43 research outputs found

    Videogames in the multidisciplinary development of primary education curriculum: the Minecraft case

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    Como consecuencia del impacto que está teniendo Minecraft entre el público juvenil, ya son muchos los docentes los que han comenzado a introducirlo en sus aulas como parte del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. No obstante, la cantidad de propuestas valiosas para los estudiantes de educación primaria son muy escasas y dispersas en internet. Es por ello, que el objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una recopilación multidisciplinar de diferentes propuestas de trabajo de Minecraft según el currículo actual de Educación Primaria, que sirva como precedente a la hora de planificar las prácticas educativas de los docentes. Para ello se toma como base el Real Decreto 126/201, así como una serie de bases de datos especializadas y generales. La propuesta recoge actividades de las diferentes asignaturas de Educación Primaria desarrolladas ya con anterioridad. Finalmente, se discuten los efectos que han tenido algunas de estas prácticas en los estudiantes, así como algunos de los factores en los que podría resultar más favorable el desarrollo de esta propuesta. De igual modo, se presentan algunas recomendaciones tanto para estudios como intervenciones futuras que podrían servir de ayuda tanto para el profesorado de educación primaria como para el profesorado universitario de los grados de educación.Minecraft is a videogame that is gaining greater and greater importance among youthful public. As consequence, a significant number of teachers are using it in their classrooms as part of the teaching-learning process. Nevertheless, the amount of valuable and motivating proposals for primary school students are few and scattered on the internet. In order to enhance this situation, the aim of this work is to make a multidisciplinary recompilation of different Minecraft proposals based on the Real Decree 126/201, as well as on some specialised databases and general databases. The proposal gathers activities from the different subjects of Primary Education previously developed. Finally, the effects of these practices on students and some factors that could result significant to consider before applying this proposal are discussed. In addition, in view of contemporary situation and presented proposal, some further recommendations for future research studies and interventions are given to primary school teachers, as well as to Teaching degrees’ university teachers

    Flipped Classroom in the Educational System: Trend or Effective Pedagogical Model Compared to Other Methodologies?.

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    Flipped Classroom methodology is gaining relative importance as time goes by, in part due to the spreading and accessibility of technological resources in the educational field. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of this methodology is still being discussed. In this sense, the aim of this study is to analyse whether flipped classroom methodology is a more effective methodology than other methodologies. For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out, considering as valid studies those that had a pre-post and a control group. Based on a total of 61 studies (n = 5541 students) from 18 databases, results revealed that Flipped Classroom methodology is more effective than other methodologies in terms of learning achievement, in secondary and higher education, and it could be more beneficial than other methodologies in other constructs as motivation, self-efficacy, cooperativeness and engagement, among others. In primary education, findings revealed that Flipped Classroom could be as effective as other methodologies with regard to learning achievement, and other construct, such as self-concept and social climate. Depending on the educational stage, the effect size of differences was between 1.36 to 1.80 times larger in the case of Flipped Classroom group in comparison with control group. Based on these results, the Flipped Classroom could be more beneficial in comparison with traditional methodologies that are mainly used in higher education. However, it would not more beneficial in other educational stages where traditional approaches are not commonly used, such as in primary education.post-print649 K

    The Importance of Personality and Self-efficacy for Stress Management in Higher Education

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    The psychological implications of stress have become an issue of concern for university students around the world over the past decade. It is thought that the perception of stress varies depending on students' personality traits and their beliefs about being able to manage their academic life. To investigate this further, a study was conducted with a sample of 200 university students. The main findings of this study were: (1) All of the Big Five Model of personality traits significantly contribute to developing positive academic self-efficacy, with some of these being moderated by gender. Self-efficacy is characterised by agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, emotionally stability and openness to experience. (2) People with high academic self-efficacy are able to take advantage of eustress and manage distress better than people with low academic self-efficacy. (3) There are some personality traits that contribute to distress and eustress. Specifically, people who are introverted and have low emotional stability and low openness to experience tend to suffer from distress more than people who do not have these traits. In contrast, conscientious people tend to experience eustress more than people without these characteristics. All these traits were mediated by self-efficacy, and in some cases were moderated by gender

    Un meta-análisis de la metodología Flipped Classroom en el aula de Educación Primaria

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    En la siguiente investigación se presenta un meta-análisis sobre 25 estudios de la etapa de Educación Primaria en los que se usó la metodología Flipped Classroom. Para ello se hizo uso de varias bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados apuntan a que el formato más usado son los artículos de revistas científicas, los países que más publican en base a los criterios establecidos son Estados Unidos y España, la asignatura en la que más se aplica esta metodología es en las matemáticas, el constructo más analizado es el rendimiento académico y las técnicas más usadas son el Pre/Post test y la observación partícipe. Se aprecia la escasez de estudios en la etapa de Educación Primaria. En vista de los resultados se discuten futuras líneas de investigación y recomendaciones sobre esta temática

    L’anàlisi de moderació en l’àmbit socioeducatiu mitjançant la macro Process en SPSS Statistics

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    INTRODUCCIÓ. El procediment de moderació simple està dissenyat per analitzar l’efecte d’una variable moderada en la causalitat d’una variable independent o predictor sobre una variable dependent o explicada. MÈTODE. En aquesta línia, Process es presenta com una eina per dur a terme aquest procediment de manera senzilla i ràpida. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és explicar amb claredat com fer una anàlisi de moderació simple amb Process en SPSS Statistics a través d’un cas pràctic i real de l’àmbit socioeducatiu. RESULTATS. Els resultats d’aquesta anàlisi apunten que la variable moderada (obertura a l’experiència) exerceix com a tal entre la variable independent (intel·ligència emocional) i la variable dependent (dificultats en la presa de decisions de la carrera) en els subjectes amb nivells d’obertura a l’experiència mitjans i alts. DISCUSSIÓ. L’ús d’aquesta eina permet a l’investigador que s’introdueix en els procediments de moderació interpretar de manera ràpida els resultats obtinguts

    Corrigendum: El análisis de moderación en el ámbito socioeducativo a través de la macro Process en SPSS Statistics

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    Arran del comentari que va fer arribar a REIRE una persona que va llegir l’article publicat, l’autor proposa incloure una anotació al seu article per evitar possibles interpretacions errònies en un dels seus paràgrafs.As a result of the comment made to REIRE by a reader, the author proposes to include an annotation to his article to avoid possible misinterpretations in one of its paragraphs.A raíz del comentario que hizo llegar a REIRE una persona que leyó el artículo publicado, el autor propone incluir una anotación a su artículo para evitar posibles interpretaciones erróneas en uno de sus párrafos

    Promoting Time Management and Self-Efficacy Through Digital Competence in University Students: A Mediational Model.

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    It is though that those students who better manage their time and perceive themselves to be more effective in the tasks they perform are thought to be due, in part, to a stronger understanding and command of digital competence. This competence allows students to know and use a greater number of tools and techniques to respond to the problems that arise in their academic career, favouring the reduction of perceived stress. To test this hypothesis, a total of 200 students from different degrees of Education and universities participated in the study, who answered the Digital Competence Questionnaire in University Students, the Spanish version of Time Management Behaviour Questionnaire, the Scale of Perceived Self-efficacy in academic situations, and the Scale of Global Perception of Stress. The results show how the starting hypothesis is fulfilled in that time management and academic self-efficacy function as mediators between digital competence and types of positive or negative stressors. Finally, these findings implications are discussed.post-print411 K

    ¿Por qué motivos se esfuerzan los estudiantes en educación primaria?: Un estudio de la orientación motivacional por curso y sexo

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    The purpose of the current research study has been to know which are the reasons students have to strive in the learning process through the goal theory, analysing course and sex differences. In this line, 1059 students (539 girls and 520 boys) of 4th, 5th and 6th grade of Primary Education took part filling out the Academic Goals Questionnaire (García et al., 1998). The results suggest that there was a significant correlation of mild-moderate intensity between the different goals. Likewise, the boys showed significantly higher scores than girls in social assessment goals, and the girls significantly higher that the boys in learning goals. With regard to the course, it was also noticed that learning goals and social assessment goals decreased with the passage of time.  These findings agree almost entirely with investigations developed in another type of population.En el presente estudio se ha tratado de conocer cuáles son los motivos que tienen los estudiantes para esforzarse en el proceso de aprendizaje a través de la teoría de metas académicas en función del curso y el sexo. En esta línea, tomaron parte 1059 estudiantes (539 chicas y 520 chicos) de 4º, 5º o 6º de Educación Primaria, quienes rellenaron el Cuestionario de Metas Académicas (García et al., 1998). Los resultados apuntan a que existía una correlación significativa de intensidad leve-moderada entre las diferentes metas. De igual modo, los chicos presentaron puntuaciones significativamente superiores a las chicas en las metas de valoración social, y las chicas significativamente mayores a los chicos en las metas de aprendizaje. Respecto al curso, también se apreció como tanto las metas de aprendizaje como las metas de valoración social disminuían con el paso de los cursos. Estos resultados concuerdan casi en su totalidad con investigaciones desarrolladas en otro tipo de población

    Una revisión sistemática de la metodología flipped classroom a nivel universitario en España

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    Flipped Classroom is a methodology that is being more common at university level, surely, due to the active role the students take on the learning process. In this research a systematic review of this methodology at university level in Spain is carried out. The analysis of 109 research studies point out the gradual increment of the number of publications about this topic both, in Spanish and English, as time goes by that could be related to an increment of the use of this methodology at university classes. Despite the fact there are few universities that consider this methodology as part of their common praxis, almost half of Spanish Universities have had a preliminary contact with it. The vast majority of these experiences have been applied to social sciences and law area, as well as engineering and architecture, using fundamentally quantitative designs and techniques. The main objectives of these type of research studies were measure the impact on the academic performance and discover the satisfaction of the experience. Although there is not a clear conclusion about the effectiveness of Flipped Classroom on the students’ academic performance, a large amount of research studies points out positive or positive and neutral general conclusions. Finally, in view of this results, recommendations and future research topics are discussed.El aula invertida es una metodología que se ha venido aplicando principalmente a nivel universitario, posiblemente, debido a la capacidad que le proporciona al estudiante para ser protagonista en el proceso de aprendizaje. En este estudio se realiza una revisión sistemática de esta metodología a nivel universitario en España. Los resultados obtenidos del análisis de 109 investigaciones apuntan a un paulatino incremento en el número de publicaciones por año, tanto en español como en inglés; hecho que podría estar relacionado con un aumento en el uso de esta metodología en las clases universitarias. A pesar de haber pocas universidades que consideran esta metodología como parte común en sus prácticas, casi la mitad de las universidades españolas han tenido un primer contacto con ella. La gran mayoría de estas experiencias han tenido un gran peso en los diferentes campos de la rama de las ciencias sociales y jurídicas, así como en las ingenierías y arquitectura y han empleado principalmente diseños y técnicas cuantitativas. Los principales objetivos en esta temática fueron dos: medir el impacto del flipped classroom en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y conocer su percepción o satisfacción con la propia experiencia. A pesar de no existir un claro consenso sobre su efectividad en el rendimiento académico, un alto porcentaje de estudios manifestaron conclusiones generales positivas o positivas y neutras. Finalmente, en vista de estos resultados, se presentan diferentes recomendaciones y futuros temas de investigación

    Effectiveness of an Intervention to Enhance First Aid Knowledge among Early Childhood Education Students: A Pilot Study

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    Empowering early childhood education students from the beginning with the necessary knowledge and skills to act swiftly in emergency situations could be crucial in saving lives in certain cases. In order to improve the first aid knowledge and skills of early childhood education students, a pre/post study was conducted with a two-week intermediate intervention involving 13 early childhood education students. Their knowledge and skills in first aid were assessed using an ad-hoc instrument before and after the intervention. The results demonstrate a statistically significant improvement in all items related to first aid general knowledge, first aid kits, and CPR maneuvers, as well as in the overall scale. These findings provide evidence that early childhood education students can be equipped through low-cost interventions to acquire and apply certain essential first aid skills, such as dialing emergency services, understanding the purpose of first aid kit items, and recognizing vital signs in individuals, that may be crucial in saving lives in the future