5,305 research outputs found

    HCO3- enrichment causes cytosolic NO3- efflux in Posidonia oceanica leaf cells

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    Posidonia oceanica is a seagrass, the only group of vascular plants to colonize the marine environment. Seawater is an extreme yet stable environment, characterized by high salinity, alkaline pH and low availability of essential nutrients, such as nitrate or phosphate. In addition, in aquatic environments the supply of CO2 for the photosynthesis is limited by diffusion and therefore many aquatic plants use HCO3- as the inorganic carbon source for photosynthesis. Previous results have shown that Na+ -dependent transport systems operate on the plasma membrane of P. oceanica mesophyll leaf cells for the high-affinity NO3-, Pi or amino acids uptake. Also, a direct transport of HCO3- driven by H+ has been found in this species that provides inorganic carbon for photosynthesis and could be a significant component of a carbon concentrating mechanism in this species. Interestingly, this HCO3- direct uptake caused the efflux of chloride from the cytosol, probably through S-type anion channels, pointing that other anions could also be removed from the cytosol. This hypothesis could be relevant in the case of NO3-, since the decrease of cytosolic NO3- in response to HCO3- enrichment could limit N-assimilation. Here we analyse the effect of HCO3- increase on NO3- uptake and cytosolic homeostasis in P. oceanica. Enrichment of natural seawater with 3 mM HCO3- evokes the on-going decrease of cytosolic NO3-, from 5.7 ± 0.2 to 4.8 ± 0.7 mM after 40 min of treatment. The incubation of P. oceanica leaf pieces in 3 mM HCO3- NSW causes an initial increase of NO3- concentration in the medium. Maximum efflux (21 nmol NO3- gFM-1 min-1) occurs within the first minute of incubation. Then, external NO3- is depleted from the medium at lower net uptake rate than the value observed in non HCO3- -enriched natural seawater. These results fit the hypothesis that HCO3- enrichment causes the nitrogen loose and could impair nitrogen assimilation promoting N biomass impoverishment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Spanish MINECO, projects BFU2017-85117-R and BIO2016-81957-RED

    Na+-dependent NO3- uptake in leaf cells of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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    Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is an endemic Mediterranean seagrass of recognized ecological significance and, as other seagrasses, this species has secondarily adapted to live in the marine environment. In this alkaline medium with a high Na+ concentration (0.5 M), the high inwardly directed electrochemical potential gradient for sodium is used in the seagrass Zostera marina to energize the uptake of nitrate1 and phosphate that usually occur at concentration below 10 µM. Here we summarize several evidences for the operation of a sodium-dependent high-affinity nitrate transport system at the plasma membrane of the mesophyll leaf cells of P. oceanica. Leaf cells of P. oceanica possess a H+-ATPase as a primary pump, exhibit a plasma membrane potential (Em) of -174 ± 10 mV and show reduced Na+ permeability. The addition of micromolar nitrate concentrations induces membrane depolarizations that show saturation kinetics. Curve fitting of the values renders a semisaturation constant (Km) of 21.3 ± 6.6 μM and a maximum depolarization (Dmax) of 7 ± 1 mV. In dark conditions, Dmax decreases by fifty percent but no significant effect is observed on the Km value. On the other hand, nitrate induced depolarizations show sodium dependence. The depolarizations induced by 100 µM NO3- in media containing increasing Na+ concentrations (from 0 to 250 mM) show saturation kinetics, rendering a Km value of 16 ± 5 mM Na+. Moreover, the depolarization induced by 100 µM NO3- is accompanied by a simultaneous increase of cytosolic sodium, measured by Na+-sensitive microelectrodes, of 0.4 ± 0.2 mM above the resting cytosolic sodium concentration (17 ± 2 mM). Finally, nitrate uptake rates, measured in depletion experiments, decreases by 50% and 80% in dark conditions and in the absence of Na+, respectively, compared with control conditions (0.5 M Na+ and light). All together, these results strongly suggest that NO3- uptake in P. oceanica leaf cells is mediated by a high-affinity nitrate carrier that uses Na+ as the driving ion. 1 Rubio et al. (2005). J. Exp. Bot, 412: 613-622. Project Funding: CTM 2011-30356. (MEC)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effect of elevated inorganic carbon on the cytosolic homeostasis of NO3- in the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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    The marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica is a mediterranean endemism of great ecological significance. As other marine plants, P. oceanica has adapted secondarily to the marine environment and develop anew different mechanisms to colonize it. Among others, this plant has developed a plasma membrane system for the direct uptake of bicarbonate. In this work we have developed both NO3- and Cl- selective microelectrodes for the continuous monitoring of the intracellular (cytosolic) NO3- and Cl-. In the light, leaf mesophyll cells show a cytosolic NO3- concentration of 5.7±0.2 mM (n=10), while in the dark cytosolic NO3- raises up to 8.7±1.1 mM; these values are in the range of concentrations quoted for Arabidopsis thaliana (Cookson et al., 2005). The enrichment of natural seawater (NSW) with 3 mM NaHCO3 caused a decrease of the cytosolic NO3- concentration of 1 mM and a decrease of the cytosolic concentration of Cl- of 3.5 mM. The saturation of NSW with 1000 µL CO2 L-1 produced a lower diminution of the cytosolic NO3- (0.3 mM). In the presence of 0.1 mM of the plasma membrane permeable inhibitor of the carbonic anhydrase (EZ) the diminution of cytosolic NO3- caused by the same concentration of CO2 was much lower, 0.1 mM. The addition of inorganic carbon, either HCO3- or CO2, has an effect on the cytosolic mechanisms for anionic homeostasis, one of which is the opening of the slow anion channels. These channels are permeable to NO3- and Cl- and could elicit the efflux of these ions. In P. oceanica, the response in the presence of EZ points out that the inorganic carbon species that cause the NO3-/Cl- efflux is HCO3-. This effect could contribute to plant biomass N dilution observed in elevated CO2. References: Cookson et al. 2005. Plant Physiology 138, 1097–1105.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Memoria de las prácticas profesionales de traducción: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Traducció Medicosanitària. Codi: SBA031. Curs: 2017/201

    The oral style and the faces of God in the Book of Revelation

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    El Apocalipsis constituye el último libro de la Biblia cristiana. Se trata de un texto escrito para ser leído en voz alta, como se dice expresamente en Ap 1,3: Μακάριος ὁ ἀναγινώσκων καὶ οἱ ἀκούοντες, ‘bienaventurado el que lee en voz alta y los que escuchan’. Por este motivo, Juan de Patmos confi gura su obra sirviéndose del estilo oral, el destinado a ser oído, que facilita al oyente/lector la escucha del texto. Entre los distintos recursos de este estilo, las fórmulas y las repeticiones ocupan un lugar destacado en el Apocalipsis, pues facilitan al oyente/ lector el seguimiento de una compleja trama. No obstante, en ocasiones, da la impresión que Juan de Patmos se sirve de las estrategias del lenguaje oral con otras intenciones, concretamente cuando las fórmulas se aplican a ὁ καθήμενος ἐπὶ τῷ θρόνῳ, ‘el que está sentado en su trono’, y a ὅμοιος υἱὸν ἀνθρώπου, ‘semejante a un hijo de hombre’. Tras el análisis de los textos, se puede concluir que Juan de Patmos utiliza el estilo oral no solo para que el oyente/lector reconozca e identifi que dentro de la trama narrativa a estos personajes, sino también para que a través de su efecto connotativo descubran su rostro, la relación que existe entre ambos y su conexión con la imagen de Dios del AT.The Book of Revelation is the last book of the Christian Bible. It is a text written to be read aloud, as it is stated in Rev 1:3: Μακάριος ὁ ἀναγινώσκων καὶ οἱ ἀκούοντες, ‘blessed is the one who reads aloud and blessed are those who hear’. For this reason, John of Patmos shapes his work by making use of the oral style, the style designed to be heard, which facilitates the listening of the text to the listener/reader. Among the different resources of this style, the formulas and repetitions play an important role in the Book of Revelation, because they assist the listener/reader in following of complex plot. Nevertheless, it sometimes seems that John of Patmos makes use of the strategies of the oral style with other intentions, in particular when the formulas are applied to ὁ καθήμενος ἐπὶ τῷ θρόνῳ, ‘one who sits on the throne’, and ὅμοιος υἱὸν ἀνθρώπου, ‘one like a son of man’. After the analysis of the texts, it is concluded that John of Patmos utilizes the oral style not only so that the listener/reader recognizes and identifi es the characters of the plot, but also discovers by means of the connotative effect of the oral style, the face of God, the relationship that exists between these two characters and their connection with the image of God in the OT

    Specialized or technical dictionaries of the "Siglo de Oro"

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    En este artículo se ha realizado un análisis de lo que se entiende por lexicografía y su aplicación al inicio de los saberes científicos a partir del siglo xvi. En el mismo se han señalado los precedentes de los diccionarios técnicos y del léxico contenido en ellos, así como del vocabulario de carácter especializado que albergan los diccionarios de Palencia, Nebrija y Covarrubias. La elaboración de un diccionario comporta una labor práctica ejecutada con cierta habilidad y bastante experiencia, cualidades que han de redundar en la exigible calidad científica de este tipo de trabajos. Uno de los asuntos que hay que considerar previamente en la realización de una obra lexicográfica consiste en determinar la forma en que deben presentarse las informaciones e indicaciones, de modo que se transmitan de la manera más sistemática, precisa y clara para los lectores potenciales del diccionario. Se expone, por tanto, la plantilla de un Diccionario técnico confiando en que pueda tener validez para todas las épocas de la historia, si bien en este caso se ha establecido el límite en el siglo XVI.In this article I have made an analysis of what is known as lexicography and its application at the beginnings of the scientific knowledge from the xvi century onwards. In it, the preceding technical dictionaries and the lexicon found in them have been pointed out, as well as the specialized vocabulary that is to be found in the dictionaries of Palencia, Nebrija and Covarrubias. The preparation of a dictionary is in need of a practical effort done with certain ability and quite a lot of experience, characteristics that will be essential in the scientific quality that must be demanded from this kind of work. One of the points that have to be considered prior to the elaboration of a lexicographic work is to determine the way in which the different information and indications are to be presented, so as to transmit them in the most systematic, precise and clear mode to the potential readers of the dictionary It is shown, therefore, the pattern of a “technical dictionary”, hoping that it will be valid for all different historical ages although in this occasion the limit has been fixed in the XVI century.Legratec17: proyecto FF12012-36768, financiado por el minecopeerReviewe

    El Quehacer lexicográfico de Antonio de Nebrija diferenciado en el Lexicon y en el Vocabulario

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    En este artículo he estudiado la actitud diferenciada que Antonio de Nebrija mantuvo en el Diccionario latino-español y en el Vocabulario español-latino. Para ello, he seguido diferentes recursos, como son el análisis de los sinónimos en los dos diccionarios, la forma de organizar la creación del diminutivo en castellano en cada obra, la metalengua utilizada en el Lexicon y en el Vocabulario partiendo de las mismas entradas, etc. Después de ver las discrepancias que se manifiestan en los dos repertorios, parece razonable concluir que el gramático salmantino trabajó verosímilmente al mismo tiempo en ambas obras, distribuyendo las entradas entre las dos. Creo que Nebrija introdujo en cada una de ellas pequeñas variaciones y algunas innovaciones en relación con la distinta perspectiva que cada una representa.In this paper I study the different approach of Antonio de Nebrija to the Diccionario latino-español (Latin-Spanish Dictionary) and the Vocabulario español-latino (Spanish- Latin Vocabulary). For this purpose, I have adopted different strategies, such as analysis of the synonyms in both dictionaries, the organization of the formation of diminutives in Castilian in each of these works, the metalanguage used in the Lexicon and the Vocabulario in the same entries, etc. In view of the discrepancies between the two wordlists, it seems reasonable to conclude that the grammarian from Salamanca probably worked on them simultaneously and split the entries between them. I believe that Nebrija introduced minor variations and some innovations into each of them according to the different perspective that each of them represents

    Persona en el seno materno (Sal 139,13.15-16a)

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    Uno de los campos en los que el conocimiento ha experimentado mayores avances en los últimos años es el referente al origen de la vida. Sin caer en concordismos, el asombro del científico es semejante al que sentía el poeta que compuso el Salmo 8 y el Sal 139. Dado que la Ciencia y la Biblia buscan, cada una desde sus ámbitos y con su específica metodología, las respuestas a las preguntas que el hombre se hace acerca de la realidad, un análisis detallado de Sal I3g,i3.i5-i6a puede iluminar a quien conozca lo que la Ciencia está desvelando sobre el origen de la vida. Ciertamente, el salmista describe dos notas esenciales de la persona: a) la conformación progresiva del ser humano en el seno materno; b) la identidad del individuo que se desenvuelve en la vida y la del que se desarrolla en el seno. Ambas características se expresan de forma léxica, gramatical y supragramatical, como se pone de manifiesto en esta investigación

    La lengua de las Novelas Ejemplares: "Rinconete y Cortadillo"

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    En este artículo voy a centrarme en algunos aspectos lingüísticos de las Novelas ejemplares, en concreto en “Rinconete y Cortadillo”. Cervantes en su obra maneja magistralmente la pluma y para ello, en ocasiones, acude al lenguaje coloquial, intercalando frases hechas, refranes o, incluso, recurre al lenguaje marginal para caracterizar a los protagonistas de esta novela. El juego con los diferentes niveles del habla es una característica cervantina del Quijote, pero no sólo lo es en esa magistral obra, sino también este recurso está presente en algunos de los personajes de las “Novelas ejemplares”. En este trabajo he analizado la lengua de “Rinconete y Cortadillo” a través de tres niveles lingüísticos: gráfico-fonético, morfosintáctico y léxico.The focus of this article is to study some linguistic aspects of “Novelas Ejemplares”, particularly “Rinconete y Cortadillo”. Cervantes has a masterful command of his tools as a writer. He sometimes makes use of common speech and includes colloquial expressions, proverbs, or even informal turns of phrase to better show the nature of the characters of this novel. Playing with the different levels of language is then a Cervantine characteristic which we can find not only in “Quijote”, but also in some of the characters of “Novelas Ejemplares”. In this piece of work I have analysed the language of “Rinconete y Cortadillo” in three linguistic levels: graphic-phonetical, morphosyntactical and lexical.peerReviewe

    Dios da a luz. Estudio de una metáfora (Sal 2,7d).

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