3,770 research outputs found

    Diálogo interdisciplinar: aproximación biosocial a la parentalidad. 1ª parte

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    Se relaciona el conjunto de elementos conceptuales y teóricos barajados en las discusiones de los últimos cinco años sobre reproducción y crianza como tema de estudio emergente en respuesta a su diversidad y problemática en la sociedad actual. Se refieren a los encuentros promovidos por el grupo de investigación del Parentesco getp-GRAFO de la UAB con la participación de otros grupos e investigadores que vienen trabajando sobre este tema. Se agrupan en torno a un proyecto multidisciplinar que aborda las conexiones de diversas disciplinas con la Parentalidad como propiedad biopsicosocial de los humanos y otras especies filogenéticamente emparentadas. Responde a la necesidad de encontrar vías de comunicación a partir de las trayectorias y formaciones dispares, lo que facilitará nuevas colaboraciones.Palabras clave: Parentalidad, cuidados parentales, biología evolutiva, paleoantropología, origen de la cultura.AbstractThis text relates to a set of conceptual and theoretical elements posed in the discussions of the last five years on reproduction and childrearing as an emergent subject of study.This work emerges in response to the complexity of these issues and the problems surrounding them in today’s society. The work is promoted by the research group getp-GRAFO at the UAB, with the collaboration of other groups and researchers who have been regularly working on that issue. They gather around a multidisciplinary project that addresses connections between different disciplines and parenthood as a biopsychosocial property of human beings and other phylogenetically related species. It speaks to the need to open new communication paths based on different trajectories and backgrounds, which will ease further cooperation.Keywords: Parenthood, parental care, evolutionary biology, Paleoanthropology, origin of culture

    Characterization of terrestrial hot particles from the Palomares accident using destructive and non-destructive analytical techniques

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    Several radioactive particles from the Palomares area have been analyzed with the nuclearmicroprobe of the National Accelerator Centre (CNA) in Seville exploring the advantages of combining -PIXE using a 5.5 MeV4He beam with conventional -PIXE analysis using 3 MeV protons. Themeasurements performed with the -particles are more sensitive to the sample surface, while the resultscollected with protons are indicative of the average composition of the hot particle. In this way, importantinformation about the depth distribution of Pu and U in the particles has been obtained. In addition, theparticles have been analyzed by SEM (EDX) and one of them has been sacrificed for the determinationof its U and Pu isotopic composition by ICP-MS and -spectrometry, being gained in this way importantinformation about the composition of the weapons involved in the Palomares accident.Junta de Andalucía Excellence Project TU-DRAMA (Ultra-sensitive techniques for radionuclides determination in environmental materials

    Multi-Sensor System For Level Measurements With Optical Fibres

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    A system for measuring liquid level in multiple tanks using optical fibre technology has been developed. The oil field service industry can benefit from this intrinsically safe technology. Plastic optical fibre (POF) sensor heads are excited by a 650 nm laser. Laser diodes are housed in ST connectors to obtain compact and rough prototypes and these connectors are also used in the fibre pigtails. Optical multiplexing is used to increase the measuring safety area. POF splitters and connectors are used to combine all the receiving sensor head fibres in a single one. Frequency division multiplexing is used to address each sensor head. The global system is controlled through a user friendly software application running in a PC connected to the system via an RS-232 port. A scalable prototype with a range greater than 2 meter, good linearity, better than 1.5% FS (full scale), high accuracy and resolution is developed using a unique lens to collimate and focus the light. Measurements are taken to validate the designs. Up to 8 sensor heads can be connected in the present implementation. But a greater number of sensors can be allocated with minor modifications in the electronics.Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    Sequentially generated states for the study of two dimensional systems

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    Matrix Product States can be defined as the family of quantum states that can be sequentially generated in a one-dimensional system. We introduce a new family of states which extends this definition to two dimensions. Like in Matrix Product States, expectation values of few body observables can be efficiently evaluated and, for the case of translationally invariant systems, the correlation functions decay exponentially with the distance. We show that such states are a subclass of Projected Entangled Pair States and investigate their suitability for approximating the ground states of local Hamiltonians.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Jerónimo Velázquez : un hombre de teatro en el período de gestación de la comedia barroca

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    Cuando hablamos del teatro clásico español, nuestros resortes mentales nos conducen de modo casi automático a los nombres de poetas como Lope de Vega o Calderón, cuyo quehacer literario representó un legado universal para las letras del Siglo de Oro y cuyas obras supusieron un testimonio singular e inmejorable de los siglos XVI y XVII

    Transcriptional analysis of Mycobacterium fortuitum cultures upon hydrogen peroxide treatment using the novel standard rrnA-P1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ability of an intracellular pathogen to establish infection depends on the capacity of the organism to survive and replicate inside the host. <it>Mycobacterium fortuitum </it>is a bacteria that contains genes involved in the detoxification of the oxygen reactive species such as those produced by the host during the infection. In this work, we investigate the effects of hydrogen peroxide on the transcription and expression of these genes by developing a real time quantitative PCR technique (qRT-PCR) using the ribosomal promoter region (<it>rrn</it>A-P1) as reference product for quantification of the mRNA levels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>M. fortuitum </it>cultures were treated with different hydrogen peroxide concentrations (0.02 to 20 mM) during several periods of time (30 to 120 minutes). The activity of the enzymes KatGII and SodA, and the transcription of corresponding genes were evaluated. The transcriptional regulator <it>fur</it>AII gene was also studied.</p> <p>The ribosomal promoter region <it>rrn</it>A-P1 was validated as referential product under the stress conditions checked by qRT-PCR.</p> <p>Minor changes were observed under the conditions tested except when bacteria were incubated in the presence of 20 mM hydrogen peroxide. Under those conditions, the levels of transcription of the three genes under study increased at 30 minutes of treatment. The viability of the bacteria was not influenced under the conditions tested.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this work, we have quantified transcriptional responses to stress suggesting that, the opportunistic pathogen <it>M. fortuitum </it>is more resistant and differs in behaviour in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, when compared to the major pathogen <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>and the saprophyte <it>Mycobacterium smegmatis</it>. Besides, we demonstrate the mycobacterial non-coding region <it>rrn</it>A-P1 to be a suitable reference product in the analysis of qRT-PCR transcriptional data of <it>M. fortuitum</it>.</p

    Hydrothermal monitoring using embedded sensors of the actual roof system of the prado museum

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    El Prado Museum in Madrid has been recently submitted to a refurbishment of its roof which from been made with the traditional tiles has been changed to the use of modern waterproofing layers covered with a metallic lead finishing. Due to an unexpected damp patch that produced leaking in the hall in which Las Meninas by Velázquez was exhibited, the authors were commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture to study the suitability of the roof and its waterproofing properties. The study led to suggestions of modifications in the design of the roof layers, which are out of the scope of present paper. In present paper are given the behaviour of the sensors embedded in two specific areas of the roof. The sensors installed were of: temperature, relative humidity, measurement of local strain and detection of liquid water. The liquid water sensors reveal that some water is withheld in the layer just below the thermal insulation material, although it is standing. The results of over four years of readings show that the temperature attenuates over distance away from the outermost layer, where the readings are very high in summer, due to it consists of lead. During the colder seasons, in turn, the temperature in the inner layers of the roof is higher than in the outer layers. The strain recorded follows the logical evolution of temperature with no abnormal behaviour being detected. Some of relative humidity sensors had measuring problems due to water condensing on them. In summary however, if the behaviour in this area is extrapolated to the rest of the roof, it can be considered to perform correctly as intended. No more leaking events have been detected from the design modifications were incorporated to the existing roof

    El carácter como predictor de trastornos de la personalidad en adictos: la tipología caracterial de Cloninger y su abordaje psicosocial

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    El presente estudio aborda las relaciones de las dimensiones caracteriales del modelo de Cloninger con los trastornos de la personalidad. Se obtiene una muestra de sujetos (N=565) que inician tratamiento por conductas adictivas en un centro ambulatorio (CAD 4 San Blas, Instituto de Adicciones, Madrid Salud), y cumplimentan el TCI-R, el MCMI-II, el VIP y el CCE-R. Según los criterios de Cloninger y, mediante análisis discriminante, son clasificados en los diferentes tipos caracteriales. Se comparan éstos con los encontrados en una muestra de población general (N=114), encontrándose que mientras en éste grupo predomina el tipo Equilibrado, en el grupo de adictos predominan los tipos Desorganizado, Melancólico y Ciclotímico. Estos tipos predicen una sustancial proporción de la varianza de la mayor parte de los trastornos de la personalidad. La Autodirección correlaciona fuertemente con variables cognitivas como la autoestima, el optimismo y el autocontrol, mientras la Cooperatividad lo hace principalmente con variables de socialización. Se discute la necesidad de considerar las variables caracteriales como elementos centrales de los trastornos de la personalidad y la adicción a sustancias y el necesario abordaje biopsicosocial para tratar ambos trastornos como una unidad en un programa de tratamiento que contemple tres aspectos principales: la personalidad, la función ejecutiva cerebral y el afrontamiento del estrés

    Valores sociales y adicción a la cocaína: diferencias entre adictos en tratamiento y población no clínica

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    El presente trabajo es un estudio de las diferencias en valores sociales preferidos por adictos a cocaína (N=178) y sujetos de población no clínica (N=424). Se ha utilizado el Cuestionario VAL-89 y se han efectuado las comparaciones controlando las variables sexo, edad y nivel de estudios. Los resultados reflejan pocas diferencias entre los adictos a cocaína y las personas de su entorno social. Este hecho parece explicarse a partir de la amplia implantación del consumo en nuestra sociedad y del propio carácter de los valores sociales como estimación de lo deseable, aunque no necesariamente como guía proximal de la conducta