17 research outputs found

    Innate immunity and HPV: friends or foes

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    Most human papillomavirus infections are readily cleared by the host immune response. However, in some individuals, human papillomavirus can establish a persistent infection. The persistence of high-risk human papillomavirus infection is the major risk factor for cervical cancer development. These viruses have developed mechanisms to evade the host immune system, which is an important step in persistence and, ultimately, in tumor development. Several cell types, receptors, transcription factors and inflammatory mediators involved in the antiviral immune response are viral targets and contribute to tumorigenesis. These targets include antigen-presenting cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, Toll-like receptors, nuclear factor kappa B and several cytokines and chemokines, such as interleukins, interferon and tumor necrosis factor. In the present review, we address both the main innate immune response mechanisms involved in HPV infection clearance and the viral strategies that promote viral persistence and may contribute to cancer development. Finally, we discuss the possibility of exploiting this knowledge to develop effective therapeutic strategies

    Oxidative stress: therapeutic approaches for cervical cancer treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the generation and elimination of oxidant species. This condition may result in DNA, RNA and protein damage, leading to the accumulation of genetic alterations that can favor malignant transformation. Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus types is associated with inflammatory responses and reactive oxygen species production. In this context, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and high-risk human papillomavirus can act in a synergistic manner. To counteract the harmful effects of oxidant species, protective molecules, known as antioxidant defenses, are produced by cells to maintain redox homeostasis. In recent years, the use of natural antioxidants as therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment has attracted the attention of the scientific community. This review discusses specific molecules and mechanisms that can act against or together with oxidative stress, presenting alternatives for cervical cancer prevention and treatment

    Indoor Air in Beauty Salons and Occupational Health Exposure of Cosmetologists to Chemical Substances

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    The indoor environment in four beauty salons located in Athens (Greece) was examined in order to investigate the occupational health exposure of cosmetologists to various chemical products typically used in their work. Chemical substances chosen for investigation were volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, ozone and carbon dioxide. Total VOCs levels measured showed significant variation (100–1,450 μg m−3) depending on the products used and the number of treatments carried out, as well as ventilation. The main VOCs found in the salons were aromatics (toluene, xylene), esters and ketones (ethyl acetate, acetone, etc.) which are used as solvents in various beauty products; terpenes (pinene, limonene, camphor, menthenol) which have a particular odor and others like camphor which have specific properties. Ozone concentrations measured in all salons were quite low (0.1 and 13.3 μg m−3) and formaldehyde concentrations detected were lower than the detection limit of the method in all salons (<0.05 ppm). Carbon dioxide levels ranged between 402 and 1,268 ppm, depending on the number of people present in the salons during measurements and ventilation. Cosmetologists may be exposed to high concentrations of a mixture of volatile organic compounds although these levels could be decreased significantly by following certain practices such as good ventilation of the areas, closing the packages of the beauty products when not in use and finally selecting safer beauty products without strong odor

    Development of a therapeutic vaccine against HPV16

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    O câncer cervical é o segundo câncer mais comum entre mulheres no mundo. A maioria dos casos (83%) ocorre em países em desenvolvimento, onde são encontrados em estágios relativamente avançados e, conseqüentemente, a sobrevida média é de cerca de 49% após cinco anos. Portanto, uma vacina eficaz contra as infecções pelo HPV pode levar ao controle do câncer do colo do útero. Apesar de prevenir, a vacina profilática não é acessível em função do alto custo, além de não eliminar o vírus em mulheres já infectadas pelo HPV. Assim, propusemos o desenvolvimento de uma vacina terapêutica eficaz utilizando duas abordagens: VLPs (virus-like particles) quiméricas, que poderiam apresentar propriedades profiláticas e terapêuticas, obtidas da fusão das proteína L1 e E7; proteínas quiméricas obtidas a partir da fusão de epítopos das proteínas E6 e E7 do HPV16, com e sem ubiquitina. Após subclonagens, com a obtenção dos vetores pPICHOLI-L1&#916;CE71-50 e pPICHOLI-L1&#916;CE743-77, partiu-se para a indução da expressão das VLPs quiméricas em Pichia pastoris, das quais não foram detectadas expressão protéica. Realizaram-se inúmeras modificações no protocolo de indução. Mesmo após essas alterações não foi detectada nenhuma expressão das fusões L1&#916;CE71-50 ou L1&#916;CE743-77. Como alternativa de uma vacina terapêutica, nos propusemos a expressar em E. coli proteínas sintéticas originadas da fusão entre epítopos das proteínas E6 e E7 do HPV16, com ou sem Ubiquitina, visando aumentar a apresentação de peptídeos via MHC de classe I de modo a estimular a eliminação de células infectadas com HPV16, evitando e regredindo o desenvolvimento dessas células cancerosas. Com a proteína E6E7 solúvel e purificada, realizou-se um ensaio de imunização. Nesse experimento, 20% dos animais imunizados com a proteína E6E7 não apresentaram desenvolvimento de tumor após a inoculação de células TC1. Assim isso nos leva a crer que com o aumento da concentração de proteína e utilização de adjuvantes seria possível aumentar o número de animais resistentes ao desenvolvimento do tumor. Em um segundo experimento de imunização, comparamos as proteínas E6E7 e E6E7Ub, em duas concentrações, 15 e 40 &#181;g, e também com ou sem o adjuvante whole cell pertussis (WCP). Independentemente da concentração e presença ou ausência de WCP, os grupos imunizados com E6E7Ub apresentaram proteção contra o tumor entre 80% e 100% dos camundongos, enquanto os grupos imunizados com E6E7 apresentaram proteção entre 0% e 25%. Esses resultados são promissores, ainda que preliminares, indicando um potencial de uso da proteína E6E7Ub como imunógeno para vacina terapêutica contra o câncer cervical induzido por HPV16Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. Most cases (83%) occur in developing countries, where they are found in relatively advanced stages and, consequently, the median survival is about 49% after five years. Therefore, an effective vaccine against HPV infections can lead to control of cancer of the cervix. Although preventable, the prophylactic HPV vaccine is not accessible to all due to their high cost and in addition the vaccine does not eliminate the HPV in infected women. We have therefore proposed the development of effective therapeutic vaccines using two approaches: chimeric VLPs (virus-like particles), endowed with prophylactic and therapeutic properties, obtained from the fusion protein L1 and E7; chimeric proteins derived from the fusion of epitopes of proteins E6 and E7 of HPV16 with and without ubiquitin. After subcloning, we obtained the vectors pPICHOLI-L1&#916;CE71-50 and L1 pPICHOLI- L1&#916;CE743-77. After transformation of yeast Pichia pastoris with these constructions, the cells were induced, but it was not possible to detect any recombinant protein expression. As an alternative, we proposed the expression of synthetic proteins in E. coli derived from the fusion between epitopes of E6 and E7 proteins of HPV16 with or without Ubiquitin, in order to enhance the presentation of peptides through MHC class I to stimulate the elimination of HPV16-infected cells, preventing and regressing the development of cancer cells. Soluble E6E7 protein was purified and, 20% of the animals immunized with this protein did not develop tumor after inoculation of TC1 cells. In a second immunization experiment we compared the proteins E6E7 and E6E7Ub, in two concentrations, 15 and 40&#181;g, with or without the adjuvant whole cell pertussis (WCP). Regardless of concentration and presence or absence of WCP, all the groups immunized with E6E7Ub showed protection against tumor between 80% and 100%, while the groups immunized with E6E7 showed protection from 0% to 25%. These results are promising and although preliminary, indicate the potential of E6E7Ub protein as an immunogen, for a therapeutic vaccine against cervical cancer induced by HPV1

    Effects of HPV infection on TLR signaling pathway

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    As oncoproteínas E6 e E7 do Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) estão envolvidas na desregulação do sistema imune inato, provocando alterações na expressão dos receptores do tipo Toll (TLR). Considerando-se a função da via de sinalização iniciada por TLR, haveria uma vantagem para o vírus capaz de manipular a resposta desta via de modo que possa persistir nas células sem ser detectado pelo sistema imune ou ainda modulando essa resposta e criando um ambiente mais propício à manutenção da infecção. No entanto, muitos dos mecanismos que levam à eliminação da infecção ou persistência do HPV ainda são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo principal desse trabalho é investigar o papel das vias de TLR no processo de carcinogênese mediado por HPV. Inicialmente, foi analisada a expressão de genes da via de TLR em linhagens de tumores cervicais e em células expressando as oncoproteínas virais. Foram identificados vários genes diferencialmente expressos entre linhagens de células tumorais e queratinócitos normais, incluindo moléculas adaptadoras da via de TLR e genes associados à via da MAP quinase, ativação de NFkappaB e resposta imune antiviral. Cerca de 90% destes genes foram regulados negativamente. Entre eles, destacamos HMGB1, que apesar de possuir menos RNAm nas células tumorais possui um nível proteico muito maior, além de ter-se mostrado de grande importância para a viabilidade e proliferação das células tumorais, conforme demonstrado através de experimentos de supressão gênica. Em conjunto, os nossos dados indicam que E6 e E7 de HPVs de alto risco inibem proteínas da via de sinalização de TLRPrevious studies have shown that E6 and E7 HPV oncoproteins are involved in innate immune system dysregulation, causing alterations on Toll-like receptors (TLR) expression. Considering TLR pathway function, it would be advantageous for a virus to manipulate the response of this pathway so it can persist in cells without being detected by the immune system or to modulate this response to create a better environment for persistence of infection. However, many of the mechanisms leading to HPV infection clearance or persistence are still unknown and matter of active investigation. We analyzed in cervical cancer cell lines expression of genes from TLR pathway; several were differentially expressed between tumor cells lines and normal keratinocytes, including TLR adaptors molecules and genes associated with MAP kinase pathway, NFkappaB activation and antiviral immune response. About 90% of these genes were down regulated. Among them, we selected HMGB1 for further characterization due to its interference with tumor cell viability and proliferation. Altogether, our data indicate that high risk HPV E6 and E7 can inhibit TLR signaling pathwa

    Metformin and Cancer Hallmarks: Molecular Mechanisms in Thyroid, Prostate and Head and Neck Cancer Models

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    Metformin is the most used drug for type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Its antitumor activity has been described by clinical studies showing reduced risk of cancer development in T2DM patients, as well as management of T2DM compared with those receiving other glucose-lowering drugs. Metformin has a plethora of molecular actions in cancer cells. This review focused on in vitro data on the action mechanisms of metformin on thyroid, prostate and head and neck cancer. AMPK activation regulating specific downstream targets is a constant antineoplastic activity in different types of cancer; however, AMPK-independent mechanisms are also relevant. In vitro evidence makes it clear that depending on the type of tumor, metformin has different actions; its effects may be modulated by different cell conditions (for instance, presence of HPV infection), or it may regulate tissue-specific factors, such as the Na+/I&minus; symporter (NIS) and androgen receptors. The hallmarks of cancer are a set of functional features acquired by the cell during malignant development. In vitro studies show that metformin regulates almost all the hallmarks of cancer. Interestingly, metformin is one of these therapeutic agents with the potential to synergize with other chemotherapeutic agents, with low cost, low side effects and high positive consequences. Some questions are still challenging: Are metformin in vitro data able to translate from bench to bedside? Does metformin affect drug resistance? Can metformin be used as a generic anticancer drug for all types of tumors? Which are the specific actions of metformin on the peculiarities of each type of cancer? Several clinical trials are in progress or have been concluded for repurposing metformin as an anticancer drug. The continuous efforts in the field and future in vitro studies will be essential to corroborate clinical trials results and to elucidate the raised questions

    Innate immunity and HPV: friends or foes

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    Most human papillomavirus infections are readily cleared by the host immune response. However, in some individuals, human papillomavirus can establish a persistent infection. The persistence of high-risk human papillomavirus infection is the major risk factor for cervical cancer development. These viruses have developed mechanisms to evade the host immune system, which is an important step in persistence and, ultimately, in tumor development. Several cell types, receptors, transcription factors and inflammatory mediators involved in the antiviral immune response are viral targets and contribute to tumorigenesis. These targets include antigen-presenting cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, Toll-like receptors, nuclear factor kappa B and several cytokines and chemokines, such as interleukins, interferon and tumor necrosis factor. In the present review, we address both the main innate immune response mechanisms involved in HPV infection clearance and the viral strategies that promote viral persistence and may contribute to cancer development. Finally, we discuss the possibility of exploiting this knowledge to develop effective therapeutic strategies

    Oxidative stress: therapeutic approaches for cervical cancer treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the generation and elimination of oxidant species. This condition may result in DNA, RNA and protein damage, leading to the accumulation of genetic alterations that can favor malignant transformation. Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus types is associated with inflammatory responses and reactive oxygen species production. In this context, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and high-risk human papillomavirus can act in a synergistic manner. To counteract the harmful effects of oxidant species, protective molecules, known as antioxidant defenses, are produced by cells to maintain redox homeostasis. In recent years, the use of natural antioxidants as therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment has attracted the attention of the scientific community. This review discusses specific molecules and mechanisms that can act against or together with oxidative stress, presenting alternatives for cervical cancer prevention and treatment

    HPV-mediated resistance to TNF and TRAIL is characterized by global alterations in apoptosis regulatory factors, dysregulation of death receptors, and induction of ROS/RNS

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    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Persistent infection with high-risk human papilloma virus (HR-HPV) is the main risk factor for the development of invasive cervical cancer although is not sufficient to cause cervical cancer. Several host and environmental factors play a key role in cancer initiation/progression, including cytokines and other immune-response mediators. Here, we characterized the response to the individual and combined action of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) on HPV-transformed cells and human keratinocytes ectopically expressing E6 and E7 early proteins from different HPV types. We showed that keratinocytes expressing HPV early proteins exhibited global alterations in the expression of proteins involved in apoptosis regulation/execution, including TNF and TRAIL receptors. Besides, we provided evidence that TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) was down-regulated and may be retained i

    Lysicamine Reduces Protein Kinase B (AKT) Activation and Promotes Necrosis in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

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    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is an aggressive form of thyroid cancer (TC), accounting for 50% of total TC-related deaths. Although therapeutic approaches against TC have improved in recent years, the survival rate remains low, and severe adverse effects are commonly reported. However, unexplored alternatives based on natural compounds, such as lysicamine, an alkaloid found in plants with established cytotoxicity against breast and liver cancers, offer promise. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the antineoplastic effects of lysicamine in papillary TC (BCPAP) and ATC (HTH83 and KTC-2) cells. Lysicamine treatment reduced cell viability, motility, colony formation, and AKT activation while increasing the percentage of necrotic cells. The absence of caspase activity confirmed apoptosis-independent cell death. Necrostatin-1 (NEC-1)-mediated necrosome inhibition reduced lysicamine-induced necrosis in KTC-2, suggesting necroptosis induction via a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-independent mechanism. Additionally, in silico analysis predicted lysicamine target proteins, particularly those related to MAPK and TGF-beta signaling. Our study demonstrated lysicamine's potential as an antineoplastic compound in ATC cells with a proposed mechanism related to inhibiting AKT activation and inducing cell death