4,787 research outputs found

    Synthesis of strontium ferrite/iron oxide exchange coupled nano-powders with improved energy product for rare earth free permanent magnet applications

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    We present a simple, scalable synthesis route for producing exchange coupled soft/hard magnetic composite powder that outperforms pure soft and hard phase constituents. Importantly, the composites is iron oxide based (SrFe12O19 and Fe3O4) and contain no rare earth or precious metal. The two step synthesis process consists of first precipitating, an Iron oxide/hydroxide precursor directly on top of SrFe12O19 nano-flakes, ensuring a very fine degree of mixing between the hard and the soft magnetic phases. We then use a second step that serves to reduce the precursor to create the proper soft magnetic phase and create the intimate interface necessary for exchange coupling. We establish a clear processing window; at temperatures below this window the desired soft phase is not produced, while higher temperatures result in deleterious reaction at the soft/hard phase interfaces, causing an improper ratio of soft to hard phases. Improvements of Mr, Ms, and (BH)max are 42%, 29% and 37% respectively in the SrFe12O19/Fe3O4 composite compared to pure hard phase (SrFe12O19). We provide evidence of coupling (exchange spring behavior) with hysteresis curves, first order reversal curve (FORC) analysis and recoil measurements.Comment: in J. Mater. Chem. C, 201

    Pure States, Mixed States and Hawking Problem in Generalized Quantum Mechanics

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    This paper is the continuation of a study into the information paradox problem started by the author in his earlier works. As previously, the key instrument is a deformed density matrix in quantum mechanics of the early universe. It is assumed that the latter represents quantum mechanics with fundamental length. It is demonstrated that the obtained results agree well with the canonical viewpoint that in the processes involving black holes pure states go to the mixed ones in the assumption that all measurements are performed by the observer in a well-known quantum mechanics. Also it is shown that high entropy for Planck remnants of black holes appearing in the assumption of the Generalized Uncertainty Relations may be explained within the scope of the density matrix entropy introduced by the author previously. It is noted that the suggested paradigm is consistent with the Holographic Principle. Because of this, a conjecture is made about the possibility for obtaining the Generalized Uncertainty Relations from the covariant entropy bound at high energies in the same way as R. Bousso has derived Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the flat space.Comment: 12 pages,no figures,some corrections,new reference

    First principles derivation of a Rayleigh Gans Debye model for scattering from anisotropic inhomogeneities

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    Scattering problems are important in describing light propagation in wide ranging media such as the atmosphere, colloidal solutions, metamaterials, glass ceramic composites, transparent polycrystalline ceramics, and surfaces. The Rayleigh Gans Debye (RGD) approximation has enjoyed great success in describing a wide range of scattering phenomena. We derive a generalized RGD formulation from the perturbation of Maxwell equations. In contrast to most treatments of RGD scattering, our formulation can model any soft scattering phenomena in linear media, including scattering by stochastic process, lossy media, and by anisotropic inhomogeneities occurring at multiple length scales. Our first-principles derivation makes explicit underlying assumptions and provides jumping off points for more general treatments. The derivation also facilitates a deeper understanding of soft scattering. It is demonstrated that sources of scattering are not interfaces as is often presumed, but excess accelerating charges emitting uncompensated radiation. Approximations to the equations are also presented and discussed. For example, the scattering coefficient in the large size RGD limit is shown to be proportional to the correlation length and the variance of a projected phase shift

    Dynamics for a 2-vertex Quantum Gravity Model

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    We use the recently introduced U(N) framework for loop quantum gravity to study the dynamics of spin network states on the simplest class of graphs: two vertices linked with an arbitrary number N of edges. Such graphs represent two regions, in and out, separated by a boundary surface. We study the algebraic structure of the Hilbert space of spin networks from the U(N) perspective. In particular, we describe the algebra of operators acting on that space and discuss their relation to the standard holonomy operator of loop quantum gravity. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to make the restriction to the isotropic/homogeneous sector of the model by imposing the invariance under a global U(N) symmetry. We then propose a U(N) invariant Hamiltonian operator and study the induced dynamics. Finally, we explore the analogies between this model and loop quantum cosmology and sketch some possible generalizations of it.Comment: 28 pages, v2: typos correcte

    Monotonic Prefix Consistency in Distributed Systems

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    We study the issue of data consistency in distributed systems. Specifically, we consider a distributed system that replicates its data at multiple sites, which is prone to partitions, and which is assumed to be available (in the sense that queries are always eventually answered). In such a setting, strong consistency, where all replicas of the system apply synchronously every operation, is not possible to implement. However, many weaker consistency criteria that allow a greater number of behaviors than strong consistency, are implementable in available distributed systems. We focus on determining the strongest consistency criterion that can be implemented in a convergent and available distributed system that tolerates partitions. We focus on objects where the set of operations can be split into updates and queries. We show that no criterion stronger than Monotonic Prefix Consistency (MPC) can be implemented.Comment: Submitted pape

    Deformed Density Matrix and Generalized Uncertainty Relation in Thermodynamics

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    A generalization of the thermodynamic uncertainty relations is proposed. It is done by introducing of an additional term proportional to the interior energy into the standard thermodynamic uncertainty relation that leads to existence of the lower limit of inverse temperature. The authors are of the opinion that the approach proposed may lead to proof of these relations. To this end, the statistical mechanics deformation at Planck scale. The statistical mechanics deformation is constructed by analogy to the earlier quantum mechanical results. As previously, the primary object is a density matrix, but now the statistical one. The obtained deformed object is referred to as a statistical density pro-matrix. This object is explicitly described, and it is demonstrated that there is a complete analogy in the construction and properties of quantum mechanics and statistical density matrices at Plank scale (i.e. density pro-matrices). It is shown that an ordinary statistical density matrix occurs in the low-temperature limit at temperatures much lower than the Plank's. The associated deformation of a canonical Gibbs distribution is given explicitly.Comment: 15 pages,no figure

    Quantum evolution according to real clocks

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    We characterize good clocks, which are naturally subject to fluctuations, in statistical terms. We also obtain the master equation that governs the evolution of quantum systems according to these clocks and find its general solution. This master equation is diffusive and produces loss of coherence. Moreover, real clocks can be described in terms of effective interactions that are nonlocal in time. Alternatively, they can be modeled by an effective thermal bath coupled to the system.Comment: RevTeX 3.01, 6 page

    Sensitivity of Hawking radiation to superluminal dispersion relations

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    We analyze the Hawking radiation process due to collapsing configurations in the presence of superluminal modifications of the dispersion relation. With such superluminal dispersion relations, the horizon effectively becomes a frequency-dependent concept. In particular, at every moment of the collapse, there is a critical frequency above which no horizon is experienced. We show that, as a consequence, the late-time radiation suffers strong modifications, both quantitative and qualitative, compared to the standard Hawking picture. Concretely, we show that the radiation spectrum becomes dependent on the measuring time, on the surface gravities associated with different frequencies, and on the critical frequency. Even if the critical frequency is well above the Planck scale, important modifications still show up.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Extensive paragraph added in conclusions to clarify obtained result

    A Multiwavelength Study of Young Massive Star-Forming Regions. III. Mid-Infrared Emission

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    We present mid-infrared (MIR) observations, made with the TIMMI2 camera on the ESO 3.6 m telescope, toward 14 young massive star-forming regions. All regions were imaged in the N band, and nine in the Q band, with an angular resolution of ~ 1 arcsec. Typically, the regions exhibit a single or two compact sources (with sizes in the range 0.008-0.18 pc) plus extended diffuse emission. The Spitzer-Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire images of these regions show much more extended emission than that seen by TIMMI2, and this is attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) bands. For the MIR sources associated with radio continuum radiation (Paper I) there is a close morphological correspondence between the two emissions, suggesting that the ionized gas (radio source) and hot dust (MIR source) coexist inside the H II region. We found five MIR compact sources which are not associated with radio continuum emission, and are thus prime candidates for hosting young massive protostars. In particular, objects IRAS 14593-5852 II (only detected at 17.7 microns) and 17008-4040 I are likely to be genuine O-type protostellar objects. We also present TIMMI2 N-band spectra of eight sources, all of which are dominated by a prominent silicate absorption feature (~ 9.7 microns). From these data we estimate column densities in the range (7-17)x10^22 cm^-2, in good agreement with those derived from the 1.2 mm data (Paper II). Seven sources show bright [Ne II] line emission, as expected from ionized gas regions. Only IRAS 123830-6128 shows detectable PAH emission at 8.6 and 11.3 microns.Comment: Published in ApJ. 15 pages, 6 figures. Formatted with emulateapj; v2: Minor language changes to match the published versio

    Massive protostars as gamma-ray sources

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    Massive protostars have associated bipolar outflows with velocities of hundreds of km s1^{-1}. Such outflows can produce strong shocks when interact with the ambient medium leading to regions of non-thermal radio emission. We aim at exploring under which conditions relativistic particles are accelerated at the terminal shocks of the protostellar jets and can produce significant gamma-ray emission. We estimate the conditions necessary for particle acceleration up to very high energies and gamma-ray production in the non-thermal hot spots of jets associated with massive protostars embedded in dense molecular clouds. We show that relativistic Bremsstrahlung and proton-proton collisions can make molecular clouds with massive young stellar objects detectable by the {\it Fermi}{} satellite at MeV-GeV energies and by Cherenkov telescope arrays in the GeV-TeV range. Gamma-ray astronomy can be used to probe the physical conditions in star forming regions and particle acceleration processes in the complex environment of massive molecular clouds.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic