196 research outputs found

    Assessment and analysis of territorial experiences in digital tele-echocardiography

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    Nowadays digital ultrasound-cardiovascular devices are able to send out directly digital images and films. Thanks to the large adoption of such devices, the echocardiographic world is facing new ways of exchanging images and collaborating. What we present in this paper is a review of the experimental projects carried in Lombardy, meant to support the work of specialists by means of second opinion and telemedicine services. On the medical point of view echocardiography is a widely used activity where operators are perfectly accustomed to do repetitive operations and steps. Tele-echocardiography (T-E) introduces new methods and technologies into stable and everyday medical practice, causing disruptions either on the side of the specialists' way of working or on the new opportunities and service. Introducing such a service means to properly model it in order to reduce the changes in the operators' way of working while maximizing the benefits. A proper method of modelling the operators' needs is then a key factor which must be correctly addressed. This paper will present some successful projects and the assessment procedure but it will also discuss a possible service modelling method, which has been adopted for the described experiences

    A web-based health technology assessment in tele-echocardiography: the experience within an Italian project

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    Due to major advances in the information technology, telemedicine applications are ready for a widespread use. Nonetheless, to allow their diffusion in National Health Care Systems (NHCSs) specific methodologies of health technology assessment (HTA ) should be used to assess the standardization, the overall quality, the interoperability, the addressing to legal, economic and cost benefit aspects. One of the limits to the diffusion of the digital tele-echocardiography (T-E) applications in the NHCS lacking of a specific methodology for the HTA . In the present study, a solution offering a structured HTA of T-E products was designed. The methodology assured also the definition of standardized quality levels for the application. The first level represents the minimum level of acceptance; the other levels are accessory levels useful for a more accurate assessment of the product. The methodology showed to be useful to rationalize the process of standardization and has received a high degree of acceptance by the subjects involved in the study.Grazie ai grandi progressi nell\u27information technology le applicazioni di telemedicina sono mature per un uso diffuso. Tuttavia per permettere la loro introduzione nel sistema sanitario nazionale devono essere utilizzate specifiche metodologie di health technology assessment (HTA ) per valutare il grado di standardizzazione, la qualit? totale, l\u27interoperabilit?, il rispetto dei requisiti legali ed economici e il rapporto costo-beneficio. Con riferimento alla tele-ecocardiografia digitale uno dei limiti ? la mancanza di una specifica metodologia di HTA . Nel presente studio, ? stata proposta una soluzione che offre un HTA strutturato di prodotti di tele-ecocardiografia (T-E) digitale. La metodologia ha assicurato anche la definizione di livelli standardizzati di qualit? per l\u27applicazione. Il primo livello rappresenta il livello minimo di accettazione; gli altri livelli riguardano aspetti accessori e sono utili per una pi? accurata valutazione del prodotto. La metodologia si ? mostrata di utilit? per razionalizzare il processo di standardizzazione ed ha ricevuto un elevato grado di accettazione dei soggetti coinvolti

    Nanotopography and microconfinement impact on primary hippocampal astrocyte morphology, cytoskeleton and spontaneous calcium wave signalling

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    Astrocytes' organisation affects the functioning and the fine morphology of the brain, both in physiological and pathological contexts. Although many aspects of their role have been characterised, their complex functions remain, to a certain extent, unclear with respect to their contribution to brain cell communication. Here, we studied the effects of nanotopography and microconfinement on primary hippocampal rat astrocytes. For this purpose, we fabricated nanostructured zirconia surfaces as homogenous substrates and as micrometric patterns, the latter produced by a combination of an additive nanofabrication and micropatterning technique. These engineered substrates reproduce both nanotopographical features and microscale geometries that astrocytes encounter in their natural environment, such as basement membrane topography, as well as blood vessels and axonal fibre topology. The impact of restrictive adhesion manifests in the modulation of several cellular properties of single cells (morphological and actin cytoskeletal changes) and the network organisation and functioning. Calcium wave signalling was observed only in astrocytes grown in confined geometries, with an activity enhancement in cells forming elongated agglomerates with dimensions typical of blood vessels or axon fibres. Our results suggest that calcium oscillation and wave propagation are closely related to astrocytic morphology and actin cytoskeleton organisation

    Long-term data on the efficacy and tolerability of lamivudine plus dolutegravir as a switch strategy in a multi-centre cohort of HIV-1-infected, virologically suppressed patients

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    BACKGROUND: Results from clinical trials and observational studies suggest that lamivudine plus dolutegravir (3TC+DTG) could be an effective and tolerated option for simplification in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-positive patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This observational study enrolled HIV-1-infected, virologically suppressed patients switching to 3TC+DTG. Kaplan-Meyer survival analysis was performed to evaluate time to virological failure (VF; defined by a single HIV-RNA determination ≥1000 copies/mL or by two consecutive HIV-RNA determinations ≥50 copies/mL) and time to treatment discontinuation (TD; defined as interruption of either 3TC or DTG), Cox regression was performed to assess predictors, and linear mixed model was performed for repeated measures to measure changes in immunological and metabolic parameters. RESULTS: Five hundred and fifty-six patients were eligible for analysis. Their median CD4+ count at baseline was 668 cells/mm3 and median time of virological suppression was 88 months. Estimated probabilities of maintaining virological suppression at 96 and 144 weeks of follow-up were 97.5% [standard deviation (SD) 0.8] and 96.5% (SD 1.0), respectively. Years since HIV diagnosis was the only predictor of VF. In patients with time of virological suppression <88 months, the rate of VF was higher in the presence of the M184V mutation. Estimated probabilities of remaining on 3TC+DTG at 96 and 144 weeks of follow-up were 79.2% (SD 1.9) and 75.2% (SD 2.2), respectively. A significant increase in CD4 cell count (+44 cells/mm3, P=0.015), CD4/CD8 ratio (+0.10, P=0.002) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (+5.4 mg/dL, P=0.036) was found at 144 weeks of follow-up; meanwhile, total cholesterol (-9.1 mg/dL, P=0.007) and triglycerides (-2.7, P=0.009) decreased significantly. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm the efficacy and tolerability of 3TC+DTG in virologically suppressed patients. Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Micropatterning of substrates for the culture of cell networks by stencil-assisted additive nanofabrication

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    The fabrication of in vitro neuronal cell networks where cells are chemically or electrically connected to form functional circuits with useful properties is of great interest. Standard cell culture substrates provide ensembles of cells that scarcely reproduce physiological structures since their spatial organization and connectivity cannot be controlled. Supersonic Cluster Beam Deposition (SCBD) has been used as an effective additive method for the large-scale fabrication of interfaces with extracellular matrix-mimicking surface nanotopography and reproducible morphological properties for cell culture. Due to the high collimation of SCBD, it is possible to exploit stencil masks for the fabrication of patterned films and reproduce features as small as tens of micrometers. Here, we present a protocol to fabricate micropatterned cell culture substrates based on the deposition of nanostructured cluster-assembled zirconia films by stencil-assisted SCBD. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated by the fabrication of micrometric patterns able to confine primary astrocytes. Calcium waves propagating in the astrocyte networks are shown

    Daclatasvir-based regimens in HCV cirrhosis: experience from the Italian early access program

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    We reported the efficacy and safety data for daclatasvir (DCV)-based all-oral antiviral therapy in patients treated in the Italian compassionate-use program. 275 patients were included (202 male-73.5%, mean age: 57.4 years, 62 HIV-coinfected, 94 with recurrence of hepatitis C post-OLT). Forty-nine patients (17.8%) had Child-Pugh B, Genotype(G) distribution was: G1a:72 patients (26.2%), G1b:137 (49.8%); G3:40 (14.5%) and G4:26 (9.5%). Patients received DCV with sofosbuvir(SOF) (n\u2009=\u2009221, 129 with ribavirin(RBV) or with simeprevir (SMV) or asunaprevir (ASU) (n\u2009=\u200954, 19 with RBV) for up to 24 weeks. Logistic regression was used to identify baseline characteristics associated with sustained virological response at week 12 post-treatment (SVR12). Liver function changes between baseline and follow up were assessed in 228 patients. 240 patients achieved SVR12 (87.3%), post transplant and HIV co-infected patients were equally distributed among SVR and no SVR (35% vs 34.3%; p\u2009=\u20090.56 and 24.2% vs 11.4%, p\u2009=\u20090.13, respectively). SVR rate was significantly higher with the combination DCV\u2009+\u2009SOF compared with DCV\u2009+\u2009SIM or ASU (93.2% vs 63.0%, p\u2009<\u20090.0001). Bilirubin value (OR: 0.69, CI95%: 0.54-0.87, p\u2009=\u20090.002) and regimen containing SOF (OR: 9.99, CI95%: 4.09-24.40; p\u2009<\u20090.001) were independently related with SVR. Mean albumin and bilirubin values significantly improved between baseline and follow-up week 12. DCV-based antiviral therapy was well tolerated and resulted in a high SVR when combined with SOF either in pre-transplant and in OLT patients and in "difficult to treat" HCV genotypes. Regimens containing DCV in combination with NS3 protease inhibitors obtained suboptimal results

    Conversion of nanoscale topographical information of cluster-assembled zirconia surfaces into mechanotransductive events promotes neuronal differentiation

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    Background: Thanks to mechanotransductive components cells are competent to perceive nanoscale topographical features of their environment and to convert the immanent information into corresponding physiological responses. Due to its complex configuration, unraveling the role of the extracellular matrix is particularly challenging. Cell substrates with simplified topographical cues, fabricated by top-down micro- and nanofabrication approaches, have been useful in order to identify basic principles. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of this conversion remain only partially understood. Results: Here we present the results of a broad, systematic and quantitative approach aimed at understanding how the surface nanoscale information is converted into cell response providing a profound causal link between mechanotransductive events, proceeding from the cell/nanostructure interface to the nucleus. We produced nanostructured ZrO2 substrates with disordered yet controlled topographic features by the bottom-up technique supersonic cluster beam deposition, i.e. the assembling of zirconia nanoparticles from the gas phase on a flat substrate through a supersonic expansion. We used PC12 cells, a well-established model in the context of neuronal differentiation. We found that the cell/nanotopography interaction enforces a nanoscopic architecture of the adhesion regions that affects the focal adhesion dynamics and the cytoskeletal organization, which thereby modulates the general biomechanical properties by decreasing the rigidity of the cell. The mechanotransduction impacts furthermore on transcription factors relevant for neuronal differentiation (e.g. CREB), and eventually the protein expression profile. Detailed proteomic data validated the observed differentiation. In particular, the abundance of proteins that are involved in adhesome and/or cytoskeletal organization is striking, and their up- or downregulation is in line with their demonstrated functions in neuronal differentiation processes. Conclusion: Our work provides a deep insight into the molecular mechanotransductive mechanisms that realize the conversion of the nanoscale topographical information of SCBD-fabricated surfaces into cellular responses, in this case neuronal differentiation. The results lay a profound cell biological foundation indicating the strong potential of these surfaces in promoting neuronal differentiation events which could be exploited for the development of prospective research and/or biomedical applications. These applications could be e.g. tools to study mechanotransductive processes, improved neural interfaces and circuits, or cell culture devices supporting neurogenic processes

    ICG fluorescence imaging in colorectal surgery: a snapshot from the ICRAL study group

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    Background: Fluorescence-guided visualization is a recently proposed technology in colorectal surgery. Possible uses include evaluating perfusion, navigating lymph nodes and searching for hepatic metastases and peritoneal spread. Despite the absence of high-level evidence, this technique has gained considerable popularity among colorectal surgeons due to its significant reliability, safety, ease of use and relatively low cost. However, the actual use of this technique in daily clinical practice has not been reported to date. Methods: This survey was conducted on April 2020 among 44 centers dealing with colorectal diseases and participating in the Italian ColoRectal Anastomotic Leakage (iCral) study group. Surgeons were approximately equally divided based on geographical criteria from multiple Italian regions, with a large proportion based in public (89.1%) and nonacademic (75.7%) centers. They were invited to answer an online survey to snapshot their current behaviors regarding the use of fluorescence-guided visualization in colorectal surgery. Questions regarding technological availability, indications and techniques, personal approaches and feelings were collected in a 23-item questionnaire. Results: Questionnaire replies were received from 37 institutions and partially answered by 8, as this latter group of centers do not implement fluorescence technology (21.6%). Out of the remaining 29 centers (78,4%), fluorescence is utilized in all laparoscopic colorectal resections by 72.4% of surgeons and only for selected cases by the remaining 27.6%, while 62.1% of respondents do not use fluorescence in open surgery (unless the perfusion is macroscopically uncertain with the naked eye, in which case 41.4% of them do). The survey also suggests that there is no agreement on dilution, dosing and timing, as many different practices are adopted based on personal judgment. Only approximately half of the surgeons reported a reduced leak rate with fluorescence perfusion assessment, but 65.5% of them strongly believe that this technique will become a minimum requirement for colorectal surgery in the future. Conclusion: The survey confirms that fluorescence is becoming a widely used technique in colorectal surgery. However, both the indications and methods still vary considerably; furthermore, the surgeons' perceptions of the results are insufficient to consider this technology essential. This survey emphasizes the need for further research to reach recommendations based on solid scientific evidence. Keywords: Colon cancer; Fluorescence guided surgery; ICG; Laparoscopy; Rectal cancer
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