222 research outputs found

    Traumatisme, solitude et auto-engendrement. Annie Ernaux : L’événement

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    Au cours de la période de remaniement identificatoire du passage à l’âge adulte, la confrontation au traumatisme, et les vécus de transgressions opèrent, pour le Je, comme une tentative de séparation d’avec la psyché maternelle en ses points d’aliénation. Lorsque ces temps sont vécus dans la solitude, et ne sont pas socialisés par un lien au groupe, les éprouvés traumatiques sont configurés sur le mode de l’auto-fondation. Le sujet court alors le risque de se désarrimer de la communauté humaine sous le couvert de la revendication identitaire d’un statut d’exception. Ces configurations sont dépliées en appui sur un ouvrage de l’écrivain Annie Ernaux. Son texte autobiographique L’événement (2000), vaut comme paradigme de ces vécus traumatiques éprouvés par le Je dans la solitude, au seuil de l’âge adulte. Il permet de lire avec précision le mouvement de revendication identitaire et d’auto-engendrement mis en jeu à l’endroit même du traumatisme

    Narcissisme, créativité et prédation dans les groupes institués

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    International audienceLa théorie des groupes s’est révélée d’un intérêt capital pour nous permettre de penser les dynamiques psychiques qui ont cours dans les groupes institués (les équipes), notamment, celles qui exercent dans le champ du soin et du travail social, en mettant à jour le primat de la pulsion de mort dans les institutions (Kaës, Enriquez, 1987). Nous allons nous pencher sur la constitution de ces équipes de professionnels, en soulignant le partage d’un indispensable sentiment de créativité. Nous tenterons de dégager quelques conditions de l’être en groupe dans ces institutions, soit ce que les liens d’équipes supposent de conflictualité vivifiante, en tant qu’elle fait barrage à la destructivité de chacun. Nous reviendrons, dans un deuxième temps, sur quelques aspects de la transformation du contexte social actuel, en soulignant les ruptures de filiations en cours, la levée d’une limitation de la jouissance narcissique, et les incidences de ces changements sociaux sur les sujets et les équipes. Nous nous rendrons attentifs aux mouvements de prédation, en donnant quelques illustrations paradigmatiques de ces agirs, dans lesquels la disqualification est au premier plan

    In vitro culture of Plasmodium berghei-ANKA maintains infectivity of mouse erythrocytes inducing cerebral malaria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infection with <it>Plasmodium berghei </it>is a widely used model of murine malaria and a powerful tool for reverse genetic and pathogenesis studies. However, the efficacy of <it>in vitro </it>reinvasion of erythrocytes is generally low, limiting <it>in vitro </it>studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Plasmodium berghei </it>ANKA-infected blood obtained from a susceptible infected mouse was cultured in various conditions and <it>in vitro </it>parasitaemia was measured every day to evaluate the rate of reinvasion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High quality culture media were used and reinvasion rates were improved by vigorous orbital shaking of the flask and increasing density of the medium with gelatin.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Using these settings, reinvasion of normal mouse erythrocytes by the parasite was obtained <it>in vitro </it>over two weeks with preservation of the infectivity <it>in vivo</it>.</p


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    Prediction of metabolic clusters in early lactation dairy cows using models based on 2 milk biomarkers

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    The aim of this study was to describe metabolism of early-lactation dairy cows by clustering cows based on glucose, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), free fatty acid, and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) using the k-means method. Predictive models for metabolic clusters were created and validated using 3 sets of milk biomarkers (milk metabolites and enzymes, glycans on the immuno-gamma globulin fraction of milk, and Fourier-transform mid-infrared spectra of milk). Metabolic clusters are used to identify dairy cows with a balanced or imbalanced metabolic profile. Around 14 and 35 d in milk, serum or plasma concentrations of BHB, free fatty acids, glucose, and IGF-I were determined. Cows with a favorable metabolic profile were grouped together in what was referred to as the "balanced" group (n = 43) and were compared with cows in what was referred to as the "other balanced" group (n = 64). Cows with an unfavorable metabolic profile were grouped in what was referred to as the "imbalanced" group (n = 19) and compared with cows in what was referred to as the "other imbalanced" group (n = 88). Glucose and IGF-I were higher in balanced compared with other balanced cows. Free fatty acids and BHB were lower in balanced compared with other balanced cows. Glucose and IGF-I were lower in imbalanced compared with other imbalanced cows. Free fatty acids arid BHB were higher in imbalanced cows. Metabolic clusters were related to production parameters. There was a trend for a higher daily increase in fat- and protein-corrected milk yield in balanced cows, whereas that of imbalanced cows was higher. Dry matter intake and the daily increase in dry matter intake were higher in balanced cows and lower in imbalanced cows. Energy balance was continuously higher in balanced cows and lower in imbalanced cows. Weekly or twice-weekly milk samples were taken and milk metabolites and enzymes (milk glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, BHB, lactate dehydrogenase, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, isocitrate), immunogamma globulin glycans (19 peaks), and Fourier-transform mid-infrared spectra (1,060 wavelengths reduced to 15 principal components) were determined. Milk biomarkers with or without additional cow information (days in milk, parity, milk yield featurs) were used to create predictive models for the metabolic clusters. Accuracy for prediction of balanced (80%) and imbalanced (88%) cows was highest using milk metabolites and enzymes combined with days in milk and parity. The results and models of the present study are part of the GplusE project and identify novel milk-based phenotypes that may be used as predictors for metabolic and performance traits in early-lactation dairy cows

    Genome-wide association for milk production and lactation curve parameters in Holstein dairy cows

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    The aim of this study was to identify genomic regions associated with 305-day milk yield and lactation curve parameters on primiparous (n = 9,910) and multiparous (n = 11,158) Holstein cows. The SNP solutions were estimated using a weighted single-step genomic BLUP approach and imputed high-density panel (777k) genotypes. The proportion of genetic variance explained by windows of 50 consecutive SNP (with an average of 165 Kb) was calculated, and regions that accounted for more than 0.50% of the variance were used to search for candidate genes. Estimated heritabilities were 0.37, 0.34, 0.17, 0.12, 0.30 and 0.19, respectively, for 305-day milk yield, peak yield, peak time, ramp, scale and decay for primiparous cows. Genetic correlations of 305-day milk yield with peak yield, peak time, ramp, scale and decay in primiparous cows were 0.99, 0.63, 0.20, 0.97 and -0.52, respectively. The results identified three windows on BTA14 associated with 305-day milk yield and the parameters of lactation curve in primi- and multiparous cows. Previously proposed candidate genes for milk yield supported by this work include GRINA, CYHR1, FOXH1, TONSL, PPP1R16A, ARHGAP39, MAF1, OPLAH and MROH1, whereas newly identified candidate genes are MIR2308, ZNF7, ZNF34, SLURP1, MAFA and KIFC2 (BTA14). The protein lipidation biological process term, which plays a key role in controlling protein localization and function, was identified as the most important term enriched by the identified genes

    Expert-based development of a generic HACCP-based risk management system to prevent critical negative energy balance in dairy herds

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    The objective of this study was to develop a generic risk management system based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles for the prevention of critical negative energy balance (NEB) in dairy herds using an expert panel approach. In addition, we discuss the advantages and limitations of the system in terms of implementation in the individual dairy herd. For the expert panel, we invited 30 researchers and advisors with expertise in the field of dairy cow feeding and/or health management from eight European regions. They were invited to a Delphi-based set-up that included three inter-correlated questionnaires in which they were asked to suggest risk factors for critical NEB and to score these based on 'effect' and 'probability'. Finally, the experts were asked to suggest critical control points (CCPs) specified by alarm values, monitoring frequency and corrective actions related to the most relevant risk factors in an operational farm setting. A total of 12 experts (40 %) completed all three questionnaires. Of these 12 experts, seven were researchers and five were advisors and in total they represented seven out of the eight European regions addressed in the questionnaire study. When asking for suggestions on risk factors and CCPs, these were formulated as 'open questions', and the experts' suggestions were numerous and overlapping. The suggestions were merged via a process of linguistic editing in order to eliminate doublets. The editing process revealed that the experts provided a total of 34 CCPs for the 11 risk factors they scored as most important. The consensus among experts was relatively high when scoring the most important risk factors, while there were more diverse suggestions of CCPs with specification of alarm values and corrective actions. We therefore concluded that the expert panel approach only partly succeeded in developing a generic HACCP for critical NEB in dairy cows. We recommend that the output of this paper is used to inform key areas for implementation on the individual dairy farm by local farm teams including farmers and their advisors, who together can conduct herd-specific risk factor profiling, organise the ongoing monitoring of herd-specific CCPs, as well as implement corrective actions when CCP alarm values are exceeded
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