1,044 research outputs found

    Pertinence sociale de la traductologie ?

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    Notre prĂ©sentation s’articule autour de cinq axes: la traductologie, encore Ă  la recherche de sa voix tout en suivant diverses voies (1), ne peut opposer thĂ©orisation et pratique (2) ; elle gagnerait sans doute aussi Ă  peser les apports de la recherche engagĂ©e (Action Research) (3) et Ă  s’interroger sur la pertinence sociale de ses travaux (4). L’ensemble de ces rĂ©flexions nous amĂšne alors Ă  proposer un rĂ©seau internationale de traductologues (5).Five perspectives are offered in this paper: Translation Studies (TS), following different ways but still looking for its own path (1) does not oppose theory and practice (2); it would certainly benefit from Action Research (3) and from questioning its social relevance (4). All these justify the proposal to set up an international network of TS scholars (5)


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    Mondialisation en cours et traduction

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    La mondialisation est un phĂ©nomĂšne ambigu Ă  la fois dans ses visĂ©es et ses consĂ©quences. Elle est aussi diverse dans ses niveaux et domaines d’intervention, d’influence. Cinq orientations au moins peuvent lui ĂȘtre donnĂ©es. De quelle mondialisation parle-t-on donc quand on traite de traduction ? Peut-on mĂȘme rapprocher mondialisation et traduction ? A-t-on les moyens d’investigation ? Faute de pouvoir rĂ©pondre Ă  ces derniĂšres questions, l’auteur propose un dialogue fictif, pour souligner certains effets et clichĂ©s au quotidien dĂšs qu’on globalise. Le traducteur n’échappe pas aux bouleversements entrainĂ©s par les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC).Globalisation is an ambiguous process, both in its aims and its consequences, and varied in its levels and fields of influence. Five different meanings at least can be given to the concept. What type of globalization are we talking about when dealing with translation? Do we have any methods to link globalisation and translation? The author has doubts and therefore proposes a fictitious dialogue in order to emphasize certain daily effects and clichĂ©s regarding globalization. No translator can escape changes implied by technology (ICT)

    Letter to Philander Chase

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    Gambier offers condoloences and support to Bp. Chase regarding the death of his sonhttps://digital.kenyon.edu/chase_letters/1195/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from Lord Gambier

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    Gambier gives road directions to a dinner party. He also expresses his satisfaction with Mr. West\u27s work and mourns the death of Mr. Horace.https://digital.kenyon.edu/chase_letters/1784/thumbnail.jp

    Letter to Philander Chase

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    Painleve-Calogero Correspondence Revisited

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    We extend the work of Fuchs, Painlev\'e and Manin on a Calogero-like expression of the sixth Painlev\'e equation (the ``Painlev\'e-Calogero correspondence'') to the other five Painlev\'e equations. The Calogero side of the sixth Painlev\'e equation is known to be a non-autonomous version of the (rank one) elliptic model of Inozemtsev's extended Calogero systems. The fifth and fourth Painlev\'e equations correspond to the hyperbolic and rational models in Inozemtsev's classification. Those corresponding to the third, second and first are seemingly new. We further extend the correspondence to the higher rank models, and obtain a ``multi-component'' version of the Painlev\'e equations.Comment: latex2e using amsmath and amssymb packages, 40 pages, no figure; (v2) bibliographic comments on degenerate cases are added; (v3) typos correcte

    Letter to Lord Kenyon

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    Lord Gambier notifies Lord Kenyon of Mr. Clay\u27s testimony regarding the site of the College. He praises Chase\u27s efforts and congratulates Lord Kenyon for his prominent role in the promotion of the cause.https://digital.kenyon.edu/chase_letters/1647/thumbnail.jp
