48 research outputs found

    Experimental study of the influence of pulse electrophoresis of blood plasma 0 (I) on healing of wounds and formation of normotrophic scars in laboratory animals

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    In experimental study confirmed the acceleration of wound healing and forming normotrophic scars tissue in laboratory animals using the transdermal administration of blood plasma 0 (I) by pulsed electrophoresis under the influence of an external magnetic field. It was established that the method proposed by the authors prevents the development of hypertrophic and keloid scars, and also stimulates tissue regeneration in the surgical area due to the activation of local regeneration processes

    Strontium ranelate effect on bone mineral density is modified by previous bisphosphonate treatment

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of strontium ranelate (SrR) on bone mineral density (BMD) and boneturnover markers after 1 year of treatment. Additionally, theeffect of SrR in bisphosphonate-naïve patients (BP-naïve)compared to patients previously treated with bisphosphonates (BP-prior) was analyzed. This retrospective study included482 postmenopausal women treated with SrR (2 g/day) for 1year in ten Argentine centers; 41 patients were excludeddue to insufficient data, while 441 were included. Participants were divided according to previous bisphosphonatetreatment in two groups: BP-naïve (n = 87) and BP-prior (n = 350). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. After 1 year oftreatment with SrR the bone formation markers total alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin were increased (p < 0.0001),while the bone resorption marker s-CTX was decreased (p =0.0579). Also increases in BMD at the lumbar spine (LS,3.73%), femoral neck (FN, 2.00%) and total hip (TH, 1.54%) [p < 0.0001] were observed. These increments were significant(p < 0.0001) both among BP-naïve and BP-prior patients. Interestingly, the change in BMD after 1 year of SrR treatmentwas higher in BP-naïve patients: LS: BP-naïve = 4.58 ± 0.62%; BP-prior = 3.45 ± 0.28% (p = 0.078). FN: BP-naïve = 2.79 ±0.56%; BP-prior = 2.13 ± 0.29% (p = 0.161). TH: BP-naïve = 3.01± 0.55%; BP-prior = 1.22 ± 0.27% (p = 0.0006). SrR treatmentincreased BMD and bone formation markers and decreaseda bone resorption marker in the whole group, with betterresponse in BP-naïve patients.Fil: Brun, Lucas Ricardo Martín. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Galich, Ana M.. Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Vega, Eduardo. Instituto de la Mujer. Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Salerni, Helena. Consultorios de Investigación Clínica Endocrinológica y del Metabolismo Óseo ; ArgentinaFil: Maffei, Laura. Consultorios Asociados de Endocrinología Dra. Laura Maffei; ArgentinaFil: Premrou, Valeria. Consultorios Asociados de Endocrinología Dra. Laura Maffei; ArgentinaFil: Costanzo, Paulo R. Consultorios de Investigación Clínica Endocrinológica y del Metabolismo Óseo ; ArgentinaFil: Sarli, Marcelo A. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas Dr. Zanchetta; ArgentinaFil: Rey, Paula. Instituto de Investigaciones Metabólicas Dr. Zanchetta; ArgentinaFil: Larroudé, Maria S.. Hospital César Milstein; ArgentinaFil: Moggia, Maria S.. Centro Tiempo; ArgentinaFil: Brance, María Lorena. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Laboratorio de Biología Ósea; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Ariel. Centro de Endocrinología; ArgentinaFil: Grupo Argentino de Estudio del Ranelato de Estroncio. No especifica

    Hybrid metamaterials combining pentamode lattices and phononic plates

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    We propose a design strategy for hybrid metamaterials with alternating phononic plates and pentamode units that produce complete bandgaps for elastic waves. The wave control relies on the simultaneous activation of two scattering mechanisms in the constituent elements. The approach is illustrated by numerical results for a configuration comprising phononic plates with cross-like cavities. We report complete bandgaps of tunable width due to variations of geometric parameters. We show that the wave attenuation performance of the hybrid metamaterials can be further enhanced through implementation of lightweight multiphase material compositions. These give rise to efficient wave attenuation in challenging low-frequency regions. The proposed design strategy is not limited to the analyzed cases alone and can be applied to various designs of phononic plates with cavities, inclusions or slender elements

    Application of Distance Educational Technologies in Preschool Education

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    В статье описывается опытно-экспериментальная работа по организации условий для дистанционного обучения в дошкольном образовании. Во время эксперимента авторами использовались технологии удаленного обучения, были разработаны пять проектов авторских самостоятельных работ.The article describes the experimental work on the organization of conditions for distance learning in preschool education. During the experiment, the authors used distance learning technologies; five projects of author's independent works were developed

    Preoperative preparation of infected wounds of superficial tissues, using the method of hyperbaric oxygenation with the ozone-containing mixture

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    Preoperative preparation of infected wounds of superficial tissues, using the method of hyperbaric oxygenation with the ozone-containing mixtur

    Clinicomorphological features of various genesis multiple gestations

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    Проведен анализ клинико-морфологических особенностей 10 случаев индуцированной и 10 случаев спонтанной многоплодной беременности. Возраст первородящих женщин после экстракорпорального оплодотворения чаще превышал 30-летний рубеж. Редукции эмбрионов не сопровождались осложнениями. Оценка по Апгар новорожденных при индуцированном многоплодии превышала 7 баллов. Все многоплодные гестации, не учитывая генез многоплодия, имели осложнения течения беременности и в большинстве случаев — родоразрешение в срок. Бихориальная плацентация преобладала при индуцированной многоплодной беременности, при спонтанной многоплодной беременности монохориальные и бихориальные последы разделились поровну. Оболочечное прикрепление пуповины встречалось только при спонтанной многоплодной беременности в 5 % случаев.The clinicomorphological features were examined in 10 cases with multiple pregnancies after reproductive tecnologies application (IVF) and 10 cases with spontaneous multiple pregnancies. The age of primiparas after IVF was over 30. Selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies were not complicated. Apgar score assessment of newborns after induced multiple gestations was more than 7 points. All multiple pregnancies of a various genesis had complicated gestation and a delivery in time. The bichorionic placentation was registered more often in group of induced multiple gestations. At the same time in group of spontaneous multiple gestations monochorionic and bichorionic placentations were diagnosed equally. Velamentous placenta was registered in 5% cases only in the course of spontaneous multiple pregnancies

    Densitometric Response in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Treated with Strontium Ranelate or Denosumab

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    Tanto el ranelato de estroncio (RSr) como el denosumab (Dmab) son eficaces en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis (OP) posmenopáusica (PM). El efecto de cada fármaco por separado sobre la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) ha sido estudiado recientemente. Con ambas drogas se observó, al año de tratamiento, un aumento significativo de la DMO en columna lumbar (CL), cuello femoral (CF) y cadera total (CT). En este trabajo comparamos la respuesta densitométrica al año de tratamiento con una y otra droga. Utilizamos los registros de 425 pacientes PMOP tratadas con Dmab y 441 tratadas con RSr. En cada paciente analizamos el porcentaje de cambio; se clasificaron como respondedoras aquellas que mostraron un cambio ≥3%. Adicionalmente se comparó la respuesta en pacientes no previamente tratadas con bifosfonatos (BF-naïve) en comparación con pacientes que habían recibido previamente un BF. Al analizar el grupo completo para Dmab, el porcentaje de pacientes respondedoras fue de 68,4% en CL, 63,3% en CF y 49,3% en CT. Por otro lado, en el grupo de pacientes tratadas con RSr, el porcentaje de respondedoras (53,8% en CL, 40,0% en CF y 35,6% en CT) fue estadísticamente menor. Cuando comparamos la respuesta entre las pacientes BF-naïve que recibieron RSr o Dmab, el Dmab indujo mayor respuesta en CL y CF que el grupo RSr, sin diferencias en CT. Cuando se analizaron los subgrupos BF-previo, las tratadas con Dmab mostraron mayor respuesta en todas las regiones. Conclusión: en pacientes con OP-PM, el tratamiento con Dmab produjo mayores incrementos densitométricos que el RSr, siendo el porcentaje de pacientes respondedoras mayor con Dmab que con RSr.Both strontium ranelate (SrR) and denosumab (Dmab) are effective in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP). The effect of each drug on bone mineral density (BMD) has been studied separately by us. With both treatments, there was a significant increase after one year of treatment at the lumbar spine (LS) and hip. In this paper we compared the densitometric response after one year of treatment with both drugs used separately. We used the clinical records of 425 PM patients treated with Dmab and 441 treated with SrR. For each patient we analyzed the percentage of change; those who showed a change ≥3% were classified as responders. Additionally, the response was compared in patients not previously treated with bisphosphonates (BP-naïve) compared to patients who had previously received a BP. When analyzing the complete group for Dmab, the percentage of “responders” was 65.2% at the LS, 62.9% at the femoral neck (FN) and 47.4% at the total hip (TH). On the other hand, in the group of patients treated with SrR the percentage of responders (53.8% at the LS, 40.0% at the FN and 35.6% at the TH) was statistically lower. When comparing the response between in BF-naïve patients receiving RSr or Dmab, Dmab induced a greater response at the LS and FN than the RSr group, with no statistical differences at the TH. When the subgroups with prior BP treatment were analyzed, those treated with Dmab showed greater response in all regions. Conclusion: in patients with PMOP treatment with Dmab produced greater densitometric increments than SrR, and the percentage of responders was higher with Dmab than with SrR.Facultad de Ciencias Médica