12 research outputs found

    Assessing the response of plant flavonoids to UV radiation : an overview of appropriate techniques

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    Flavonoids are a large group of plant secondary metabolites that are present in most plants, and are vital for plant growth, development and protection. Among the many functions of these compounds is their contribution to stress amelioration. The accurate identification and quantification of total or individual flavonoids in plants exposed to stressful conditions (e.g. ultraviolet radiation) is challenging due to their structural diversity. The present review provides the up to date knowledge and highlights trends in plant flavonoid analysis. The review covers all steps from the field to the laboratory, focussing on UV-B effects on flavonoids, and identifying critical issues concerning sample collection, pre-treatment, extraction techniques and quantitative or qualitative analysis. A well-planned sampling and sample prehandling strategy is vital when capturing organ, tissue and developmental-stage dependent changes in flavonoids, as well as the dynamic changes due to time of UV-exposure and diurnal or seasonal parameters. A range of advanced extraction and purification techniques can facilitate the quantitative transfer of flavonoids to solvents. The advantages and disadvantages of analytical methods, including chromogenic assays, liquid and thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance detection, and non-destructive in situ fluorescent analysis need to be consciously evaluated in the context of the specific biological question posed. Thus, no one method can be applied to every single study of flavonoid. The message of this review is that researchers will need to carefully consider the biological process that they intend to study, and select an analytical method that optimally matches their specific objectives.Peer reviewe

    Environmental plasticity of Pinot noir grapevine leaves: A trans-European study of morphological and biochemical changes along a 1,500-km latitudinal climatic gradient

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    A 2-year study explored metabolic and phenotypic plasticity of sun-acclimated Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot noir leaves collected from 12 locations across a 36.69-49.98°N latitudinal gradient. Leaf morphological and biochemical parameters were analysed in the context of meteorological parameters and the latitudinal gradient. We found that leaf fresh weight and area were negatively correlated with both global and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, cumulated global radiation being a stronger correlator. Cumulative UV radiation (sumUVR) was the strongest correlator with most leaf metabolites and pigments. Leaf UV-absorbing pigments, total antioxidant capacities, and phenolic compounds increased with increasing sumUVR, whereas total carotenoids and xanthophylls decreased. Despite of this reallocation of metabolic resources from carotenoids to phenolics, an increase in xanthophyll-cycle pigments (the sum of the amounts of three xanthophylls: violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin) with increasing sumUVR indicates active, dynamic protection for the photosynthetic apparatus. In addition, increased amounts of flavonoids (quercetin glycosides) and constitutive β-carotene and α-tocopherol pools provide antioxidant protection against reactive oxygen species. However, rather than a continuum of plant acclimation responses, principal component analysis indicates clusters of metabolic states across the explored 1,500-km-long latitudinal gradient. This study emphasizes the physiological component of plant responses to latitudinal gradients and reveals the physiological plasticity that may act to complement genetic adaptations

    Environmental factors correlated with the metabolite profile of Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot noir berry skins along a european latitudinal gradient

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    Mature berries of Pinot Noir grapevines were sampled across a latitudinal gradient in Europe, from southern Spain to central Germany. Our aim was to study the influence of latitude-dependent environmental factors on the metabolite composition (mainly phenolic compounds) of berry skins. Solar radiation variables were positively correlated with flavonols and flavanonols and, to a lesser extent, with stilbenes and cinnamic acids. The daily means of global and erythematic UV solar radiation over long periods (bud break-veraison, bud break-harvest, and veraison-harvest), and the doses and daily means in shorter development periods (5-10 days before veraison and harvest) were the variables best correlated with the phenolic profile. The ratio between trihydroxylated and monohydroxylated flavonols, which was positively correlated with antioxidant capacity, was the berry skin variable best correlated with those radiation variables. Total flavanols and total anthocyanins did not show any correlation with radiation variables. Air temperature, degree days, rainfall, and aridity indices showed fewer correlations with metabolite contents than radiation. Moreover, the latter correlations were restricted to the period veraison-harvest, where radiation, temperature, and water availability variables were correlated, making it difficult to separate the possible individual effects of each type of variable. The data show that managing environmental factors, in particular global and UV radiation, through cultural practices during specific development periods, can be useful to promote the synthesis of valuable nutraceuticals and metabolites that influence wine quality

    UV responses of Lolium perenne raised along a latitudinal gradient across Europe: a filtration study

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    Lolium perenne (cv. AberDart) was grown at 14 locations along a latitudinal gradient across Europe (3768 degrees N) to study the impact of ultraviolet radiation (UV) and climate on aboveground growth and foliar UV-B absorbing compounds. At each location, plants were grown outdoors for 5 weeks in a replicated UV-B filtration experiment consisting of open, UV-B transparent (cellulose diacetate) and UV-B opaque (polyester) environments. Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy was used to compare plant metabolite profiles in relation to treatment and location. UV radiation and climatic parameters were determined for each location from online sources and the data were assessed using a combination of anova and multiple regression analyses. Most of the variation in growth between the locations was attributable to the combination of climatic parameters, with minimum temperature identified as an important growth constraint. However, no single environmental parameter could consistently account for the variability in plant growth. Concentrations of foliar UV-B absorbing compounds showed a positive trend with solar UV across the latitudinal gradient; however, this relationship was not consistent in all treatments. The most striking experimental outcome from this study was the effect of presence or absence of filtration frames on UV-absorbing compounds. Overall, the study demonstrates the value of an European approach in studying the impacts of natural UV across a large latitudinal gradient. We have shown the feasibility of coordinated UV filtration at multiple sites but have also highlighted the need for open controls and careful interpretation of plant responses

    A synchronized, large-scale field experiment using Arabidopsis thaliana reveals the significance of the UV-B photoreceptor UVR8 under natural conditions

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    This study determines the functional role of the plant ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) photoreceptor, UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) under natural conditions using a large-scale 'synchronized-genetic-perturbation-field-experiment'. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated a role for UVR8 in UV-B responses but do not reflect the complexity of outdoor conditions where 'genotype × environment' interactions can mask laboratory-observed responses. Arabidopsis thaliana knockout mutant, uvr8-7, and the corresponding Wassilewskija wild type, were sown outdoors on the same date at 21 locations across Europe, ranging from 39°N to 67°N latitude. Growth and climatic data were monitored until bolting. At the onset of bolting, rosette size, dry weight, and phenolics and glucosinolates were quantified. The uvr8-7 mutant developed a larger rosette and contained less kaempferol glycosides, quercetin glycosides and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives than the wild type across all locations, demonstrating a role for UVR8 under field conditions. UV effects on rosette size and kaempferol glycoside content were UVR8 dependent, but independent of latitude. In contrast, differences between wild type and uvr8-7 in total quercetin glycosides, and the quercetin-to-kaempferol ratio decreased with increasing latitude, that is, a more variable UV response. Thus, the large-scale synchronized approach applied demonstrates a location-dependent functional role of UVR8 under natural conditions

    A synchronized, large‐scale field experiment using Arabidopsis thaliana reveals the significance of the UV‐B photoreceptor UVR8 under natural conditions

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    This study determines the functional role of the plant ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B) photoreceptor, UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) under natural conditions using a large‐scale ‘synchronized‐genetic‐perturbation‐field‐experiment’. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated a role for UVR8 in UV‐B responses but do not reflect the complexity of outdoor conditions where ‘genotype × environment’ interactions can mask laboratory‐observed responses. Arabidopsis thaliana knockout mutant, uvr8‐7, and the corresponding Wassilewskija wild type, were sown outdoors on the same date at 21 locations across Europe, ranging from 39°N to 67°N latitude. Growth and climatic data were monitored until bolting. At the onset of bolting, rosette size, dry weight, and phenolics and glucosinolates were quantified. The uvr8‐7 mutant developed a larger rosette and contained less kaempferol glycosides, quercetin glycosides and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives than the wild type across all locations, demonstrating a role for UVR8 under field conditions. UV effects on rosette size and kaempferol glycoside content were UVR8 dependent, but independent of latitude. In contrast, differences between wild type and uvr8‐7 in total quercetin glycosides, and the quercetin‐to‐kaempferol ratio decreased with increasing latitude, that is, a more variable UV response. Thus, the large‐scale synchronized approach applied demonstrates a location‐dependent functional role of UVR8 under natural conditions

    UV Index monitoring in Europe

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    The UV Index was established more than 20 years ago as a tool for sun protection and health care. Shortly after its introduction, UV Index monitoring started in several countries either by newly acquired instruments or by converting measurements from existing instruments into the UV Index. The number of stations and networks has increased over the years. Currently, 160 stations in 25 European countries deliver online values to the public via the Internet. In this paper an overview of these UV Index monitoring sites in Europe is given. The overview includes instruments as well as quality assurance and quality control procedures. Furthermore, some examples are given about how UV Index values are presented to the public. Through these efforts, 57% of the European population is supplied with high quality information, enabling them to adapt behaviour. Although health care, including skin cancer prevention, is costeffective, a proportion of the European population still doesn’t have access to UV Index information