619 research outputs found

    Pruebas de selección como predictores del rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Medicina

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    ResumenIntroducciónPartiendo de la complejidad de los programas educativos de Medicina y de los estudios sobre la deserción de sus estudiantes, se estableció la necesidad de conocer la validez predictiva de los mecanismos que integran el proceso de selección de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Anáhuac-Mayab, como mecanismo de mejora del proceso educativo.ObjetivoIdentificar el grado de predicción del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, con base en los instrumentos de admisión considerados en la institución.MétodoSe trató de un estudio correlacional con enfoque cuantitativo realizado a través de un procedimiento de regresión lineal. Para su realización se reconocieron como variables independientes, los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos de la cohorte 2012 y 2013, en el proceso de admisión a la carrera, para cada uno de los instrumentos utilizados y como variable dependiente, el rendimiento académico, basado en los promedios de notas de los estudiantes, obtenidos en los semestres cursados hasta el momento de la realización del estudio, realizándose un análisis estadístico con la obtención de frecuencias, porcentajes, medias y valores mínimos y máximos, para posteriormente contrastar los valores en un procedimiento de regresión lineal.ResultadosCon base en el comportamiento de los datos analizados para ambas cohortes, se pudo observar que la prueba de selección que más correlaciona con el rendimiento académico es el promedio que obtienen los alumnos en los cursos propedéuticos, teniéndose una r de 0.603 y 0.629 para las cohortes 2012 y 2013, respectivamente, y una R2 de 0.364 y 0.396 en el mismo sentido.ConclusionesMás allá de la importancia de ampliar el estudio a otras generaciones, se observó la necesidad de evaluar la administración de los instrumentos utilizados hasta el momento, a partir de su valor de correlación y predicción, sin menoscabo de la posibilidad de perfeccionar la implementación del curso propedéutico.AbstractIntroductionBased on the complexity of medical education programs and studies on student dropout, the need to know the predictive validity of the mechanisms involved in the process of selection of the School of Medicine at Anahuac-Mayab University was established as a mechanism for improving the educational process.ObjectiveTo identify the degree of prediction of academic performance of students based on the tools used for considering admission into the institution.MethodThis was a correlational study with quantitative approach carried out using a linear regression procedure. To conduct the study, the variables used were, the results obtained by students in the cohort 2012 and 2013, in the process of admission to the course, for each of the tools used, and academic performance as the dependent variable, based on the average student grades obtained in the courses in semesters completed until the study. A statistical analysis was performed to obtain the frequencies, percentages, means and minimum and maximum values, later to contrast the values in a linear regression procedure.ResultsBased on the behaviour of the analysed data for both cohorts, it was observed that the screening test most correlated with academic achievement is the average obtained by students in the preparatory courses, taking an r of 0.603 and 0.629 for cohorts 2012 and 2013, respectively, and an R2 of 0.364 and 0.396 in the same direction.ConclusionsApart from the importance of extending the study to other generations, the need to evaluate the management of the tools used to date was observed, from the value of correlation and prediction, without prejudice to the possibility of improving the implementation of the preparatory course

    On the development of a parametric aerodynamic model of a stratospheric airship

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    [EN] The idea of self-sustaining air vehicles that excited engineers in the seventies has nowadays become a reality as proved by several initiatives worldwide. High altitude platforms, or Pseudo-satellites (HAPS), are unmanned vehicles that take advantage of weak stratospheric winds and solar energy to operate without interfering with current commercial aviation and with enough endurance to provide long-term services as satellites do. Target applications are communications, Earth observation, positioning and science among others. This paper reviews the major characteristics of stratospheric flight, where airplanes and airships will compete for best performance. The careful analysis of involved technologies and their trends allow budget models to shed light on the capabilities and limitations of each solution. Aerodynamics and aerostatics, structures and materials, propulsion, energy management, thermal control, flight management and ground infrastructures are the critical elements revisited to assess current status and expected short-term evolutions. Stratospheric airplanes require very light wing loading, which has been demonstrated to be feasible but currently limits their payload mass to few tenths of kilograms. On the other hand, airships need to be large and operationally complex but their potential to hover carrying hundreds of kilograms with reasonable power supply make them true pseudo-satellites with enormous commercial interest. This paper provides useful information on the relative importance of the technology evolutions, as well as on the selection of the proper platform for each application or set of payload requirements. The authors envisage prompt availability of both types of HAPS, aerodynamic and aerostatic, providing unprecedented services.S

    Effect of a mentoring through reflection program on the on the verbal behavior of beginner volleyball coaches: a case study

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    El propósito de este estudio fue modificar la conducta verbal del entrenador de voleibol durante la competición. Tres entrenadores de voleibol fueron sometidos a un programa formativo (feedback de supervisión con análisis sistemático de la conducta verbal del entrenador, y visionado de la actuación) durante una temporada de competición. La variable dependiente de la investigación fue la conducta verbal del entrenador durante los tiempos muertos, considerándose dos dimensiones en la misma: tipo de información, equipo al que hace referencia la información. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una modificación en la conducta verbal de los entrenadores, manifestada fundamentalmente en el incremento de información táctica y sobre el equipo contrario

    Aerodynamic optimization of propellers for High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites

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    [EN] The propulsion system of High-Altitude Platform Stations or High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellites (HAPS) is commonly based on propellers. The properties of the atmosphere at those high altitudes and the characteristic speed of HAPS entail that the flight is performed at very low Reynolds numbers. Hence, the aerodynamic behavior of the propeller sections changes substantially from the hub to the tip of the blades. Under those circumstances, the ordinary methods to develop optimized propellers are not useful and must be modified. We present a method of propeller design adapted to HAPS features. It combines traditional solutions with modern numerical tools. Specifically, Theodorsen analytical theory is used to minimize induced drag. This process leaves one free parameter that it is fixed optimizing a cost function depending on the Reynolds number with a viscous-potential numerical code. It leads to an optimal determination of the geometrical characteristics of the propeller, i.e., chord and pitch distribution, increasing its total efficiency. The resulting algorithm has low computational requirements what makes it very appropriate for the preliminary design of HAPS missions, when it is necessary to simulate many different cases. That methodology has been applied to a relatively small HAPS airship with a wind speed of 10 m/s and required thrust of 100 N. The propeller is assumed to be made up of NACA4412 airfoils and the cost function to be minimized is given by the ratio of the 2D drag and lift coefficients. With those conditions we perform a parametric analysis where different combinations of diameters, thrust coefficients, and propeller advance ratios are considered. Over a Reynolds number range from 103 to 106, the new method provides a gain about 5% in the propeller efficiency when compared with the ordinary design procedure that employs a constant Reynolds number. That gain is of utmost importance for HAPS operations, since, for example, it allows an increase in the payload of up to 25% for a 90 meters long airship.S

    On the capabilities and limitations of high altitude pseudo-satellites

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    [EN] The idea of self-sustaining air vehicles that excited engineers in the seventies has nowadays become a reality as proved by several initiatives worldwide. High altitude platforms, or Pseudo-satellites (HAPS), are unmanned vehicles that take advantage of weak stratospheric winds and solar energy to operate without interfering with current commercial aviation and with enough endurance to provide long-term services as satellites do. Target applications are communications, Earth observation, positioning and science among others. This paper reviews the major characteristics of stratospheric flight, where airplanes and airships will compete for best performance. The careful analysis of involved technologies and their trends allow budget models to shed light on the capabilities and limitations of each solution. Aerodynamics and aerostatics, structures and materials, propulsion, energy management, thermal control, flight management and ground infrastructures are the critical elements revisited to assess current status and expected short-term evolutions. Stratospheric airplanes require very light wing loading, which has been demonstrated to be feasible but currently limits their payload mass to few tenths of kilograms. On the other hand, airships need to be large and operationally complex but their potential to hover carrying hundreds of kilograms with reasonable power supply make them true pseudo-satellites with enormous commercial interest. This paper provides useful information on the relative importance of the technology evolutions, as well as on the selection of the proper platform for each application or set of payload requirements. The authors envisage prompt availability of both types of HAPS, aerodynamic and aerostatic, providing unprecedented services.SIEuropean Space Agenc

    Path Planner for Autonomous Exploration of Underground Mines by Aerial Vehicles

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    [EN] This paper presents a path planner solution that makes it possible to autonomously explore underground mines with aerial robots (typically multicopters). In these environments the operations may be limited by many factors like the lack of external navigation signals, the narrow passages and the absence of radio communications. The designed path planner is defined as a simple and highly computationally efficient algorithm that, only relying on a laser imaging detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor with Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) capability, permits the exploration of a set of single-level mining tunnels. It performs dynamic planning based on exploration vectors, a novel variant of the open sector method with reinforced filtering. The algorithm incorporates global awareness and obstacle avoidance modules. The first one prevents the possibility of getting trapped in a loop, whereas the second one facilitates the navigation along narrow tunnels. The performance of the proposed solution has been tested in different study cases with a Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator developed for this purpose. In all situations the path planner logic performed as expected and the used routing was optimal. Furthermore, the path efficiency, measured in terms of traveled distance and used time, was high when compared with an ideal reference case. The result is a very fast, real-time, and static memory capable algorithm, which implemented on the proposed architecture presents a feasible solution for the autonomous exploration of underground mines.SIThis work has been possible thanks to the support of TELICE COMET to the Aerospace Research Group of the Universidad de León through different research contracts

    Clima de aprendizaje y enganche al trabajo del residente clínico: relación con la autodeterminación humana

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    Introduction: The learning climate is a factor associated with the clinical resident's engagement in work activities and with the improvement of student well-being in the workplace, through their self-determination during clinical rotation. Objective: The relationship of the learning climate was investigated using the D-RECT 35 scale with the resident's self-determination and with their commitment to work through the UWES 17 scale. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional correlational study with residents of surgical medical specialties who underwent a clinical rotation at the practice site and who completed the measurement questionnaires. Results: 188 residents of clinical specialties were evaluated; the median of the learning climate scale was 3.9 / 5.0, on the self-determination scale it was 4.86 / 7.0 and on the job engagement scale it was 5.0 / 6.0. The learning climate was considered adequate and a positive relationship was found with self-determination and the resident's attachment to her activities; these correlations were statistically significant. Conclusions: Adequate learning climates are positively related to the ability to engage in work activities and to the self-determination of the clinical resident; They favor collaborative work, access to supervision, generate greater autonomy and are more enthusiastic and dedicated to assigned activities. This can drive improvements in educational programs in clinical departments and will translate into safer patient care.Introducción. El clima de aprendizaje es un factor que se asocia con el enganche a las actividades laborales del residente clínico y con el mejoramiento del bienestar estudiantil en el sitio de trabajo, a través de su autodeterminación durante la rotación clínica. Objetivo. Se investigó la relación del clima de aprendizaje usando la escala D-RECT 35 con la autodeterminación del residente y con su enganche al trabajo a través de la escala UWES 17. Material y métodos. Estudio correlacional de corte transversal con residentes de especialidades medico quirúrgicas que cursaban una rotación clínica en el sitio de práctica y que completaron los cuestionarios de medición. Resultados. Se evaluaron 188 residentes de especialidades clínicas; la mediana de la escala de clima de aprendizaje fue de 3,9/5,0, en la escala de autodeterminación fue de 4,86/7,0 y en la escala de enganche laboral fue de 5,0/6,0. El clima de aprendizaje se consideró como adecuado y se encontró una relación positiva con la autodeterminación y el enganche del residente a sus actividades; dichas correlaciones tuvieron una significancia estadística. Conclusiones. Los climas de aprendizaje adecuados se relacionan positivamente con la capacidad de engancharse a las actividades laborales y con la autodeterminación del residente clínico; favorecen el trabajo colaborativo, el acceso a supervisión, generan mayor autonomía y son más entusiastas y dedicados a las actividades asignadas. Esto puede impulsar mejoras en los programas educativos de los departamentos clínicos y se reflejará en una atención más segura a los pacientes

    Intervención en la toma de decisiones en jugadores de voleibol en etapas de formación

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of a mentoring through reflection programme on decisionmaking during attacks in volleyball players' formative stages. The participants were 8 players from the same team, divided into two groups: an experimental group (n = 4) and a control group (n = 4). The programme consisted of viewing and later reflecting in different individual mentoring meetings on the players' appropriate and inappropriate attack actions during competition. The results of this study found that players who were exposed to the treatment significantly improved after the mentoring protocol intervention. Research based on reflective mentoring protocols in sports actions may be a complementary tool to improve the cognitive and decision-making skills of players in formative stages

    Estratègies cognitives desenvolupades durant el joc per tennistes de diferent nivell de perícia

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat analitzar les estratègies cognitives utilitzades per jugadors de tennis durant el joc real de competició, tot comparant la planificació tàctica desenvolupada en funció del nivell de perícia dels subjectes. La investigació va ser realitzada amb 6 tennistes, 3 jugadors novells i 3 jugadors experts. Els esportistes van ser entrevistats tot just acabar l’acció de joc, perquè verbalitzessin allò que estaven pensant en aquell moment. L’anàlisi de contingut dels informes verbals s’ha realitzat mitjançant un sistema de categories proposat originalment per McPherson (1999, 2000). Els resultats mostren que els experts tenen una estructura de coneixement més gran, més complexa i més sofisticada, cosa que els permet de planificar millor les seves decisions posteriors durant el joc

    Estrategias cognitivas desarrolladas durante el juego por tenistas de diferente nivel de pericia

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar las estrategias cognitivas utilizadas por jugadores de tenis durante el juego real de competición, comparando la planificación táctica desarrollada en función del nivel de pericia de los sujetos. La investigación fue realizada con 6 tenistas, 3 jugadores noveles y 3 jugadores expertos. Los deportistas fueron entrevistados nada más terminar la acción de juego para que verbalizaran sobre qué estaban pensando en ese momento. El análisis de contenido de los informes verbales se ha realizado mediante un sistema de categorías propuesto originalmente por McPherson (1999, 2000). Los resultados muestran que los expertos poseen una estructura de conocimiento mayor, más compleja y más sofisticada, que les permite planificar mejor sus posteriores decisiones durante el juego