78 research outputs found

    Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of data protection in primary education

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    The protection of personal data and privacy are important issues closely related to use of social media, information and communication technologies, and the Internet in the area of education. The treatment of academic information and use of tools and programs for instruction, communication, and learning have revealed the handling of a significant volume of personal data from different sources. It is essential to protect this information from possible privacy violations. This descriptive study, which is of transversal nonexperimental design, focuses on how 384 pre-service teachers’ enrolled in educational technology courses in their education programs view the protection of personal data. The goals are to describe and analyze how these teachers perceive the risks associated with protection of data on the Internet and what they know about protection of data in primary education. We administered a questionnaire within the framework of an educational activity that focused on digital competence in data protection in education. The results show a high perception of risk in topics such as accepting cookies when surfing the Internet or transferring banking information. The knowledge the students claim to have shown a lack of information on the protection of minors’ data in issues related to the development and schooling of primary school students, as well as their health, background, and family environment. Curricular treatment of these areas that includes content, practices on regulations, and adopts a situated, critical, and responsible approach in pre-service teacher education is recommended.Spanish Ministry of Education & Vocational Training (Reference: FPU17/05164

    Indicators to assess preservice teachers’ digital competence in security: A systematic review

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.The goal of this review is to analyse the state of inquiry in the field of digital competence in security in initial teacher education, via indicators to assess preservice teachers’ digital competence in security, in order to help find opportunities to improve their competence level. Following the parameters defined in the PRISMA declaration, the review uses a bibliographic research methodology to explore the WoS, Scopus and ERIC databases. After a search identifying a sample of 31 scholarly articles published between 2010 and 2021, we analyse the information obtained using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results show a predominance of empirical research in the European context. These studies are quantitative and tend to use questionnaires. Our conclusion proposes the need to train preservice teachers in data protection and privacy, searching for and using Internet images with authorship screening, use of open software programs, and respect for online communication norms, as well as ethical and responsible technology use. All of these issues are implicitly and transversally linked to the area of digital competence in security.Spanish Governmen

    Internet Risk Perception: Development and Validation of a Scale for Adults

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    Despite the importance of Internet risk perception, no instrument currently exists that measures this awareness in the Spanish population. The goal of this study was to provide information on studies of the validity and reliability of the Internet Risk Perception (IRP) Scale for adult Spanish citizens. We began with a literature review and validation using a mixed panel with 20 participants. We analyzed the degree to which the subjects agreed or disagreed with the criteria evaluated, including contributions for improving the instrument, and performed a pilot test with 517 adults aged 18 to 77. Construct reliability and validity were analyzed using various statistical analyses. The results from the confirmatory factor analysis showed a sufficient accuracy of the data with parameters that indicated an excellent fit for all items. The Spanish version of the scale for adults is a reliable and valid instrument for use in studies that investigate Internet risk perception in people over 18 years of age.Operational Program FEDER 2014-2020/Andalusian Regional Government/Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Knowledge, and Universities of Andalusia/Project B-SEJ-102-UGR18Spanish Government FPU17/0516

    An Educational Framework in Digital Rights and Responsibilities for Young Entrepreneurs

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    A strong link currently exists between entrepreneurship and use of technology and the Internet, primarily because young people increasingly use digital and online strategies to start and develop entrepreneurial initiatives. The goal of this document analysis is to propose a reference framework for digital rights in youth entrepreneurship based on selection and analysis of 20 documents with legislation, regulations, and reports that focus on guaranteeing safe, responsible digital environments. The study resulted in a framework for connecting digital rights and responsibilities with young entrepreneurs, based on three main points: rights to equality and participation; rights to freedom; and rights to development, creation, and sustainability. In addition to including concepts, practices, and applications in young people’s initiatives, the framework is useful for educating young entrepreneurs, guiding future research, and helping public administrations to promote the guarantee of digital rights and responsibilities for all.Funding for Open Access Charge: School-Centered Teacher Education Research Group (FORCE HUM-386 Research Group)/Department of Didactics and School Organization (University of Granada, Spain).European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020 Operational Program/Andalusian Government/Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities/Project A.SEJ.46.UGR2

    Digital Rights and Responsibility in Education: A Scoping Review

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    Studies on digital rights in education have both gained attention and provided a framework for research, policy and practice in educational research within the field of educational technology. The potential benefits we appreciate in Internet use are inseparable from the maximum risks involved. Faced with this responsibility, individuals demand that their rights and freedoms be guaranteed in the digital environment according to their various roles as students, teachers, families or staff. This scoping review selects and analyses 54 theoretical and empirical studies from the last decade (2013-2023), identifying the main topics investigated as privacy protection in online environments, right to digital security or cybersecurity, and right to digital education. The review underscores the need to guide efforts towards digital education for citizens because the legal regulation of rights and responsibilities is necessary but insufficient. The paper also makes arguments about acceptance, limitations and implications for teacher training.European Regional Development Fund’s 2014-2020 Operational Program, the Andalusian Government, and Spain’s Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Project A.SEJ.46.UGR 2020)

    La evaluación en informes de prácticas del grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria

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    Los períodos de Prácticum son una oportunidad de aprendizaje y de adquisición de conocimientos estratégicos sobre la profesión de maestro. Son momento y espacio para comprender realidades, reflexionar, (re)construir conocimientos y asumir crítica y constructivamente las limitaciones y necesidades personales y profesionales. Los seminarios y la inmersión en las aulas dan forma a las prácticas externas académica y organizativamente. Los informes de prácticas (diarios y memorias) se utilizan para describir, reflexionar y sistematizar las conexiones entre la teoría y realidad del aula. Este artículo describe la práctica de la evaluación en la educación primaria a partir de un análisis de contenido de informes elaborados durante diferentes períodos de prácticas en un centro educativo español. Es un estudio de caso que proyecta realidades, problemas y cambios sobre este tema a partir de una experiencia que puede aportar elementos para la reflexión y el aprendizaje

    Intervención y evaluación con tecnologías de la competencia en seguridad digital

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    La atención a los problemas y riesgos relacionados con la seguridad digital requiere acciones educativas para reducir la incertidumbre que genera la convivencia en la sociedad digital. Este estudio tiene como propósito conocer el nivel competencial de estudiantes universitarios en el área de seguridad digital y el alcance de una intervención implementada y evaluada en entornos enriquecidos con tecnología. Participan 154 estudiantes de dos universidades de España y Portugal. La evaluación del nivel competencial en seguridad digital es una actividad previa a la intervención en la que los participantes utilizando diversas herramientas tecnológicas realizan en total 1012 actividades. Los resultados muestran que el 93.5% de participantes tienen un nivel competencial intermedio. Como parte de la intervención se analizan 148 narrativas digitales y 141 reflexiones sobre netiqueta y redes sociales. El análisis descriptivo de la evaluación de la intervención, da como resultado una valoración media del grupo de 82.13. Los futuros educadores deben ser competentes en ésta área y ser conscientes de la importancia que ésta tiene para la educación y en la sociedad. Es importante su formación para la conformación de una ciudadanía digital más segura y responsable en el uso de la tecnología y de Internet.Attention to Digital Security Issues and risks requires action to reduce the uncertainty generated by coexistence in the digital society. This study has as main purpose to become acquainted with the competence level of university students in digital security and the scope of an intervention implemented and evaluated in environments that are enriched with technology. 154 students from two universities in Spain and Portugal participate. The evaluation for the level of competence in digital security is an activity previous to the intervention in which the participants perform a total of 1012 activities using various technological tools. Results show that 93.5% of participants have an intermediate level of competence. As part of the intervention, 148 digital narratives and 141 afterthoughts about netiquette and social media are analyzed. The descriptive analysis of the evaluation shows the result of an average assessment of 82.13. The future educators must be competent and aware of the importance that this area has in education and in society. Training to create a safer and more responsible digital citizenship in the use of technology and the internet is fundamental.Este estudio se ha realizado gracias a la financiación del Ministerio de Educación y Formación profesional a través del Programa Estatal de ayudas Contratos predoctorales de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU17/05164)

    Melatonin activates endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in rats with diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Abstract Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most lethal human cancers worldwide because of its high incidence, its metastatic potential and the low efficacy of conventional treatment. Inactivation of apoptosis is implicated in tumour progression and chemotherapy resistance, and has been linked to the presence of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Melatonin, the main product of the pineal gland, exerts anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic and antiangiogenic effects in HCC cells, but these effects still need to be confirmed in animal models. Male Wistar rats in treatment groups received diethylnitrosamine (DEN) 50 mg/kg intraperitoneally twice/once a week for 18 weeks. Melatonin was given in drinking water at 1 mg/ kg/d, beginning 5 or 12 weeks after the start of DEN administration. Melatonin improved survival rates and successfully attenuated liver injury, as shown by histopathology, decreased levels of serum transaminases and reduced expression of placental glutathione S-transferase. Furthermore, melatonin treatment resulted in a significant increase of caspase 3, 8 and 9 activities, polyadenosine diphosphate (ADP) ribose polymerase (PARP) cleavage, and Bcl-associated X protein (Bax)/Bcl-2 ratio. Cytochrome c, p53 and Fas-L protein concentration were also significantly enhanced by melatonin. Melatonin induced an increased expression of activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), C/EBP-homologous protein (CHOP) and immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein (BiP), while cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression decreased. Data obtained suggest that induction of apoptosis and ER stress contribute to the beneficial effects of melatonin in rats with DEN-induced HCC

    Evaluación del conocimiento sobre efecto del cigarrillo en internas fumadoras. Pereira 2004.

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    El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre los daños causados por el cigarrillo, en las internas que fuman en un Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Mujeres de Pereira, durante el segundo semestre de 2004

    Evaluación del conocimiento sobre efecto del cigarrillo en internas fumadoras. Pereira 2004

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    El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar el nivel deConocimiento sobre los daños causados por el cigarrillo, en las internas que fuman en un Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Mujeres de Pereira, durante el segundo semestre de 2004. Inicialmente se identificaron y cuantificaron las condenadas fumadoras, obteniendo como población estudio un total de 34 internas entre las 149 presentes en la institución. Luego se aplicó una encuesta semiestructurada, la cual permitió recolectar las variables: continuas (nombre, edad etc.) y discontinuas, divididas en variables dicotómicas (procedencia, ¿tiene hijos?) y discretas (escolaridad, cambios en el organismo desde que comenzó a fumar). La información recolectada se condensó en una base de datos en epiinfo, la cual se analizó en forma univariada; posteriormente se realizó análisis bivariado, entre las variables más representativas. Las principales limitaciones en el desarrollo del trabajo fueron la falta de cooperación de las internas, algunas de las cuales presentaron una actitud apática y desconfiada alterando los datos de la encuesta y ocasionando de esta manera sesgos de información, además del horario para la recolección de información, ya que se cruzaba con otras actividades realizadas por ellas o por los estudiantes. El 91% de las internas conoce que el hábito del cigarrillo trae efectos adversos para la salud; de ese 91%, 52% cree que causa cáncer de pulmón; el 15% que causa ‘enfermedad en los pulmones’. El análisis bivariado mostró que a mayor edad, mayor es el conocimiento acerca de los efectos que el cigarrillo ejerce sobre la salud y la relación con el número de cigarrillos consumidos diariamente. Las internas tienen algún conocimiento de los efectos adversos del cigarrillo, porque la mayoría aceptó la relación de éste con enfermedades; pero la concordancia es básicamente para problemas respiratorios, más no para alteraciones sistémicas; además creen que todas las enfermedades respiratorias son causadas por el cigarrillo. El principal problema es que aún con el conocimiento de las posibles consecuencias que se derivan del hábito del cigarrillo, no muestran interés por dejarlo. Se recomienda establecer programas permanentes para proporcionar métodos o alternativas que les faciliten superar este hábito, sin que esto les afecte su estado  emocional.