2,203 research outputs found

    Comminution Effects on Mineral-Grade Distribution: The Case of an MVT Lead-Zinc Ore Deposit

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    Every mining operation is followed by a beneficiation process aimed at delivering quality materials to the transformation industry. Mainly, in order to separate valuable minerals from gangue in mineral processing, the crushing and grinding of extracted ore are crucial operations for the following separation steps. Comminution is the most energy-consuming operation in mining, and the quality of the results is strictly related to the characteristic of the material under treatment, the type of equipment used in comminution, and the circuit design adopted. A preliminary study was performed in order to understand the crushing behavior under different comminution forces of a high-grade mixed Zn-Pb sulfide ore sample, collected in a Mississippi-Valley Type (MVT) deposit, and the distribution of the target minerals among the products of the process. Ore samples were examined and characterized through thin section observation and SEM analyses for the determination of grain size and texture features, while X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) quantitative analyses were performed for the definition of target mineral concentrations of comminuted product samples. The selected crushing and grinding circuit comprised lab-scale equipment. For each stage of the process, products below the estimated free-grain size threshold were collected, and particle size analyses were carried out. Comminution products were divided into size distribution classes suitable for further separation operations, and XRPD analyses showed a mineral-grade distribution varying with the dimensions of the products. Characterization of the ore material after crushing and grinding force applications in terms of the distribution of target minerals among different-sized classes was achieved. The important trends highlighted should be considered for further investigation related to an efficient separation

    BOTDA Sensing Employing a Modified Brillouin Fiber Laser Probe Source

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    A theoretical and experimental study has been carried out on a tunable dual pump-probe optical source for distributed Brillouin optical time-domain analysis (BOTDA). The developed source exploits a modified Brillouin ring laser technology and is capable of a tuning range of ∼200 MHz without using phase-locked loop or optical sideband generation techniques, and exhibits a linewidth smaller than 2.5 MHz and ∼0.5 mW power. In BOTDA experiments, the proposed source has demonstrated to be an efficient solution enabling distributed sensing over 10 km single mode fiber with a spatial resolution of ∼4 m, and a strain and temperature resolutions of ∼10 μϵ and ∼0.5 °C respectively

    Physical Fitness and BodyWeight in Pre-Adolescent School Children: The EUROFIT Motor Fitness Test Explored on 11-12-Year-Old Children.

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    Nowadays, the early prevention of obesity in childhood is one of the most critical public health issues. More than half of children and adolescents worldwide do not meet the recommendation of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. This trend can reduce physical fitness and, consequently, cause a decrease in the quality of life throughout the lifespan. Physical fitness, defined as a set of abilities to perform physical activity and exercise (such as aerobic capacity, endurance, strength, flexibility), is considered one of the most important health markers in adulthood and childhood as well as adolescence. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study to investigate the physical fitness of pre-adolescent children of the Emilia-Romagna region. Children’s anthropometric parameters (height and weight) and physical fitness levels - assessed via the EUROFIT test battery - were measured. In all of the applied EUROFIT tests, children’s performance was below the sucient age and gender values. Moreover, it was negatively associated with obesity. Our research provided evidence that the general fitness of our sample was low and the performance of overweight/obese children was lower compared to the under/normal weight students

    Body Composition and Strength Symmetry of Kettlebell Sport Athletes

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    Kettlebell sport (KBs) is increasingly popular, but very few studies have been focused on this discipline. This research aims to investigate the effects of KBs on body composition, strength symmetry, and segmental body composition symmetry in a sample of Italian elite athletes. Data were collected from a sample of 16 athletes of both sexes (11 men and 5 women; 34.5 ± 9.0 years of age). Anthropometric (height, weight, arm, thigh, calf, and waist circumferences), hand grip strength, and total and segmental bioelectrical variables were taken. Body composition was analysed by using specific bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA). Paired t-tests and confidence ellipses were applied to analyse bilateral differences. Elite athletes of both sexes showed high values of phase angle, indicative of high body cell mass and quality and proxy of muscle mass. Hand grip strength and body composition were symmetrical, with the only exception of a higher %FM in the right leg (Zsp: t = 3.556; p = 0.003). In conclusion, this study suggests that KBs contributes to muscle mass improvement, body composition, and strength symmetry, especially in the upper body

    “Il caso dei derivati del Comune di Milano e la crisi del sistema economico finanziario: il modello di deterrenza del D.lgs n. 231/01 riletto alla prova della realtà”

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    I n questo breve lavoro si cercherà di analizzare quelle che sono le principali ra- gioni che sembrano aver determinato uno dei più grandi insuccessi nella storia della regolamentazione dei mercati cercando di darne una lettura in termini di struttura degli incentivi e dell’informazione. Dapprima si mostrerà come le cause della crisi del sistema economico finanzia- rio che ha avuto origine negli Stati Uniti e la vicenda dei derivati del Comune di Milano, culminato con la sentenza n. 13976 del dicembre 2012, mostrano comune origini. Si tratteggeranno poi i contenuti del D.lgs n. 231/01, alla base della sentenza di Milano, descrivendone la portata innovativa soprattutto alla luce dell’analisi economica del diritto. Infine si cercherà di spostare l’attenzione sulle dinamiche generatrici dell’attuale grande crisi economica per mostrate in che modo l’interpretazione della magistratura italiana trova riscontro nelle analisi provenienti da oltreoceano. L’attenzione verrà posta sulla capacità deterrente degli attuali dispositivi normativi che dovrebbero servire ad arginare comportamenti individuali e societari che si sono dimostrati capaci di generare sconvolgimenti dai costi imprevedibili. Alcune brevi considerazioni sull’adeguatezza di provve- dimenti quali il D.lgs n. 231/01 nella lotta ai reati finanziari concludono il lavoro

    Il caso dei derivati del Comune di Milano e la crisi del sistema economico finanziario: il modello di deterrenza del D.Lgs n.231/01 riletto alla prova della realtà

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    Aim of this brief article is to analyze the reasons that appear as the main responsible of the probably most important market regulation failure after the ’29. This analysis will be done using incentives structure and information mechanisms as trigger issues. First the origins of USA economic crisis will be compared with the Italian case of Milan municipality derivatives that brought to judgement n. 13976 made in december 2012. Second contents and structure of D.lgs n. 231/01, applied in the judgment disposal, will be described highlighting their elements of innovation in a law and economic perspective. Finally it will be shown how the causes of the American economic crisis have influenced the Milan judiciary system which focused its action on the poor efficacy of regulation mechanisms in curbing individual and company toxic behaviors that have been able to create a financial shock of such unpredictable value. An brief evaluation of the efficacy of crime legal instrument.In questo breve lavoro si cercherà di analizzare quelle che sono le principali ragioni che sembrano aver determinato uno dei più grandi insuccessi nella storia della regolamentazione dei mercati cercando di darne una lettura in termini di struttura degli incentivi e dell’informazione.Dapprima si mostrerà come le cause della crisi del sistema economico finanziario che ha avuto origine negli Stati Uniti e la vicenda dei derivati del Comune di Milano, culminato con la sentenza n. 13976 del dicembre 2012, mostrano comune origini. Si tratteggeranno poi i contenuti del D.lgs 231/01, alla base della sentenza di Milano, descrivendone la portata innovativa soprattutto alla luce dell’analisi economica del diritto. Infine si cercherà di spostare l’attenzione sulle dinamiche generatrici dell’attuale grande crisi economica per mostrate in che modo l’interpretazione della magistratura italiana trova riscontro nelle analisi provenienti da oltreoceano. L’attenzione verrà posta sulla capacità deterrente degli attuali dispositivi normativi che dovrebbero servire ad arginare comportamenti individuali e societari che si sono dimostrati capaci di generare sconvolgimenti dai costi imprevedibili. Alcune brevi considerazioni sull’adeguatezza di provvedimenti quali il D.lgs 231/01 nella lotta ai reati finanziari concludono il lavoro.DOI: 10.4459/STU.2013.004.I

    Novel locally active estrogens accelerate cutaneous wound healing-part 2

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    Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. However, current estrogenic molecules have undesired systemic effects, thus the aim of our studies is to generate new molecules for topic administration that are devoid of systemic effects. Following a preliminary study, the new 17β-estradiol derivatives 1 were synthesized. The estrogenic activity of these novel compounds was evaluated in vitro using the cell line ERE-Luc B17 stably transfected with an ERE-Luc reporter. Among the 17β-estradiol derivatives synthesized, compounds 1e and 1f showed the highest transactivation potency and were therefore selected for the study of their systemic estrogenic activity. The study of these compounds in the ERE-Luc mouse model demonstrated that both compounds lack systemic effects when administered in the wound area. Furthermore, wound-healing experiments showed that 1e displays a significant regenerative and anti-inflammatory activity. It is therefore confirmed that this class of compounds are suitable for topical administration and have a clear beneficial effect on wound healing

    Radio hyperthermia for re-treatment of superficial tumours.

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    Relapse remains an unsolved problem for previously radio-treated patients. Our purpose is to evaluate the role of radio-hyperthermia (RT-HT) in the retreatment of superficial recurrences.From 1998 to 2007, 51 patients affected by four histological types (breast recurrences (group A), melanoma recurrences (group B), head and neck recurrences (group C), and others (group D)) of 76 superficial lesions, were enrolled at Mauriziano Hospital at the Research Institute of Cancer Care Candiolo (IRCC) in Turin. All patients had previously undergone RT except 6 patients of group B. The total mean retreatment dose was 31.8 Gy (20-60 Gy), while the mean of HT sessions was 5 (1 to 8), temperature ranged from 38.5 degrees C (T min) to 44 degrees C (T max).Acute cutaneous toxicity was 77.6% G1, 22.4% G2, none for G3. Forty-five days later we observed: for group A 65.9% complete response (CR), 29.5% partial response (PR), 4.5% non-response (NR); for group B 33.3% CR, 25% PR and 41.7% NR; for group C 40% CR, 13.3% PR, 46.7% NR, for group D 60% CR and 40% NR. 18 months later group A presented 72.7% local control (LC), 20.5% stable disease (SD) and 6.8% non-control (NC), group B 50% LC, 16,7% SD and 33.3% NC, group C 33.3% LC, 40% SD and 26.7% NC, group D 40% LC and 60% NC. Early response, size of lesionsor =3 cm, T maxor =42 degrees C and RT dosesor =40 Gy were predictive outcome factors.We confirmed that radio-hyperthermia is useful in re-irradiation with a very high patient compliance