852 research outputs found

    A 10-way power divider based on a transducer and a radial junction operating in the circular TM01 mode

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    This work presents a 10-way Ku-band power divider using a mode transducer and a radial junction connected by an overmoded circular waveguide operating in the TM 01 mode. The circular symmetry of this mode has been exploited to obtain a power divider with the rectangular output ports radially distributed along the broad wall of the waveguides in H-plane configuration. This topology provides the same amplitude and phase for all the output ports. At the same time, a compact profile has been obtained, introducing a simple manufacturing for the two components of the divider. The first component is a mode transducer converting the TE 10 mode in the rectangular waveguide to the TM 01 mode in the circular waveguide. It is based on a novel topology providing a very high purity in the mode conversion with an attenuation for the other propagating mode, the TE 11c , higher than 60 dB. The second component is a 10-way radial junction that must work under the excitation of the TM 01 , whose special features, since this mode is not the fundamental one of the circular waveguide, will be highlighted. The final design has been validated with an experimental prototype, proposing a manufacturing based on four simple parts. This has been the key to obtain an experimental prototype with specifications in the state-of-the-art. The measured efficiency is better than 96.5% in a 16.7% relative frequency bandwidth from 11 GHz to 13 GHz, with return losses better than 25 dB in the common port. The measured difference between the signals at the output ports of the prototype is ±0.3 dB for the amplitudes and ±0.45° for the phases. A comparison of the obtained results with another divider based on the TE 01 mode shows the potential of the presented design for becoming an alternative to the more extended TE 01 -based power dividersThis work was supported by the Spanish Government through the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (AEI/FEDER, UE), under Grant TEC2016-76070-C3-1/2-R (ADDMATE

    Repeatability of the European Standardized Method for Measuring Sound Reflection and Sound Insulation of Noise Barriers

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    The EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6 standards have been in use for many years as a method for measuring the intrinsic characteristics of noise barriers installed along highways and railways. They require a sound source and a grid of microphones, to be placed near the barrier and in free field conditions, according to predetermined distances. In principle, small errors in positioning the sound source and microphone grid may affect the results obtained. An international round-robin test was carried out in 2012 to evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the method, but until now no studies have been carried out to evaluate and compare the repeatability of laboratory versus in-place measurements performed with the same equipment and its variance when an imperfect positioning of sound source and microphones is taken into account. In the present work, multiple series of sound reflection index and sound insulation index measurements performed on noise barriers of the same kind installed in the laboratory or along a highway are presented. The measurements were repeated in different ways: (1) in the laboratory, leaving the source and microphones unmoved to assess the repeatability of the results and of the measurement system under controlled conditions; (2) in the laboratory, repositioning for each measurement the source and microphone grid to assess the robustness of the method under real conditions but in a controlled environment; (3) in situ, along a highway open to traffic, repositioning for each measurement the source and microphone grid to assess the repeatability of the method under real conditions in a critical environment. In both reflection index and sound insulation index measurements, the standard deviation on single-number ratings in all cases examined is well below the value presented in EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6, which was obtained from statistical analysis of the international round-robin test performed a dozen years ago, suggesting that expert operators with state-of-the art equipment can achieve much better results now

    A Low-Cost System for Quick Measurements on Noise Barriers in Situ

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    This paper describes the development of a low-cost device for measuring the acoustic intrinsic characteristics of noise barriers. The system is based on the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller combined with a few other components. The measurements are carried out using a vertical linear microphone antenna housing 6 microphones and a lightweight loudspeaker, wireless connected to the main unit. Both the main system unit and the amplified loudspeaker are powered from normal 5 V USB battery packs, which are easily rechargeable and interchangeable. The system measures 6 impulse responses using an MLS signal and performs a series of calculations and frequency analyses to characterize the device under test, following a simplified version of the European standards EN 1793-5 and EN 1793-6 (commonly referred to as the ’Adrienne method’). One measurement takes few minutes, obtaining results comparable to those obtained with the Adrienne method, which requires a more complicated and heavy measuring equipment and is much more expensive and time consuming

    High-performance 16-way Ku-band radial power combiner based on the TE01-circular waveguide mode

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    This work presents a 16-way Ku-band radial power combiner for high power and high frequency applications, using the very low loss TE01 circular waveguide mode. The accomplished design shows an excellent performance: the experimental prototype has a return loss better than 30 dB, with a balance for the amplitudes of ( 0.15 dB) and ( 2.5 ) for the phases, in a 16.7% fractional bandwidth (2 GHz centered at 12 GHz). For obtaining these outstanding specifications, required, for instance, in highfrequency amplification or on plasma systems, a rigorous step-by-step procedure is presented. First, a high-purity mode transducer has been designed, from the TE10 mode in the rectangular waveguide to the TE01 mode in the circularwaveguide, with very high attenuation (>50 dB) for the other propagating and evanescent modes in the circularwaveguide. This transducer has been manufactured and measured in a back-to-back configuration, validating the design process. Second, an E-plane 16-way radial power divider has been designed, where the power is coupled from the 16 non-reduced-height radial standardwaveguides into the TE01 circularwaveguide mode, improving the insertion loss response and removing the usual tapered transformers of previous designs limiting the power handling. Finally, both the transducer and the divider have been assembled to make the final radial combiner. The prototype has been carefully manufactured, showing very good agreement between the measurements and the full-wave simulationsThe authors would like to thank INMEPRE S.A., the diligence in the manufacturing process. This work was supported by the Spanish government under Grant (ADDMATE) No. TEC2016-76070-C3-1/2-R (AEI/FEDER/UE) and the program of Comunidad de Madrid S2013/ICE-3000 (SPADERADARCM

    Development of a high-performance W-band duplexer for plasma diagnosis using a single band with dual circular polarization

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    Discrepancia entre la información que aparece en el artículo que indica que el copyright es de Elsevier, y la información que aparece en la página de la revista y en el Copyright Clearance Center que indican © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V., así como que el artículo está publicado en Open Access under a Creative Commons licenceThis work presents the design and experimental validation of a high performance, compact, waveguide duplexer operating from 91.5 to 96.5 GHz for its integration in diverse W-band microwave equipment as in plasma diagnosis applications. It uses a single frequency band, with two signals discriminated by different orthogonal circular polarization, which is generated by means of a septum orthomode transducer (OMT) polarizer. Moreover, this component is optimized loaded with the horn antenna for improving the overall system performance. It is explained how these two components are integrated into a very compact duplexer, designed using efficient numerical algorithms. The manufacturing process by mean of high precision milling, and including electrical discharge machining (EDM) has led to excellent performances. The measured return loss level and isolation are higher than 30 dB, and the insertion loss level is below 0.3 dB. Finally, the key parameter in this device, which reflects the symmetry in the manufacturing process, i.e., the axial ratio, is lower than 0.6 dB for both polarizations, an excellent result showing the potential of the presented designThis work was supported by the Spanish government under grants (ADDMATE) TEC2016-76070-C3-1/2-R (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional: AEI/FEDER/UE) and the program of Comunidad de Madrid, Spain S2013/ICE-3000 (SPADERADARCM

    Broadband potential optimisation of a full scale acoustic metawindow performance

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    Noise control and airflow in duct-like systems are among some of the most interesting applications to conjugate AMMs innovation and sustainability. Specifically applied to the built environment, they opened up a new field of research supporting indoor wellbeing, sanitised environments, and public activities. Previous research conducted by the authors has proved AMM based window to be a resourceful way to address both natural ventilation and reduce the incoming noise propagation; however, the effective spectral range did not cover lower frequencies (50-350 Hz). For this reason, in the presented paper, implementation in the AMM unit geometry was performed over a full-scale acoustic metawindow (AMW). The resonating volume has been enhanced (by 200% of the original one) and coupled with a set of lateral flanks. Numerical analysis through FEM proved that on a range of opening ratio from 3 to 33%, the TL related to the window is improved overall of the 70% on the frequency range from 50 to 350 Hz. Such results encourage the use of new AMMs ergonomic windows in place of standard ones to achieve both natural ventilation and noise attenuation from 50 to 5k Hz, being resourceful for domestic, sanitary, and public applications

    Energy performance of a ventilation system for an apartment according to the Italian regulation

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    According to recent regulations on energy saving in buildings, all new structures should guarantee high-energy performance. To this aim, the building envelope should be equipped with insulated walls and high-efficiency windows. This approach leads to considerable thermal insulation, but at the same time, in the absence of a suitable ventilation system, it results in a worsening of indoor air quality. A healthy quality of life requires good indoor air quality; especially in places where people spend most of their time, adequate air exchanges should be guaranteed and indoor pollution reduced to "acceptable" levels. In the present work, we performed a dynamic simulation of a ventilation system for an apartment using a mathematical model, i.e., the Trnsys commercial code. The model has been applied to an apartment of 66 m2 inside a condominium located in Bologna (Italy), but can also be used for other types of buildings as well. The variation of energy request due to different measurements of volume flow rate was evaluated

    A two-state model for helicase translocation and unwinding of nucleic acids

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    Helicases are molecular motors that unwind double-stranded nucleic acids (dsNA), such as DNA and RNA). Typically a helicase translocates along one of the NA single strands while unwinding and uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis as an energy source. Here we model of a helicase motor that can switch between two states, which could represent two different points in the ATP hydrolysis cycle. Our model is an extension of the earlier Betterton-J\"ulicher model of helicases to incorporate switching between two states. The main predictions of the model are the speed of unwinding of the dsNA and fluctuations around the average unwinding velocity. Motivated by a recent claim that the NS3 helicase of Hepatitis C virus follows a flashing ratchet mechanism, we have compared the experimental results for the NS3 helicase with a special limit of our model which corresponds to the flashing ratchet scenario. Our model accounts for one key feature of the experimental data on NS3 helicase. However, contradictory observations in experiments carried out under different conditions limit the ability to compare the model to experiments.Comment: minor modification

    A New Recycling Method to Generate Turbulent Inflow Profiles

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    The accuracy of the scale-resolving simulations for practical geometries strongly depends on the inflow boundary conditions. Imposing experimentally observed turbulent inflow profiles for the numerical simulations is a major challenge. Existing methods available in the literature assume self-similar behavior, which is not true for most of the experiments. In the present work, we formulate the turbulent inflow profile generation technique as an optimization problem. An adjoint technique is exploited to evaluate the sensitivities of multiple input parameters for the present problem. The present formulation is then tested to generate a laminar boundary layer profile, turbulent boundary layer profile, and turbulent jet profile
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