayo de 2001, del I Congreso Nacional de Arquitectura Rural en Piedra Seca. Sin embargo, llama la atención que la casi totalidad de los trabajos referidos a la piedra seca se centran en construcciones relacionadas con la agricultura y muy pocas, por no decir casi ninguna, sobre las construcciones relacionadas con la ganadería, quizás porque estas últimas se limitan a los corrales, de formas y tipologías muy simples y con una reducida variación en comparación a los refugios y construcciones agrícolas. Pero en las tierras eminentemente ganaderas, como Albacete, y en especial su zona serrana, donde la variedad de los tipos de ganado, sus necesidades y el tipo de explotación esencialmente extensiva, hacen necesario unas construcciones algo más complejas o específicas para determinadas actividades, esta simplicidad queda superada por las soluciones adoptadas a lo largo de los siglos por las comunidades que hicieron de la ganadería su forma de vida


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    El estudio pedagógico de la actividad física humana (estudio de la educación física) debemos contemplarlo desde la "lógica" de las Ciencias de la Educación porque dentro de ellas se vislumbra el camino más apropiado, tanto por la proximidad conceptual y de contenidos como por el tratamiento metodológico de la investigación. La calidad en las clases de educación física es un aspecto que requiere de vital importancia, en el tránsito de nuestros alumnos por las diferentes etapas, estructurada por el sistema nacional de Educación Física en Cuba,  es por ello que debemos de apoyarnos en la relación didáctica alumno- profesor para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental aplicar  técnicas participativas que tributen de manera directa el cumplimiento de los objetivos, durante el proceso de Enseñanza- Aprendizaje, importante en la calidad de las clases. Se utilizaron  métodos científicos de nivel teóricos y empíricos para brindar una herramienta útil y viable que acerque  a los niveles de calidad exigido, esperando dotar de conocimientos básicos a los profesores de educación física con el uso de técnicas participativas, para brindar de manera detallada un manual que recoja estas técnicas para una mejor comprensión y su aplicabilidad durante el proceso.O estudo pedagógico da atividade física humana (estudo da educação física) deve ser contemplado a partir da “lógica” das Ciências da Educação, pois nelas se vislumbra o caminho mais adequado, tanto pela proximidade conceitual e de conteúdos quanto pelo tratamento metodológico das pesquisa. A qualidade nas aulas de Educação Física é um aspecto que requer vital importância, no trânsito de nossos alunos pelas diferentes etapas, estruturadas pelo sistema nacional de Educação Física de Cuba, por isso devemos contar com a relação didática aluno-professor para atingir os objetivos propostos, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo fundamental aplicar técnicas participativas que contribuam diretamente para o cumprimento dos objetivos, durante o processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem, importantes na qualidade das aulas. Métodos científicos de nível teórico e empírico foram utilizados para fornecer uma ferramenta útil e viável que se aproxima dos níveis de qualidade exigidos, esperando fornecer conhecimentos básicos aos professores de Educação Física com o uso de técnicas participativas, para fornecer um manual detalhado. uma melhor compreensão e sua aplicabilidade durante o processo.The physical education has as the objectives herein of life stage to collaborate with in the formation and moral worth’s consolidation and social of the personality, as the discipline, the fighting spirit, the collectivism among others. exist several premises that they govern this activity which they offer a knowledge of how must put on the right road this pedagogic process's work, nevertheless it is important since it happens to me that they must be interested in the theme's nature, the of the educational work's utilization give birth to (subj) and he is united with the pupil's independent activity through the professional association. for that matter we have as an alternative the techniques Grupaleses communicative

    Prácticas de física : laboratorio I

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    1 archivo PDF (62 páginas)Conjunto de prácticas que indican el camino a seguir en el trabajo que realizara el alumno

    Performance comparison of scheduling algorithms for IPTV traffic over polymorphous OBS routers

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.V. López, J. L. García-Dorado, J. A. Hernández, and J. Aracil, "Performance comparison of scheduling algorithms for IPTV traffic over polymorphous OBS routers", in ICTON Mediterranean Winter Conference, 2007. ICTON-MW 2007, p. 1-6Recent research in optical burst switched networks has proposed solutions to support subwavelength reservation for the periodic transmission of data bursts, which can coexist with conventional asynchronous bursts, bringing the polymorphous, agile and transparent optical networks (PATON) [1]. Thus, network operators can distribute IPTV channels to their customers, whereby they can use the spare bandwidth for the transmission of best-effort traffic, making use of the free gaps in between such periodic reservations. This work proposes scheduling algorithms for the transmission of periodic channels using PATON, and studies the blocking probability observed by best-effort traffic, when such scheduling algorithms are used.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under the project DIOR (TEC2006-03246), and by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid under project e-Magerit (S-0505/TIC/000251). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support from the European Union VI Framework Programme e- Photon/ONe+ Network of Excellence (FP6-IST-027497)

    Estudio descriptivo sobre los servicios de orientación para el empleo en Navarra

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    ABSTRACTIn Navarra, career guidance is experiencing a turning point in relation to its development in recent years. It involves a series of questions, poorly treated in the studies on this issue, for instance: the concept of vocational guidance and regulatory frameworks, historical perspective, local supply of vocational guidance, horizontal and vertical coordination and quality of service. They are some of the issues necessary to bring the meaning and function of career guidance in Navarra. From a qualitative approach, guidance services in Navarra are identified, analyzed and compared. To do this, a descriptive-comparative study using three techniques of data collection has been carried out: documental analysis of theoretical and normative texts, semi-structured interviews, consisting of eight dimensions that have been drawn 45 indicators, and guidance experts consulted. The results obtained show the relevance of career guidance in Navarra as well as a firm commitment at the time of responding to the needs of the context, through information, guidance and training. It involves a strong internal coordination and a moderate assessment culture. However, aspects such as coordination and external collaboration, the use of ICT, the feedback from the evaluation process and networking have certain weaknesses to be studied further.RESUMENLa orientación profesional en Navarra está experimentando un punto de inflexión en relación con su desarrollo en los últimos años. Esta situación implica una serie de interrogantes, escasamente tratados en los pocos estudios realizados sobre esta cuestión en la Comunidad Foral, a saber: concepto de orientación profesional; marcos teóricos y normativos de referencia, en perspectiva histórica; oferta y disposición territorial de la orientación profesional; coordinación y relación con el entorno; calidad. Son algunas de las cuestiones necesarias para situar el sentido y función de la orientación profesional en Navarra. Desde una aproximación metodológica descriptivo-comparativa, con vocación diagnóstica, en este trabajo se identifican, analizan y comparan diversos servicios de orientación para el empleo de Navarra. La recogida de información mediante tres fuentes: análisis documental de textos teóricos y normativos; entrevistas semi-estructuradas, formadas por 8 dimensiones de las que se han podido extraer 45 indicadores de análisis; y, consulta a expertos en orientación. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto la relevancia que la orientación profesional tiene en Navarra, así como un compromiso firme a la hora de dar respuesta a las necesidades del contexto, mediante acciones de información, orientación y formación. Esto se traduce en servicios con ofertas diversas, una fuerte coordinación interna y una cultura de evaluación moderada. A pesar de ello, aspectos como la coordinación y colaboración externa, el uso de las TIC, la retroalimentación de los procesos de evaluación y el trabajo en red presentan ciertas debilidades a ser estudiadas con mayor profundidad.ABSTRACTIn Navarra, career guidance is experiencing a turning point in relation to its development in recent years. It involves a series of questions, poorly treated in the studies on this issue, for instance: the concept of vocational guidance and regulatory frameworks, historical perspective, local supply of vocational guidance, horizontal and vertical coordination and quality of service. They are some of the issues necessary to bring the meaning and function of career guidance in Navarra. From a qualitative approach, guidance services in Navarra are identified, analyzed and compared. To do this, a descriptive-comparative study using three techniques of data collection has been carried out: documental analysis of theoretical and normative texts, semi-structured interviews, consisting of eight dimensions that have been drawn 45 indicators, and guidance experts consulted. The results obtained show the relevance of career guidance in Navarra as well as a firm commitment at the time of responding to the needs of the context, through information, guidance and training. It involves a strong internal coordination and a moderate assessment culture. However, aspects such as coordination and external collaboration, the use of ICT, the feedback from the evaluation process and networking have certain weaknesses to be studied further

    Comparison of Different Classifiers and the Majority Voting Rule for the Detection of Plum Fruits in Garden Conditions

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    Color segmentation is one of the most thoroughly studied problems in agricultural applications of remote image capture systems, since it is the key step in several different tasks, such as crop harvesting, site specific spraying, and targeted disease control under natural light. This paper studies and compares five methods to segment plum fruit images under ambient conditions at 12 different light intensities, and an ensemble method combining them. In these methods, several color features in different color spaces are first extracted for each pixel, and then the most effective features are selected using a hybrid approach of artificial neural networks and the cultural algorithm (ANN-CA). The features selected among the 38 defined channels were the b* channel of L*a*b*, and the color purity index, C*, from L*C*h. Next, fruit/background segmentation is performed using five classifiers: artificial neural network-imperialist competitive algorithm (ANN-ICA); hybrid artificial neural network-harmony search (ANN-HS); support vector machines (SVM); k nearest neighbors (kNN); and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In the ensemble method, the final class for each pixel is determined using the majority voting method. The experiments showed that the correct classification rate for the majority voting method excluding LDA was 98.59%, outperforming the results of the constituent methods.This research was funded by the Spanish MICINN, as well as European Commission FEDER funds, under grant RTI2018-098156-B-C53. This project has also been supported by the European Union (EU) under Erasmus+ project entitled "Fostering Internationalization in Agricultural Engineering in Iran and Russia" [FARmER] with grant number 585596-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

    Alu retrotransposons promote differentiation of human carcinoma cells through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor

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    Cell differentiation is a central process in development and in cancer growth and dissemination. OCT4 (POU5F1) and NANOG are essential for cell stemness and pluripotency; yet, the mechanisms that regulate their expression remain largely unknown. Repetitive elements account for almost half of the Human Genome; still, their role in gene regulation is poorly understood. Here, we show that the dioxin receptor (AHR) leads to differentiation of human carcinoma cells through the transcriptional upregulation of Alu retrotransposons, whose RNA transcripts can repress pluripotency genes. Despite the genome-wide presence of Alu elements, we provide evidences that those located at the NANOG and OCT4 promoters bind AHR, are transcribed by RNA polymerase-III and repress NANOG and OCT4 in differentiated cells. OCT4 and NANOG repression likely involves processing of Alu-derived transcripts through the miRNA machinery involving the Microprocessor and RISC. Consistently, stable AHR knockdown led to basal undifferentiation, impaired Alus transcription and blockade of OCT4 and NANOG repression. We suggest that transcripts produced from AHR-regulated Alu retrotransposons may control the expression of stemness genes OCT4 and NANOG during differentiation of carcinoma cells. The control of discrete Alu elements by specific transcription factors may have a dynamic role in genome regulation under physiological and diseased conditions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [BFU2011- 22678, SAF2014-51813-R to P.M.F-S.]; Junta de Extremadura [GR10008, GR15008]; Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC); Carlos III Institute; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [RD12/0036/0032]; FPI Fellowship from the Junta de Extremadura (to A.M.H.); Marie Curie IRG project (FP7-PEOPLE-2007-4-3-IRG: SOMATIC LINE-1, in part to A.M.); CICE-FEDER-P09-CTS-4980, CICE-FEDERP12- CTS-2256, Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008–2011 and 2013–2016 (FIS-FEDER-PI11/01489, FIS-FEDERPI14/ 02152), PCIN-2014-115-ERA-NET NEURON II (to J.L.G.P.); European Research Council [ERC-Consolidator ERC-STG-2012-233764]; International Early Career Scientist grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute [IECS-55007420]; European Union FEDER program. Funding for open access charge: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [BFU2011-22678, SAF2014-51813-R to P.M.F-S.]

    SmartCAMPP - Smartphone-based Continuous Authentication leveraging Motion sensors with Privacy Preservation

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    Continuous Authentication (Ca) Approaches Are Attracting Attention Due To The Explosion Of Available Sensors From Iot Devices Such As Smartphones. However, A Critical Privacy Concern Arises When Ca Data Is Outsourced. Data From Motion Sensors May Reveal Users&#34 Private Issues. Despite The Need For Ca In Smartphones, No Previous Work Has Explored How To Tackle This Matter Leveraging Motion Sensors In A Privacy-Preserving Way. In This Work, A Mechanism Dubbed Smartcampp Is Proposed To Achieve Ca Based On Gyroscope And Accelerometer Data. Format-Preserving Encryption Techniques Are Applied To Privately Outsource Them. Our Results Show The Suitability Of The Proposed Scheme, Featuring Of Accuracy While Taking 5.12 Ms. Of Computation For Authenticating Each User. Interestingly, The Use Of Cryptography Does Not Lead To A Significant Impact As Compared To A Non-Privacy-Preserving MechanismThis work was partially supported by Spanish MINECO, AEI and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through grants TIN2017-84844-C2-1-R (COPCIS) and PID2019-111429RBC21 (ODIO); by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant P2018/TCS-4566-CM (CYNAMON), co-funded with ERDF, and also jointly with Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, grant CAVTIONS-CM-UC3M. Lorena González and José María de Fuentes would like to thank the Excellence Program for University Researchers. Luis Hernández-Álvarez would like to thank CSIC Project 202050E304 (CASDiM)