174 research outputs found

    Nouvelles données sur la séquence culturelle du site de Brassempouy (Landes) : Fouilles 1997-2002

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    National audienceThe field of Brassempouy is situated in the south of the Landes departement, two kilometres away from the village and forty kilometres south-east of Mont-de-Marsan in Chalosse. It holds several cavities (cave of the Pope, cave of the Hyenas, Dubalen gallery, Megaceros gallery) which belong to a complex karstic network, dug in a limestone formation of the Eocene, a few metres bellow the natural soil. The purpose of this article is to present the cultural sequence as it appears after the excavations 1997-2002.Le gisement de Brassempouy est localisé au sud du département des Landes (France), à deux kilomètres du village de Brassempouy et à quarante kilomètres au sud-ouest de Mont-de-Marsan, en Chalosse. Il comprend plusieurs cavités (grotte du Pape, grotte des Hyènes, galerie Dubalen, galerie du Mégacéros) qui appartiennent à un réseau karstique complexe creusé dans une formation calcaire de l'Eocène à quelques mètres sous le sol naturel. L'objectif de cet article est de présenter la séquence culturelle telle qu'elle apparaît à l'issue des fouilles 1997-2002

    The Bianchi Ix (MIXMASTER) Cosmological Model is Not Integrable

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    The perturbation of an exact solution exhibits a movable transcendental essential singularity, thus proving the nonintegrability. Then, all possible exact particular solutions which may be written in closed form are isolated with the perturbative Painlev\'e test; this proves the inexistence of any vacuum solution other than the three known ones.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    L'occupation humaine de l'abri Pataud (Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, Dordogne) il y a 22 000 ans : problématique et résultats préliminaires des fouilles du niveau 2

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    In this paper, we present the first elements of response to the question: "What is the status of the human remains in the Final Gravettian Level (Level 2) at Abri Pataud?" In 2005, more than forty years after the excavations of H. L. Movius, a new project concerning level 2 was initiated at Abri Pataud. This project was conceived according to three simultaneous and complementary approaches: 1) a detailed analysis of archives; 2) a study of the Movius collections; 3) a new excavation with both archaeological and geoarchaeological objectives. The initial results of the 2005 and 2006 excavations have confirmed that we can indeed appreciably improve our understanding of this archaeological level. Certain elements, such as the presence of very small backed bladelets, already permit us to more precisely define the originality of this culture. A first approach to the human remains (more than 250, MNI=6) led us to consider the hypothesis of a "disturbed primary burial". This hypothesis is confirmed by preliminary results concerning the significant assemblage of "particular artefacts" associated with the human remains, most notably mammoth ivory beads.Cet article présente les premiers éléments de réponse à la question : " Quel est le statut des vestiges humains du Gravettien final (niveau 2) de l'abri Pataud ? ". En 2005, plus de quarante ans après l'arrêt des fouilles de H. L. Movius, a débuté une opération archéologique programmée portant sur le niveau 2 de l'abri Pataud. Cette opération a été conçue selon trois démarches simultanées et complémentaires : 1) analyse des archives ; 2) étude des collections Movius ; 3) reprise de la fouille elle-même, dans une double perspective archéologique et géoarchéologique. Les premiers résultats obtenus en 2005 et 2006 ont confirmé que nous pouvions sensiblement améliorer la compréhension de ce niveau archéologique. Nous avons d'ores et déjà des éléments permettant de mieux documenter ce faciès culturel original, comme par exemple la présence de lamelles à dos de dimensions millimétriques. Une première approche des vestiges humains (plus de 250 restes, NMI = 6), nous a conduits à envisager l'hypothèse de " dépôts primaires remaniés ". Cette hypothèse est confortée par l'analyse préliminaire de l'importante série d'" objets particuliers " associée aux restes humains, notamment des perles en ivoire de mammouth

    Vestiges humains des niveaux de l’Aurignacien ancien du site de Brassempouy (Landes)

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    Le gisement de Brassempouy est localisé au sud du département des Landes (France), à deux kilomètres du village de Brassempouy et à quarante kilomètres au sud de Mont-de-Marsan, en Chalosse. Il comprend plusieurs cavités (grotte du Pape, grotte des Hyènes, galerie Dubalen, galerie du Mégacéros) qui appartiennent à un réseau karstique complexe creusé dans une formation calcaire éocène à quelques mètres sous le sol naturel. Les vestiges humains étudiés dans cet article ont été découverts de 1981 à 1996 par H. Delporte dans des niveaux de la grotte des Hyènes, de la galerie Dubalen et de la grotte du Pape attribués à l’Aurignacien ancien. Ces niveaux se placent dans l’intervalle 34 000 ans BP-30 000 ans BP. L’échantillon de vestiges humains comprend 13 dents, un fragment de mandibule, un fragment de crâne et deux phalanges distales de la main représentant des adultes et des enfants. Ces vestiges sont intéressants à un double titre. D’une part, les vestiges humains en contexte aurignacien ancien sont rares et, d’autre part, quatre des dents d’adulte ont une racine perforée ou rainurée intentionnellement et le fragment de crâne présente des cassures effectuées vraisemblablement sur os frais. L’objectif majeur de cet article est de présenter les caractéristiques morphométriques des différents vestiges et de discuter leur position taxinomique. L’analyse de ces vestiges, en particulier celle des dents isolées, montre qu’ils s’intègrent dans la variabilité des hommes d’anatomie moderne du Paléolithique moyen du Proche-Orient et du Gravettien d’Europe ainsi que dans celle des rares Aurignaciens d’Europe et des Néandertaliens du Würm. Il est impossible de conclure sur leurs affinités taxinomiques. Ailleurs en Europe, les vestiges humains découverts en contexte aurignacien sont aussi très fragmentaires et peu diagnostiques. Les mieux conservés sont en effet souvent mal datés. Aussi l’anatomie des artisans de l’Aurignacien en Europe reste très mal connue de telle sorte qu’il est actuellement impossible d’affirmer que les techno-complexes aurignaciens anciens relèvent uniquement de populations d’anatomie moderne. Bien que l’analyse détaillée des modifications artificielles soit présentée dans un autre article, on peut d’ores et déjà noter qu’en l’absence de sépultures primaires aurignaciennes, les dents percées de Brassempouy constituent un des rares indices d’intervention anthropique sur le corps, susceptible de relever d’un geste funéraire.The Brassempouy locality is situated in the Chalosse region in the southern part of the French department of Landes, two kilometers from the village of Brassempouy and forty kilometers south of Mont-de-Marsan. It includes several caves (grotte du Pape, grotte des Hyènes, galerie Dubalen, galerie du Mégacéros) which are part of a complex karstic system developed in an Eocene limestone formation just a few meters beneath the natural ground surface. The human remains described in the present article were discovered by H. Delporte between 1981 and 1996, in levels attributed to the early Aurignacian in the grotte des Hyènes, the galerie Dubalen and the grotte du Pape. These levels date to between 34,000 and 30,000 years BP. The sample of human remains, representing both adults and children, is comprised of 13 teeth, one mandibular fragment, one cranial fragment and two distal phalanges of the hand. The scientific interest of these remains is two-fold. First, human remains are rare in Aurignacian contexts. Second, four of the adult teeth show intentionally perforated or circum-incised roots, and the cranial fragment shows fracture patterns consistant with breakage of fresh bone. The primary goal of this article is to outline the morphometric characters of the different remains and to evaluate their taxonomic status. The analysis of these remains, especially the isolated teeth, shows that they fall within the range of variation, not only of anatomically modern humans of the Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic and the European Gravettian, but also of the few known European Aurignacians and of the Wurm II Neandertals. It is, therefore, impossible to draw conclusions concerning their precise taxonomic affiliation. Elsewhere in Europe, Aurignacian remains are also very fragmentary and equally undiagnostic. Those that are best preserved are often poorly dated. In sum, the anatomy of the European makers of the Aurignacian is so poorly known that it remains impossible to confirm that the early Aurignacian techno-complex is uniquely the product of anatomically modern populations. Although the intentional modifications of the Brassempouy human remains are presented in detail in a separate publication, we wish to emphasize here that, with primary Aurignacian burials being completely unknown, the modified human teeth from Brassempouy represent one of the rare traces of human intervention with dead bodies that might be interpreted as funerary behavior

    Mappings preserving locations of movable poles: a new extension of the truncation method to ordinary differential equations

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    The truncation method is a collective name for techniques that arise from truncating a Laurent series expansion (with leading term) of generic solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Despite its utility in finding Backlund transformations and other remarkable properties of integrable PDEs, it has not been generally extended to ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Here we give a new general method that provides such an extension and show how to apply it to the classical nonlinear ODEs called the Painleve equations. Our main new idea is to consider mappings that preserve the locations of a natural subset of the movable poles admitted by the equation. In this way we are able to recover all known fundamental Backlund transformations for the equations considered. We are also able to derive Backlund transformations onto other ODEs in the Painleve classification.Comment: To appear in Nonlinearity (22 pages

    Struggling with COVID-19 in Adult Inborn Errors of Immunity Patients: A Case Series of Combination Therapy and Multiple Lines of Therapy for Selected Patients

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 infection is now a part of the everyday lives of immunocompromised patients, but the choice of treatment and the time of viral clearance can often be complex, exposing patients to possible complications. The role of the available antiviral and monoclonal therapies is a matter of debate, as are their effectiveness and potential related adverse effects. To date, in the literature, the amount of data on the use of combination therapies and on the multiple lines of anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapy available to the general population and especially to inborn error of immunity (IEI) patients is small. Methods: Here, we report a case series of five adult IEI patients managed as inpatients at three Italian IEI referral centers (Rome, Treviso, and Cagliari) treated with combination therapy or multiple therapeutic lines for SARS-CoV-2 infection, such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), antivirals, convalescent plasma (CP), mAbs plus antiviral, and CP combined with antiviral. Results: This study may support the use of combination therapy against SARS-CoV-2 in complicated IEI patients with predominant antibody deficiency and impaired vaccine response

    Rational Solutions of the Painleve' VI Equation

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    In this paper, we classify all values of the parameters α\alpha, β\beta, γ\gamma and δ\delta of the Painlev\'e VI equation such that there are rational solutions. We give a formula for them up to the birational canonical transformations and the symmetries of the Painlev\'e VI equation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 Postscript figure Typos fixe

    Singularity confinement and algebraic integrability

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    Two important notions of integrability for discrete mappings are algebraic integrability and singularity confinement, have been used for discrete mappings. Algebraic integrability is related to the existence of sufficiently many conserved quantities whereas singularity confinement is associated with the local analysis of singularities. In this paper, the relationship between these two notions is explored for birational autonomous mappings. Two types of results are obtained: first, algebraically integrable mappings are shown to have the singularity confinement property. Second, a proof of the non-existence of algebraic conserved quantities of discrete systems based on the lack of confinement property is given.Comment: 18 pages, no figur

    B\"acklund transformations for the second Painlev\'e hierarchy: a modified truncation approach

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    The second Painlev\'e hierarchy is defined as the hierarchy of ordinary differential equations obtained by similarity reduction from the modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy. Its first member is the well-known second Painlev\'e equation, P2. In this paper we use this hierarchy in order to illustrate our application of the truncation procedure in Painlev\'e analysis to ordinary differential equations. We extend these techniques in order to derive auto-B\"acklund transformations for the second Painlev\'e hierarchy. We also derive a number of other B\"acklund transformations, including a B\"acklund transformation onto a hierarchy of P34 equations, and a little known B\"acklund transformation for P2 itself. We then use our results on B\"acklund transformations to obtain, for each member of the P2 hierarchy, a sequence of special integrals.Comment: 12 pages in LaTeX 2.09 (uses ioplppt.sty), to appear in Inverse Problem

    Analytic and Asymptotic Methods for Nonlinear Singularity Analysis: a Review and Extensions of Tests for the Painlev\'e Property

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    The integrability (solvability via an associated single-valued linear problem) of a differential equation is closely related to the singularity structure of its solutions. In particular, there is strong evidence that all integrable equations have the Painlev\'e property, that is, all solutions are single-valued around all movable singularities. In this expository article, we review methods for analysing such singularity structure. In particular, we describe well known techniques of nonlinear regular-singular-type analysis, i.e. the Painlev\'e tests for ordinary and partial differential equations. Then we discuss methods of obtaining sufficiency conditions for the Painlev\'e property. Recently, extensions of \textit{irregular} singularity analysis to nonlinear equations have been achieved. Also, new asymptotic limits of differential equations preserving the Painlev\'e property have been found. We discuss these also.Comment: 40 pages in LaTeX2e. To appear in the Proceedings of the CIMPA Summer School on "Nonlinear Systems," Pondicherry, India, January 1996, (eds) B. Grammaticos and K. Tamizhman
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