289 research outputs found

    Los personajes femeninos en las novelas de María Teresa León

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    RESUMEN En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se presenta a la autora María Teresa León (1903-1988), escritora perteneciente a la Generación del 27, y se analizan los personajes femeninos de sus dos novelas: Contra viento y marea (1941) y Juego limpio (1959). La obra literaria de María Teresa León se caracteriza por una escritura polifacética, marcada por un compromiso político y social, y por un deseo de transformación de la situación de la mujer en la época bélica y la posguerra. Los personajes femeninos abundan en sus obras, prestando una especial atención a aquellas que se encuentran en situaciones más desfavorecidas. En el presente trabajo encontraremos, en primer lugar, una breve presentación de la producción literaria de María Teresa León y los géneros que la misma ha cultivado, además de algunas notas sobre su vida dedicada a un compromiso político y social. Después, contextualizaremos a la mujer en la Guerra Civil y los diferentes roles que esta adquirió en función de sus circunstancias, para aplicar estos papeles al posterior análisis de los personajes de las dos novelas de León: Contra viento y marea (1941) y Juego limpio (1959). Por último ofrecemos algunas conclusiones que hemos podido extraer de este trabajo, y las referencias bibliográficas utilizadas para llevarlo a cabo. ABSTRACT In this Master’s Thesis we present the author María Teresa León (1903-1988), writer belonging to the Generation of ’27, and the female characters in his two novels: Contra viento y marea (1941) and Juego limpio (1959). The literary work of María Teresa León is characterized by a multifaceted writing, marked by political and social commitment, and a desire to transform the situation of the woman in the wartime and postwar. The female characters abound in his works, playing special attention to those who are in disadvantaged situations. In this paper we found, first, a brief presentation of the literary production of Maria Teresa Leon and genres that it has, plus some notes on his life dedicated to political and social commitment cultivated . Then we contextualize women in the Civil War and the different roles that this acquired depending on their circumstances, to apply these roles to further analysis of the characters of the two novels of Leon : Against all odds (1941) and Fair Play ( 1959 ) . Finally we offer some conclusions that we have drawn from this work, and the references used to carry it out

    Análisis de la relación que existe entre las variables socioeconómicas familiares y el rendimiento académico de alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato

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    Scientific evidence highlights the need to know how family socioeconomic characteristics can influence high school student academic performance. The objective of this research is focused on determining the possible relationship between the employment situation and the social class of both parents with the student’s academic performance. A correlational design was proposed, where the dependent variables of the study were the average academic performance of the student in the subjects of Spanish Language and Literature and Mathematics in the previous year. As independent variables, the employment statusand social class of the parents were selected. There were 1448 students, 50.8% were women. 53.3% of the educational centers were public and 51.8% located in urban areas. 52.8% of the parents were from the lower class. Significant differences were observed (t1436=4,698;p<0.001) in Language between those students whose mothers worked and the students of mothers who did not work, with higher scores in the first case. Similarly, differences were observed in the mean grade in Language (t1427=5,821;p<0.001), obtaining higher scores for students whose parents worked compared to those who did not. There is a significant effect of the mother’s social class on the average grade in Language (F2,1435=55,22;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1435=41,872;p<0.001), obtaining higher scores for students with mothers with high social class. The father’s social class also had a significant effect on the average grade in Language (F2,1426= 69,811;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1426=58,293;p<0.001) with higher marks in students with class parents high social. The results highlight the need to develop educational strategies that promote a new educational model, more inclusive and egalitarian, that can prevent disadvantaged situations in times of crisis. Scientific evidence highlightsthe need to know how family socioeconomic characteristics can influence high school student aca-demic performance. The objective of this research is focused on determining the possible relation-ship between the employment situation and the social class of both parents with the student’s aca-demic performance. A correlational design was proposed, where the dependent variables of thestudy were the average academic performance of the student in the subjects of Spanish Languageand Literature and Mathematics in the previous year. As independent variables, the employment sta-tus and social class of the parents were selected. There were 1448 students, 50.8% were women.53.3% of the educational centers were public and 51.8% located in urban areas. 52.8% of the par-ents were from the lower class. Significant differences were observed (t1436=4,698;p<0.001) inLanguage between those students whose mothers worked and the students of mothers who did notwork, with higher scores in the first case. Similarly, differences were observed in the mean grade in Language (t1427=5,821;p<0.001), obtaining higher scores for students whose parents worked com-pared to those who did not. There is a significant effect of the mother’s social class on the averagegrade in Language (F2,1435=55,22;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1435=41,872;p<0.001), obtain-ing higher scores for students with mothers with high social class. The father’s social class also hada significant effect on the average grade in Language (F2,1426= 69,811;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1426=58,293;p<0.001) with higher marks in students with class parents high social. The resultshighlight the need to develop educational strategies that promote a new educational model, moreinclusive and egalitarian, that can prevent disadvantaged situations in times of crisis.La evidencia científica pone de manifiesto la necesidad de conocer el modo en el que las características socioeconómicas familiares pueden influir en el rendimiento académico del estudiante de secundaria y bachillerato. El objetivo de esta investigación se centra en determinar la posible relación entre la situación laboral y clase social de ambos progenitores con el rendimiento académico del estudiante. Se planteó un diseño correlacional, donde las variables dependientes de estudio fueron el rendimiento académico medio del estudiante en las materias de Lengua Castellana y Literatura y Matemáticas en el curso anterior. Como variables independientes se seleccionaron la situación laboral y clase social de los progenitores. Se contó con 1448 estudiantes, el 50.8% eran mujeres. El 53.3% de los centros educativos fue público y el 51.8% situados en el medio urbano. El 52.8% de los progenitores eran de clase baja. Se observaron diferencias significativas (t1436=4,698;p<0.001) en Lengua entre aquellos alumnos cuyas madres trabajaban y los alumnos de las madres que no trabajaban, con puntuaciones superiores en el primer caso. De manera similar, se observaron diferencias en la nota media en Lengua (t1427=5,821;p<0.001), obteniendo puntaciones superiores los alumnos cuyos padres trabajaban en comparación con los que no lo hacían. Hay un efecto significativo de la clase social de la madre sobre la nota media en Lengua (F2,1435=55,22;p<0.001) y Matemáticas (F2,1435=41,872;p<0.001) obteniendo mayores puntuaciones los alumnos con madres con clase social alta. La clase social del padre también tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la nota media en Lengua (F2,1426=69,811;p<0.001) y Matemáticas (F2,1426=58,293;p<0.001) con notas más elevadas en alumnos con padres de clase social alta. Los resultados ponen de relieve la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias educativas que promuevan un nuevo modelo educativo, más inclusivo e igualitario, que pueda prevenir situaciones de desventaja en momentos de crisis

    Doctoral dissertation management at the University of Granada

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    La Universidad de Granada (UGR) cuenta desde 2005 con el Proyecto DIGIBUG, un modelo que mejora la visibilidad y accesibilidad de su producción científica, con el objetivo de acercarla a los investigadores, doctorandos, estudiantes y a la sociedad en general, ofreciendo una nueva perspectiva de difusión, utilización, citación y seguimiento de las diferentes líneas de investigación existentes en la UGR.Since 2005 the University of Granada (UGR) has implemented the DIGIBUG Project, which aims to improve visibility of and access to its scientific output so as to bring it closer to researchers, doctorate and undergraduate students and society in general, providing a new way of disseminating, using, citing and following up the different lines of enquiry at the UGR

    Los espacios narrativos en Juego limpio (1959) de María Teresa León.

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    María Teresa León escribió una obra literaria muy diversa a la que, sin embargo, no se le ha prestado suficiente atención, si bien asistimos a una gradual recuperación de su figura. El presente trabajo se dedica al estudio de los diferentes espacios narrativos con los que María Teresa León teje la trama de su novela Juego limpio (1959). A través del análisis espacial podremos comprender de una mejor manera el desarrollo psicológico de los personajes y su evolución a lo largo de la obra, así como las relaciones que esta tiene con el resto de su producción y la memoria como eje vertebrador de su escritura.<br /

    Infrared spectroscopic analysis of the inorganic components from teeth exposed to psychotherapeutic drugs

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    Teeth are unique and complex anatomical organs that can provide relevant data about a person's health, and play an important role in forensic medicine. Teeth are exposed to food, drinks, and the microbiota of the oral cavity; therefore, they have developed a high resistance to localized demineralization. Nevertheless, the continuous demineralization–remineralization cycle present in the oral environment can be influenced by stress, medication, mineralization agents, and other factors such as individual habits, especially diet. In this study, based on attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) spectra from tooth samples of 36 patients, several parameters were estimated: the crystallinity index (CI), the phosphate/amide I ratio, and the carbonate/phosphate ratio. In addition, in eight representative samples (six of the root of the tooth and two of the enamel area of the crown), additional characterization by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was conducted. From the FTIR data, it was observed that the highest CI values were found in patients who smoked. Further, in both root and crown samples, the intensity of the absorption band corresponding to PO43- increased in patients undergoing treatment with psychotherapeutic drugs. On the other hand, the intensity of the absorption band of the amide I group decreased with medical treatment and with the patient's biological age. Moreover, it was found that the remineralization process was more active in enamel than in the root due to direct contact with saliva. Regarding the results obtained from the X-ray powder diffractograms, exposure to psychotherapeutic drugs affected the definition of the peaks corresponding to hydroxyapatite, both in the crown and root samples. Concerning SEM results, qualitative differences in the stratification process in demineralized surfaces were observed, and EDS analyses showed some differences in the Ca/P ratio between pathological samples and control ones, but without clear patterns. The above techniques, in particular ATR-FTIR, showed promise for the investigation of the effect of changes produced in the hydroxyapatite structure in teeth and, consequently, to determine possible strategies in the diagnostic protocol

    Microglial angiotensin type 2 receptors mediate sex-specific expression of inflammatory cytokines independently of circulating estrogen

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    Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, Grant/Award Numbers: XUGA, ED431C 2018/10, ED431G/05; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Numbers: PI20/00385, RD16/0011/0016, CIBERNED; Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Grant/Award Number: RTI2018-098830-B-I00; Regional European Development Fund (FEDER)There are sex differences in microglia, which can maintain sex-related gene expression and functional differences in the absence of circulating sex steroids. The angiotensin type 2 (AT2) receptors mediate anti-inflammatory actions in different tissues, including brain. In mice, we performed RT-PCR analysis of microglia isolated from adult brains and RNA scope in situ hybridization from males, females, ovariectomized females, orchiectomized males and brain masculinized females. We also compared wild type and AT2 knockout mice. The expression of AT2 receptors in microglial cells showed sex differences with much higher AT2 mRNA expression in females than in males, and this was not dependent on circulating gonadal hormones, as observed using ovariectomized females, brain masculinized females and orchiectomized males. These results suggest genomic reasons, possibly related to sex chromosome complement, for sex differences in AT2 expression in microglia, as the AT2 receptor gene is located in the X chromosome. Furthermore, sex differences in expression of AT2 receptors were associated to sex differences in microglial expression of key anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β and interleukin-6. In conclusion, sex differences in microglial AT2 receptor expression appear as a major factor contributing to sex differences in the neuroinflammatory responses beyond the effects of circulating steroidsThere are sex differences in microglia, which can maintain sex-related gene expression and functional differences in the absence of circulating sex steroids. The angiotensin type 2 (AT2) receptors mediate anti-inflammatory actions in different tissues, including brain. In mice, we performed RT-PCR analysis of microglia isolated from adult brains and RNA scope in situ hybridization from males, females, ovariectomized females, orchiectomized males and brain masculinized females. We also compared wild type and AT2 knockout mice. The expression of AT2 receptors in microglial cells showed sex differences with much higher AT2 mRNA expression in females than in males, and this was not dependent on circulating gonadal hormones, as observed using ovariectomized females, brain masculinized females and orchiectomized males. These results suggest genomic reasons, possibly related to sex chromosome complement, for sex differences in AT2 expression in microglia, as the AT2 receptor gene is located in the X chromosome. Furthermore, sex differences in expression of AT2 receptors were associated to sex differences in microglial expression of key anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β and interleukin-6. In conclusion, sex differences in microglial AT2 receptor expression appear as a major factor contributing to sex differences in the neuroinflammatory responses beyond the effects of circulating steroidsS

    Actitud frente a la Violencia de Género del alumnado de Enfermería y su relación con la formación universitaria recibida

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    El reconocimiento del papel crucial que la educación puede y debe desempeñar en la erradicación de la violencia contra la mujer es una idea consolidada entre las personas que trabajan específicamente en este tema desde distintos ámbitos1, que considera la educación como una herramienta fundamental para cambiar las actitudes y las conductas que llevan a perpetuar el sexismo y la violencia de género de generación en generación2. En concreto en el ámbito de Enfermería hay estudios3, 4 que analizan el posicionamiento de las enfermeras y enfermeros ante esta problemática y revelan un déficit en la formación recibida a nivel de currículo, y un desconocimiento a la hora de derivar estas situaciones sobre todo por entender que es un problema privado5. Además indican que la tasa autocomunicada de maltrato como causa de lesiones mejora cuando la mujer es preguntada por enfermeras y enfermeros sensibilizadas/os y formadas/os en la materia