14,065 research outputs found

    Technocracy inside the rule of law : challenges in the foundations of legal norms

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    Technocracy is usually opposed to democracy. Here, another perspective is taken: technocracy is countered with the rule of law. In trying to understand the contemporary dynamics of the rule of law, two main types of legal systems (in a broad sense) have to be distinguished: firstly, the legal norm, studied by the science of law; secondly, the scientific laws (which includes the legalities of the different sciences and communities). They both contain normative prescriptions. But their differ in their subjects‘ source: while legal norms are the will’s expression of the normative authority, technical prescriptions can be derived from scientific laws, which are grounded over the commonly supposed objectivity of the scientific knowledge about reality. They both impose sanctions too, but in the legal norm they refer to what is established by the norm itself, while in the scientific legality they consist in the reward or the punishment derived from the efficacy or inefficacy to reach the end pursued by the action. The way of legitimation also differs: while legal norms have to have followed the formal procedures and must not have contravened any fundamental right, technical norms‘ validity depend on its theoretical foundations or on its efficacy. Nowadays, scientific knowledge has become and important feature in policy-making. Contradictions can arise between these legal systems. These conflicts are specially grave when the recognition or exercise of fundamental rights is instrumentally used, or when they are violated in order to increase the policies‘ efficacy. A political system is technocratic, when, in case of contradiction, the scientific law finally prevails

    Monopolistic Competition and Different Wage Setting Systems.

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    In this paper we match the static disequilibrium unemployment model without frictions in the labor market and monopolistic competition with an infinite horizon model of growth. We compare the wages set at the firm, sector and national (centralized) levels, their unemployment rates and growth of the economic variables, for the Cobb-Douglas production function, in order to see under wich conditions the inverse U hypothesis between unemployment and centralization of wage bargain is confirmed. We also analyze, in the three wage setting systems, the effect of an increase in the monopoly power on employment and growth.Disequilibrium Unemployment, Monopolistic Competition, Growth, Wage Setting Systems.


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    In this paper we introduce a progressive income tax in the shirking model with union bargaining presented by in Altenburg and Straub (2002). Indeed, we differentiate taxation on employees and employers for the fiscal policy analysis. The main results show that it is possible, with a constant revenue reform, to enhance employment by shifting the tax imposition towards lower firm taxation. And, that it is crucial to consider a proportional or progressive taxation on labour income in order to be able to analyse the effect on unemployment for a constant replacement rate.Labour taxation, union bargaining, efficiency wages

    The Impact of Unemployment on Individual Well-Being in the EU. CEPS ENEPRI Working Papers No. 29, 1 July 2004

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    Among the working-age population, one of the most damaging individual experiences is unemployment. Many previous studies have confirmed the devastating effects of unemployment on individual well-being, both pecuniary and non-pecuniary. Using the data from the European Community Household Panel survey, this paper examines the factors that affect unemployed workers’ well-being with respect to their situations in their main vocational activity, income, housing, leisure time and health in Europe. The research finds that unemployment substantially reduces an individual’s satisfaction levels with his or her main vocational activity and finance, while it greatly increases his or her satisfaction levels with leisure time. With respect to health, it has a small negative effect. Unemployment duration also has a small, negative impact on individual well-being, suggesting that unemployment has a lasting and aggravating effect throughout the spells of unemployment, contradicting the theory of adaptation

    La crisis del principio de taxatividad: causas y efectos

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    En la conferencia se abordaron los factores que explican que el mandato de determinación, consagrado en el art. 25.1 CE, apenas tenga efectos perceptibles en la nueva política críminal, entre otros: a) La protección de nuevos intereses como causa de indeterminación b) El cambio de paradigma en la relación entre Ley y Juez: de la legisdictio a la jurisdictio en el Estado Constitucional de Derecho. c) El mito del tenor literal posible y la prohibición de la analogía. d) La Indeterminación del Derecho como resultado inevitable de la indeterminación del Lenguaje. e) La textura abierta (open texture) o porosidad del lenguaje. f) La vaguedad del lenguaje legal stricto sensu: vaguedad por graduabilidad y vaguedad combinatoria: Vaguedad por graduabilidad, Vaguedad combinatoria. g) La crisis del mandato de determinación como crisis de sus fundamentos: certeza y legitimación democrática. h) El fundamento de la certeza y las matizaciones al mandato de determinación. La Paulatina objetivización y flexibilización de las exigencias derivadas del principio de certeza. i) Las matizaciones al principio de taxatividad. j) El sometimiento del principio de taxatividad al principio de proporcionalidad. k) Modulación de las exigencias del mandato de determinación dependiendo de la gravedad de la sanción. c) Otras modulaciones al principio: breve referencia. l) Algunas precisiones sobre el fundamento democrático-representativo del principio de taxatividad: separación de poderes y reserva de ley. En este escenario, el papel que está llamado a jugar la jurisprudencia, en un inevitable reparto de roles con el legislador, para satisfacer la exigencia de certeza, ha abierto desde hace una década un debate todavía no concluso: hasta qué punto ha de someterse la misma jurisprudencia penal al status de lex, tanto a los efectos de la retroactividad favorable, como de la irretroactividad desfavorable de las disposiciones penales. En este punto, la jurisprudencia del TEDH ha sido decisiva para la comprensión de este problema: la doctrina sentada en el caso Inés del Río es la culminación de la doctrina emanada del Tribunal de Estrasburgo sobre la co-determinación de la jurisprudencia en el alcance de un principio, el de certeza, a priori reservado al sólo tener de la ley.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    From Obama to Samara: What changes do the Spanish education system and the Roma movement have to make so that one day it will be possible for a Roma woman to be president?

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    The American civil rights movement was started by an African American woman who was a participant in a popular education centre. This centre played a key role in the social transformations that led us to elect an African American president in the primary great world power. The Spanish education system needs progressive transformations which will contribute to overcoming the segregation and school failure of female Roma children. Roma women, as the driving force behind transformation in their population, are active agents when deciding on the type of schooling they want for the future of their children. Through associations, and hand in hand with the educational theories and practices provided by the international scientific community, in this article we present the transformations which many schools in Spain are carrying out in order to overcome the social exclusion of the Roma population. In this article we provide the foundations to build a movement of female Roma university graduates who, by including the voices of all of the women in their community, continue to be the driving force behind social transformation. In this way one day education and society in this country will have improved to such an extent that it will be possible for a Roma woman to be president.El movimiento por los derechos civiles fue iniciado por una mujer afroamericana participante de un centro de educación popular cuyo papel ha sido clave en las transformaciones sociales que nos han llevado hasta contar con un presidente afroamericano de la primera potencia mundial. El sistema educativo español requiere de transformaciones progresistas que contribuyan a superar la segregación y el fracaso escolar de las niñas gitanas. Las mujeres gitanas como motor de la transformación de su pueblo son agentes activos para decidir qué sistema educativo quieren para el futuro de sus hijos e hijas. Desde el movimiento asociativo y de la mano de las teorías y prácticas educativas que propone la comunidad científica internacional, presentamos en este artículo las transformaciones que muchos centros educativos en España están realizando para superar la exclusión social del pueblo gitano. En este artículo planteamos las bases para constituir un movimiento de mujeres gitanas universitarias que incluyendo las voces de todas las mujeres de su pueblo, sigan siendo motor de transformación social para que algún día la educación y la sociedad de este país haya mejorado tanto como para que sea posible una presidenta gitana.The INCLUD-ED Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education (2006-2011) project is an integrated project from the European Commission’s VI Framework Programme