607 research outputs found

    Noticia sobre dos nuevas estelas decoradas: las estelas de La Pedrona y del Mesto (Almadén, Ciudad Real)

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    Damos a conocer dos estelas decoradas halladas en el término municipal de Almadén (Ciudad Real). Aparecieron en sendos majanos, dentro del ámbito de yacimientos arqueológicos romanos, en ambos casos. Se trata de una zona donde tradicionalmente se ha practicado una economía basada en la agricultura (cultivo cerealístico) y la ganadería, además de la explotación de la gran riqueza minera de su subsuelo. Este territorio está surcado por varias vías pecuarias y comerciales. Todo ello está asociado a la presencia de diversos asentamientos humanos desde antiguo. Estos dos ejemplares amplían el conjunto de estelas decoradas hasta ahora conocidas en esta área geográfica, poniendo de manifiesto su relación con las corrientes culturales de la Edad del Bronce y, quizás, del Hierro I.We present two decorated steles found in the municipal term of Almadén (Ciudad Real). They appeared in individual majanos, within the scope of Roman archaeological sites, in both cases. One is a zone where traditionally it's practiced an economy based on agriculture (cerealístico culture) and the cattle ranch, besides the operation of the great mining wealth of its subsoil. This territory is furrowed by several cattle and commercial channels. All this is associate to the presence of diverse settlements from ancient. These two pieces extend the collection of decorated steles until now known in this geographic area, showing their relation with the cultural currents of the Age of Bronze and, perhaps, the Age of Iron I

    Virtual restitution of the parietal decoration in the Sala del Mosaico de los Amores, Cástulo Archaelogical site (Linares, Spain)

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    The use of photogrammetry in the field of archaeology is increasingly widespread. In the case of restoration, the use of 3D contributes to facilitating the complex process of an intervention and bringing the artwork closer to the general public. This paper describes the application of 3D modelling techniques in the specific case of the Roman wall paintings from the Sala del Mosaico de los Amores, in Castulo Archaeological Site (Linares, province of Jaén). These paintings were found in 2011, collapsed over the mosaic pavement, and they were moved to the University of Granada for their restoration. After the intervention, the photogrammetric surveys of the different fragments and of the room to which they belong were developed, and the virtual restitution was generated, therefore making it possible for the general public to reliably appreciate how the room would look like with the parietal decoration located in-situ.Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessEuropean Regional Development Fund (MINECO/FEDER, UE) HAR2015-66139-PResearch project "Chromatic treatments in architecture of Islamic tradition. Techniques and Conservation" by the Andalusian Regional Government, Department of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment P12 HUM 1941German Research Foundation (DFG

    Estudio de métodos de limpieza sobre yeserías medievales

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    [EN] The use of gypsum in decorative architectural facing has been very usual in the history, owing to the presence of plentiful deposits and the features of this one. In the Iberian Peninsula, gypsum has been used in decoratives elements (romans cornices, medieval platerwork, walls paintings…), the gypsum facing manufacturated in the Middle Ages stand out, named plasterwork, which are present in important monuments such as the Alhambra in Granada or the Real Alcazar of Seville. Currently, these plastework present serius conservation problems such as repolychromed or whitewash, which are damaging since they hide the original polycromy and even they can produce its definitive loss. In addiction to these problems it joins the lack of specific studies of cleaning treatments more suitable for these Works. Therefore, a first investigation on cleaning methods to be used in coatings with this problem is adressed. Starting from treatments used in a traditional way, such as physical methods (scalpel) and chemical methods (cotton poultices with solvents), but also adapting other recently incorporated treatments such as polysaccharide gels or cellulose ethers as a solvent vehicle. The results obtained allow to establish that the use of gels such as red alga, cellulose ethers and acrylic acid are effective for cleaning whitewash and repoliychromed in gypsum facing.[ES] El empleo de yeso en revestimientos arquitectónicos decorativos ha sido frecuente en la historia, debido tanto a la presencia de abundantes yacimientos, como a las características de éste. En la península ibérica se ha empleado en elementos decorativos (cornisas romanas, yeserías medievales, pinturas murales…), destacando los revestimientos elaborados en periodo medieval, denominados yeserías, presentes en importantes monumentos como la Alhambra de Granada o el Real Alcázar de Sevilla. En la actualidad estos revestimientos presentan graves problemas de conservación como los repolicromados o encalados, que son muy perjudiciales porque ocultan la policromía original, e incluso pueden producir su pérdida definitiva. A esto se une la escasez de estudios específicos de tratamientos de limpieza adecuados para estas obras. Por ello, este trabajo aborda una primera investigación sobre métodos de limpieza en revestimientos con esta problemática; partiendo de tratamientos empleados de manera tradicional, tales como métodos físicos (bisturí) y métodos químicos (empacos de algodón con disolventes), pero también adaptando otros tratamientos de reciente incorporación como geles de polisacáridos o éteres de celulosa como vehículo del disolvente. Los resultados obtenidos establecen que geles, como el alga roja o éteres de celulosa, son eficaces para la limpieza de encalados y repolicromados en revestimientos de yeso.Vivar García, E.; Calero Castillo, A.; García Bueno, A. (2021). Estudio de métodos de limpieza sobre yeserías medievales. En I Simposio anual de Patrimonio Natural y Cultural ICOMOS España. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 413-421. https://doi.org/10.4995/icomos2019.2019.11750OCS41342

    Spanish biofuels heating value estimation based on structural analysis

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    The importance of waste biomass as an energy source is likely to increase during the coming years as a result of European energy policy objectives, and because of the wide range of possibilities that it offers: it is a cheap fuel, widespread, and available in large quantities. In addition to crops and forestry operations, the Spanish fruit, olive and wine industries generate large amounts of currently undervalued solid wastes such as stones, branches, pulps or pomaces. The use of these by-products offers environmental benefits like removing waste and preventing fires at the same time as providing an energy yield. A proper energy valorization will require a complete physicochemical characterization. In this article, a structural and thermal characterization is developed from twenty samples from the olive and wine industries, as well as from forest and agro wastes. In addition, predictive equations are proposed to determine higher heating value (HHV) from chemical composition. For this purpose, the chemical extraction method (also called the ‘classic’ method) was used, and results were obtained in accordance with the data shown in the bibliography. Two predictive equations were developed: one based on lignin and hemicellulose content, and the other based on lignin quantity. Both present an absolute average error (AAE) of 0.87% and 1.13%, respectively.Beca predoctoral Severo Ochoa (BP13058) PSE-ARFRISOL (PS-120000-2005-1) MINECO (CTQ2013-45155-R

    Catálogo de obras artísticas del palacio de la antigua Capitanía General de Zaragoza

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    El palacio de la antigua Capitanía General de Aragón se terminó de construir en 1894. Los salones principales, de uso protocolario, fueron decorados desde el principio de modo muy completo, desde el mobiliario y apliques de madera y bronce de las paredes hasta pinturas sobre lienzo y relojes. En la escalera principal se colocó también una estatua en bronce de tamaño natural del general Palafox, héroe de la defensa de Zaragoza contra las tropas francesas. Con los años, se adornarán otras salas y despachos con nuevos cuadros y relojes

    Algunos datos sobre el origen de la técnica de la pintura mural hispanomusulmana

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    En este trabajo nos centraremos fundamentalmente en la exposición de los resultados obtenidos en el examen de los materiales de diversos ejemplos de pinturas relacionadas con estos posibles orígenes de la técnica para su posterior comparación con los obtenidos en pinturas peninsulares de época califal. Comenzamos haciendo referencia al estudio de pinturas murales romanas procedentes de Guadix. Por otra parte, como cabe la posibilidad de que en las sucesivas oleadas de población civil vinieran artistas que introdujeran variantes en la técnica o incluso una renovación completa de la misma, tomamos como obra de referencia para el estudio de la pintura musulmana de Oriente las pinturas de Qusayr 'Amra en Jordania (siglo VIII), correspondientes a un primer momento de la expansión, por considerarlas uno de los ejemplos más interesantes no sólo de la pintura del período Omeya, sino de todo el arte Islámico (declaradas patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO). Los casos seleccionados para el estudio de la primera pintura hispanomusulmana, para poder establecer semejanzas y diferencias con las anteriores, son los fragmentos procedentes de Medina Elvira de Granada (hoy en el Museo Arqueológico de Granada) y otros de Córdoba, concretamente un fragmento de Madínat al-Zahrâ' depositado en el Museo Arqueológico de esta ciudad y algunos de los zócalos aparecidos en la excavación arqueológica de Arrabales de Poniente

    El turismo alternativo como un sistema integrado: consideraciones sobre el caso andaluz

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    En el presente trabajo se aborda, desde una perspectiva sistémica, un concepto que hemos recogido bajo el término genérico de turismo alternativo, frente al turismo de masas. El artículo se plantea un doble objetivo: En primer lugar, realizar un análisis teórico de dicho concepto, describiendo los agentes que intervienen en el mismo y los flujos que se establecen entre ellos (físicos, económicos y socio-culturales). En segundo lugar, observar la situación de éste en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. El turismo alternativo se encuentra en sus primeras fases de desarrollo en esta Comunidad, siendo un campo de amplio potencial. La principal conclusión del trabajo es que debe asegurarse la sostenibilidad de dicha actividad turística.This study deals, from a systematic point of view, about the concept of alternative tourism in opposition to mass tourism. A double aim is presented in the paper: in first place, the setting of a theoretic analysis of that concept, describing its agents as well as the flows intending among them (physic, economic and sociocultural). In second place, a research on the position of alternative tourism in Andalucía. In this autonomous community alternative tourism is in its first steps of development, having reached a wide potential. The main conclusión of the study is to point out the need of making quite sure the possibility of keeping sustainable that tourism activity

    Diagnosis of the infection of sunflower by Orobanche cumana using multicolour fluorescence imaging

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    Orobanche cumana is an holoparasite and thus totally dependent on sunflower for fixed carbon. Initial stages of the infection occur in the first weeks after sowing and are critical for the establishment of a continuum between the host and the parasite vascular system. From that moment the parasite obtains its supply of water, mineral nutrients, and assimilates from the host plant. Alterations of plant metabolism can be detected using remote sensing techniques for detection of fluorescence emitted by plants. One of these indirect techniques is multicolour fluorescence imaging. In this work, we assessed the early infection of sunflower by O. cumana using multicolour fluorescence imaging and we inferred physiological processes affected in sunflower plants infected by the parasite. Ten germinated seeds of the inbred line NR5 were inoculated with population LP2013 of O. cumana. The same number of not inoculated seeds was used as control. Sunflower was planted in pots with soil mixture and grown in greenhouse at 12–22°C for 6 weeks. Multicolour fluorescence imaging was conducted 3, 4, and 5 weeks after inoculation. The two first pairs of fully expanded leaves of each sunflower plant were imaged, and, for each measure date, five fluorescence variables in inoculated plants were compared to those in the control. Three weeks after inoculation, when symptoms of infection were still not observed, decreased levels of blue and green fluorescence and increased far-red fluorescence were observed in leaves of the inoculated plants. At 4 and 5 weeks after inoculation, when inoculated plants displayed symptoms of infection by O. cumana, differences in fluorescence between inoculated plants and the controls were the same and statistically supported. These results are consistent with an increase in total chlorophyll content of sunflower plants infected by O. cumana, and a decrease in the accumulation of secondary metabolites, both related to the need of higher photosynthetic activity to supply the parasite with photosynthate. Biochemical mechanisms underlying alterations in photosynthesis must be further investigated. The results obtained showed that multicolour fluorescence imaging can be used to detect fluorescence differences in inoculated sunflower as early as 3 weeks after inoculation. Therefore, this technique can be used as a diagnostic tool for early detection of genotypes of sunflower which are susceptible or resistant to O. cumana.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2010-17909), Junta de Andalucía (P12-AGR370 and P12-AGR1281) and Spanish National Research Council (20134R060).Peer Reviewe

    La pyme española ante la cooperación transnacional

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    This study tackle the phenomenon of the cooperation among enierprises, wich is widely taking place, as it is proved by the constant growth of the number of agreements that has been done lengthwise of the past few years. The objective of the article is to study the cooperation, but in the specific case of the spanish Hales and médium entreprises (PYMES). For that, behind making a revisión about the Hterature existing in relation with the theme, it is enumérate the gains and disaventages, as welt as of the barriers thát the PYMES find in relation with the cooperation. Later on it is describe the more important actions that, in the sphere of the Economic Union, is being taken, for promoting this kind of agreements. Firially, it is analysed the PYMES spanish's participation in these programs. From the datas it is known, among other conclusions, the predominance of the agreements of commercial content, unlike that it happens in the agreements among large corporations where the agreements technological-productive are more frequents.Ce travaü aborde le phónoméne de la coopération entre les entreprises, lequel est en train de beaueoup se développer. Pour le montrer nous pouvons signaler la croissance continué du nombre d*accords qui ont été réalisés pendant les derniéres années. L'objectif de cet article est d'étudier la coopération, mais pour le cas concret des petites et moyennes entreprises (PYMES) espagnoles. Pour céla, aprés analyser la litérature existante á ce sujet-lá, nous signalons les avantages et desaventages, et aussi les barriéres que les PYMES trouvent face á la coopération. Aprés nous avons décrit les mesures Ies plus importantes qui ont été prises, dans le cadre de L'Union Europééne, pour développer la formalisation de ce gerice d'accords. Finalment nous avons analysé la participation des PYMES espagnoles dans ees programmes. Á partir des données utilisées nous pouvons établir, parmi d'autres conclusions, la prédominance des accords commerciaux, contrairement á ce qui passe par rapport aux accords entre les grandes corporations, oü les accords tcchnologiques-producüfs sont les plus fréquentes