48 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Keck Spectra of the Associated Absorption Lines in 3C 191

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    Associated absorption lines (AALs) are valuable probes of the gaseous environments near quasars. Here we discuss high-resolution (6.7 km/s) spectra of the AALs in the radio-loud quasar 3C 191 (redshift z=1.956). The measured AALs have ionizations ranging from Mg I to N V, and multi-component profiles that are blueshifted by ~400 to ~1400 km/s relative to the quasar's broad emission lines. These data yield the following new results. 1) The density based on Si II*/Si II lines is ~300 cm-3, implying a distance of ~28 kpc from the quasar if the gas is photoionized. 2) The characteristic flow time is thus \~3 x 10^7 yr. 3) Strong Mg I AALs identify neutral gas with very low ionization parameter and high density. We estimate n_H > 5 x 10^4 cm-3 in this region, compared to ~15 cm-3 where the N V lines form. 4) The total column density is N_H < 4 x 10^18 cm-2 in the neutral gas and N_H ~ 2 x 10^20 cm-2 in the moderately ionized regions. 5) The total mass in the AAL outflow is M ~ 2 x 10^9 Mo, assuming a global covering factor (as viewed from the quasar) of ~10% >. 6) The absorbing gas only partially covers the background light source(s) along our line(s) of sight, requiring absorption in small clouds or filaments <0.01 pc across. The ratio N_H/n_H implies that the clouds have radial (line- of-sight) thicknesses <0.2 pc. These properties might characterize a sub-class of AALs that are physically related to quasars but form at large distances. We propose a model for the absorber in which pockets of dense neutral gas are surrounded by larger clouds of generally lower density and higher ionization. This outflowing material might be leftover from a blowout associated with a nuclear starburst, the onset of quasar activity or a past broad absorption line (BAL) wind phase.Comment: 15 pages text plus 6 figures, in press with Ap

    ISO SWS Observations of H II Regions in NGC 6822 and I ZW 36: Sulfur Abundances and Temperature Fluctuations

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    We report ISO SWS infrared spectroscopy of the H II region Hubble V in NGC 6822 and the blue compact dwarf galaxy I Zw 36. Observations of Br alpha, [S III] at 18.7 and 33.5 microns, and [S IV] at 10.5 microns are used to determine ionic sulfur abundances in these H II regions. There is relatively good agreement between our observations and predictions of S^+3 abundances based on photoionization calculations, although there is an offset in the sense that the models overpredict the S^+3 abundances. We emphasize a need for more observations of this type in order to place nebular sulfur abundance determinations on firmer ground. The S/O ratios derived using the ISO observations in combination with optical data are consistent with values of S/O, derived from optical measurements of other metal-poor galaxies. We present a new formalism for the simultaneous determination of the temperature, temperature fluctuations, and abundances in a nebula, given a mix of optical and infrared observed line ratios. The uncertainties in our ISO measurements and the lack of observations of [S III] lambda 9532 or lambda 9069 do not allow an accurate determination of the amplitude of temperature fluctuations for Hubble V and I Zw 36. Finally, using synthetic data, we illustrate the diagnostic power and limitations of our new method.Comment: 32 Pages total, including 6 encapsulated postscript figures (one with two parts). Accepted for Publication in the 20 Dec 2002 Ap

    Morphology and Composition of the Helix Nebula

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    We present new narrow-band filter imagery in H-alpha and [N II] 6584 along with UV and optical spectrophotometry measurements from 1200 to 9600 Angstroms of NGC 7293, the Helix Nebula, a nearby, photogenic planetary nebula of large diameter and low surface brightness. Detailed models of the observable ionized nebula support the recent claim that the Helix is actually a flattened disk whose thickness is roughly one-third its diameter with an inner region containing hot, highly ionized gas which is generally invisible in narrow-band images. The outer visible ring structure is of lower ionization and temperature and is brighter because of a thickening in the disk. We also confirm a central star effective temperature and luminosity of 120,000K and 100L_sun, and we estimate a lower limit to the nebular mass to be 0.30M_sun. Abundance measurements indicate the following values: He/H=0.12 (+/-0.017), O/H=4.60x10^-4 (+/-0.18), C/O=0.87 (+/-0.12), N/O=0.54 (+/-0.14), Ne/O=0.33 (+/-0.04), S/O=3.22x10^-3 (+/-0.26), and Ar/O=6.74x10^-3 (+/-0.76). Our carbon abundance measurements represent the first of their kind for the Helix Nebula. The S/O ratio which we derive is anomalously low; such values are found in only a few other planetary nebulae. The central star properties, the super-solar values of He/H and N/O, and a solar level of C/O are consistent with a 6.5M_sun progenitor which underwent three phases of dredge-up and hot bottom burning before forming the planetary nebula.Comment: 50-page manuscript plus 11 postscript figures. This revised version corrects a typo in earlier submission. Nothing else has changed. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068: Probing the obscured ionizing AGN continuum

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    The ISO-SWS 2.5-45 um infrared spectroscopic observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 (see companion paper) are combined with a compilation of UV to IR narrow emission line data to determine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the obscured extreme-UV continuum that photoionizes the narrow line emitting gas in the active galactic nucleus. We search a large grid of gas cloud models and SEDs for the combination that best reproduces the observed line fluxes and NLR geometry. Our best fit model reproduces the observed line fluxes to better than a factor of 2 on average and is in general agreement with the observed NLR geometry. It has two gas components that are consistent with a clumpy distribution of dense outflowing gas in the center and a more extended distribution of less dense and more clumpy gas farther out that has no net outflow. The best fit SED has a deep trough at ~4 Ryd, which is consistent with an intrinsic Big Blue Bump that is partially absorbed by ~6x10^19 cm^-2 of neutral hydrogen interior to the NLR.Comment: 15 pp, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    Sulfur, Chlorine, & Argon Abundances in Planetary Nebulae. I: Observations and Abundances in a Northern Sample

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    This paper is the first of a series specifically studying the abundances of sulfur, chlorine, and argon in Type II planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Galactic disk. Ratios of S/O, Cl/O, and Ar/O constitute important tests of differential nucleosynthesis of these elements and serve as strict constraints on massive star yield predictions. We present new ground-based optical spectra extending from 3600-9600 Angstroms for a sample of 19 Type II northern PNe. This range includes the strong near infrared lines of [S III] 9069,9532, which allows us to test extensively their effectiveness as sulfur abundance indicators. We also introduce a new, model-tested ionization correction factor for sulfur. For the present sample, we find average values of S/O=1.2E-2(+/- 0.71E-2), Cl/O=3.3E-4(+/- 1.6E-4), and Ar/O=5.0E-3(+/- 1.9E-3).Comment: 44 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the Dynamical Overstability of Radiative Blast Waves: The Atomic Physics of Shock Stability

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    Atomic physics calculations of radiative cooling are used to calculate criteria for the overstability of radiating shocks. Our calculations explain the measurement of shock overstability by Grun et al. and explain why the overstability was not observed in other experiments. The methodology described here can be especially useful in astrophysical situations where the relevant properties leading to an overstability can be measured spectroscopically, but the effective adiabatic index is harder to determine.Comment: 11 pages including 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The coronal line regions of planetary nebulae NGC6302 and NGC6537: 3-13um grating and echelle spectroscopy

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    We report on advances in the study of the cores of NGC6302 and NGC6537 using infrared grating and echelle spectroscopy. In NGC6302, emission lines from species spanning a large range of ionization potential, and in particular [SiIX]3.934um, are interpreted using photoionization models (including CLOUDY), which allow us to reestimate the central star's temperature to be about 250000K. All of the detected lines are consistent with this value, except for [AlV] and [AlVI]. Aluminium is found to be depleted to one hundredth of the solar abundance, which provides further evidence for some dust being mixed with the highly ionized gas (with photons harder than 154eV). A similar depletion pattern is observed in NGC6537. Echelle spectroscopy of IR coronal ions in NGC6302 reveals a stratified structure in ionization potential, which confirms photoionization to be the dominant ionization mechanism. The lines are narrow (< 22km/s FWHM), with no evidence of the broad wings found in optical lines from species with similar ionization potentials, such as [NeV]3426A. We note the absence of a hot bubble, or a wind blown bipolar cavity filled with a hot plasma, at least on 1'' and 10km/s scales. We also provide accurate new wavelengths for several of the infrared coronal lines observed with the echelle.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    CHIANTI - an Atomic Database for Emission Lines. Paper VI: Proton Rates and Other Improvements

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    The CHIANTI atomic database contains atomic energy levels, wavelengths, radiative transition probabilities and electron excitation data for a large number of ions of astrophysical interest. Version 4 has been released, and proton excitation data is now included, principally for ground configuration levels that are close in energy. The fitting procedure for excitation data, both electrons and protons, has been extended to allow 9 point spline fits in addition to the previous 5 point spline fits. This allows higher quality fits to data from close-coupling calculations where resonances can lead to significant structure in the Maxwellian-averaged collision strengths. The effects of photoexcitation and stimulated emission by a blackbody radiation field in a spherical geometry on the level balance equations of the CHIANTI ions can now be studied following modifications to the CHIANTI software. With the addition of H I, He I and N I, the first neutral species have been added to CHIANTI. Many updates to existing ion data-sets are described, while several new ions have been added to the database, including Ar IV, Fe VI and Ni XXI. The two-photon continuum is now included in the spectral synthesis routines, and a new code for calculating the relativistic free-free continuum has been added. The treatment of the free-bound continuum has also been updated.Comment: CHIANTI is available at http://wwwsolar.nrl.navy.mil/chianti.htm

    Planetary nebulae in M33: probes of AGB nucleosynthesis and ISM abundances

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    We have obtained deep optical spectrophotometry of 16 planetary nebulae in M33, mostly located in the central two kpc of the galaxy, with the Subaru and Keck telescopes. We have derived electron temperatures and chemical abundances from the detection of the [OIII]4363 line for the whole sample. We have found one object with an extreme nitrogen abundance, 12+log(N/H)=9.20, accompanied by a large helium content. After combining our data with those available in the literature for PNe and HII regions, we have examined the behavior of nitrogen, neon, oxygen and argon in relation to each other, and as a function of galactocentric distance. We confirm the good correlation between Ne/H and O/H for PNe in M33. Ar/H is also found to correlate with O/H. This strengthens the idea that at the metallicity of the bright PNe analyzed in M33, which is similar to that found in the LMC, these elements have not been significantly modified during the dredge-up processes that take place during the AGB phase of their progenitor stars. We find no significant oxygen abundance offset between PNe and HII regions at any given galactocentric distance, despite the fact that these objects represent different age groups in the evolution of the galaxy. Combining the results from PNe and HII regions, we obtain a representative slope of the ISM alpha-element (O, Ar, Ne) abundance gradient in M33 of -0.025 +/- 0.006 dex/kpc. Both PNe and HII regions display a large abundance dispersion at any given distance from the galactic center. We find that the N/O ratio in PNe is enhanced, relative to the HII regions, by approximately 0.8 dex.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quantitative analysis of WC stars: Constraints on neon abundances from ISO/SWS spectroscopy

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    Neon abundances are derived in four Galactic WC stars -- gamma Vel (WR11, WC8+O7.5III), HD156385 (WR90, WC7), HD192103 (WR135, WC8), and WR146 (WC5+O8) - using mid-infrared fine structure lines obtained with ISO/SWS. Stellar parameters for each star are derived using a non-LTE model atmospheric code (Hillier & Miller 1998) together with ultraviolet (IUE), optical (INT, AAT) and infrared (UKIRT, ISO) spectroscopy. In the case of gamma Vel, we adopt results from De Marco et al. (2000), who followed an identical approach. ISO/SWS datasets reveal the [NeIII] 15.5um line in each of our targets, while [NeII] 12.8um, [SIV] 10.5um and [SIII] 18.7um are observed solely in gamma Vel. Using a method updated from Barlow et al. (1988) to account for clumped winds, we derive Ne/He=3-4x10^-3 by number, plus S/He=6x10^-5 for gamma Vel. Neon is highly enriched, such that Ne/S in gamma Vel is eight times higher than cosmic values. However, observed Ne/He ratios are a factor of two times lower than predictions of current evolutionary models of massive stars. An imprecise mass-loss and distance were responsible for the much greater discrepancy in neon content identified by Barlow et al. Our sample of WC5--8 stars span a narrow range in T* (=55--71kK), with no trend towards higher temperature at earlier spectral type, supporting earlier results for a larger sample by Koesterke & Hamann (1995). Stellar luminosities range from 100,000 to 500,000 Lo, while 10^-5.1 < Mdot/(Mo/yr) < 10^-4.5, adopting clumped winds, in which volume filling factors are 10%. In all cases, wind performance numbers are less than 10, significantly lower than recent estimates. Carbon abundances span 0.08 < C/He < 0.25 by number, while oxygen abundances remain poorly constrained.Comment: 16 pages,7 figures accepted for MNRA