Etnicidad y memoria en el conflicto, desde mitad del siglo XX a nuestros días


The dynamics of social and political actors in Colombian historysince the mid-twentieth century up until todayhighlight a lack of memory in the States’ legitimation process in relation to the violence problems in the past. Their political elites agreed to forgive and forget as a consensus for altering power between liberals and conservatives; this is known as National Front. In this historical context, this document analyzes the concept of collective memory3to delve and expose the current demands of indigenous, Afro-Colombian, peasants and urban populations, all victims of armed conflict. My focus is on paramilitary groups, taking into account the violence experienced in different areas such as Trujillo, El Salado and Casanare. The information is based on empirical data from CINEP, CNRR as well as cultural data such as the press and the documentary "Impunity''4prepared and presented (or produced) by Hollman Morris and Juan José Lozano. I believe that we inevitably need to analyze memory as part of social processes and practices that contribute to our history and serveas a platform for the construction of social identities helping us understand who we are today, which requires us to establish public reminders and recognize the status, dignity and space in the social history of the conflicts’ victims

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