51,656 research outputs found

    Hamiltonisation, measure preservation and first integrals of the multi-dimensional rubber Routh sphere

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    We consider the multi-dimensional generalisation of the problem of a sphere, with axi-symmetric mass distribution, that rolls without slipping or spinning over a plane. Using recent results from Garc\'ia-Naranjo (arXiv: 1805:06393) and Garc\'ia-Naranjo and Marrero (arXiv: 1812.01422), we show that the reduced equations of motion possess an invariant measure and may be represented in Hamiltonian form by Chaplygin's reducing multiplier method. We also prove a general result on the existence of first integrals for certain Hamiltonisable Chaplygin systems with internal symmetries that is used to determine conserved quantities of the problem.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to the special issue of Theor. Appl. Mech. in honour of Chaplygin's 150th anniversar

    Conversión hidrotermal de biomasa en bioproductos valiosos

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    Los procesos hidrotérmicos son una excelente alternativa para convertir desechos de biomasa en productos de alto valor energético. El alcance de este proyecto ofrece el estudio de 5 tipos de biomasa distintos: café, madera blanca, arroz, lignina y madera negra (Zilkha). La reacción se llevó a cabo en un reactor continúo cambiando las condiciones de presión y temperatura. El café demostró ser la materia primar de mayor rendimiento, alcanzando valores de hasta el 70% y, por el contrario, la lignina alcanzó muy bajos rendimientos, no sobrepasando el 13%. Para analizar el bioproducto solido obtenido se realizó un análisis termogravimétrico. A partir de estos datos, se propuso un nuevo método denominado ‘desplazamiento’ que refleja las diferencias entre los perfiles del producto sólido logrado y la biomasa no tratada. También se utilizaron técnicas de HPLC y MALDI-TOF-MS que demostraron mayores concentraciones en los bioproductos líquidos obtenidos según aumentaba la temperatura de reacción.University of NottinghamGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    The impact of student loans on educational attainment: the case of a program at the pontifical catholic university of Peru

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    During the past decades, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (known as PUCP) has been giving student loans to some of its students with satisfactory academic performance but who face certain economic problems which might interrupt their studies. Although this program was created more than forty years ago, its results have not been rigorously evaluated. This document attempts to assess to what extent the program has benefited students. Because the collected data come from academic and social records, the completion of this task requires using modern techniques specifically designed to work with non experimental data. After estimating by propensity score matching with multiple treatments, I find a statistically significant impact of this program on the time a student employs to complete the course of study at PUCP (measured in semesters) only when a student was awarded with a loan for 6 semesters or more. That effect is not significantly different from zero when the loan lasts less than 6 semesters. Similar results were found when I analyzed the impact on the probability of degree completion of student loans, where students with loan were more likely to meet all graduation requirements by 6 years and a half after they start studying at PUCP. Again this effect was significant only when the student participates in the program for six semesters or more. However, the impact on that probability was small.Student Loans, Matching, Treatment Effect

    dilemas éticos

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    Ficha de análisis de dilemas éticos en Trabajo SocialSe presenta una ficha con los diferentes parámetros necesarios para el abordaje y análisis de los dilemas éticos que se presentan en la intervención social

    Teaching-innovation experience in competitiveness and innovation in business

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    The aim of this paper is to contrast the students’ opinions about the teaching innovation experience carried out in the subject “Competitividad en Innovación en la Empresa” (Competitiveness and Innovation in Business). The procedure will start with the subject’s profile, going through the main objectives and teaching methodology, to finish with evaluation and assessment, as suggested in the subject’s syllabus for the academic year 2007/08. Taking this as a starting point and, due to the fact that the number of students in the control group is not very high, we suggest changing both the teaching methodology and the evaluation. These changes will be contrasted with the students’ acceptance and involvement.PROCEEDINGS C

    Gauge Transformations, Twisted Poisson Brackets and Hamiltonization of Nonholonomic Systems

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    In this paper we study the problem of Hamiltonization of nonholonomic systems from a geometric point of view. We use gauge transformations by 2-forms (in the sense of Severa and Weinstein [29]) to construct different almost Poisson structures describing the same nonholonomic system. In the presence of symmetries, we observe that these almost Poisson structures, although gauge related, may have fundamentally different properties after reduction, and that brackets that Hamiltonize the problem may be found within this family. We illustrate this framework with the example of rigid bodies with generalized rolling constraints, including the Chaplygin sphere rolling problem. We also see how twisted Poisson brackets appear naturally in nonholonomic mechanics through these examples

    Recursos sociales y recursos científicos en la explicación de los materiales etnográficos. Retrospectiva sobre una investigación de la prejubilación de los mineros asturianos

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    In this article there is analyzed the form in which the social relations between the investigated subjects and the investigators influence the arguments used in the ethnographic texts. The qualitative investigations cannot advance without paying the social price that has facilitated the understanding of the studied phenomena. The argumentation includes then rhetorical dimensions, which must be considered throughout all the investigation. In this text some moments of the ethnographic argumentation are reviewed in an investigation about the early retirement of the Asturian miners.En este artículo se analiza la forma en la que las relaciones sociales entre los sujetos investigados y los investigadores influyen en los argumentos utilizados en los textos etnográficos. Las investigaciones cualitativas no pueden avanzar sin pagar el precio social que ha facilitado la comprensión de los fenómenos estudiados. La argumentación incluye entonces dimensiones retóricas, que deben tenerse en cuenta a lo largo de toda la investigación. En el texto que se propone se revisan algunos momentos de la argumentación etnográfica, en una investigación sobre la prejubilación de los mineros asturianos

    Variaciones en torno al trabajo o la estructura moral de las actividades e inactividades retribuidas. El caso de las prejubilaciones

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    Estudio que investiga la consideración moral que una comunidad minera de Galicia tiene de los mineros prejubilados que acceden a otro tipo de trabajos remunerados. Se llega a la conclusión de que el valor moral de estas actividades está basado sobre todo en una práctica ancestral y de arraigo en el conceo de tal manera que no está mal visto el trabajo en explotaciones ganaderas pero sí en otro tipo de trabajos (electricista, fontanero..)