5,097 research outputs found

    experimental and numerical analyses of a spark ignition engine firing with n butanol gasoline blends at high load operation

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    Abstract In this paper, the potential of alcohol-gasoline blends as fuels for spark-ignition engines has been evaluated. The general purpose of the work is to verify the possibility of incrementing the bio-fuels penetration in the market of transportation fuels. As it is well known, bio-mass derived fuels, in fact, could significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of energy thermal systems. The behavior of a small, turbocharged spark-ignition engine, firing with gasoline-butanol blends, has been analyzed. Analyses have been carried out by means of both experimental tests and numerical simulations. In previous works, engine main performances have been illustrated and discussed. Here, experimental tests have been carried out in order to compare the engine knock resistance and the obtainable fuel conversion efficiency when the engine is fueled by pure gasoline or gasoline-butanol blends at high load operation. Furthermore, one dimensional numerical analyses have been utilized in order to compare the engine behavior, at different operating points, when it is firing with pure gasoline or pure butanol. In general, the obtained results seem to indicate that butanol (produced by bio-masses) is a viable alternative to fossil fuels in the way of CO2 emission reduction

    Nitinol Carbofilm coated stents for peripheral applications: Study in the porcine model

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    Purpose: Testing the safety and foreign body reaction (FBR) of a nitinol self-expandable carbon-coated stent system in the porcine animal model at different follow-up (FU) periods. Methods: Fifteen minipigs received 30 carbon-coated self-expandable nitinol stents in iliac arteries. Explants were carried out at 7 (3 animals), 30 (4 animals), 90 (4 animals) and 180 (4 animals) day FU, for evaluation of acute, sub-acute and chronic biological response to the implanted devices. Histological, immunohistochemical, histomorphometric and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were performed to assess inflammatory reaction, endothelialization process, neointimal growth and cellular composition. Results: Thirty stents were successfully implanted. No mural thrombi were observed at gross examination or by angiography. Histologically no significant inflammatory reaction was detected: the stents appeared covered by a thin monolayer of endothelial cells even at 7 day FU. The neointima presented homogeneous growth and moderate thickness after 30, 90 and 180 days explants (0.38± 0.36 mm, 0.33± 0.30 mm, 0.27± 0.25 mm respectively). Internal and external elastic laminae were intact in 95% of stented arteries. Histological data validations of vessel endothelialization was obtained with SEM for the seven day follow-up group. Conclusions: This study showed good remarkable technical performances, minimal FBR and biocompatibility comparable with other available pre-clinical experimentation

    Finding the Center of Mass of a Soft Spring

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    This article shows how to use calculus to find the center of mass position of a soft cylindrical helical spring that is suspended vertically. The spring is non-uniformly stretched by the action of gravity. A general expression for the vertical position of the center of mass is obtained.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes to agree with published versio

    Tetraferrocenylporphyrins as active components of self-assembled monolayers on gold surface.

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    Novel tetraferrocenylporphyrins-containing self-assembled monolayers were prepared employing two different approaches. Self-assembled monolayers were characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV) whereas their photoelectrochemical properties were investigated by photocurrent generation (PG) experiments

    Biodiversity evaluation: From endorsed indexes to inclusion of a pollinator indicator

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    There is increasing interest in evaluating biodiversity to preserve ecosystem services. Researchers can sustain policymakers by providing tools, such as indexes and indicators, that need constant implementation to become accepted standards. Implementation may vary from re-evaluation of existing indicators to introduction of new ones based on emerging threats to biodiversity. With the aim of contributing to the compelling need to estimate and counterbalance pollinator loss, we screened existing bioindicators. We first selected indexes/indicators applied to agricultural contexts and concurrently endorsed by a regulatory agency. We then extended our analysis to indexes/indicators based on arthropod taxa and formally recognized at least by national bodies. Our procedure identified a combination of surveys of various animal taxa and remote landscape analyses (e.g., using a GIS and other cartographic tools). When the animals are arthropods, most indexes/indicators can only address confined environments (e.g., grasslands, riversides). Indicator strength was improved by the simultaneous inclusion of biotic and abiotic components. Pollinator sensitivity to changes at micro-habitat level is widely appreciated and may help distinguish agricultural practices. A biodiversity index based on pollinators, including a wide monitoring scheme supplemented by citizen science, is currently fostered at the European level. The results obtained using such an index may finally enable focusing of strategic funding. Our analysis will help to reach this goal

    Light driven water oxidation by a single site cobalt salophen catalyst

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    A salophen cobalt(II) complex enables water oxidation at neutral pH in photoactivated sacrificial cycles under visible light, thus confirming the high appeal of earth abundant single site catalysis for artificial photosynthesis

    21 de setiembre: día de la ciencia y la técnica

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    Con motivo del 3O aniversario de la instauración del 21 de setiembre como día de la Ciencia y la Técnica en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, la CIC le ha solicitado a un grupo selecto de científicos, su opinión sobre aspectos esenciales del quehacer científico y tecnológico. El presente texto contiene los siguientes trabajos: - Consideraciones acerca de la investigacion técnico-científica sobre materiales, por Eduardo R. Abril. - Ciencia y tecnología de alimentos, por Pedro Cattáneo - Ciencia y tecnología en química orgánica por Venancio Deulofeu. - Ciencia y tecnología - recursos humanos por Ernesto E. Galloni. - Discurso de apertura de la reunion sobre ciencia y tecnologia realizada en Mar del Plata del 6 al 8 de julio de 1978 por Luis F. Leloir. - Incidencia de la investigación en el desarrollo de la metalurgia por Roberto F. Recoder. - Importancia de la investigación matemática en la sociedad contemporánea por Luis A. Santaló. - La investigación en fisicoquímica y su proyección en el desarrollo científico y tecnológico por Hans J. Schumacher

    Artificial photosynthesis: photoanodes based on polyquinoid dyes onto mesoporous tin oxide surface

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    Dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells represent an appealing solution for artificial photosynthesis, aimed at the conversion of solar light into fuels or commodity chemicals. Extensive efforts have been directed towards the development of photoelectrodes combining semiconductor materials and organic dyes; the use of molecular components allows to tune the absorption and redox properties of the material. Recently, we have reported the use of a class of pentacyclic quinoid organic dyes (KuQuinone) chemisorbed onto semiconducting tin oxide as photoanodes for water oxidation. In this work, we investigate the effect of the SnO2 semiconductor thickness and morphology and of the dye-anchoring group on the photoelectrochemical performance of the electrodes. The optimized materials are mesoporous SnO2 layers with 2.5 mu m film thickness combined with a KuQuinone dye with a 3-carboxylpropyl-anchoring chain: these electrodes achieve light-harvesting efficiency of 93% at the maximum absorption wavelength of 533 nm, and photocurrent density J up to 350 mu A/cm(2) in the photoelectrochemical oxidation of ascorbate, although with a limited incident photon-to-current efficiency of 0.075%. Calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) support the role of the reduced species of the KuQuinone dye via a proton-coupled electron transfer as the competent species involved in the electron transfer to the tin oxide semiconductor. Finally, a preliminary investigation of the photoelectrodes towards benzyl alcohol oxidation is presented, achieving photocurrent density up to 90 mu A/cm(2) in acetonitrile in the presence of N-hydroxysuccinimide and pyridine as redox mediator and base, respectively. These results support the possibility of using molecular-based materials in synthetic photoelectrochemistry.[GRAPHICS]

    Wild birds of the Italian Middle Ages: diet, environment and society

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    Wild birds are intrinsically associated with our perception of the Middle Ages. They often feature in heraldic designs, paintings, and books of hours; few human activities typify the medieval period better than falconry. Prominent in medieval iconography, wild birds feature less frequently in written sources (as they were rarely the subject of trade transactions or legal documents) but they can be abundant in archaeological sites. In this paper we highlight the nature of wild bird exploitation in Italian medieval societies, ranging from their role as food items to their status and symbolic importance. A survey of 13 Italian medieval sites corresponding to 19 ‘period sites’, dated from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries, reveals the occurrence of more than 100 species (certainly an under-estimate of the actual number). Anseriformes and Columbiformes played a prominent role in the mid- and late medieval Italian diet, though Passeriformes and wild Galliformes were also important. In the late Middle Ages, there is an increase in species diversity and in the role of hunting as an important marker of social status
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