20 research outputs found

    Stochastic Models and Numerical Algorithms for a Class ofRegulatory Gene Networks

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    Regulatory gene networks contain generic modules, like those involving feedback loops, which are essential for the regulation of many biological functions (Guido etal. in Nature 439:856-860, 2006). We consider a class of self-regulated genes which are the building blocks of many regulatory gene networks, and study the steady-state distribution of the associated Gillespie algorithm by providing efficient numerical algorithms. We also study a regulatory gene network of interest in gene therapy, using mean-field models with time delays. Convergence of the related time-nonhomogeneous Markov chain is established for a class of linear catalytic networks with feedback loop

    Lifestyle factors modify obesity risk linked to PPARG2 and FTO variants in an elderly population: a cross-sectional analysis in the SUN Project.

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    Genetic factors may interact with lifestyle factors to modify obesity risk. FTO and PPARG2 are relevant obesogenes. Our aim was to explore the effect of Pro12Ala (rs1801282) of PPARG2 and rs9939609 of FTO on obesity risk and to examine their interaction with lifestyle factors in an elderly population. Subjects (n = 978; aged 69 ± 6) were recruited from the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) Project. DNA was obtained from saliva, and lifestyle and dietary data were collected by validated self-reported questionnaires. Genotyping was assessed by RT-PCR plus allele discrimination. Subjects carrying the Ala allele of PPARG2 gene had a significantly increased obesity risk compared to non-carrier (Pro12Pro) subjects (OR, 1.66; 95 % CI, 1.01-2.74; p = 0.045). Greater obesity risk was also found in inactive or high carbohydrate intake subjects with the Ala12 allele of PPARG2 gene. Interestingly, subjects carrying the Ala allele of the PPARG2 gene and with a high CHO (>246 g/day) intake had an increased obesity risk compared to Pro12Pro subjects (OR, 2.67; 95 % CI, 1.3-5.46; p = 0.007; p for [CHO × PPARG2] interaction = 0.046). Moreover, in subjects with a high CHO intake, the co-presence of the Ala allele of PPARG2 gene and one minor A allele (rs9939609) of FTO gene did increase obesity risk (OR, 3.26; 95 % CI, 1.19-8.89; p = 0.021) when compared to non-carrier (Pro12Pro/TT) subjects. In conclusion, it appears that lifestyle factors may act as effect modifiers for obesity risk linked to Ala12 allele of the PPARG2 gene and the minor A allele of FTO gene in an elderly population

    Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) using polyethylene glycol microspheres: safety and efficacy in 81 patients

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    Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of prostatic artery embolization (PAE) using polyethylene glycol microspheres (PEGM) in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Materials and methods: This multicentric prospective study enrolled 81 patients who underwent PAE with 400 ± 75 µm PEGM (HydroPearl®, Terumo, Japan). Results from baseline and 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups were assessed for subjective outcomes including International Prostate Symptoms Score (IPSS), Quality of life (QoL), and International Index of Erectile Function, and objective outcomes such as peak urinary flow (Qmax) and post-void residual volume (PVR). The visual analogue scale, satisfaction questionnaire, prostatic volume, and prostatic specific antigen levels were also evaluated. Complications were documented using the modified Clavien-Dindo classification. Results: Technical success was obtained in all patients. Clinical success was achieved in 78.5% of patients. Before PAE, 54.3% of patients had an indwelling catheter which was removed in 75% of them after procedure. A statistically significant decrease was observed in IPSS and QoL from baseline to 12 months (20.14 vs 5.89; 4.8 vs 0.63, P <.01), respectively. Objective outcomes also showed a statistically significant improvement in Qmax (+ 114.9%; P <.01), achieving a maximum urinary flow of 14.2 mL/sec, and PVR (decrease 58%; P <.05) at 12 months. Minor complications (Clavien-Dindo grades I-II) occurred in 13.6% of patients, without major complications observed. Conclusion: PAE with PEGM is safe and effective treatment in patients with symptomatic BPH, with a significant improvement in both subjective and objective outcome

    Physical activity and sex modulate obesity risk linked to 3111T/C gene variant of the CLOCK gene in an elderly population: the SUN Project

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    Genetic factors may interact with physical activity levels to modify obesity risk. Our aim was to explore the effect of rs1801260 SNP (3111T/C) of CLOCK gene, on obesity risk and to examine their interaction with lifestyle factors in an elderly population of the SUN Project. Subjects (n=903, aged 69±6) were recruited from the SUN (“Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra”) Project. DNA was obtained from saliva and lifestyle and dietary data were collected by validated self-reported questionnaires. Genotyping was assessed by RT-PCR plus allele discrimination. A significant interaction between the 3111T/C SNP of CLOCK gene and sex for overweight/obesity risk was observed (p for interaction [Sex*CLOCK] interaction <0.001). Our results showed that women carrying the C allele of CLOCK gene had a decreased overweight/obesity risk compared to non carrier -TT- subjects (OR 0.61, 95% CI: 0.36-1.04, p=0.069). Moreover, the protective effect of the 3111T/C gene variant may be enhanced in those women with a high physical activity practice. We found that women practicing more than 16.8 METs- h/week had a significantly lower overweight/obesity risk (OR 0.36, 95%CI: 0.17-0.79, p=0.011). A significant interaction between the 3111T/C gene variant and physical activity for overweight/obesity risk was observed in women (p for [PA x CLOCK] interaction=0.015). In conclusion, it appears that physical activity levels may act as an effect modifier for overweight/obesity risk linked to the 3111T/C SNP (rs1801260) of the CLOCK gene in an elderly population of the SUN Project

    Olfactory characterization and training in older adults: protocol study

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    The aim of this article is to present the research protocol for a prospective cohort study that will assess the olfactory function and the effect of an intervention based on olfactory training in healthy very old adults (>= 75 years old). A convenience sample of 180 older people (50% female) will be recruited in three different environments: hospitalized control group (CH) with stable acute illness (n = 60); ambulatory control group (CA) of community-based living (n = 60); and an experimental odor training group (EOT) from nursing homes (n = 60). The odor training (OT) intervention will last 12 weeks. All the volunteers will be assessed at baseline; CA and EOT groups will also be assessed after 12 weeks. The primary end point will be change in olfactory capacity from baseline to 12 weeks period of intervention or control. The intervention effects will be assessed with the overall score achieved in Sniffin Sticks Test (SST) - Threshold, Discrimination, and Identification (TDI) extended version. Secondary end points will be changes in cognitive tasks, quality of life, mood, immune status, and functional capacity. All these measurements will be complemented with an immune fitness characterization and a deep proteome profiling of the olfactory epithelium (OE) cultured ex vivo. The current study will provide additional evidence to support the implementation of olfactory precision medicine and the development of immunomodulatory nasal therapies based on non-invasive procedures. The proposed intervention will also intend to increase the knowledge about the olfactory function in very elderly people, improve function and quality of life, and promote the recovery of the health

    Estudio comparativo de la interfase hueso-prótesis en tres modelos de prótesis de cadera no cementadas

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 12 de Julio de 1990

    Visión global y sectorial de la dependencia exterior vasca en el marco del Estado

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    Dramatizazioa : aukerako irakasgaiak : Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntzako bigarren zikloa. 'Dramatización : materias optativas : segundo ciclo de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria'

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    Resumen tomado de la web del Departamento de EducaciónEl presente libro pretende servir de apoyo al profesorado encargado de llevar a la práctica el currículo de Dramatización. La médula de este documento es la propuesta del desarrollo didáctico de la materia, elaborada por un equipo de profesores y profesoras de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. En la primera parte del libro se reproduce el propio currículo de esta optativa. El profesorado encontrará así, reunidas en un mismo volumen, la norma legal y una propuesta de aplicación. La propuesta de desarrollo didáctico tiene cuatro partes. En la breve Introducción se establece la distinción entre los términos dramatización y teatro. En la segunda parte, Orientaciones Generales, los autores describen la propuesta: organización de contenidos, metodología, papel del profesor, organización horaria, espacios y recursos necesarios, y orientaciones para la evaluación; se presentan además las ventajas e inconvenientes de utilizar la representación teatral como recurso didáctico de la materia. La tercera parte ejemplifica la propuesta con el desarrollo de una Unidad Didáctica: contextualización de la unidad, objetivos, contenidos, actividades, metodología, medidas para la diversidad, evaluación y recursos materiales. Finalmente, la Guía documental y de Recursos ofrece una lista de centros de recursos y una bibliografía comentada en la que la clasificación de los títulos por temas resulta muy conveniente.NavarraBiblioteca General de Navarra; Calle Plaza San Francisco, s. n.; 31001 Pamplona;ES

    Dramatización : materias optativas : segundo ciclo de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEl presente libro pretende servir de apoyo al profesorado encargado de llevar a la práctica el currículo de Dramatización. La médula de este documento es la propuesta del desarrollo didáctico de la materia, elaborada por un equipo de profesores y profesoras de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. En la primera parte del libro se reproduce el propio currículo de esta optativa. El profesorado encontrará así, reunidas en un mismo volumen, la norma legal y una propuesta de aplicación. La propuesta de desarrollo didáctico tiene cuatro partes. En la breve Introducción se establece la distinción entre los términos dramatización y teatro. En la segunda parte, Orientaciones Generales, los autores describen la propuesta: organización de contenidos, metodología, papel del profesor, organización horaria, espacios y recursos necesarios, y orientaciones para la evaluación; se presentan además las ventajas e inconvenientes de utilizar la representación teatral como recurso didáctico de la materia. La tercera parte ejemplifica la propuesta con el desarrollo de una Unidad Didáctica: contextualización de la unidad, objetivos, contenidos, actividades, metodología, medidas para la diversidad, evaluación y recursos materiales. Finalmente, la Guía documental y de Recursos ofrece una lista de centros de recursos y una bibliografía comentada en la que la clasificación de los títulos por temas resulta muy conveniente.NavarraBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]