53,325 research outputs found

    Economía social y dinámica innovadora en los sistemas territoriales de producción y de innovación. Especial referencia a los sistemas agroalimentarios

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    Cooperatives develop their economic activity according to principles which can contribute to the growth of a network of socio-economic (relational capital) and socio-political (social capital) relations which in turn, generate the trust which is required for cooperation between companies as well as between companies and scientific-technological systems. This could facilitate the creation of the (relational) organised proximity required to provide fluent relations to the relations between the different actors within the territorial production and innovation systems. However, the presence of an extensive network of cooperatives could also define specific inertias and blockage factors. This paper develops and puts this evolutionary theoretical framework to the test when dealing how the organisation and innovative dynamic of the agro-food system of the Valencian citriculture are significantly conditioned by the presence of cooperatives.Cooperatives, agro-food systems, innovation, organised proximity, social capital, and relational capital

    Riesgos y Catástrofes. Actitudes y conductas en la sociedad española

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    Depto. de Sociología AplicadaFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Estimating allocative efficiency in port authorities with demand uncertainty

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    This paper aims to analyse the impact of port demand variability on the allocative efficiency of Spanish port authorities during the period 1986-2007. From a distance function model we can obtain a measure of allocative efficiency using two different approaches: error components approach and parametric approach. We model the variability of port demand from the cyclical component of traffic series by applying the Hodrick-Prescott filter. The results show that the inclusion of variability does not affect the efficiency measures, except in the case of containerised general cargo. Moreover, we demonstrate that port authorities have excess capacity and their resources are misallocated. Finally we establish that the allocative inefficiency of Spanish port authorities is difficult to resolve given the limited substitution possibilities among the different pairs of inputs

    The effect of port activity on urban employment: an analysis for the Spanish functional urban areas

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    This study aims to evaluate the impact of port activity on local employment in Spain. To do so, we have used a novel panel data at the functional urban areas (FUAs) level, considering cities' functional and economic extent based on daily people's movements. We have estimated a set of equations related to the port throughput-employment relationship for 2010-2020. Several estimation techniques are applied to different employment equation specifications to check the robustness of the results to the methodology employed. Additionally, three different samples have been used to assess whether the results significantly change when non-port FUAs are considered. Our results are robust to the different specifications, finding that employment elasticity to port activity ranges between 0.005 and 0.008. We find that industrial employment is more sensitive to changes in the volume of port operations than total or service employment. Finally, the analysis shows that the results significantly change when non-port FUAs are not considered in the analysis

    G20 debt-relief initiatives for low-income countries during the pandemic

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    Artículo de revistaThe serious economic impact deriving from the COVID-19 pandemic on already ailing low-income countries has prompted the search for support instruments among the international financial community. The official debt moratorium agreed by the G20 for these countries in the spring of 2020 has brought a modest temporary relief to their public finances. However, the agreements reached among official creditors could facilitate consensus on farther-reaching initiatives for the resolution of debt problems in the international sphere. In this connection, the fact that an agreement has been reached by the G20 on a “common framework for debt treatments” is an important precedent for coordination among official creditors. This article puts the debt-relief measures agreed and the challenges associated with their application into context. Their implementation and effectiveness will depend on the degree of coordination achieved in practice by creditor countries

    Planeación óptima del sistema eléctrico de la ciudad de Pereira usando una metodología matemática exacta

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    Este trabajo presenta un modelo matemático del problema del planeamiento de sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica, el cual considera la ubicación y dimensionamiento de nuevas subestaciones y alimentadores, y la reconductorización de alimentadores existentes. El modelo matemático empleado es del tipo Lineal Entero Mixto (PLEM) y para su solución se emplea un algoritmo de Branch and Bound. Para comprobar el algoritmo propuesto se emplea el sistema eléctrico de la ciudad de Pereira./ This paper presents a mathematical model of the problem of the planning of systems of electrical distribution which considers the location and sizing of new feeders and substations, and the reconductorazing of existing feeders. The mathematical model used is of the type Lineal Mixed Integer Programming (LMIP) and to solve it, an algorithm of Branch and Bound is used. In order to test the proposed algorithm, the electrical system of the city of Pereira is used

    Método de exploración secuencial cuasi equilibrado en muestreo en poblaciones finitas

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    En este trabajo se propone un procedimiento de muestreo de tipo secuencial que proporciona probabilidades de inclusión de primer orden proporcionales al tamaño, sobre bloques de la población, siendo las de segundo orden nulas para pares de elementos similares, lo que se traduce en una disminución del error de muestreo. Para la estimación de la varianza se usa un esquema de replicación que puede ser aplicado en paralelo, bastando una única exploración de la población. Se realiza un estudio computacional comparativo con procedimientos existentes de tipo IIPS, tanto de naturaieza secuencial como no secuencial, mediante estimaciones repetidas sobre poblaciones construidas por simulación.In this paper we propose a sampling sequential procedure with first-order inclusion probabilities wich are proportiona! to size over subpopulations from the entire popuiation, and second-order inclusion probabilities equal to zero for pairs of similar units. We show that this method reduces the sampling error with respect to similar methodolagies. A replication method is used to estimate the variance. Its main advantage is that all the sampling replicatíons are obtained with only one sequential exploration of the population. The relative performance of this method, in relation with another unequal probability sampling schemes, either sequential-type or not, is studied. For that, using simulated populations, the relative errors are calculated under different sampting schemes

    El Arte de coordinar actividades colaborativas con un solo clic

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    El rol del profesor cambia cuando hace uso de las TIC, su figura tiende a planificar y guiar situaciones de aprendizaje más que a ser un mero transmisor de información como en el pasado. El disponer del conocimiento necesario sobre las herramientas adecuadas para realizar la labor de seguimiento y control es fundamental para descongestionar al docente en estas labores. Una vez se planifica una asignatura el seguimiento de la misma es muy importante por lo que este artículo presenta una forma innovadora de gestionar la distribución, control y evaluación de actividades para un gran número de alumnos en clases presenciales masificadas. Pretende ser una guía para adquirir unas nociones básicas hacia la automatización de las tareas de coordinación basadas en servicios gratuitosWeb 2.0 de Google y una orientación para saber qué servicios usar cuando queremos automatizar procesos repetitivos.SUMMARY -- The teacher’s role has changed with the introduction of ICT, it tends to plan and guide learning situations rather than being a mere transmitter of information as in the past. Nowadays, teachers must also know how to use the latest management and monitoring tools in order to relieve their daily work. Once a course is planned, track the same is very important, so this paper presents an innovative way to manage the distribution, monitoring and evaluation of activities for large numbers of students in overcrowded classes. This text also intends to be a guide on how to automate coordination tasks and repetitive processes using Web 2.0 and the free services of Google

    How to boost clusters and regional change through cooperative social innovation

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    The aim of this paper is to illustrate how social innovation is promoted and spread by cooperative clusters in order to develop regional change. This paper focuses on the main drivers of the spreading and exaptation processes of social innovation. The cooperative cluster model, the exaptation concept, the top-down approach, the meso-institutions concept and the meso-level perspective are used to capture the strategic approach of spreading social innovation. The study analyses two successful clusters: Mondragon, made up of industrial SMEs, and Anecoop, an agricultural cooperative group, both leading clusters in their respective region. Qualitative methodology is used to compare both case studies. Among the findings, this paper is one of the first attempts to explain the territorial institutionalisation of social innovations by way of their exaptation. It presents adaptation and exaptation as distinct but partly sequential processes: the adaptation of social innovations in cooperative clusters paves the way for the subsequent leap via exaptation of these innovations in the whole of the territor