607 research outputs found

    Natural predatory enemies of the erineum strain of Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) (Acari, Eriophyidae) found on wild grapevine populations from southern Spain (Andalusia)

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    The Eurasian wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera L. subspecies sylvestris (Gmelin,) Hegi constitutes a dioecious relative of cultivated grape varieties. It constitutes an important phytogenetic resource, threatened by human activities. The most frequent phytophagous species on this European wild vine is the erineum strain of Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) (Acari, Eryophyidae). The aim of the present paper is to identify the natural enemies of the cited mite in wild grapevine populations situated in southern Spain. Results indicated that such kind of predatory biocenosis is integrated by Phytoseiidae (Euseius stipulatus, Kampimodromus sp., Neoseiulella litoralis, Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhloseiella isotricha, Typhlodromus phialatus, Typhlodromus rhenanoides), Tydeidae (Orthotydeus caudatus,Tydeus caudatus), and dipteran, Cecidomyiidae (Arthrocnodax vitis).

    Determination of the stability of Kollicoat MAE 30D by means of differential scanning calorimetry

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    Se estudia la estabilidad de Kollicoat MAE 30D mediante determinaciones calorimétricas y microscópicas. Se estudian los efectos que producen pH, temperatura y agitación sobre las propiedades fi sicoquímicas de las partículas de este latex comercial. Se comprueba que el factor que mas infl uencia ejerce es el pH, siendo máxima la estabilidad a pH ácidos, y modifi cándose con un decrecimiento de la misma, a partir de pH 6. Se determina la forma y tamaño de partícula mediante medidas microfotográfi cas de SEM, realizando el recuento de 200 partículas de una muestra del latex previamente desecado. Se comprueba que la dispersión acuosa de Kollicoat MAE 30 D a su pH natural (2.5), da lugar a una población de partículas con un diámetro medio de 1.56 nm.The stability of Kollicoat MAE 30 D was studied with differential scanning calorimetric, and scanning electron microscopy. We investigated the effects of pH, temperature and shaking on physicochemical properties of the latex particles. Stability of the polymer as most strongly affected by pH; hence, we conclude that the stability of this latex reaches a maximum at acid pH values, where as stability is lost to pH 6. The particle shape and the mean diameter were determined by means of SEM microphotographs on 200 particles in a sample of dry latex. The aqueous Kollicoat MAE 30 D dispersion, at its natural pH (2.5), presented one population of particles with a mean diameter of 1.56 nm

    Assessment of pollen dimorphism in populations of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi in Spain

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    A comparative scanning electron microscopy study and biometric analysis of pollen of 14 Spanish Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi populations was performed. In all the investigated populations pollen grains show a marked degree of dimorphism. Pollen grains from male flowers are prolate spheroidal and tricolporate in shape, while the pollen grains from female flowers are spheroidal to oval, unaperturate, with no colpi.

    Luxación carpometacarpiana del primer dedo asociada a fractura de trapecio

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    Presentamos un caso de luxación carpometacarpiana del primer dedo asociada a fractura de trapecio. Fue tratada mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna. El resultado obtenido después de un año de seguimiento fue excelente. Sólo hemos encontrado once casos en la literatura y ninguno tratado como el nuestro.A case of carpometacarpal dislocation of the thumb associated with fracture of the trapezium in presented. It was treated by open reduction and internal fixation. The result after a one year follow-up was excellent. We have found only eleven cases in literature and none was treated like ours

    Resurgence of minor pests following the implementation of mating disruption against Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Sherry vineyards (Spain)

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    The implementation of the mating disruption technique against the grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana (Denis and Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Sherry vineyards (Andalusia, South-western Spain) reduced the number of chemical treatments required to manage this serious pest. In order to verify the long term consequences of this type of management on the minor pests of vineyards, a study was carried out over nine years to compare the population levels of four phytophagous insect species (Altica ampelophaga, Planococcus citri, Jacobiasca lybica, Aphis gossypii) in plots where L. botrana was managed with conventional chemical treatments or using mating disruption. Field data on secondary pests were collected on randomly chosen vines at different times on different plant organs such as leaves, shoots and bunches, depending on the type of pest, according to the ATRIA procedure (Andalusian IPM procedure). Results showed a significant increase of grapevine infestation by all four secondary pest species in the plots managed with grape berry moth mating disruption. These findings represented a limitation for the implementation of this technique in Andalusian vineyardsWe want to thank J. L. Jiménez García, Academia de San Dionisio de Ciencias, Artes y Letras of Jerez de la Frontera; J. Alcón González, Servicio de Protección de los Vegetales of Jerez de la Frontera and AECOVI JERE

    Antiferromagnetism in four dimensions: search for non-triviality

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    We present antiferromagnetism as a mechanism capable of modifying substantially the phase diagram and the critical behaviour of statistical mechanical models. This is particularly relevant in four dimensions, due to the connection between second order transition points and the continuum limit as a quantum field theory. We study three models with an antiferromagnetic interaction: the Ising and the O(4) Models with a second neighbour negative coupling, and the \RP{2} Model. Different conclusions are obtained depending on the model.Comment: 4 pages LateX. Contribution to Lat9

    Importancia de la polietilenimina en biomedicina y sus aplicaciones en terapia génica

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    Therapy is a branch of health science that deals with the means used and the manner of application in the treatment of diseases in order to relieve symptoms or produce a cure. Today there are many therapeutic tools available to combat the diverse health problems faced daily. With this evolution of medicine, it is inevitable that more and better strategies emerge leading to a more innovative therapeutic spectrum. Within the new strategies, we find that gene therapy is currently one with most potential. This type of therapy is based on using genetic material as an active substance against various pathologies and it is on which this literary review is focused. With the high demand for systems that vehiculize genetic material, diverse forms of carrying said material have emerged in the past decade. One of these forms consists of the use of non-viral vectors. The non-viral vectors act as transfectants that evade problems inherent to the use of viral structures such as immunological reactions. Polyethylenimine has emerged as the most promising polymer in this field for many reasons which will be illustrated in this paper. The objectives of this review are to give the reader an understanding of what Polyethylenimine is, why it has produced so much interest today in gene therapy, and what its applications are, with special emphasis on cancer treatment.La Terapéutica es la rama de las ciencias de la salud, que se ocupa de los medios empleados y su forma de aplicarlos en el tratamiento de las enfermedades con el fin de aliviar los síntomas o de producir la curación. Hoy en día existen al alcance multitud de herramientas terapéuticas para combatir los diversos problemas de salud a los que se hace frente día a día. Con esta evolución de la Medicina, es inevitable que vayan surgiendo cada vez más y mejores estrategias que conducen a un espectro terapéutico más innovador. Dentro de las nuevas estrategias, nos encontramos con la Terapia Génica que es una de las que más potencial tiene actualmente. Este tipo de terapia se basa en utilizar material genético como sustancia activa frente a diversas patologías y es aquí donde se encuentra el centro de atención de la presente revisión bibliográfica. Con la gran demanda de sistemas que vehiculizan el material génico han surgido en la última década, diversas formas de transportar dicho material. Una de estas formas consiste en el empleo de vectores no virales. Los cuales no son más que transfectores que eluden los problemas inherentes al empleo de estructuras víricas, como son las reacciones inmunológicas. La polietilenimina ha emergido como el polímero más prometedor en este ámbito por múltiples razones las cuales serán ilustradas en el presente trabajo. Los objetivos de la presente revisión son otorgar al lector un conocimiento sobre qué es la polietilenimina, porqué suscita tanto interés hoy en día en terapia génica, y cuáles son algunas de sus aplicaciones, haciendo especial hincapié en el tratamiento del cáncer.Proyecto FIS 11/02571 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, España)

    Phase diagram of d=4 Ising Model with two couplings

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    We study the phase diagram of the four dimensional Ising model with first and second neighbour couplings, specially in the antiferromagnetic region, by using Mean Field and Monte Carlo methods. From the later, all the transition lines seem to be first order except that between ferromagnetic and disordered phases in a region including the first-neighbour Ising transition point.Comment: Latex file and 4 figures (epsfig required). It replaces the preprint entitled "Non-classical exponents in the d=4 Ising Model with two couplings". New analysis with more statistical data is performed. Final version to appear in Phys. Lett.