1,894 research outputs found

    Concepto de víctima, población vulnerable y su participación en el proceso penal

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    La Constitución de 1991 consagra en su artículo 13, el derecho fundamental a la igualdad estableciendo la obligación al estado, en torno a suscitar condiciones hacia una igualdad real material y efectiva, así mismo pone en cabeza de este el compromiso de proteger y adoptar las medidas necesarias para garantizar esta protección a los grupos discriminados o marginados, especialmente aquellas personas que por su condición, física, sicológica o económica, se encuentran en circunstancias de discriminación o desprotección ostensible, de tal forma que es deber del estado sancionar los abusos y maltratos que contra estas poblaciones se cometan en el desarrollo de un proceso penal

    Repoblación de Quercus Suber L. en la Finca Cuarto de la Casa, en el término municipal de Cañamero, Cáceres

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    El proyecto consiste en una repoblación con Quercus suber L. en 30 hectáreas dividida en dos parcelas (5,87% de la superficie actual de la finca); la dedicación actual de esa parcelas es erial a pastos. Se ha estudiado las condiciones del medio natural y se han estudiados varias alternativas eligiéndose la repoblación con especie autóctona con alcornoques procedente de viveros cercanos. El proyecto supone la plantación de 11.850 árboles para continuar con la reconversión de la finca a terreno forestal completando las repoblaciones realizadas en 1994, 1995, 1996 y 2003. La inversión de ejecución material sin IVA asciende a 172.727,37 euros, la inversión se podrá recuperar a los seis años si se reciben las ayudas a la reforestación, se estima que el primer descorche podrá alcanzarse a los 20 años

    Propuesta para la reestructuración de los procesos de producción y el establecimiento de estrategias de crecimiento y posicionamiento que permita a la organización teleincom su desarrollo dentro del mercado colombiano

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    El presente trabajo realiza un análisis de las pymes en el mercado colombiano y mediante un diagnostico y un análisis DOFA de la Organización, determina los puntos clave que se deben estudiar de manera que permitan el desarrollo de la Empresa en el mercado colombiano. El trabajo utiliza herramienta de Ingeniería Industrial como MRP, las 5 s, método estándar de trabajo, diagramas de procesos y operaciones, Cadena de suministro, indicadores de gestión y diagrama Pareto.The present paper grade make an analysis of the pymes in the Colombian market and through a diagnostic and DOFA analysis of the organization determines the key points that must be study to allow the development of the Company in the Colombian market. The work use Industrial engineer Tools as MRP, 5 S, standard work process, process and operations diagrams , supply chain management, management indicators and pareto diagram, all this tools helps the business be more strong. Besides, each of those tools helps to continues improvement, which also works whit structure and development of the company.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Kinetic study of pilot-scale supercritical CO2 extraction of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves

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    NOTICE: This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 55 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.supflu.2010.09.030Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) extracts were obtained in a supercritical pilot-scale plant. Based on experimental information available in the literature for analytical or low-scale processes, extraction temperature and pressure were selected to be 313 K and 30 MPa. At these extraction conditions, the kinetic behavior of the pilot-scale overall extraction curve were determined with respect to yield, antioxidant activity and carnosic acid content. The overall extraction curve was represented using Sovova’s model; the average deviation between measured and calculated yields was lower than 2%. Mass transfer coefficients in the fluid and solid phases were determined and were compared with previous data reported in the literature for low-scale rosemary supercritical extraction. A two-stage depressurization procedure was accomplished and the effect of both on-line fractionation and extraction time on the antioxidant activity of the samples collected was studied. The antioxidant activity of the different fractions could be straight correlated with the carnosic acid content with a regression coefficient of 0.92This work has been financed by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (ALIBIRD-S2009/AGR-1469) and project FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-00063 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO) from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

    Paralelización con CUDA de algoritmos de verificación facial

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    Los delitos y fraudes derivados de la suplantación de identidad generan pérdidas millonarias para empresas y naciones. Hoy en día existen diversos métodos biométricos para la verificación de identidad. Entre ellos se encuentra la verificación facial, de gran interés práctico por su carácter no intrusivo. Los algoritmos que se aplican para la verificación facial tienen un alto coste computacional, dificultando su uso en aplicaciones de tiempo real. Sin embargo estos algoritmos presentan un alto grado de paralelismo a nivel de datos que podría explotarse xon plataformas multicore. En la actualidad uno de los principales exponentes de las plataformas multicore son las unidades de procesamiento gráfico (GPU). En este proyecto se ha abordado la implementación de diversos algoritmos de verificación facial en GPU. Los resultados en términos de rendimiento han sido altamente satisfactorios, llegando a obtenerse speedups superiores a 200 en comparación con implementaciones paralelas tradicionales (OpenMP). Asimismo se ha desarrollado una interfaz gráfica que permite realizar la verificación de la identidad de una persona apartir de dos fotografías con cualquiera de los métodos implementados. [ABSTRACT] Crime and fraud derived from identy theft produce loss of millions to enterprises and nations. Nowadays there exist several biometric methods for identity verification. One of them is facials recognition, of great practical interest due to its non-instructive character. The algorithms applied to facial verification demand high computational cost, making it difficult to use them in real-time applications. However, these algorithms show a large degree of data-level parallelism which could be exploited with multi-core platforms. One of the main current representatives of multi-core platforms are graphics processing units (GPUs). This project deals with the implementation of several face verification algorithms in GPUs. The performance results were highly satisfactory, reaching speedups of 200 when compared to traditional parallel implementations (OpenMP). Furthermore, a graphical interface that allows performing identity verification of a person with any of the implemented methods was developed

    Integral field spectroscopy of HII regions in M33

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    Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) is presented for star forming regions in M33. A central area of 300 x 500 pc^2 and the external HII region IC 132, at a galactocentric distance {\sim} 19arcmin (4.69 kpc) were observed with the Potsdam Multi Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS) instrument at the 3.5 m telescope of the Calar Alto Hispano- Alem\'an observatory (CAHA). The spectral coverage goes from 3600 A to 1{\mu}m to include from [OII]{\lambda}3727 A to the near infrared lines required for deriving sulphur electron temperature and abundance diagnostics. Local conditions within individual HII regions are presented in the form of emission line fluxes and physical conditions for each spatial resolution element (spaxel) and for segments with similar H{\alpha} surface brightness. A clear dichotomy is observed when comparing the central to outer disc HII regions. While the external HII region has higher electron temperature plus larger H{\beta} equivalent width, size and excitation, the central region has higher extinction and metal content. The dichotomy extends to the BPT diagnostic diagrams that show two orthogonal broad distributions of points. By comparing with pseudo-3D photoionization models we conclude that the bulk observed differences are probably related to a different ionization parameter and metallicity. Wolf-Rayet features are detected in IC 132, and resolved into two concentrations whose integrated spectra were used to estimate the characteristic number of WR stars. No WR features were detected in the central HII regions despite their higher metallicity.Comment: 72 pages, 37 figure

    Application of a liquid scintillation counter to the measurement of tracing radioactivity in experiments on suspended matter uptake in aquatic environments

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    The experiments on the study of the kinetic transfer coefficients of conservative and non-conservative radionuclides, in aquatic environments, need to determine radionuclide activity in large number of samples. Different radioactivity measurement techniques can be selected for analyses, but the liquid scintillation technique is preferred due to its easy sample treatment and its low time consumption. Samples are initially traced with a known activity of a selected radionuclide (2 3 9Pu, M IAm or "Tc). The transference of radionuclides, from the water to the suspended matter, is studied through the determination of the residual activity in aliquots of water sample, which are successively collected with time. In this work, we present the experimental procedures used for the 2 3 9Pu, 2 4 1Am and "Tc activity measurement by liquid scintillation counting, using a Wallac Quantulus 1 2 2 0 spectrometer. Results of the application of this technique to traced water samples are also shown in this study.ENRES

    Volatile organic compounds and consumer preference for meat from suckling goat kids raised with natural or replacers milk

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    Most of European Union goats are slaughtered with carcase weights between 5 kg and 11 kg. Some farmers rear kids with milk replacers to produce cheese with the dams’ milk. The aim of this experiment was to study the volatile compounds (VOCs) of meat of suckling light kids reared with natural milk or milk replacers and to study the influence of consumers’ psychographic characteristics on the sensory preference for meat. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was performed to identify the VOCs and consumers evaluated the flavour, juiciness and overall acceptability. Thirty-five VOCs were detected and 44.3%, 25.1%, 6.9% and 2.3%, were aldehydes, hydrocarbons, ketones and alcohols, respectively. The influence of the rearing system on VOCs clearly depended on the breed. The use of milk replacers did not affect the percentage of linear aldehydes compared to the use of natural milk. However, the major aldehyde, hexanal (34.8%), was related to the use of natural milk and correlated positively with both the flavour (r = 0.21) and overall acceptability (r = 0.24). On the other hand, hydrocarbons such as hexane were related to MR, and 2-methyl-pentane and 3-methyl pentane were correlated with the acceptability of flavour (r = −0.22 and −0.25, respectively) and with the overall acceptability (r = −0.21 and −0.24). The 2-penthyl furan and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol were correlated with the overall acceptability (r = −0.22 and −0.22, respectively). Therefore, the acceptability of meat from suckling kids fed natural milk was greater for older consumers and people with a moderate consumption of meat.Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). [RTA2012-0023-C03]; CYTED [116RT0503

    Sistema de información con aplicación de realidad aumentada para la manipulación de tableros de tareas basados en tarjetas

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de información para el uso de metodologías ágiles con tecnologías de realidad aumentada. De este modo se pretende conseguir un funcionamiento más cercano e intuitivo de las mismas