862 research outputs found


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    Objective: To test the reliability of dietary intake data measured with an online food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) applied to a university population by comparing the results with those from a paper and pencil version. Materials and methods: A total of 50 students were recruited from the second-year Food Technology course at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Comunidad Valenciana, Spain) in the academic year 2008-2009. The students were between the ages of 20- 32. The participants completed both presentation modes of the FFQ (paper and pencil and online) in a cross-over study with a time interval of 3-week. To study the effect of ordering of the questionnaires, participants were randomly assigned to group A (paper and pencil FFQ first) and group B (online FFQ first). Both self-administered semi-quantitative presentations of the FFQ included 84 food items divided into six groups (dairy products; eggs, meat and fish; vegetables, legumes and fruits; bread, cereals and similar; oils, fats and sweets; beverages and pre-cooked). Participants were asked how frequently and how much each food item they had consumed in the previous year. Results: The response rate was 78% (39 students, 23% men and 77% women). For the total sample, the median dietary intakes were higher for the paper and pencil FFQ than the online version for energy (2,077 vs. 1,635 kcal/day), proteins (96 vs. 88 g/day), carbohydrates (272 vs. 211 g/day), and fat (70 vs. 58 g/day), respectively. These differences were statistically significant. However, there were not significant differences between the two presentations when the consumption by groups of food was calculated, except for "beverages and pre-cooked" group. Conclusions: The pilot testing showed that this online FFQ is a useful tool for estimating the intake of food groups in this university population. On the other hand, the differences found in the results of the absolute quantities of energy and nutrients intakes were not clear. These differences could be due to the problems that the participants had for reporting portion size in the paper and pencil FFQ as photographs of portion sizes were not presented.[ES] Objetivo: Estudiar la fiabilidad de los datos de ingesta dietética medidos con un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos online aplicado a la población universitaria comparando los resultados con los obtenidos mediante el cuestionario en formato papel. Materiales y métodos: Un total de 50 estudiantes del segundo curso de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos en la Universitat Politècnica de València (Comunidad Valenciana, España) en el año académico 2008-2009 participaron en el estudio. El rango de edad de los participantes oscilaba entre 20 y 32 años. En un estudio cruzado, los participantes completaron ambas presentaciones del cuestionario (formato papel y versión online) en un intervalo de 3 semanas. Para estudiar el efecto del orden de autoadministración de los cuestionarios, los participantes fueron asignados al azar en el grupo A (realizaron primero el cuestionario en formato papel) y en el grupo B (realizaron primero la versión online). Ambas presentaciones del cuestionario eran autoadministradas y semicuantitativas e incluían una lista de 84 alimentos divididos en seis grupos (productos lácteos; huevos, carne y pescado; vegetales, legumbres y frutas; pan, cereales y similares; aceites, grasas y dulces; bebidas y precocinados). Para cada alimento que los participantes habían consumido el año anterior debían indicar la frecuencia y la cantidad consumida. Resultados:La tasa de respuesta fue del 78% (39 estudiantes, 23% hombre y 77% mujeres). Para el total de la muestra, la mediana de la ingesta dietética fue mayor en el cuestionario en papel que en la versión online para la energía (2.077 vs 1.635 kcal/día), las proteínas (96 vs 88 g/día), los hidratos de carbono (272 vs 211 g/día) y las grasas (70 vs. 58 g/día), respectivamente. Estas diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas. Sin embargo, no hubieron diferencias significativas entre ambas presentaciones cuando el consumo por grupos de alimentos fue calculado, excepto para el grupo de ¿bebidas y precocinados¿. Conclusiones:El estudio piloto mostró que este cuestionario online es una herramienta útil para estimar la ingesta de los grupos de alimentos en esta población universitaria. En cambio, las diferencias encontradas en los resultados de energía y nutrientes no fueron concluyentes. Éstas pudieron deberse a los problemas que tuvieron los participantes para indicar el tamaño de porción ingerida en el cuestionario en papel porque las fotografías de los tamaños de ración no se mostraban.Gonzalez-Carrascosa, R. has a predoctoral scholarship of the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain).González Carrascosa, R.; García Segovia, P.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2011). Paper and pencil vs online self-administered food frequency questionnaire(FFQ) applied to university population: a pilot study. Nutricion Hospitalaria. 26(6):1378-1384. doi:10.3305/nh.2011.26.6.5261S1378138426

    Uncovering the adult morphology of the forearm bones from the Sima de los Huesos Site in Atapuerca (Spain), with comments on biomechanical features

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    [EN] The forearm skeleton is composed of two bones: the radius and the ulna. This is closely related to manipulative movements. The ulna is part of the elbow joint, whereas the radius and ulna together with the scaphoid and lunate bones, form the wrist joints. Thus, morphofunctional analysis of the adult Sima de los Huesos (SH) forearm bones, provides clues about manipulative activities in one Pleistocene population. From 1976 to the present, over 7000 human fossils have been recovered from the SH site. The radial sample comprised 98 labeled fragments, of which 49 belonged to adult individuals, representing at least 7 individuals. The ulnar sample included 31 labeled adult fossils representing at least nine individuals. In this study, we describe the SH radii and ulnae and analyze their functional implications for manipulative and forearm movements. We confirmed that the SH radii are long and curved, with variations in robusticity and radial tuberosity orientation. The SH ulnae are characterized by an anteriorly oriented trochlear notch, a massive olecranon process, an obliquely oriented radial notch, a blunt and short supinator crest, a gracile and curved diaphysis, and a round and anteriorly oriented pronator crests. In general, they exhibit Neanderthal morphology. The SH collection provides a unique opportunity to conduct morphological analyses of these bones in the Middle Pleistocene population.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    New insight into prehistoric craft specialisation. Tooth-tool use in the Chalcolithic burial site of Camino del Molino, Murcia, SE Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThe study of non-alimentary tooth wear is an excellent tool to identify the development of specific activities and thus, to delve deeper into the social organisation and complexity of past populations. This paper analyses extra-masticatory wear in the dentition of a sample of 102 articulated skeletons from Camino del Molino, a unique collective tomb that housed 1,348 individuals throughout two contiguous phases spanning much of the 3rd millennium BC. After preliminary macroscopic observation of the dental sample, 8 individuals with cultural dental wear were identified and 5 of them were analysed with SEM. In all cases, the maxillary anterior dentition displays evidence that can be defined as occlusal and interproximal grooves consisting of fine, parallel striations, as well as labial notches and chipping of the enamel. The results suggest that 8 individuals, mostly women, used their dentition in craft tasks, such as in the processing of fibres for textile production, hence representing the earliest evidence of craft specialisation in the Iberian Peninsula and potential proof of a possible sex-based division of labour in a Chalcolithic community

    Molecular insights into the effects of focused ultrasound mechanotherapy on lipid bilayers:Unlocking the keys to design effective treatments

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    Administration of focused ultrasounds (US) represents an attractive complement to classical therapies for a wide range of maladies, from cancer to neurological pathologies, as they are non-invasive, easily targeted, their dosage is easy to control, and they involve low risks. Different mechanisms have been proposed for their activity but the direct effect of their interaction with cell membranes is not well understood at the molecular level. This is in part due to the difficulty of designing experiments able to probe the required spatio-temporal resolutions. Here we use Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations at two resolution levels and machine learning (ML) classification tools to shed light on the effects that focused US mechanotherapy methods have over a range of lipid bilayers. Our results indicate that the dynamic-structural response of the membrane models to the mechanical perturbations caused by the sound waves strongly depends on the lipid composition. The analyses performed on the MD trajectories contribute to a better understanding of the behavior of lipid membranes, and to open up a path for the rational design of new therapies for the long list of diseases characterized by specific lipid profiles of pathological membrane cells.</p

    Environmental assessment of menus for toddlers serviced at nursery canteen following the Atlantic diet recommendations

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    Menus served at public services can be considered as a good opportunity for consumers to demand a service that ensures healthy and environmentally friendly food. It is especially in the sector of nurseries and schools, where these demands make the most sense since they call for the protection of particularly vulnerable population: children. The purpose of this study is to analyze the biweekly menus served at a public Spanish nursery canteen considering the link with the two most recognized environmental indicators: the consumptive water footprint (WF) and the carbon footprint (CF). The WF and CF of the menus vary considerably between menus (619–1359 L·menu−1 and 0.75–2.95 kg CO2eq·menu−1). The assessment has identified non-dairy sources of protein and dairy-based products as the key food categories in all menus. Menus with more meat (mostly beef) and dairy products (mainly cheese) were associated with higher impacts. That is, the average impact of menus with beef is about 2 times greater than the one of all other menus. The distribution and cooking stages presented negligible contributions in terms of greenhouse gases emissions, mainly due to the consumption of local/regional products and low-energy intensive cooking techniques. The most important strategy for reducing environmental impacts is based on reducing the frequency of consumption of beef, so that poultry and lean pork are consumed alternately. This reduction should not compromise the necessary protein intake for toddlers. Attention should also be paid to afternoon snacks that are rich in cold meat and dairy products. Considering these issues, significant reductions in WF and CF indicators could be achieved, up to 550 L·menu−1 and 0.70 kg CO2eq·menu−1. Since eating habits introduced at an early stage are more likely to develop into adult behaviour, children canteen services are an excellent opportunity to promote healthy eating habits in children and their familiesThis research has been partially supported by a project granted by Xunta de Galicia (project ref. ED431F 2016/001 and by a project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Proyectos de Investigación en Salud-ISCIII (project ref. PI16/01301). S.G-G. would like to express her gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for financial support (Grant reference RYC-2014-14984). S.G.-G., X.E-Ll., G.F. and M.T.M. belong to the Galician Competitive Research Group GRC 2013-032. All these programs are co-funded by Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (EU)S


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    What happens when a cruise tourist arrives in Vigo (Galicia-Spain) and feels culture-hungry enough to explore the local cuisine? There are two possible ways to go about it: walking around the port area and trying some of the exquisite dishes which are kindly offered by the surrounding caterers, or with modern day technology surfing the city’s websites, for example, http://www.turismodevigo.org. Precisely here, some of the information offered deals with typical food any visitor can taste and includes recipes and information about food festivals. “[A]s all our behaviour is culture-specific” (Vermeer, 1994, p. 10), this paper aims to discuss how the translation of food on this mainstream website translated from either Spanish or Galician (or both) into English and Portuguese, yet not into French or Italian, can encourage or discourage visitors from savouring some of the most typical Galician dishes. One of the challenges of Translation Studies is dealing with cross-cultural references, which always increase the difficulty of transferring content from one language to another. The specific cultural barriers related to food might lead the translator to modify, adapt or even omit some of the content in order to make the translation (and explicitly the food) more delectable

    Evaluación de políticas públicas en salud: caso promoción y comunicación de la salud en México

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    Comunicación oral presentada en el 3er Congreso Internacional de Comunicación en Salud (3ICHC), celebrado los días 19 y 20 de octubre de 2017 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación de políticas públicas en salud de la promoción y comunicación de la salud a nivel estatal, municipal y comunitario; a partir de: conceptualizar los objetivos de los modelos teóricos y metodológicos, así como los mecanismos de evaluación de los programas de salud pública; identificar los indicadores metodológicos de evidencia de promoción y comunicación de la salud


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    The food frequency questionnaires are widely used in epidemiological researches like dietary assessment method. Traditionally, they have been self-administered in paper but the use of information and communication technologies has led to develop Internet and computerized food frequency questionnaires. It is the objective of this article to offer a global perspective of the new technologies applied to FFQ. It will be presented the purpose of the food frequency questionnaire, the number of strengths of the web-based surveys versus print-surveys and finally, a description of the manuscripts that have used web-based and computerized FFQ.[ES] Resumen Los cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos son muy utilizados en investigaciones epidemiológicas como método para evaluar la dieta. Tradicionalmente, han sido autoadministrados en papel, pero el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) ha permitido desarrollar cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos computerizados y a través de Internet. El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer una perspectiva actual del uso de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al diseño e interpretación de los cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos. En el presente trabajo se resumen los objetivos de los cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos, las ventajas de los cuestionarios autoadministrados por Internet frente a los administrados en papel y finalmente, se describirán diferentes estudios que han usado cuestionarios de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos autoadministrados mediante el uso de ordenador o a través de Internet.Gonzalez-Carrascosa, R. has a predoctoral scholarship from Generalitat Valenciana (Spain).García Segovia, P.; González Carrascosa, R.; Martínez Monzó, J.; Ngo, J.; Serra-Majem, L. (2011). New technologies applied to food frequency questionnaires: a currentperspective. Nutricion Hospitalaria. 26(4):803-806. doi:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5154S80380626

    A Neanderthal Lower Incisor from Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona, Spain)

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    La Cova del Gegant está localizada en el término municipal de Sitges (Barcelona, España). La cavidad está desarrollada dentro de una diaclasa en un pequeño sistema kárstico que contiene material paleontológico y arqueológico del Pleistoceno Superior (Daura, et al., 2005). El yacimiento fue excavado por primera vez en 1954 y posteriormente en la década de los ’70 (Viñas, 1972; Viñas & Villalta, 1975) y ‘80 (Martínez et al., 1985; Mora, 1988; Martínez et al., 1990). Finalmente desde el 2007 el GRQ ha reiniciado los trabajos arqueológicos (Daura, 2008; Daura et al., 2010). En la primera campaña se recuperó una mandíbula humana que fue objeto de un minucioso análisis y publicada recientemente (Daura et al., 2005), esta mandíbula pertenecería a un individuo de la especie Homo neanderthalensis. En este trabajo describimos por primera vez un diente humano que fue recuperado en los trabajos arqueológicos de los años setenta e identificado como tal durante una revisión reciente del material en el año 2010. El resto es un Incisivo Inferior Lateral Permanente. Su preservación es bastante buena, se conserva la totalidad de la corona, aunque la raíz está rota en su tercio apical. Este hecho hace muy difícil determinar si el diente ya estaba completamente formado o no. En la corona se aprecia un ligero desgaste oclusal inclinado hacia distal, pero sin exposición de dentina, además de una faceta mesial de contacto. La superficie Bucal es curvada y posee una fractura longitudinal en el esmalte. La superficie lingual muestra una forma de pala muy ligera con un ligero tubérculo lingual. La corona está cubierta por unas pequeñas manchas de concreción sedimentaria. El análisis métrico muestra que este diente es lo suficientemente grande como para pertenecer a la especie neandertal tanto de manera absoluta como relativa (Diámetro Bucolingual=7.71mm; Diámetro Mesiodistal=7.30mm). Para probar esto se realiza una aproximación gráfica y un análisis discriminante. Este último se realiza para tener la probabilidad de asignación a una especie particular. La asociación de este diente con la mandíbula recuperada previamente es muy difícil debido a la aparente diferencia de edad entre ambos elementos anatómicos. Uno representaría a un adulto (la mandíbula) y el otro representaría a un subadulto de entre 8 y 10 años