15 research outputs found

    Uso de la diversidad vegetal por Atta cephalotes L. 1758 en San Rafael Piña, municipio de Zentla, Veracruz, México

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    Ants have an important role in the tropical rainy forest because they are prominent herbivores in many Neotropical communities. However, in many cases, as with Atta cephalotes L. 1758, the ant-plant relationships have not been enough studied. In this paper, plants used by A. cephalotes in 16 ant colonies at two localities in the Zentla municipality, in Veracruz, Mexico have been surveyed. It was found that the number of plant species used by ant colonies is related to the place diversity and that ants are selective and focus on the colony self-organization.Las hormigas ocupan un lugar importante en los ecosistemas de los bosques lluviosos tropicales y son herbívoros que se destacan en muchas comunidades neotropicales. Sin embargo, en muchos casos, como es el de Atta cephalotes L. 1758, la relación hormiga-planta ha sido poco estudiada. En este trabajo se determinaron las especies vegetales utilizadas por 16 colonias de A. cephalotes localizadas en tres localidades del municipio de Zentla, Veracruz, México. Aunque el número de especies vegetales utilizadas por colonia está relacionado con la diversidad del lugar, las hormigas son selectivas y atienden a necesidades de organización interna de sus nidos

    Physiological development of red anthurium (Anthurium andreanum Linden) var. Tropical in three in vitro culture systems

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the physiological development of Anthurium andreanum L. var. Tropical red color in three in vitro culture systems: semi-solid, partial immersion and RITA® bioreactor Design / methodology / approach: A completely randomized design was used with three treatments: semi-solid medium, partial immersion and RITA® bioreactor, with four repetitions each. Vitroplants of anthurium were selected with a size of 0.5 cm from the stem to the highest leaf, with three leaves each specimen. After 60 days of sowing, morphometric analyzes, chlorophyll content and hormone content were carried out. An analysis of variance and comparison tests of means were performed on the data obtained by Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey, respectively, using the statistical software R-STUDIO. Results: The highest shoot rate and root length was obtained in partial immersion; however, the number of leaves, shoots and root multiplication did not show differences with the RITA® bioreactors. The highest concentration of chlorophyll and indole acetic acid was observed when using RITA® bioreactors. Study limitations / implications: The results are favorable for the in vitro production of anthurium, however for commercial production the use of RITA® bioreactors is a high cost in the initial investment. Findings / conclusions: with the results obtained, it is considered that the RITA bioreactors obtained the best results for the production of anthurium, followed by the partial immersion system. Due to the liquid medium and better gas exchange, which favors the development of plants Keywords: Anthurium andreanum L.; chlorophyll; phytohormones; immersion systemsObjective: To evaluate the physiological development of red Anthurium andreanum L. var. Tropical in three in vitro culture systems: semi-solid, partial immersion and RITA® bioreactor. Design / methodology / approach: A completely randomized design with three treatments, semi-solid medium, partial immersion and RITA® bioreactor, and four repetitions each was used. Vitroplants of anthurium were selected with a size of 0.5 cm from the stem to the highest leaf, with three leaves in each specimen. Morphometric, chlorophyll content and hormone content analyses were carried out after 60 days of sowing. Analysis of variance and means comparison tests were performed on the data obtained through Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey, respectively, using the statistical software R-STUDIO. Results: The highest shoot rate and root length were obtained in partial immersion; however, the number of leaves, shoots and root multiplication did not show differences with the RITA® bioreactors. The highest concentration of chlorophylls and indole acetic acid was observed when using RITA® bioreactors. Study limitations / implications: The results are favorable for the in vitro production of anthurium, although the use of RITA® bioreactors for commercial production is a high cost in the initial investment. Findings / conclusions: With the results obtained, it is considered that the RITA® bioreactors obtained the best results for the production of anthurium, followed by the partial immersion system. This is due to the liquid medium and better gas exchange, which favors the development of plant

    Genetic Uniformity of the MSXJ papaya hybrid (Carica papaya L.) during Micropropagation

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    Objective. To analyze the genetic uniformity of the MSXJ papaya hybrid vitroplants, obtained via direct organogenesis. Design/methodology/approach. The MSXJ papaya hybrid presents quality characteristics for national and export markets. The in vitro plant tissue culture represents a tool for its multiplication and conservation, but somaclonal variation can decrease its genetic and agronomic uniformity. In order to analyze the genetic uniformity of this hybrid vitroplants, 10 ISSR primers were used in micropropagated vitroplants during nine subcultures. DNA extraction was carried out with the CTAB method. The data analysis was performed with the PopGene v 1.3.1 program. Results. Eighty five loci of 200 to 2000 bp were generated, with 37 polymorphic loci. In the cluster analysis, three groups were observed that separated subculture one, subcultures two through eight, and subculture nine; the Gst value of 0.87 indicated genetic uniformity up to subculture eight. Limitations/implications. Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits worldwide; however it is necessary to have healthy and genetically uniform plants that guarantee their quality. In vitro propagation allows to produce healthy and uniform plants, but it is necessary to study their genetic uniformity during their micropropagation. Findings/conclusions. The in vitro multiplication of the MSXJ papaya hybrid allowed to regenerate vigorous plants in 30 days. Molecular profiles indicated that up to subculture eight plantlets were genetically uniform, so it is recommended not to carry out more than eight subcultures during micropropagation.Objective: To analyze the genetic uniformity of MSXJ hybrid papaya in vitro plants, obtained by direct organogenesis.Design/Methodology/Approach: The MSXJ papaya hybrid demonstrates quality characteristics for the national and exports market. In vitro culture of plant tissues represents a useful tool for their multiplication and conservation, but somaclonal variation can diminish their genetic and agronomic uniformity. In order to analyze the genetic uniformity of in vitro plants of this hybrid, ten ISSR primers were used for in vitro plants micropropagated during nine subcultures. DNA was extracted using the CTAB method. Data were analyzed using the program PopGene v 1.3.1.Results: Eighty-five loci of 200 to up to 2000 pb were generated, with 37 polymorphic loci. In the cluster analysis, three groups were observed which separate subculture one, subcultures two to eight, and subculture nine; the Gst value of 0.87 indicated genetic uniformity as far as subculture eight.Study Limitations/Implications: Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits worldwide; however, these plants need to be healthy and genetically uniform to guarantee commercial success. In vitro propagation allows obtaining healthy and uniform plants, but it is necessary to study genetic uniformity during their micropropagation.Findings/Conclusions: The in vitro multiplication of the MSXJ papaya hybrid permitted the regeneration of vigorous plants in 30 d. Molecular profiles indicate that as far as subculture eight, there is genetic uniformity. As such, no more thaneight subcultures are recommended during micropropagation


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    Este volumen incluye trabajos que abordan temáticas que demuestran que el campo es una construcción sociocultural, por lo tanto, el medio rural es diferenciado y está en constante cambio y adaptación a los procesos globales y locales. Son 19 trabajos divididos en dos secciones, la primera, denominada Nuevas dinámicas sociales, económicas y culturales en el medio rural, está compuesta por 8 capítulos, en esta sección se incluyen aquellos trabajos que analizan de manera concreta los cambios perceptibles en las relaciones rurales y en las actividades económicas; procesos como desagrarización y nuevas actividades económicas son abordados aquí, así como propuestas metodológicas para el estudio de lo rural considerando los cambios y adaptaciones que se registran en los territorios. La segunda sección, Resistencias y alternativas al modelo neoliberal en la producción agrícola y alimentaria, está integrada por 11 trabajos que abordan las diversas formas en que los campesinos y productores agrícolas resisten y se adaptan a los cambios globales y a las modificaciones de política pública, desde los mercados alternativos hasta la producción de nuevos cultivos que generan un mercado nuevo a su producción, hasta las resistencias y defensa de la milpa, las reflexiones que nos ofrecen dan idea de la diversidad de formas en que la vida campesina se mantiene a pesar de todos los embates.INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y RURALES (ICAR), UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA, EL COLEGIO DE MICHOACÁN A.C., CUCOSTA SUR GRANA, FACULTAD DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES ACATLÁN-UNAM, ECOSU

    Gestión del conocimiento: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 12

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 12, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro cuenta con el apoyo de los grupos de investigación: Universidad Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprúm” (UNESUR), Zulia – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero (UPTAG), Falcón – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kleber Ramírez (UPTM), Mérida – Venezuela; Universidad Guanajuato (UG) - Campus Celaya - Salvatierra - Cuerpo Académico de Biodesarrollo y Bioeconomía en las Organizaciones y Políticas Públicas (C.A.B.B.O.P.P), Guanajuato – México; Centro de Altos Estudios de Venezuela (CEALEVE), Zulia – Venezuela, Centro Integral de Formación Educativa Especializada del Sur (CIFE - SUR) - Zulia - Venezuela, Centro de Investigaciones Internacionales SAS (CIN), Antioquia - Colombia.y diferentes grupos de investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional que hoy se unen para estrechar vínculos investigativos, para que sus aportes científicos formen parte de los libros que se publiquen en formatos digital e impreso

    Consideraciones sobre el origen y primera dispersión del aguacate (Persea americana, Lauraceae)

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    The origin of the avocado and its varieties has been placed in the Mesoamerican area; however there are still some aspects that have not been entirely explained. We surveyed this issue integrating geological, archaeological and paleoecological data that allowed us to examine the most ancient ancestors, their geographic distribution and their possible dispersion routes. In the light of these data, we propose that the origin of the avocado could have been in the area currently occupied by Sierra Nevada (California) and that it could have occurred when the mountains emerged about 8 to 5 million years ago. Afterwards, the avocado migrated south where different domestications occurred and the current varieties evolved. Each variety was adapted to different ecological conditions and became domesticated by different cultural groups

    Use of the larvae of Arsenura armida armida (Cramer, 1779) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), “cuecla” in Ixcohuapa, Veracruz, México

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    Se identificó la larva comestible de Arsenura armida armida en la zona de Zongolica, localidad de Ixcohuapa, Veracruz, México. Entrevistas a los pobladores de la localidad, permitieron conocer aspectos culturales sobre el aprovechamiento y uso de la larva de este insecto. Esta larva se presenta durante el inicio de la época de lluvias, y se recolecta a mano, para su consumo a mediados de julio. La larva se prepara frita o hervida en agua. Se describe el proceso de recolecta, la preparación para su cocimiento y su consumo. Las larvas constituyen una fuente alternativa de proteína animal para los pobladores locales y su cuidado propicia la conservación de la diversidad entomológica y de las especies arbóreas que las hospedan.Human consumption of Arsenura armida armada larvae, was described for the community of Ixcohuapa, in the Zongolica area in Veracruz, Mexico. Cultural exploitation of this resource was studied in close contact with inhabitants of the area. Larvae appear at the beginning of the rainy season, and they are collected by hand for consumption in middle July. Larvae collection, preparation for cooking and consumption are described herein. Arsenura armada larvae constitute and alternative source of animal protein for local inhabitants and its protection is propitious for entomological diversity and tree species where the larvae develop conservation

    Fertilización complementada con sílice en la resistencia del tomate a Fusarium oxysporum Schtdl.

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    Tomato production stands in first place worldwide. This fruit presents benefits as an antioxidant and is widely used in the Mesoamerican cuisine. In this crop, Fusarium oxysporum causes one of the principal diseases that produce wilting and plant death. In fertilizers use, it is known that application of silica improves resistance to diseases. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of fertilization supplemented with silica on resistance of tomato to F. oxysporum. In Peñuela, Veracruz, Mexico, from April to July 2015, doses recommended by the manufacturer, and also one 20% lower and other 20% higher of PSD, Silifertidol Ultra y Fosfosilidol fertilizers were applied to tomato plants. The benefit of silica in plant growth was significantly associated with fertilizer sources and the applied doses. The best result was observed when doses 20% higher than the recommended, were applied, and Cid F1 variety was more susceptible to F. oxysporum. The fertilizer with the best results on the severity and incidence was PSD, and best growth was observed when silica was applied at between 33 and 40%. This investigation reached as a conclusion that the application of fertilizers supplemented with silica, resulted in an improved growth of tomato plants and an increased resistance to F. oxysporum, due to the increase in photosynthetic activity and thickness of the cuticle.A nivel mundial, el tomate ocupa el primer lugar en producción. Este fruto presenta beneficios como antioxidante y es ampliamente usado en la cocina mesoamericana. Entre las enfermedades que presenta se encuentra la causada por Fusarium oxysporum, que produce marchitez y muerte de la planta. El uso de fertilizantes complementados con sílice mejora la resistencia a patógenos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la fertilización complementada con sílice sobre la resistencia del tomate a F. oxysporum. En Peñuela, Veracruz, México, se aplicaron de abril a julio del 2015, tres fuentes de sílice en las dosis recomendadas por el fabricante, una 20% menor y otra 20% mayor de los fertilizantes Potencializador Solubilizador (PSD), Silifertidol Ultra y Fosfosilidol, en las variedades Cid F1 y Pony Express. El beneficio del sílice en el crecimiento de la planta estuvo asociado significativamente a las fuentes de fertilizante y las dosis aplicadas. Resultó mejor la aplicación de fertilizantes con dosis 20% mayores a las recomendadas por el fabricante. La variedad Cid F1 fue más susceptible a F. oxysporum. El fertilizante con mejores resultados sobre la severidad e incidencia fue PSD, y el mejor crecimiento se observó con contenidos de sílice de 33 y 40%. Por lo que, se concluye que fertilizantes complementados con sílice, contribuyeron al mejor crecimiento de plantas de tomate y al aumento de la resistencia a F. oxysporum, debido al aumento en la actividad fotosintética y en el grosor de la cutícula

    Comparison of two soil ant samplings from Metlác gully, Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz, México

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    El objetivo fue comparar la riqueza, la diversidad y la abundancia de la comunidad de hormigas presente en dos muestreos (junio y octubre) del suelo en un transecto de la Barranca de Metlác en el municipio de Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, México. Los ejemplares se colectaron durante cinco días con trampas de intersección o caída. Posteriormente, las muestras se limpiaron, separaron, montaron e identificaron en laboratorio. Se determinó el número de especies, el índice de riqueza de Margalef, el índice de diversidad de Shannon, el índice de equidad de Pielou y el índice de dominancia de Berger-Parker. La abundancia se comparó con curvas de rango abundancia. Se identificaron un total de 21 especies en las dos colectas realizadas, con 12 especies para la primera y 17 para la segunda, también la diversidad se presentó en ese mismo sentido, observándose diferencias significativas. La estructura de la comunidad en las dos colectas fue estadísticamente diferente, observándose en el primer muestreo una alta dominancia y en el segundo un equilibro de la dominancia con la equitatividad. Se determinó que existe una riqueza, diversidad y abundancia de la mirmecofauna en la región; asimismo, se documenta, la dominancia de Solenopsis geminata en los dos muestreos.The objective was to compare richness, diversity and abundance of ant community in two soil samplings (June and October) in a transect of the Metlác gully, Municipality Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico. Ants were collected during five days with pit-fall traps. After that, samplings were cleaned, separated, mounted and identified at the laboratory. Biodiversity index were calculated and compared (species number, Margalef, Shannon, Pielou and Berger-Parker) and rank curves were plotted for comparing abundance. Twenty one species were identified in the two samplings (12 in the first one and 17 in the second one). Also, the diversity had the same trend with significant differences. Ant community structure was statistically different in the two collecting events. A high dominance was showed in the first sampling and a dominance equilibrium in the second one. It was determined that a richness, diversity and abundance of ants exist in the gully, in the other hand, the dominance of Solenopsis geminata is documented in the two samplings

    Geoaccumulation and Ecological Risk Indexes in Papaya Cultivation Due to the Presence of Trace Metals

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of heavy metals on Maradol papaya cultivation soil, through the geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and the ecological potential risk index (RI). Soil samples from 15 locations in the Cotaxtla municipality of Veracruz, Mexico were tested for pH, soil texture, and concentrations of lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and organic matter (MO). The pH varied between values of 5.5 ± 0.10 and 7.7 ± 0.22, while the MO varied from 1.57% ± 0.97% to 13.1% ± 1.342%. The type of soil texture represented 48% sandy loam, 40% loam, 8% clay loam, and 4% silt-loam. For heavy metals, average levels were found in the following order Cr (0.695 ± 0.018) > Zn (0.615 ± 0.016) > Pb (0.323 ± 0.012) > Cu (0.983 ± 0.011) > Cd (0.196 ± 0.011) mg kg−1. The Igeo values from 96% of the analyzed sampling points were below zero and were considered uncontaminated. The other 4% of samples, from the Potrerillo1 (PT) site, had Igeo values of 1.13, where the highest concentration of Cd was found, which indicates moderate contamination levels. The RI index at the PT site was in the category of moderate contamination, and the rest of the points correspond to the category of low pollution