271 research outputs found

    Análisis de la eficacia de la radioterapia en pacientes con papiloma nasal invertido

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    "Analizar la eficacia de la aplicación de radioterapia en pacientes con papiloma nasal invertido. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio analítico, intervencionista, transversal, ambispectivo, unicéntrico, ambilectivo, heterodémico, muestra no probabilística por conveniencia, realizado en el servicio de otorrinolaringología durante 2009-2014. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de papiloma nasal invertido, irresecable, recurrente, asociado con displasia o carcinoma epidermoide, ambos sexos, todas las edades, derechohabientes del IMSS y que acepten participar en el estudio. Criterios de exclusión: pacientes con cáncer concomitante a papiloma invertido diferente a carcinoma epidermoide, cáncer en otro sitio anatómico, contraindicación para radioterapia, quienes pierdan su afiliación del IMSS, quienes deseen abandonar el estudio. A los pacientes seleccionados, se realizó tomografía computada de nariz y senos paranasales, siendo clasificados por Krouse y Cannady y enviados al servicio de radioterapia, al terminar su tratamiento solicitamos TAC de nariz y senos paranasales e interrogamos sintomatología. Las siguientes variables fueron medidas: edad, género, reporte histopatológico, grado de extensión tumoral evaluada por TAC y obstrucción nasal pre y post radioterapia y síntomas agregados posradioterapia. Para el análisis de los resultados se aplicó la prueba estadística de Wilcoxon y t pareada.

    Maíz, trigo y arroz : los cereales que alimentan al mundo

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    A partir de recordarnos que las hambrunas han sido una constante en la historia de la humanidad; que mil millones de seres humanos la padecen y que alrededor de 24 mil personas mueren diariamente por hambre o por causas relacionadas con ella, Félix Ramos Gamiño propone reducir drásticamente la producción y consumo de carne, para ingerir otros alimentos como los vegetales, particularmente los cereales, por sus características nutritivas, costo moderado, facilidad de tratamiento agroindustrial y culinario. Después, en un ejercicio de sencillez y profundidad, nos presenta el origen, variedades, producción a nivel mundial, propiedades nutritivas y medicinales de los tres más importantes cereales: maíz, trigo y arro

    El autoconocimiento en la elección de ser madre

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    El trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio la decisión de ser madre y el papel que juega el autoconocimiento. La maternidad es entendida como una construcción social. La maternidad se refiere al ser madre y no al matreraje. El campo de conocimiento es el Desarrollo Humano y se abordan conceptos del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona de Rogers (2014) y la capacidad de elección y el sentido de vida de Frankl (1991). Ser madre es una construcción social, según Berger y Luckman (1968), Hernández (2019) y Palomar (2005). La modalidad del trabajo es la investigación y tiene como pregunta, ¿cómo se conforma la decisión de ser madre? El objetivo es investigar cómo se conforma la decisión de ser madre de un grupo de tres mujeres y el papel del autoconocimiento en su decisión. La metodología es cualitativa y se utiliza el Método Fenomenológico Crítico de Investigación con Base en el Pensamiento de Merleau-Ponty de Dantas y Moreira (2009), y como recurso metodológico la entrevista fenomenológica. Los resultados muestran que el binomio mujer-madre está presente en las tres colaboradoras y que esta es una construcción social que es, y sigue siendo, refrendada, sobre todo por la familia de origen y la propia madre. Sin embargo, también se aprecian rupturas que abren posibilidades de desarrollo, particularmente cuando se cuestiona lo aprendido y se toma como punto de referencia la experiencia personal. Se concluye, por tanto, que cuando el conocimiento de lo propio entra en juego, se puede acceder a nuevas opciones de vida como mujer y como madre.ITESO, A. C

    COVID-19 epidemic in Spain in the first wave: Estimation of the epidemic curve inferred from seroprevalence data and simulation of scenarios based on SEIR model

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents one of the most severe challenges in the recent history of public health. The aim of this study is to estimate the transmission rate parameter (β) and to predict the epidemic progression in Spain. We integrated data from Our World in Data. Our model considered a mean time from in fection to death to be 24 days and the results of the seroprevalence survey in Spain. We calculated β using a SEIR model estimated by least squares. We also used a SEIR model to evaluate four scenarios: 1) model 1: no containment measures, 2) model 2: containment measures from the beginning of the epidemic, 3) model 3: mild measures since the 20th day, 4) model 4: strict containment measures since the 20th day. The estimated β parameter was 1.087. We calculated 41,210,330 infected people and 725,302 deaths in model 1; 165,036 infected people and 2,905 deaths in model 2; 4,640,400 infected people and 81,671 deaths in model 3; and, 62.012 infected people and 1,091 deaths in model 4. Peak of the epidemic varied from 69th day in model 1 to 216th day in model 4. Containment measures prevented a scenario with a signifi cant increase in deaths and infected people. Our fi ndings showed that, by stricter interven tions such as quarantine and isolation could lead to reduce the potential peak number of COVID-19 cases and delay the time of peak infection.S

    Temperature and CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e additively regulate physiology, morphology and genomic responses of larval sea urchins, strongylocentrotus purpuratus

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    Ocean warming and ocean acidification, both consequences of anthropogenic production of CO2, will combine to influence the physiological performance of many species in the marine environment. In this study, we used an integrative approach to forecast the impact of future ocean conditions on larval purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) from the northeast Pacific Ocean.In laboratory experiments that simulated ocean warming and ocean acidification, we examined larval development, skeletal growth, metabolism and patterns of gene expression using an orthogonal comparison of two temperature (138C and 188C) and pCO2 (400 and 1100 matm) conditions. Simultaneous exposure to increased temperature and pCO2 significantly reduced larval metabolism and triggered a widespread downregulation of histone encoding genes. pCO2 but not temperature impaired skeletal growth and reduced the expression of a major spicule matrix protein, suggesting that skeletal growth will not be further inhibited by ocean warming. Importantly, shifts in skeletal growth were not associated with developmental delay. Collectively, our results indicate that global change variables will have additive effects that exceed thresholds for optimized physiological performance in this keystone marine species. © 2013 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved

    Impact of environmental and individual factors on COVID-19 mortality in children and adolescents in Mexico: An observational study

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    Background: During the Covid-19 pandemic, children and adolescents faced poverty, potentially dying from preventable causes, or missing out essential vaccines. The aim of this study was to assess potential environmental and individual factors associated to COVID-19 mortality in children and adolescents in Mexico. Methods: This cross-sectional study analysed the official data of 131,001 children under 10 years of age and adolescents between 10 and 19 years of age with COVID-19 disease, in Mexico. Participants were diagnosticated between March 2020 and June 13, 2021. The environmental variables such as malnutrition, vaccination coverage and social lag index were evaluated at the state level. Multilevel models were fitted to evaluate the association between environmental and individual factors and COVID-19 mortality. Findings: A total of 773 (0.6%) children and adolescents died due to COVID-19. Younger age (OR = 0.878, 95%CI: 0.869-0.888), diabetes (OR = 3.898, 95%CI: 2.596-5.851), immunosuppression (OR = 5.410, 95%CI: 4.088-7.158), obesity (OR = 1.876, 95%CI: 1.397-2.521), hypertension (OR = 1.906, 95%CI: 1.239-2.932), cardiovascular disease (OR = 2.288, 95%CI: 1.482-3.531), and chronic kidney disease (OR = 13.250, 95%CI: 9.066-19.350) were associated with mortality. COVID-19 mortality was directly associated with social lag index and malnutrition (ORvery high = 2.939, 95%CI: 1.111-7.775, and OR = 1.390, 95%CI: 1.073-1.802, respectively), and inversely associated with population density (OR = 0.374, 95%CI: 0.204-0.688). Finally, children and adolescents living in areas with a higher percentage of people with incomplete education (OR = 1.045, 95%CI: 1.011-1.081), of children of school age of 6-14 years who do not attend school (OR = 1.266, 95%CI: 1.032-1.554), and of illiterate population aged 15 and over (OR = 1.086, 95%CI: 0.999-1.179) were associated with a higher risk of COVID-19 mortality. Interpretation: Malnutrition, social lag index and population density are key factors to understand COVID-19 mortality in children and adolescents. Also, age and pre-existing comorbidities were also associated with worse COVID-19 prognosis.S

    Racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality in the United States

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    Background: Among COVID-19–associated deaths reported in the United States (U.S.), minority communities were disproportionately represented. The objective was to assess differences in mortality by race and ethnicity among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S. Methods: This is a retrospective case series study with information extracted from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between January 20 and December 29, 2020. Clinical and sociodemographic data were analyzed by race and ethnicity from non-hospitalized and hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Binary logistic models were fitted to evaluate factors associated with COVID-19-related mortality. Results: A total of 434,076 patients with COVID-19 were characterized; 284,574 cases were Non-Hispanic White, 10,468 cases were Non-Hispanic Asian, and 949,022 cases were Non-Hispanic Black, and 89,407 cases were Hispanic/Latino. For non-hospitalized patients, Hispanic/Latino with pneumonia (OR 3.34, 95%CI: 1.70-6.58) and Non-Hispanic Asian with comorbidities (OR 3.88, 95%CI: 0.99-15.2) had the highest odds for mortality. For hospitalized patients, Non-Hispanic Black with comorbidities (OR 3.02, 95%CI: 2.24-4.08) and Non-Hispanic Asian and Non-Hispanic Black with pneumonia (OR 2.98, 95%CI: 2.09-4.26; and OR 2.97, 95%CI: 2.60-3.38, respectively) had the highest odds for mortality. Conclusion: Racial/ethnic disparities in mortality persist among patients with COVID-19 in the U.S. These findings support the assertion that racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in the U.S


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    Objetivo. Analizar la situación de las familias de militares mexicanos, principalmente, la percepción y valoración de su bienestar objetivo y subjetivo desde las experiencias de las esposas de militares. Metodología. Se realizaron siete estudios de caso a esposas de militares, tanto de tropa como oficiales. Resultados y conclusiones. Se destacan las paradojas de estas familias configuradas a través de roles tradicionales –padre proveedor y madre cuidadora– entre la satisfacción de sus necesidades básicas y la ausencia de un bienestar subjetivo latente, que se manifiesta, principalmente, en las esposas a través de tristeza, incertidumbre y miedo ante la movilidad y el despliegue de sus esposos en activo
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