54 research outputs found

    Noncompact Myocardium with Dilated Phenotype: Manifestations, Treatment and Outcomes in Comparison with Other Forms of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Syndrome

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    Aim. To study the place of NCM in the structure of DCM, its clinical features and influence on prognosis in comparison with other forms of DCM syndrome.Methods. The NCM registry includes 125 patients, mean age 46.4±15.1 years, 74 men and 51 women, median follow-up 14 [4.0; 41.0] months. The DCM registry included 365 patients, mean age 46.4±15.1 years, 253 men and 112 women, median follow-up 14 [5; 43.75] months. The examination included electrocardiography (ECG), ECG Holter monitoring, echocardiography, blood anti-heart antibody level evaluation, and additionally cardiac computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, DNA diagnostics (in the MYH7, MYBPC3, TPM1, TNNI3, TNNT2, ACTC1, TAZ, ZASP (LDB3), MYL2, MYL3, DES, LMNA, EMD, TTR gene panel), coronary angiography, right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy.Results. The proportion of patients with DCM phenotype in the NCM registry was 40% (n=49), another 11% (n=15) had NCM diagnosed simultaneously with acute/subacute myocarditis. Lethality in these subgroups was 12.2% and 33.3%, respectively, and was significantly higher than in asymptomatic, ischemic and arrhythmic variants of NCM. In the DCM registry, the proportion of patients with NСM was 21% (n=78), and increased left ventricular (LV) trabecularity was detected in another 18% (n=64). DCM patients with and without NСM did not differ by baseline echocardiographic parameters, heart failure class, and cardiotropic therapy. Pathogenic mutations were detected in 14% of DCM patients with NCM and only 3% of other patients with DCM (p<0.001). Only in patients without NCM the presence of mutations had a significant effect on lethality. The patients with NCM compared with the others DCM patients showed significantly lower increase in EF in early and late period (from 31.0±10.2 to 34.8±11.0 and 37.1±10.9% [р<0.05] vs from 31.8±9.7 to 38.8±11.3 and 42.3±12.4% [р<0.01] respectively), a greater incidence of premature ventricular   beats (1568 [105;7000] vs 543.5 [77.75; 3194], p<0.05), appropriate defibrillator shocks and sudden deaths (17.9 vs 5.9%, p<0.001), intracardiac thrombosis (21.8 vs 13.5%, p=0.069) despite a greater frequency of anticoagulants (73.1 vs 57.4%, p<0<05). There were no significant differences in death (19.2 vs 18.5%) and transplantation (7.7 vs 3.8%) between patients with and without NCM. There were no cases of NCM regression.Conclusion. NCM is an independent form of DCM syndrome, which is characterized by higher frequency of pathogenic mutations, arrhythmic events, worse response to cardiotropic therapy, higher frequency of intracardiac thrombosis. The absence of mortality differences can be explained by the higher frequency of preventive interventions in this category of patients with DCM (prescription of anticoagulants, defibrillator implantation, heart transplantation)

    Clinical case of occupational chronic manganese intoxication

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    The purpose of the study is to study the features of the course of chronic occupational manganese intoxication on the example of a clinical case.Цель исследования – изучить особенности течения хронической профессиональной интоксикации марганцем на примере клинического случая

    Morphological changes in the liver forced by alcoholization of rats

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    The research showed that protracted forced alcoholization of rats is accompanied by the increase of alcohol in blood as well as by the structural changes in the liver. As for Mildronate it reduces the level of alcohol while not affecting the morphological changes in the liverИсследование показало, что длительная принудительная алкоголизация крыс сопровождается увеличением алкоголя в крови и структурными изменениями в печени. Милдронат снижает уровень алкоголя, но при этом не влияя на морфологические изменения в печен

    Experience of foundation programm of biology courses for foreign applicants in the form of distance learning

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    Russia's accession to the Bologna process in September 2003 created the need to integrate the Russian Higher School into European education, so for several years now the promotion of mobility of foreign students at the Ural State Medical University has been intensifying. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Foundation Programme in 2020 were converted to distance learning. The on-line education of foreign students is based on a carefully methodically planned course of preparation for exams in biology. The proposed on-line training system made it possible to complete part of the course at a pace convenient for students. All blocks of materials are collected for a specific small group of students from local and remote Internet resources, optimization of the sequence of test forms and the speed of their presentation to students is carried out to increase the effectiveness of training, identify gaps in knowledge and restructuring the learning strategy.Присоединение России к Болонскому процессу в сентябре 2003 года создало необходимость интеграции российской высшей школы в европейское образование, поэтому вот уже несколько лет усиливается промоция мобильности иностранных студентов в Уральском государственном медицинском университете. Из-за пандемии по COVID-19, учебные занятия в 2020 году были переведены в формат дистанционного обучения. В основу online обучения иностранных абитуриентов положен тщательно методически спланированный курс подготовки к экзаменам по биологии, что дает возможность прохождения части курса в удобном для слушателей темпе и обеспечивает адаптивное обучение (все блоки материалов собираются для конкретной малой группы студентов из локальных и удаленных интернет-ресурсов, проводится оптимизация последовательности тестовых форм и скорости их предъявления студентам для увеличения эффективности обучения, выявления пробелов в знаниях и перестройки стратегии обучения)

    Noun and verb knowledge in monolingual preschool children across 17 languages: Data from cross-linguistic lexical tasks (LITMUS-CLT)

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    This article investigates the cross-linguistic comparability of the newly developed lexical assessment tool Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks (LITMUS-CLT). LITMUS-CLT is a part the Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings (LITMUS) battery (Armon-Lotem, de Jong & Meir, 2015). Here we analyse results on receptive and expressive word knowledge tasks for nouns and verbs across 17 languages from eight different language families: Baltic (Lithuanian), Bantu (isiXhosa), Finnic (Finnish), Germanic (Afrikaans, British English, South African English, German, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Swedish), Romance (Catalan, Italian), Semitic (Hebrew), Slavic (Polish, Serbian, Slovak) and Turkic (Turkish). The participants were 639 monolingual children aged 3;0-6;11 living in 15 different countries. Differences in vocabulary size were small between 16 of the languages; but isiXhosa-speaking children knew significantly fewer words than speakers of the other languages. There was a robust effect of word class: accuracy was higher for nouns than verbs. Furthermore, comprehension was more advanced than production. Results are discussed in the context of cross-linguistic comparisons of lexical development in monolingual and bilingual populations