1,179 research outputs found

    ¿Es eficaz la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave en el recuerdo inverso?

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    [Resumen] Son muchas las investigaciones que indican la efectividad de la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Presentar una palabra extranjera y aprender su significado es 10 que se conoce con el nombre de recuerdo hacia adelante o productivo. Sin embargo, no está clara la eficacia de la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave en el aprendizaje inverso, pasar del idioma conocido al extranjero. En esta investigación, en tres experimentos, intentamos comprobar la eficacia del método de la palabra clave en sentido inverso, tanto con palabras altas como bajas en imagen, con listas cortas y largas, y con diferentes modos de presentación de la palabra clave. En general, se puede decir que el método de la palabra clave no es eficaz en el aprendizaje inverso, y que, en algunas circunstancias, influye de modo negativo.[Resumo] Son moitas as investigacións que indican a efectividade da mnemotecnia da palabra clave na aprendizaxe de linguas extranxeiras. Presentar unha palabra extranxeira e aprende10 seu significado é o que se coñece co nome de recordo para adiante ou productivo. Nembargantes, non está clara a eficacia da mnemotecnia da palabra clave na aprendizaxe inversa, pasar do idioma coñecido ó extranxeiro. Nesta investigación, en tres experimentos, tentamos comproba-la eficacia do método da palabra clave en sentido inverso, tanto con palabras altas como baixas en imaxe, con listas curtas e longas, e con diferentes modos de presentación da palabra clave. En xeral, pódese decir que o método da palabra clave non é eficaz na aprendizaxe inversa, e que, nalgunhas circunstancias, inflúe de modo negativo[Abstract] Numerous studies have suggested that keyword methods are effective in foreign language vocabulary learning. However, the great majority of these studies have considered "receptive learning", i.e. recall of the Ll equivalent on presentation of the L2 word 1eamt; it is not clear whether keyword methods aid "productive 1eaming", i.e. recall of the L2 word on presentation of its L1 equiva1ent. Here, we report three experiments designed to investigate this question. The experiments considered the possib1e effects of target- word image va1ue and word-list 1ength, and severa different modes of keyword presentation were tested. Our results suggest that the keyword method is in general ineffective for productive L2 word 1eaming, and indeed may have a negative influenc

    Syllable Frequency and Spoken Word Recognition: An Inhibitory Effect

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    Research has shown that syllables play a relevant role in lexical access in Spanish, a shallow language with a transparent syllabic structure. Syllable frequency has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on visual word recognition in Spanish. However, no study has examined the syllable frequency effect on spoken word recognition. The present study tested the effect of the frequency of the first syllable on recognition of spoken Spanish words. A sample of 45 young adults (33 women, 12 men; M = 20.4, SD = 2.8; college students) performed an auditory lexical decision on 128 Spanish disyllabic words and 128 disyllabic nonwords. Words were selected so that lexical and first syllable frequency were manipulated in a within-subject 2 × 2 design, and six additional independent variables were controlled: token positional frequency of the second syllable, number of phonemes, position of lexical stress, number of phonological neighbors, number of phonological neighbors that have higher frequencies than the word, and acoustical durations measured in milliseconds. Decision latencies and error rates were submitted to linear mixed models analysis. Results showed a typical facilitatory effect of the lexical frequency and, importantly, an inhibitory effect of the first syllable frequency on reaction times and error rates.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The authors received financial support for the research and publication of this article from the University Jaume I

    Simultaneous enantiomeric separation of carfentrazone-ethyl herbicide and its hydrolysis metabolite carfentrazone by cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography. Analysis of agrochemical products and a degradation study

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    The different activity and toxicity that the enantiomers of agrochemicals may have requires the development of stereoselective analytical methodologies enabling the individual determination of each enantiomer. The aim of this work was to develop the first Electrokinetic Chromatography methodology enabling the simultaneous enantiomeric separation of carfentrazone-ethyl erbicide and its hydrolysis metabolite carfentrazone. The use of an anionic cyclodextrin as chiral selector (captisol at 2.5% (w/v)) in a 25 mM acetate buffer, at a temperature of 30 ºC, and an applied voltage (reverse polarity) of -30 kV, allowed the simultaneous separation of the four enantiomers of the two compounds studied in 6.8 min with enantiomeric resolutions of 5.0 for carfentrazone-ethyl and 5.1 for carfentrazone. Analytical characteristics of the developed method were evaluated and found adequate to achieve the quantitation of carfentrazone-ethyl and carfentrazone. Analysis of a commercial herbicide formulation showed the potential of the method for the quality control of these agrochemical products. Degradation studies for carfentrazone-ethyl revealed that no significant degradation took place in cleaned sand samples while a significant but not stereoselective degradation took place in soils for the whole period of time considered (seven days)

    Development of a capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of soybean proteins in soybean-rice gluten-free dietary products. Research Article

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    CE has been applied for the first time to the simultaneous separation of soybean and\ud rice proteins. Treated and untreated capillaries with different effective lengths as well\ud as separation media at different pHs were tested. For that purpose, samples and\ud standard solutions were prepared in 25:75 ACN–water media containing 0.3% v/v\ud acetic acid. The use of an untreated capillary of 50 cm effective length together with an\ud 80 mM borate buffer (pH 8.5) modified with 20% v/v ACN and UV detection at 254 nm\ud were the conditions working the best. These conditions enabled the determination of\ud soybean proteins in gluten-free dietary commercial products elaborated with soybean\ud protein and/or soybean flour and rice flour using the standard additions calibration\ud method. The method was linear up to 26 mg/mL of soybean proteins, the precision\ud (expressed as RSD) was always better than 6%, and recoveries obtained for soybean\ud proteins when spiking commercial products were very close to 100%The authors thank the Ministry of Science and Technology\ud (Spain) for the research project BQU2002–01199 and F. J.\ud Cabello-Murillo for technical assistance. C.G.-R. also\ud thanks the Ministry of Science and Technology for the\ud Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2003–001)

    Separation and online preconcentration by multistep stacking with large-volume injection of anabolic steroids by capillary electrokinetic chromatography using charged cyclodextrins and UV-absorption detection

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    The separation of three common anabolic steroids (methyltestosterone, methandrostenolone and testosterone) was performed for the first time by capillary EKC. Different charged CD derivatives and bile salts were tested as dispersed phases in order to achieve the separation. A mixture of 10 mmol/L succinylated-b-CD with 1 mmol/L bCD in a 50 mmol/L borate buffer (pH 9) enabled the separation of the three anabolic steroids in less than 9 min. Concentration LODs, obtained for these compounds with low absorption of UV light, were ~5610–5 mol/L. The use of online reverse migrating sample stacking with large-volume injection (the effective length of the capillary) enabled to improve the detection sensitivity. Sensitivity enhancement factors (SEFs) ranging from 95 (for testosterone) to 149 (for methyltestosterone) were achieved by single stacking preconcentration. Then, the possibilities of multistep stacking to improve the sensitivity for these analytes were investigated. SEFs obtained by double stacking preconcentration ranged from 138 to 185, enabling concentration LODs of 2.79610–7 mol/L (for methyltestosterone), 3.47610–7 mol/L (for testosterone) and 3.56610–7 mol/L (for methandrostenolone). Although online triple stacking preconcentration was achieved, its repeatability was very poor and SEFs for the studied analytes were not calculated

    Higher Education Students’ Perception of the E-Portfolio as a Tool for Improving Their Employability: Weaknesses and Strengths

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    This study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the professional e-portfolio as a tool for preparing students in higher education to enter the labor market. It also examines students’ level of planning to enter professional employment, and the help that they receive with this task from the university. The research is quantitative and observes the students’ opinions before and after they create their own professional e-portfolio, as a case study. We used the analysis of means to determine the trend in the aspects analyzed over time, and the Student’s t-test and Cohen’s d to determine the effect size. We also performed correlation analysis between the different categories and subcategories proposed. The results show that the e-portfolio is a tool with strengths for labor market entry, while also revealing the weaknesses that students find in it. At the very least, the e-portfolio was useful to the students in planning their entry into the workforce. The correlations show high levels among the strengths but not among the weaknesses analyzed

    Superficial modification of aluminium-base alloys (anodising and non-anodising) by silica coatings

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    5 páginas, 2 figuras, 2 tablas.[ES] Se han depositado recubrimientos transparentes e incoloros de sílice sobre sustratos anodizados y no anodizados de aleaciones de base aluminio (serie 6063). Los recubrimientos se prepararon por sol-gel (inmersión-extracción) a partir de un alcóxido de silicio y de una mezcla de alcóxido y alquilalcóxido de silicio. La optimización de las fonnulaciones se basó en medidas de viscosidad, densidad, tensión superficial y ángulo de contacto. La densificación se llevó a cabo a 60 y 120 °C. La atenuación de la reflectancia luminosa de las muestras recubiertas se analizó por espectroscopia UV-VIS-IRP. Los resultados indicaron que se alcanza casi un 10 % de atenuación. Los ensayos de durabilidad y resistencia a la degradación del sistema metal/recubrimiento se realizaron por inmersión en disoluciones acuosas, aplicando medidas de impedancia electroquímica y del potencial de corrosión del sustrato metálico, para tiempos variables.[EN] Transparent and colourless silica coatings were deposited on anodising and non-anodising substrates of aluminium-base alloys (series 6063). Coatings were prepared by soLgel (dipping method) from a silica alkoxide and a mixture of both silica alkoxide and silica alkylalkoxide. Preparations were optimised from viscosity, density, surface tension, and contact angle measurements. Densification was carried out at 60 and 120 °C. Reflectance attenuation of coated samples was analysed by UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy. The results indicated that -10 % of attenuation is reached. Durability and resistance against degradation tests of the metal/coating system were undertaken by immersion into aqueous solutions. Electrochemical impedance measurements and potential corrosion of the metallic substrate for variable times were performed.M.G.-H. agradece a FSE-CSIC un contrato postdoctoral del programa I3RPeer reviewe

    Actitudes y emociones en el aprendizaje de la ciencia: un estudio en Educación Primaria

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    En este trabajo se presentaun estudio sobre las actitudes y emociones que muestran hacia la ciencia 404 alumnos deEducación Primaria,pertenecientesa seis centros educativos de la provincia de Sevilla.El objetivo principalde esta investigación es conocery evaluar las actitudes y emociones que suscitan las ciencias en dicho alumnado. Para ello,se ha llevado a cabo una investigación cuantitativa utilizando un cuestionarioLikert. Los datos han sido analizados en función deltotal de sujetos,del curso y del género, buscándose además las correlaciones existentes. Los resultados muestranalgunasdiferenciassignificativasen cuanto al curso y el sexo, observándose como a medida que el alumnado avanza de curso piensa que las clases de ciencia no deberían durar más. También se ha podido vercómo a los chicos les resultan las ciencias más fáciles de aprender que a las chicasy, también que ellos están más de acuerdo en lautilidad de las ciencias en la vida diaria. Por último, se ha podido apreciar que existe una baja correlación entre las emociones experimentadas por el alumnado ylas actitudes hacia la ciencia, mostrándose una relación entre emociones positivas y actitudes positivas.This paper presents a study on the attitudes and emotions that 404 primary school students show towards science, belonging to six schools in the province of Seville. The main objective of this research is to know and evaluate attitudes and emotions that inspire students fot the sciences. To this end, a quantitative research using a Likert questionnaire has been carried out. The data have been analyzed on the basis of the total number of subjects, the year and the gender, seeking further existing correlations. The results show some significant differences regarding the year and sex, and it is noticeable that as the students go to the next year they think that science classes should not last longer. We have also seen how sciences are more easy to learn for boys than for girls, and also that they are more in agreement with the utility of science in everyday life. Finally, the study shows a low correlation between the emotions experienced by the students and the attitudes toward science, showing a relationship between positive emotions and positive attitudes.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Identidades profesionales en educación desde una perspectiva de género

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre los perfiles y trayectorias profesionales de pedagogos/as. Fundamentado en los planteamientos de la teoría feminista y en la línea de los estudios de género, el objetivo científico ha sido descubrir las formas cualitativamente distintas en que los profesionales experimentan, perciben y comprenden su realidad profesional. Conocer esta diversidad de caminos y perfiles que definen la identidad profesional de un/una pedagogo/a introduce datos novedosos para la construcción de una imagen ajustada a la actual práctica profesional de la pedagogía, así como para el análisis y reflexión sobre la heterogeneidad de modelos y trayectorias profesionales en educación, superando concepciones y modelos tradicionales, normativos y esterotipados respecto al ejercicio de una profesión.This paper presents the outcomes of an research focused on educators’ profiles and professional trajectories. Starting from feminist theory and gender studies, the main aim is to study the qualitatively different ways that professionals feel, perceive and understand their professional activity settings. To know this diversity of trajectories and profiles constituents of the educator’s professional identity introduce valuable data for the construction of a realistic picture of the current professional practise, as well as for the analysis and reflection on the heterogeneity of models and professional routes in education. This involves breaking traditional, standard and stereotyped models of the professional practise