51 research outputs found

    Un análisis de la corrupción local y provincial como problema público : El caso del PAE en la ciudad de Manizales y Colombia (2016-2018)

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    Este proyecto de tesis tiene como objetivo principal contribuir a la comprensión del fenómeno de la corrupción como problema público a partir del estudio del surgimiento del caso del Programa de Alimentación Escolar (PAE) en la ciudad de Manizales, con el fin de aportar al conocimiento sobre la construcción de problemas públicos, avanzando en la comprensión de las dinámicas escalares que forman parte, o aportan, a la construcción de los problemas. La investigación asume la complejidad de los hechos a partir de la reconstrucción de las coberturas de los medios escritos locales y nacionales sobre la corrupción en particular, a partir de casos producidos en el ámbito educativo, de un sondeo de percepción a través de entrevistas con información socialmente relevante de actores e instituciones que disputaron el problema e intervinieron públicamente, así como las relaciones de estos con el problema y la mención de atribución de responsabilidad o autoridad para solucionar las demandas, denuncias y reclamos sociales. Por tanto, se desarrolla un análisis cualitativo que se enfoca en la cobertura de la prensa local que se incorpora al estudio de caso, ya que se reconstruye la discusión, la demanda y la movilización que tal hecho produjo. Se da prevalencia al análisis de las valoraciones, prácticas, acciones y estrategias simbólicas y materiales con que comenzó a cobrar relevancia la corrupción en el PAE para la sociedad colombiana ya que afecta a los niños y niñas en ámbitos educativos.The main objective of this thesis project is to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of corruption as a public problem from the study of the emergence of the case of the School Feeding Program (PAE) in the city of Manizales, in order to contribute to the knowledge about the construction of public problems, advancing in the understanding of the scalar dynamics that are part, or contribute, to the construction of the problems. The investigation assumes the complexity of the facts from the reconstruction of the coverage of the local and national written media about corruption in particular, from cases produced in the educational field, from a perception survey through interviews with information socially relevant of actors and institutions that disputed the problem and intervened publicly, as well as their relationships with the problem and the mention of attribution of responsibility or authority to solve social demands, complaints and claims. Therefore, a qualitative analysis is developed that focuses on the coverage of the local press that is incorporated into the case study, since the discussion, the demand and the mobilization that such an event produced is reconstructed. Prevalence is given to the analysis of the symbolic and material evaluations, practices, actions and strategies with which corruption in the PAE began to gain relevance for Colombian society since it affects children in educational settings.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Etnicidad y memoria en el conflicto, desde mitad del siglo XX a nuestros días

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    The dynamics of social and political actors in Colombian historysince the mid-twentieth century up until todayhighlight a lack of memory in the States’ legitimation process in relation to the violence problems in the past. Their political elites agreed to forgive and forget as a consensus for altering power between liberals and conservatives; this is known as National Front. In this historical context, this document analyzes the concept of collective memory3to delve and expose the current demands of indigenous, Afro-Colombian, peasants and urban populations, all victims of armed conflict. My focus is on paramilitary groups, taking into account the violence experienced in different areas such as Trujillo, El Salado and Casanare. The information is based on empirical data from CINEP, CNRR as well as cultural data such as the press and the documentary "Impunity''4prepared and presented (or produced) by Hollman Morris and Juan José Lozano. I believe that we inevitably need to analyze memory as part of social processes and practices that contribute to our history and serveas a platform for the construction of social identities helping us understand who we are today, which requires us to establish public reminders and recognize the status, dignity and space in the social history of the conflicts’ victims

    Estrategias organizativas y adaptación activa a la realidad en la Asociación de Recicladores de la Comuna de San José de Manizales (ARCA)

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    Los conceptos de vínculo, aprendizajes sociales, y organización son consideraciones que marcan el hilo conductor de esta investigación, que proporciono un entendimiento de las clausuras y estereotipaciones que afectan la adaptación activa a la realidad de los recuperadores asociados en ARCA, y dio una mirada al contexto significativo inmediato y al contexto sociocultural en el que operan ellos, para dar cuenta de las estructuras vinculares y los procesos de aprendizaje social y de comunicación que permiten la cualificación de las estructuras vinculares establecidas en relación con su contexto. Vemos también las afectaciones que la organización tiene tanto a nivel individual, grupal, y organizacional, y el como se fortalecen como grupo con toda la trama vincular, priorizando sus objetivos principales, y sus tareas para proporcionar una herramienta que les ayude al fin último de esta organización: "Ser una organización reconocida y una empresa independiente". Además de sugerir como pueden vincularse con otras organizaciones, con las instituciones públicas y privadas, con el Estado y con la comunidad en general

    Inocuidad de los alimentos: Conceptos técnicos

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    Esta cartilla ilustrada está enfocada en reforzar, complementar y profundizar técnicamente en los conceptos básicos de la inocuidad de los alimentos. Incluye actividades direccionadas a reforzar y complementar estos conocimientos, así como lecturas y enlaces a material multimedia disponible en internet

    Electrical features of the diabetic myocardium. Arrhythmic and cardiovascular Safety considerations in diabetes

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    [EN] Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia in the absence of treatment. Among the diabetes-associated complications, cardiovascular disease is the major cause of mortality and morbidity in diabetic patients. Diabetes causes a complex myocardial dysfunction, referred as diabetic cardiomyopathy, which even in the absence of other cardiac risk factors results in abnormal diastolic and systolic function. Besides mechanical abnormalities, altered electrical function is another major feature of the diabetic myocardium. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients often show cardiac electrical remodeling, mainly a prolonged ventricular repolarization visible in the electrocardiogram as a lengthening of the QT interval duration. The underlying mechanisms at the cellular level involve alterations on the expression and activity of several cardiac ion channels and their associated regulatory proteins. Consequent changes in sodium, calcium and potassium currents collectively lead to a delay in repolarization that can increase the risk of developing life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. QT duration correlates strongly with the risk of developing torsade de pointes, a form of ventricular tachycardia that can degenerate into ventricular fibrillation. Therefore, QT prolongation is a qualitative marker of proarrhythmic risk, and analysis of ventricular repolarization is therefore required for the approval of new drugs. To that end, the Thorough QT/QTc analysis evaluates QT interval prolongation to assess potential proarrhythmic effects. In addition, since diabetic patients have a higher risk to die from cardiovascular causes than individuals without diabetes, cardiovascular safety of the new antidiabetic drugs must be carefully evaluated in type 2 diabetic patients. These cardiovascular outcome trials reveal that some glucose-lowering drugs actually reduce cardiovascular risk. The mechanism of cardioprotection might involve a reduction of the risk of developing arrhythmia.This work was supported by grants from the Basque Government: Govierno Vasco PIBA2018-58, GIC18/150 and IT1196-19. AA received a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government

    Del valor como posibilidad para una economía de la solidaridad

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    This raises the need to discuss Value Theory: Re-analysis for several other interpretations in Economic Theory. The Orthodox approach makes man an object of the Economy. For its part, Heterodox approach suggests an economy to the service of Society. In this perspective, a deeper analysis of the value allows other views. Thus, Solidarity allows for a deepconception that tries to transgress the economic analysis and apply for Economy to the service of Value-Life

    Una lectura heterodoxa sobre teoría valor: de la dignidad como valor posible al valor de los indignados

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    Economic theory cannot ignore expressions of a whole society, nor its particulartime. The case today of the Indignant Citizensprotests, its global claim, expresses not only the crisis level of the economic system but also the possibility of dialogue with the same economic theory from a heterodox perspective. It cannot be set aside its expressions to political, social and cultural level when interpreting the values involved in its claims. In this sense, the study raised here on Value Theory, is now focused on the look of Dignity value. Indeed, the study emphasizes the dignity as a possible value in Value Theory in light of Indignant Citizensdemonstrations

    Diabetesa gaixotasun inflamatorio gisa

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    Diabetesa gaixotasun kronikoa da, prebalentzia handikoa, zeinetan pankreak ez duen behar adina intsulina sortzen edo organismoak sortzen duen intsulina ez duen eraginkortasunez erabiltzen. Kontrolatu gabeko diabetesaren ondorioa hipergluzemia da, denborarekin organo eta sistema asko larriki kaltetzen dituena, nerbioak eta odol-hodiak batez ere. 2 motako diabetesa (DT2) diabetes motarik ohikoena da, non ehunek ez dioten intsulinari eraginkortasunez erantzuten. Egoera horri intsulinarekiko erresistentzia deritzo. Obesitatea, munduko asaldura metabolikorik ohikoena da, eta DT2 garatzeko arrisku-faktore nagusienetako bat. Obesitatea diabetesarekin lotzen duten mekanismoak oraindik argi ez badaude ere, azken urteotan hanturak indarra hartu du funtsezko faktore gisa. Paziente diabetikoek zitokina proinflamatorioen maila altuak dituzte, eta horrek gradu baxuko hantura kroniko orokortua eragiten du, gantz-ehunean sortzen duena. Hantura kroniko horrek alterazioak eragiten ditu intsulinaren seinaleztapen-jauzian eta, ondorioz, intsulinarekiko erresistentzia eta hipergluzemia dakar. Gaur egungo tratamenduaren helburu nagusia gluzemia normalizatzea da, farmako hipogluzemiatzaileen bidez. Hala ere, sistema immunearen modulazioak, TNF-α eta IL-b bezalako zitokinen blokeoaren bidez, medikamentuak garatzeko aukera berri interesgarriak irekitzen ditu.; Diabetes is a chronic, highly prevalent disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or does not effectively use the insulin it produces. The effect of uncontrolled diabetes is hyperglycemia, which over time severely damages many organs and systems, especially nerves and blood vessels. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, in which the tissues do not respond effectively to insulin, a condition known as insulin resistance. Obesity is the most common metabolic disorder in the world and is one of the main risk factors for the development of T2DM. Although the mechanisms linking obesity and diabetes are still unclear, inflammation has emerged in the last years as a key factor. Diabetic patients have high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, originating in adipose tissue, leading to chronic generalized low-grade inflammation. This chronic inflammation causes alterations in insulin signaling, leading to insulin resistance and hyperglycemia. Although the main goal of current treatment is to normalize glycaemia withhypoglycemic drugs, modulation of the immune system, by blocking cytokines such as TNF-α or IL-1β, is an interesting therapeutic target that may open up new possibilities for drug development