40 research outputs found

    Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by pulsed light in packaged and sliced salpicão, a ready-to-eat traditional cured smoked meat sausage

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    The efficacy of pulsed light (PL) for the surface decontamination of a sliced ready-to-eat cured meat product, salpicão, was studied. The surface of the slices was inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes (107 cfu/g), and then PL treatment was applied. Microbial analyses (L. monocytogenes, coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS), Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and Enterobacteriaceae) were performed immediately after the treatment. pH, aw, colour and volatile profile were also evaluated. Response Surface experimental Design was applied regarding factors voltage (ranging from 1828 to 3000 V) and distance (ranging from 2.6 to 5 cm) to the light source, and a maximum of 16.11 J/cm2 energy dose was achieved. A reduction of 1.58 log cfu/g in L. monocytogenes count was obtained when a fluence of 5.31 J/cm2 was applied. Enterobacteriaceae, LAB and CNS endogenous microbial populations were not influenced by PL treatment. PL application reduced a* values and influenced b* values without impacting the sample ΔE or L* values. The potential oxidative effect of this technology was evaluated by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and no significant changes were verified after its application in this sliced cured meat product.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genetic parameters of the prolificacy in the segureña sheep. Preliminary results

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    In the present paper the genetic parameters for the prolificacy of the Segureña sheep are presented. They have been obtained using an animal model enclosing repeated observations over the information collected from the meat control program of the breed. The model enclosed as fixed effects the combination of herd-year, the season and the age of the ewe as a lineal and quadratic covariate; and the animal additive genotype and permanent environmental effects as randomized. We have used a data base enclosing 100534 registered births in 54674 ewes of 151 farms, between the years 1999 and 2002, resulting a mean of 1.8 parturions by ewe, what is sufficient to get a good estimation of the permanent environmental effect. The values obtained for the heritability and the repeatability have been 0.04 and 0.08 respectively. These values are enclosed in the limits of the specie. We are also showing the values of the additive and phenotypic variances, together with the permanent environmental variance. This is the first estimation of genetic parameters developed in this breed with real data obtained in a meat control program, what is an important advance in the scientific knowledge of the breed.En el presente trabajo se presentan los valores de los parámetros genéticos para la prolificidad de la oveja Segureña, obtenidos a partir de la utilización de un modelo animal con observaciones repetidas sobre la información generada en los núcleos de control de rendimiento cárnico de la raza. El modelo ha incluido como efectos fijos la combinación rebaño-año, la época del año y la edad de la oveja como covariable lineal y cuadrática; y como efectos aleatorios, el genotipo aditivo del animal y el efecto ambiental permanente. Se ha utilizado una base de información de 100534 partos registrados en 54674 animales de 151 ganaderías entre los años 1999 y 2002, lo que supuso un promedio de 1,8 partos registrados por animal, suficiente para obtener una buena estimación del efecto ambiental permanente. Los valores observados para la heredabilidad y para la repetibilidad han sido de 0,04 y de 0,08 respectivamente. Valores dentro de los límites de la especie. También se aportan valores de las varianzas aditiva, fenotípica total y ambiental permanente. Es ésta la primera estimación de parámetros genéticos que se realiza en esta raza con datos de campo, lo que supone un importante avance en el conocimiento científico de la misma

    Genetic evolution of weights and growing in segureño sheep in a decade of mass selection

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    The evolution of the mean breeding values and its mean fiability of the weight and growing traits are descrived in the Segureño sheep breed have been studied using the information of the breeding program of the breed. These values have been obtained using BLUP animal model enclosing maternal effects, what permited observe the evolution along a decade of mass selection. In this estimation have been employed 36000 values from 105 herds of the meat control program of the breed collected during the period 1999-2002.Se describen la evolución de los valores genéticos promedio así como de la fiabilidad media de los mismos en los caracteres productivos de peso y crecimiento en el ovino Segureño utilizando la información resultante del esquema de selección de la raza. Los mencionados valores se han obtenido utilizando un BLUP modelo animal con efectos maternos, obteniéndose así tanto los valores genéticos directos como maternos, lo que nos ha permitido observar la evolución de los mismos durante una década de selección masal. En esta estimación se han utilizado más de 36000 observaciones obtenidas en 105 rebaños del núcleo de control de rendimientos cárnicos de la raza, recogidos entre los años 1999 y 2002


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    Introdução e objetivos A avaliação radiológica do sistema locomotor faz atualmente parte da avaliação de rotina em equinos, com o objetivo de diagnosticar alterações que possam comprometer a vida desportiva do cavalo. Presentemente existem alguns estudos sobre os achados radiográficos em cavalos de desporto, sendo que, os mais comuns são relacionados com a presença de osteoartrite (OA). O objetivo deste estudo foi i) identificar as alterações radiográficas mais comuns, associadas a OA, nas articulações do tarso e da extremidade distal, em cavalos de desporto; ii) avaliar a existência de correlações entre as articulações com alterações. Metodologia e resultados Neste estudo foram incluídos 113 cavalos com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 25 anos, das raças Puro Sangue Lusitano, Cruzado Português e Puro Sangue Árabe. As articulações avaliadas foram as interfalângicas distal (IFD) e proximal (IFP), metacarpo-falângica (MCF), metatarso-falângica (MTF), tarso-metatársica (TMT) e intertársicas distal (ITD) e proximal (ITP) e tíbio-társica (TT). As alterações radiográficas foram classificadas utilizando uma escala baseada na severidade das lesões (0-4) (adaptada de Kellgren and Lawrence, 1957 e de Grauw et al., 2006). Os dados foram avaliados com o programa SAS. As articulações mais afetadas foram a TMT (score≥1 em 91% e 87% das articulações do membro posterior direito (MPD) e membro posterior esquerdo (MPE), respetivamente) e a ITD (score≥1 em 73% e 63% das articulações do MPD e MPE). Nos membros anteriores a articulação mais afetada foi a IFP (66% com score≥1). Alterações mais severas (grau 3 ou 4) foram encontradas apenas em casos pontuais, sobretudo nas articulações MCF (4%) e TMT (5%). Verificou-se uma forte correlação entre articulações de membros contralaterais, sendo que a existência de alterações numa articulação está correlacionada com a existência de alteração na mesma articulação contralateral (p<0,001; correlação 0,40 e 0,44 para IFD e MCF e MTF). Conclusão As articulações mais afetadas nos membros posteriores foram as articulações do tarso, o que está de acordo com o descrito por outros autores. Nos membros anteriores a articulação mais frequentemente afetada foi a IFP, sendo este um achado frequente em exames radiológicos de rotina e de significado clínico questionável, para muitos médicos veterinários. De realçar que, neste estudo, a maioria dos achados radiográficos foram classificados com score 1, pelo que poderão ser considerados como uma variante de normalidade, sendo questionável a sua importância clínica. Salienta-se ainda a forte correlação existente entre articulações de membros contralaterais, que nos indica a possível existência da influência de particularidades de conformação da extremidade distal na existência de lesões radiológicas. Financiamento: Projeto Novas metodologias no diagnóstico de doença articular em equinos, ALT20-03-0246-FEDER-00001

    Dissection of ancestral genetic contributions to Creole goat populations

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    Goats have played a key role as source of nourishment for humans in their expansion all over the world in long land and sea trips. This has guaranteed a place for this species in the important and rapid episode of livestock expansion triggered by Columbus’ arrival in the Americas in the late 1400s. The aims of this study are to provide a comprehensive perspective on genetic diversity in American goat populations and to assess their origins and evolutionary trajectories. This was achieved by combining data from autosomal neutral genetic markers obtained in more than two thousand samples that encompass a wide range of Iberian, African and Creole goat breeds. In general, even though Creole populations differ clearly from each other, they lack a strong geographical pattern of differentiation, such that populations of different admixed ancestry share relatively close locations throughout the large geographical range included in this study. Important Iberian signatures were detected in most Creole populations studied, and many of them, particularly the Cuban Creole, also revealed an important contribution of African breeds. On the other hand, the Brazilian breeds showed a particular genetic structure and were clearly separated from the other Creole populations, with some influence from Cape Verde goats. These results provide a comprehensive characterisation of the present structure of goat genetic diversity, and a dissection of the Iberian and African influences that gave origin to different Creole caprine breeds, disentangling an important part of their evolutionary history. Creole breeds constitute an important reservoir of genetic diversity that justifies the development of appropriate management systems aimed at improving performance without loss of genomic diversity

    A PRND polymorphism in Churra do Campo portuguese sheep breed

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    Prion-like Doppel gene (PRND) is located downstream from priori protein gene (PRNP). Doppel protein is not related to prion disease but to male fertility. Our previous analysis of PRND coding region in 460 animals from 8 Portuguese sheep breeds, by multiple restriction fragment-single strand conformation polymorphism (MRFSSCP), revealed a synonymous substitution (78G>A). An association was found between identified PRND polymorphism and PRNP genotypes, determined by primer extension and grouped into 5 grades of increasing scrapie susceptibility-R1 to R5: PRND was monomorphic (GG) in animals with most resistant ARR/ARR PRNP genotype-R1; higher frequency of heterozygotes (GA) was significantly associated with ARQ/AHQR4. Therefore, EU selection programme to eradicate scrapie in sheep, based on PRNP genotypes, may reduce genetic diversity, with hypothetical repercussions on reproduction. The aim of current work was to evaluate 78G>A PRND polymorphism in highly endangered Churra do Campo Portuguese sheep breed. From a total of 73 animals analysed (16 R1, 36 R3, 18 R4, 3 R5), 72 were GG and 1 GA, the later being ARQ/ARQ (R4). Low incidence of PRND polymorphic variants in this breed may be explained by mating involving small number of related animals, and particular differences in distribution of PRNP genotypes

    Dual origins of dairy cattle farming : evidence from a comprehensive survey of European Y-Chromosomal variation

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    Background - Diversity patterns of livestock species are informative to the history of agriculture and indicate uniqueness of breeds as relevant for conservation. So far, most studies on cattle have focused on mitochondrial and autosomal DNA variation. Previous studies of Y-chromosomal variation, with limited breed panels, identified two Bos taurus (taurine) haplogroups (Y1 and Y2; both composed of several haplotypes) and one Bos indicus (indicine/zebu) haplogroup (Y3), as well as a strong phylogeographic structuring of paternal lineages. Methodology and Principal Findings - Haplogroup data were collected for 2087 animals from 138 breeds. For 111 breeds, these were resolved further by genotyping microsatellites INRA189 (10 alleles) and BM861 (2 alleles). European cattle carry exclusively taurine haplotypes, with the zebu Y-chromosomes having appreciable frequencies in Southwest Asian populations. Y1 is predominant in northern and north-western Europe, but is also observed in several Iberian breeds, as well as in Southwest Asia. A single Y1 haplotype is predominant in north-central Europe and a single Y2 haplotype in central Europe. In contrast, we found both Y1 and Y2 haplotypes in Britain, the Nordic region and Russia, with the highest Y-chromosomal diversity seen in the Iberian Peninsula. Conclusions - We propose that the homogeneous Y1 and Y2 regions reflect founder effects associated with the development and expansion of two groups of dairy cattle, the pied or red breeds from the North Sea and Baltic coasts and the spotted, yellow or brown breeds from Switzerland, respectively. The present Y1-Y2 contrast in central Europe coincides with historic, linguistic, religious and cultural boundaries

    Genetic Footprints of Iberian Cattle in America 500 Years after the Arrival of Columbus

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    Background: American Creole cattle presumably descend from animals imported from the Iberian Peninsula during the period of colonization and settlement, through different migration routes, andmay have also suffered the influence of cattle directly imported from Africa. The introduction of European cattle, which began in the 18th century, and later of Zebu from India, has threatened the survival of Creole populations, some of which have nearly disappeared or were admixed with exotic breeds. Assessment of the genetic status of Creole cattle is essential for the establishment of conservation programs of these historical resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: We sampled 27 Creole populations, 39 Iberian, 9 European and 6 Zebu breeds. We used microsatellite markers to assess the origins of Creole cattle, and to investigate the influence of different breeds on their genetic make-up. The major ancestral contributions are from breeds of southern Spain and Portugal, in agreement with the historical ports of departure of ships sailing towards the Western Hemisphere. This Iberian contribution to Creoles may also include some African influence, given the influential role that African cattle have had in the development of Iberian breeds, but the possibility of a direct influence on Creoles of African cattle imported to America can not be discarded. In addition to the Iberian influence, the admixture with other European breeds was minor. The Creoles from tropical areas, especially those from the Caribbean, show clear signs of admixture with Zebu. Conclusions/Significance: Nearly five centuries since cattle were first brought to the Americas, Creoles still show a strong and predominant signature of their Iberian ancestors. Creole breeds differ widely from each other, both in genetic structure and influences from other breeds. Efforts are needed to avoid their extinction or further genetic erosion, which would compromise centuries of selective adaptation to a wide range of environmental condition

    On the origins of American Criollo pigs: A common genetic background with a lasting Iberian signature

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    American Criollo pigs are thought to descend mainly from those imported from the Iberian Peninsula starting in the late 15th century. Criollo pigs subsequently expanded throughout the Americas, adapting to very diverse environments, and possibly receiving influences from other origins. With the intensification of agriculture in the mid-20th century, cosmopolitan breeds largely replaced Criollo pigs, and the few remaining are mostly maintained by rural communities in marginal areas where they still play an important socio-economic and cultural role. In this study, we used 24 microsatellite markers in samples from 1715 pigs representing 46 breeds with worldwide distribution, including 17 American Criollo breeds, with the major focus of investigating their genetic diversity, structure and breed relationships. We also included representatives of the Iberian, Local British, Hungarian, Chinese and Commercial breeds, as well as Wild Boar, in order to investigate their possible influence in the genetic composition of Criollos. Our results show that, when compared with the other breeds, Criollo pigs present higher levels of genetic diversity, both in terms of allelic diversity and expected heterozygosity. The various analyses indicate that breed differentiation overall explains nearly 21% of the total genetic diversity. Criollo breeds showed their own identity and shared a common genetic background, tending to cluster together in various analyses, even though they differ from each other. A close relationship of Criollos with Iberian breeds was revealed by all the different analyses, and the contribution of Iberian breeds, particularly of the Celtic breeds, is still present in various Criollo breeds. No influence of Chinese breeds was detected on Criollos, but a few were influenced by Commercial breeds or by wild pigs. Our results confirm the uniqueness of American Criollo pigs and the role that Iberian breeds have played in their development. © 2021 Revidatti et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited