114 research outputs found
Quantifying uncertainties in the sustainability evaluation of concrete materials considering regional characteristics in Japan
In the evaluation of concrete sustainability, what constitutes "sustainable" to one region may vary from another. This often leads to methodological forms of uncertainties that makes the evaluation process more complex. As such, this paper aims to quantify the effect of uncertainties in the regional context on the sustainability evaluation of concrete materials. This is carried out by quantifying the regional context through establishing a weighting scheme and then integrating the obtained weights into the sustainability analysis of concrete materials in tandem with uncertainty analysis. Japan is used as a case study because although it relatively appears as a homogeneous country, its prefectures possess unique characteristics that may make the sustainability evaluation of concrete materials vary across prefectures. Cluster analysis is carried out in the 47 prefectures of Japan using a set of regional context indicators. Five clusters are identified with varying characteristics and these are translated into different weighting schemes. The established weights are used in the sustainability evaluation of concrete materials using multi-criteria decision-making analysis. The results showed that one mix is the most sustainable for four of the clusters and a different mix is the most sustainable for the remaining cluster. When uncertainty analysis is conducted, the effect of the weights in the sustainability evaluation is explained by examining the average scores of the concrete mixes and the variance of the scores across the five clusters. This investigation facilitated the understanding of how regional differences and the uncertainties associated with it impact the evaluation of concrete sustainability
O papel do PET Saúde/Interprofissionalidade no enfrentamento da pandemia: relato de participação em pesquisa de anticorpos contra o SARS-COV-2
Introdução: a pandemia foi decretada pela OMS em março de 2020. Ainda sem tratamentos específicos aprovados para a doença, vimos o poder público tomar providências com base em estudos e experiências acumulados em outros países1,2. O Brasil é um país de dimensões continentais, sendo fundamental que com o avanço da pandemia passemos a considerar nossa realidade a partir de dados coletados localmente para orientar ações de maior impacto e menor custo1. Melhores decisões são tomadas quando embasadas em fatos e dados que demonstrem a progressão da epidemia (ex: clusters ou transmissão comunitária) e consideradas as peculiaridades locais para assim criar ações de prevenção e projetar as necessidades de recursos no sistema de saúde (ex. leitos hospitalares e terapia intensiva)1,2. Por este motivo, uma iniciativa de médicos vinculados à prefeitura de Chapecó, juntamente com professores da UFFS tutores do PET, avaliou a soroprevalência de infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 no município de Chapecó/SC por meio de teste rápido imunocromatográfico. Objetivo: relatar o papel do PET/Saúde Interprofissionalidade na construção e desenvolvimento da pesquisa de avaliação de soroprevalência de anticorpos anti SARS-COV-2 na população de Chapecó. Metodologia: os atores do PET-saúde participaram desde a estruturação do estudo, ocorrida em abril e maio de 2020, até o momento de coleta e análise de dados. A pesquisa é um estudo quantitativo, epidemiológico, observacional, transversal de base populacional. A aplicação se deu após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da UFFS, campus Chapecó. A amostra foi calculada de acordo com a estimativa populacional para 2020, baseada no último censo municipal do IBGE, com distribuição nos 26 Centros de Saúde da Família. Foram selecionados, de forma randomizada e por sorteio, 385 indivíduos distribuídos de acordo a faixa etária e gênero. O convite para participar do estudo foi feito por contato telefônico com leitura do TCLE, e, após consentimento, aplicado um questionário clínico-epidemiológico e agendado o teste sorológico no ambulatório de campanha. Resultados: foram testadas 391 pessoas neste evento. Ao todo, 9 pessoas testaram positivo para COVID-19 e 382 testaram negativo. Verificou-se uma taxa global de soroprevalência de 2,30%, indicando, com base na população chapecoense, um total de 5119 pessoas que já tiveram contato com a COVID-19. Considerando-se a margem de erro de 5%, o número de pessoas prevalentes pode variar entre 4863 e 5375. Considerações finais: os atores do PET-saúde tiveram um papel fundamental para a realização deste estudo, o qual possibilitou o levantamento de dados confiáveis a respeito da evolução da soroprevalência para COVID-19 na população de Chapecó. Este é um exemplo de ação do PET que fortalece a relação entre ensino, serviço e comunidade, pois possibilita a reflexão e a tomada de decisão assertiva na gestão dos serviços de saúde.
Palavras-chave: Prevalência. COVID-19. SARS-Cov-2. Estudos soroepidemiológicos. Coronavíru
Composição química de algumas plantas forrageiras oriundas do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul
The chemical composition of 4 forage species: Colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq.), Jaraguá (Hyparihenia rufa (Ness) Stapf), Pangola (Digitaria decumbens, Stent) and Angolinha (Eriochloa polystachya (H.B.K.) Hitch), raised in county, a restricted area of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, was determined. The samples were collected monthly during the summer and the fall seasons. Rainfall indicators were also recorded. Data of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, nitrogen-free extract and ash were obtained. The results showed significant differences in crude fiber, nitrogen-free extract and ash levels among grasses (P<0.05). The Jaraguá grass showed the highest ash content (11.0%) while the Pangola and Colonião grasses had the highest percentage of crude protein (7.2%). None forage showed enough protein to supply the minimum requirements of beef cattle range.O trabalho relata um estudo da composição química de forragens, colhidas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Os capins Colo mão (Panicum maximum Jacq.) Jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa (Ness) Stapf), Pangola (Digitaria decumbens, Stent) e capim Angolinha (Eriochloa polystachya (H.BJC.) Hitch) foram colhidos durante seis meses. A área pesquisada possui cerca de 14.820 hectares e está localizada no município de Brasilândia. Durante a fase experimental os índices pluviométricos foram anotados mensalmente, e as determinações químicas foram executadas segundo métodos oficiais para matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra bruta e cinzas. Os extrativos não nitrogenados foram obtidos por diferença. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as médias de extrativos não nitrogenados, fibra bruta e cinzas. O capim Jaraguá apresentou a maior média de cinzas (11,0%) m enquanto os capins Pangola e Colonião a maior média de proteína bruta (7 2%)- Nenhum capim apresentou valores médios adequados de proteína para atender as exigências mínimas de bovinos em pastoreio
Moving out of the shadows: accomplishing bisexual motherhood
Our qualitative study explored the ways in which bisexual mothers came to identify as such and how they structured their relationships and
parenting within hetero-patriarchal society. The experiences of seven self-identified White bisexual women (aged from 28 to 56-years-old) from
across England and the Republic of Ireland were investigated through semi-structured interviews. Participants’ children were aged 8 months to
28 years old at the time of their interviews. A thematic narrative analysis highlighted the following issues that participants had encountered in
constructing their self-identity: prioritizing children; connecting and disconnecting with others and finessing self-definition; questioning societal
relationship expectations. Nevertheless, participants varied considerably in how each of the themes identified were reflected in their lives, in
particular depending upon each participant’s interpretation of her local social context. Both motherhood and self-identifying as bisexual gave a
sense of meaning and purpose to participants’ life stories, although participants sometimes foregrounded their commitment to their children
even at a personal cost to their bisexual identity. Using three different theoretical perspectives from feminist theory, queer theory and life course
theory, the narratives analysed revealed ways in which bisexual motherhood not only had been influenced both intentionally and unintentionally
by heteronormative expectations but also had directly and indirectly challenged these expectations
Diversity and inclusion for LGBT workers: current issues and new horizons for research
This article discusses how the organisational literature on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workplace issues has developed over the last three decades or so. It focuses on why LGBT workplace issues has not always received sustained scholarly attention it deserves, in particular noting the barriers that have impeded research in this area and the consequences of this in terms of current knowledge gaps. Equally, the article examines some of the major developments in scholarly research on LGBT workplace issues in recent years that centre on diversity and inclusion. Here, this article highlights how scholars have approached these issues from different and novel theoretical and empirical angles that signal new horizons for advancing organisational research on LGBT topics in the years to come
LGBTQ parenting post heterosexual relationship dissolution
The chapter examines parenting among sexual and gender minorities post heterosexual relationship dissolution (PHRD). Reviewing the literature around intersecting identities of LGBTQ parents, we consider how religion, race, and socioeconomic status are associated with routes into and out of heterosexual relationships and variation in the lived experience of sexual and gender identity minorities, in particular how LGBTQ parents PHRD feel about being out. Further consideration is given to examining how family relationships change and develop as parental sexual and/or gender identity changes. We also explore the impact of PHRD identity and parenthood on new partnerships and stepfamily experiences. The chapter addresses the reciprocal relationship between research on LGBTQ parenting and policy and legal influences that impact upon the experience of LGBTQ parenting PHRD when custody and access are disputed. Finally, the chapter includes future research directions and implications for practice in an area that has been revitalized in recent years
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