106 research outputs found

    Experiencing transitions in life of mothers of young children

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    V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali doživljanje življenjskih prehodov mater majhnih otrok. Teoretični del je bil namenjen pregledu literature s področja blagostanja, življenjskih prehodov in materinstva. Za raziskovanje doživljanja življenjskih prehodov je bil uporabljen psihološko fenomenološki pristop. V skladu s tem smo pridobili vpogled v doživljanje šestih udeleženk, hkrati pa vnaprej nismo predvidevali rezultatov ali postavljali hipotez. Cilj psihološko fenomenološke metode je bil oblikovati splošni opis bistvenih značilnosti doživljanja oziroma osnovne strukture, ki določa raziskovano doživljanje. Na podlagi intervjujev smo oblikovali splošno strukturo doživljanja življenjskih prehodov pri materah majhnih otrok. Ugotovili smo, da je za polovico udeleženk materinstvo najpomembnejši prehod v življenju, za ostale tri pa je na drugem mestu. Bistvene spremembe prehoda v materinstvo je mogoče razdeliti na dva dela: povzamejo občutenje, ki se dotika drugih in okolice ter občutenje, ki jih ima ženska do same sebe. Prav tako materinstvo pomembno zaznamuje doživljanje na področju telesnega, relacijskega, čustvenega in duhovnega blagostanja. Vpogled v doživljanje življenjskih prehodov pri materah majhnih otrok, ki ga daje ta raziskava, je lahko uporabna in v pomoč ljudem, ki profesionalno delujejo na področju psihologije, psihoterapije ali na katerem drugem profesionalnem področju, ki vključuje delo z ljudmi, še posebej z ženskami. Kot tako, bo lahko omogočilo pripravo strokovnih smernic programov za ženske, priprave na starševstvo ali podporne skupine za ženske. Verjamemo pa, da bo delo v pomoč tudi tistim, ki si želijo pridobiti vedenje in znanje o tej tematiki, saj lahko služi kot pomoč pri razumevanju doživljanja žensk, ko se te soočajo z življenjskimi prehodi, predvsem s prehodom v materinstvo.This Masters thesis researches how mothers with young children dealt with and experienced their life transition to the role of being a mother. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the literature review from the fields of welfare, life transitions and motherhood. A psychological-phenomenological approach has been used to research the life transitions. Based on this an insight into the transition experience of six women has been received, whereas there were no predictions on the outcome or setting hypothesis. The goal of the psychological-phenomenological method is to form a general description of key characteristics or the basic structure, which describe the researched transition. Based on performed interviews a general structure of experiencing the life transitions with mothers with young children has been made. The results show that for half of women experiencing motherhood is the most important transition in life, whereas the other three placed it to the second position in importance of life transitions. Key changes in the transition to the motherhood can be divided to feelings referring to the surrounding and others and secondly, feelings which a woman experiences with regard to herself. Motherhood also significantly affects woman’s relations to physical, relational, emotional and spiritual well-being. Insight to experiencing the life transitions with mothers with young children which this research offers, is useful and of help to anyone who is professionally involved in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy or any other related field which involves working with people, especially women. As such the thesis can enable preparation of professional guidelines and programs for women, parenthood preparations or support groups for women. We believe, that thesis will also assist to those, that would like to develop knowledge on this topic as it can serve as outreach at understanding of experiencing of women, when these are deal with different life transitions, particulary transition to the motherhood

    Impact of surface ozone interactions on indoor air chemistry : a modelling study

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    An INdoor air Detailed Chemical Model was developed to investigate the impact of ozone reactions with indoor surfaces (including occupants), on indoor air chemistry in simulated apartments subject to ambient air pollution. The results are consistent with experimental studies showing that approximately 80% of ozone indoors is lost through deposition to surfaces. The human body removes ozone most effectively from indoor air per square meter of surface, but the most significant surfaces for C6-C10 aldehyde formation are soft furniture and painted walls owing to their large internal surfaces. Mixing ratios of between 8 and 11 ppb of C6-C10 aldehydes are predicted to form in apartments in various locations in summer, the highest values are when ozone concentrations are enhanced outdoors. The most important aldehyde formed indoors is predicted to be nonanal (5-7 ppb), driven by oxidation-derived emissions from painted walls. In addition, ozone-derived emissions from human skin were estimated for a small bedroom at nighttime with concentrations of nonanal, decanal, and 4-oxopentanal predicted to be 0.5, 0.7, and 0.7 ppb, respectively. A detailed chemical analysis shows that ozone-derived surface aldehyde emissions from materials and people change chemical processing indoors, through enhanced formation of nitrated organic compounds and decreased levels of oxidants

    Modeling of Superconducting Spoke Cavity with its Control Loops Systems for the MYRRHA Linac Project

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    International audienceIn the construction framework of a future 600MeV/4mA CW Superconducting Linac accelerator for the MYRRHA project at SCK•CEN (Mol, Belgium), modeling works under Matlab/Simulink are carried out upstream to understand the behaviour of 352.2MHz single Spoke cavity with its environment and its associated feedback control loops (LLRF and Cold Tuning System). One of the main goal is to assess the feasibility of cavity failure compensation in the Superconducting Linac. Indeed, stringent reliability requirements must be fulfilled to ensure an efficient operation of the MYRRHA Accelerator Driven System: unexpected beam interruptions, due to failures, must be compensated in less than 3 seconds. Our preliminary study fo-cuses on the fast frequency re-tuning of the cavity and the power balances. Our goal is to prepare the R&D tests foreseen at IPN Orsay on a prototype cryomodule including two SC Spoke cavities equipped with couplers, tuners with feedback loop and connected to dedicate LLRF

    Development and Performances of Spoke Cavity Tuner for MYRRHA Linac Project

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    International audienceIn the framework of the Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications (MYRRHA) 100 MeV linac construction, a fully equipped prototype cryomodule is being developed. In order to control the resonance frequency of the cavities during operation, a tuner has been studied with the specific requirements: high degree of reliability and high tuning speed. This paper reports the design consideration and the first performances measurement in vertical cryostat test at an early stage of the prototyping phase

    Spoke Tuner for the Minerva Project

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    International audienceIn the framework of the MINERVA construction (MYRRHA Isotopes productioN coupling the linEar acceleRator to the Versatile proton target fAcility), a fully equipped prototype cryomodule is being developed. In order to control the resonance frequency of the cavities during operation, a deformation tuner has been studied. The kinematic model is based on a double lever system coupled with a screw nut linear actuator. The motion is generated by a stepper motor and two piezoelectric actuators working at low temperatures within the thermal insulation vacuum of the cryomodule. Key parameter of this work is the high tuning speed which is required to fulfill the fault tolerance strategy. This paper reports the design study and first tests of the built tuners at room temperature and in vertical cryostat configuration