8,327 research outputs found

    Solid flow drives surface nanopatterning by ion-beam irradiation

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    Ion Beam Sputtering (IBS) is known to produce surface nanopatterns over macroscopic areas on a wide range of materials. However, in spite of the technological potential of this route to nanostructuring, the physical process by which these surfaces self-organize remains poorly under- stood. We have performed detailed experiments of IBS on Si substrates that validate dynamical and morphological predictions from a hydrodynamic description of the phenomenon. Our results elucidate flow of a nanoscopically thin and highly viscous surface layer, driven by the stress created by the ion-beam, as a description of the system. This type of slow relaxation is akin to flow of macroscopic solids like glaciers or lead pipes, that is driven by defect dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Coupling of morphology to surface transport in ion-beam irradiated surfaces. I. Oblique incidence

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    We propose and study a continuum model for the dynamics of amorphizable surfaces undergoing ion-beam sputtering (IBS) at intermediate energies and oblique incidence. After considering the current limitations of more standard descriptions in which a single evolution equation is posed for the surface height, we overcome (some of) them by explicitly formulating the dynamics of the species that transport along the surface, and by coupling it to that of the surface height proper. In this we follow recent proposals inspired by ``hydrodynamic'' descriptions of pattern formation in aeolian sand dunes and ion-sputtered systems. From this enlarged model, and by exploiting the time-scale separation among various dynamical processes in the system, we derive a single height equation in which coefficients can be related to experimental parameters. This equation generalizes those obtained by previous continuum models and is able to account for many experimental features of pattern formation by IBS at oblique incidence, such as the evolution of the irradiation-induced amorphous layer, transverse ripple motion with non-uniform velocity, ripple coarsening, onset of kinetic roughening and other. Additionally, the dynamics of the full two-field model is compared with that of the effective interface equation.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. Movies of figures 6, 7, and 8 available at http://gisc.uc3m.es/~javier/Movies

    Coulomb explosion sputtering of selectively oxidized Si

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    We have studied multiply charged Arq+ ion induced potential sputtering of a unique system comprising of coexisting Silicon and Silicon oxide surfaces. Such surfaces are produced by oblique angle oxygen ion bombardment on Si(100), where ripple structures are formed and one side of each ripple gets more oxidized. It is observed that higher the potential energy of Arq+ ion, higher the sputtering yield of the non conducting (oxide) side of the ripple as compared to the semiconducting side. The results are explained in terms of Coulomb explosion model where potential sputtering depends on the conductivity of the ion impact sites.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figure

    Contribution to ehtno-genetic chatacterisation of anandalusian canine dog racial group

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    We are analysing a sample of 53 animals (16 males and 37 females) of Andalusian mouse hunter dogs or caves dog, with a view to obtain their ethnogenetic characterisation. From our results we have concluded that this population is a racial group presenting a great homogeneity in the variables and zoometric indexes studied, as in the phaneroptical aspects. Their morphology is as a small format, probably elipometrics, with proportional leg length, brevilineous cephalic and body proportions. This population present a three-coloured coat, generally white colour on the body and “black and tan” on the head; the hair is short and smooth, the mucosae is black and the iris brown. With respect the bite, the most frequent are the tweezers form and the scissors, also in few animals we have found the absence of premolars.Se analiza una muestra de perros ratoneros o bodegueros compuesta por 53 ejemplares de los cuales 16 eran machos y 37 hembras, con objeto de lograr una caracterización etnogenética. De los resultados obtenidos concluimos que se trata de una agrupación racial que presenta gran homogeneidad tanto en las variables e índices zoométricos estudiados como en los aspectos fanerópticos. Morfológicamente se trata de animales de formato pequeño, posiblemente elipométricos, ni lejos ni cerca de tierra, y de proporciones braquicéfalas y brevilíneas en cuanto a sus proporciones cefálicas y corporales respectivamente. Fanerópticamente esta población presenta una capa tricolor, generalmente blanco en el cuerpo y negro-fuego en la cabeza, el pelo corto y liso, la pigmentación de las mucosas negras y el iris castaño. En cuanto a la mordida los tipos más frecuentes son en tijera y pinza, y en un escaso número de ejemplares existe ausencia de premolares

    Thermal diagnostic of the Optical Window on board LISA Pathfinder

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    Vacuum conditions inside the LTP Gravitational Reference Sensor must comply with rather demanding requirements. The Optical Window (OW) is an interface which seals the vacuum enclosure and, at the same time, lets the laser beam go through for interferometric Metrology with the test masses. The OW is a plane-parallel plate clamped in a Titanium flange, and is considerably sensitive to thermal and stress fluctuations. It is critical for the required precision measurements, hence its temperature will be carefully monitored in flight. This paper reports on the results of a series of OW characterisation laboratory runs, intended to study its response to selected thermal signals, as well as their fit to numerical models, and the meaning of the latter. We find that a single pole ARMA transfer function provides a consistent approximation to the OW response to thermal excitations, and derive a relationship with the physical processes taking place in the OW. We also show how system noise reduction can be accomplished by means of that transfer function.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    RDF(S) Interoperability Results for Semantic Web Technologies

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    Interoperability among different development tools is not a straightforward task since ontology editors rely on specific internal knowledge models which are translated into common formats such as RDF(S). This paper addresses the urgent need for interoperability by providing an exhaustive set of benchmark suites for evaluating RDF(S) import, export and interoperability. It also demonstrates, in an extensive field study, the state of-the-art of interoperability among six Semantic Web tools. From this field study we have compiled a comprehensive set of practices that may serve as recommendations for Semantic Web tool developers and ontology engineers

    A shift in the spatial pattern of Iberian droughts during the 17th century

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    In this paper, series of drought occurrence and drought extension in the Iberian Peninsula are constructed for the 1600–1750 period from seven rogation series. These rogation ceremony records come from Bilbao, Catalonia, Zamora, Zaragoza, Toledo, Murcia and Seville. They are distributed across the Peninsula and include the areas with the most characteristic Iberian climate types, influenced by the Atlantic and the Mediterranean conditions, described from modern data. A seasonal division of the series shows that spring is a critical season for rogation series in most of Iberia, being Bilbao the only site were the highest number of rogations is detected for a different season. The annual analysis of the series shows a dramatic difference between the first half of the 17th century when droughts are characterized by its local character; and the rest of the period, when they affect to broader regions or even to the whole Peninsula. The analysis of spring series confirms the existence of the two periods detected in the annual analysis. Finally, secondary documentary sources are used to further characterise the two most extended droughts in the period, 1664 and 1680, and to verify the extension of the areas affected by droughts recorded through rogation series

    Coupled Analysis of Thorium-based Fuels in the High-Performance Light Water Reactor Fuel Assembly

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    One of the six selected concepts to be part of Generation IV nuclear reactors is the Supercritical Light Water Cooled Reactor. The High-Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR) is the European version and it is a very promising design. In recent years, interest in the study of thorium-based fuel cycles has been renewed and its possibilities for current LWRs have been evaluated. The use of thorium-based fuels will be fundamental in the future sustainability of nuclear energy, since in addition to its abundance in nature, thorium has an important group of advantages. In this paper, performance of thorium-based fuels in the typical fuel assembly of the HPLWR reactor is evaluated, using a computational model based on CFD and Monte Carlo codes for the neutronic/thermal-hydraulic coupled analysis. The volumetric power density profiles, coolant temperature profiles, fuel temperature profiles and others are compared with those obtained for standard UO2 fuel. When the thorium-based fuels are used, the obtained infinite multiplication coefficients are smaller than the value obtained when UO2 is used, since the 232Th isotope has a lower contribution to the multiplicative properties of the medium than 238U. As a result, a difference of approximately 12 000 pcm was observed. The results verified that the HPLWR is a thermal reactor with a hard spectrum. There are no notable changes in the neutron spectrum if the mass fraction of thorium is slightly varied.  With coupled analysis, the potential benefits of the utilization of thorium-based fuels were verified. Moreover, a significant temperature decrease by 136 K on the center line of the fuel elements was observed. When the mass fraction of thorium increases in the oxides mixture, the weighted average temperature on the fuel elements decreases