339 research outputs found

    La participación educativa de la mujer en su proceso de envejecimiento: retos y posibilidades

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    [Resumen] El estudio del proceso de envejecimiento desde parámetros educativos y/o pedagógicos es una realidad en creciente desarrollo. En este marco cobra cada día más fuerza la experiencia educativa de muchas mujeres mayores para las que la educación (formal o no formal) encierra un doble significado de reto, en ocasiones dificultoso, y de satisfacción personal. Partiendo de una experiencia concreta de intervención educativa e investigación llevada a cabo con mujeres mayores, el objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre la incidencia de la participación educativa en la vida y el proceso de envejecimiento de la mujer, sobre su percepción del aprendizaje y sobre las condiciones y elementos que contribuyen a optimizar los procesos instruccionales en los que participan[Abstract] The study of aging process from educative and/or pedagogic parameters is a reality in growing development. In this framework, a double meaning educative experience (formal and non formal) becomes more and more important for elderly women. These meanings are challenge, sometimes difficult, and personal satisfaction. We start from a concrete experience in educative intervention and research on elderly women. The main objective is to reflect on how the educative participation can affect women's life and aging process, as well as their leaming perception. A secondary objective is to analyse conditions and elements that contribute to optimise the educational process in which they take part

    BETTY: Benchmarking and Testing on the Automated Analysis of Feature Models

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    The automated analysis of feature models is a flourishing research topic that has called the attention of both researchers and practitioners during the last two decades. During this time, the number of tools and techniques enabling the analysis of feature models has increased and also their complexity. in this scenario, the lack of specific testing mechanisms to assess the correctness and good performance of analysis tools is becoming a major obstacle hindering the development of tools and affecting their quality and reliability. in this paper, we present BeTTy, a framework for BEnchmarking and TesTing on the analY sis of feature models. Among other features, BeTTy enables the automated detection of faults in feature model analysis tools. Also, it supports the generation of motivating test data to evaluate the performance of analysis tools in both average and pessimistic cases. Part of the functionality of the framework is provided through a web-based interface facilitating the random generation of both classic and attributed feature models

    ISA PACKAGER: a Tool for SPL Deployment

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    In software projects, and particularly in Software Product Line (SPL) projects, product composition and deployment are tasks that are not supported by open source tools. These tasks are repetitive and error-prone. Automation helps on reducing the errors while the productivity increases. in this paper we present a real-world experience through ISA Packager, a generic tool to package and deploy SPLs. in this experience we build a SPL of SCADAs (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). Each customized SCADA product evolves in time and ISA Packager is in charge of easing product maintenance and updating

    Multi-User Variability Configuration: a Game Theoretic Approach

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    Multi-user configuration is a neglected problem in variability-intensive systems area. The appearance of conflicts among user configurations is a main concern. Current approaches focus on avoiding such conflicts, applying the mutual exclusion principle. However, this perspective has a negative impact on users satisfaction, who cannot make any decision fairly. in this work, we propose an interpretation of multi-user configuration as a game theoretic problem. Game theory is a well-known discipline which analyzes conflicts and cooperation among intelligent rational decisionmakers. We present a taxonomy of multi-user configuration approaches, and how they can be interpreted as different problems of game theory. We focus on cooperative game theory to propose and automate a tradeoff-based bargaining approach, as a way to solve the conflicts and maximize user satisfaction at the same time

    Philopatry and natal dispersal of Montagu's harriers (Circus pygargus) breeding in Spain: a review of existing data

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    et al.Natal dispersal is an important component of bird ecology, plays a key role in many ecological and evolutionary processes, and has important conservation implications. Nevertheless, detailed knowledge on natal dispersal is still lacking in many bird species, especially raptors. We review and compile existing information from five tagging programmes of juvenile Montagu's harriers (Circus pygargus) in different Spanish regions, with PVC rings or wing tags, to provide an assessment of philopatry and natal dispersal of the species in Spain. Only 7% of all tagged harriers were observed as breeders in subsequent years. The percentage of philopatric (i. e. breeding within 10 km of the natal site) males and females was lower that 5%. Overall, there were no sexual differences in percentage of philopatric birds or dispersal distances, but we found study area differences. The low philopatry observed suggests a high capacity for natal dispersal in this species, for both sexes, and therefore high genetic mixing between populations. Differences in philopatry between study areas may be influenced by the different observation effort or detectability, or else reflect different philopatric strategies among populations. Finally, we found no significant differences in philopatry rate or dispersal distances related to tagging method, suggesting that tagging technique has a smaller effect than monitoring effort or observation ease on observation probability. Developing tagging programmes at a small scale and without procuring very large-scale and intensive subsequent monitoring is not worthwhile for evaluating philopatry and natal dispersal in this species.We are grateful to the Servicio de Biodiversidad from Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Agua, Urbanismo y Vivienda (Generalitat Valenciana) for providing data from the Castellón area. In Tarifa, the population study was funded by Fundación Migres through a collaboration project with the Asociación Eólica de Tarifa, and theringing programme was carried out by Milvus-GOES and Cigüeña Negra ringing groups. R. L. has a postdoctoral grant (reference 10/12-C) co-funded by the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha) and the European Social Fund.Peer Reviewe

    FaMa Abductive: una herramienta para explicaciones de errores en modelos de características

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    La diagnosis de errores es una asignatura pendiente de gran parte de las herramientas de an´alisis de modelos de caracter´ısticas. Realizar este proceso manualmente no es viable con modelos de tama˜no medio/grande, e incluso tampoco para modelos peque˜nos, pues la mayor´ıa de errores son extremadamente dif´ıciles de detectar y m´as a´un de explicar. En esta demo presentamos FaMa Abductive, una extensi´on de la herramienta FaMa, encargada de la diagnosis autom´atica en modelos de caracter´ısticas. Esta herramienta provee detecci´on y explicaciones para errores en modelos de caracter´ısticas, tanto b´asicos como extendidos, y tambi´en para productos err´oneos en modelos de caracter´ısticas b´asicos

    Configurable Feature Models

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    Feature models represent all the products that can be built under a variability-intensive system such as a software product line, but they are not fully configurable. There exist no explicit effort in defining configuration models that enable making decisions on attributes and cardinalities in feature models that use these artefacts. In this paper we present configurable feature models as an evolution from feature models that integrate configuration models within, improving the configurability of variability-intensive systems

    The relationship among service experience, perceived value and behavioural intentions of customers in a group fitness class

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    Comprender la percepción del consumidor durante su experiencia dentro de un centro de fitness resulta fundamental para que los gerentes puedan entender las intenciones de comportamiento futuras de sus abonados. Este estudio pretende esclarecer la importancia y la necesaria evaluación de la experiencia de servicio, el valor percibido y la intenciones de comportamiento, así como la relación entre dichas variables dentro de las actividades dirigidas con técnico y las actividades dirigidas virtuales, utilizando para ello una muestra de 1.943 usuarios. El análisis factorial confirmatorio indica un adecuado ajuste para el modelo de medida propuesto. Por otro lado, el análisis de ecuaciones estructurales utilizado revela una relación positiva y significativa de las experiencias de servicio hacia el valor percibido y las intenciones de comportamiento respectivamente. Sin embargo, el modelo muestra un pobre ajuste entre el valor percibido y las intenciones de comportamiento. La percepción global del consumidor en ambas actividades puede resultar un elemento de estudio para los gerentes con el objetivo de mejorar la oferta de servicios de fitness utilizando las nuevas tecnologías para así incrementar las intenciones de compra.Understanding the importance of the customer perception during the experience in the fitness centre is fundamental to comprehend behavioural intentions for fitness centre managers. This study attempts to understand how important and necessary is consumer's assessment of service experience, perceived value, and behavioural intention, and the relationships among theses variables into group fitness class (GFC), and Virtual fitness class (VFC). Data was collected from 1.943 customers. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated an adequate goodness-of-fit-indexes for the model obtained. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed the positive and significant effect of service experience on customers' perceived value and behavioural intention, but results show that perceived value has poor fit on behavioural intentions. The overall customer's perception of GFC and VFC can be a focus for fitness centre's managers aiming to improve fitness service supply related to new technologies in the fitness industry to increase intentions to repurchase