976 research outputs found

    a case of people with disabilities in El Salvador

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Management,2020.Disability is a complex phenomenon. It reflects the interaction between the features of a person’s body and the features of the society in which he or she lives. Therefore, overcoming the difficulties faced by people with disabilities requires the participation of different actors and interventions to remove environmental and social barriers (World Health Organization, WHO, 2018). Said interventions tend to vary from one society to another, generally influenced by public policies, education and awareness. In the case of El Salvador, the attention and priority given to people with disabilities and their needs has been limited. There have been some improvements, particularly in the employment field with the implementation of the Law of Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities, the National Policy of Integral Attention for People with Disabilities and the ratification of international conventions; however, is been a challenge to guarantee the application and enforcement of these instruments and this has impacted negatively the available employment opportunities and financial independence of this sector of the population. Other structural conditions of the country have also favored the existence of a wide array of barriers that have produced an increasing gap between people with and without disabilities and in many cases have perpetuated poverty. This gap needs to be addressed by different sectors of society since the barriers are imposed and reproduced by multiple actors and affect every aspects of a person’s life. Currently there are some initiatives among companies that have benefited people with disabilities. These initiatives are mainly recognized as Corporate Social Responsibility. The initiatives commonly vary from creation of job banks and job fairs to the training of people with disabilities in multiple areas, however, the network of inclusive companies and job offers are still limited due to the soft application of laws and sanctions, lack of awareness and particularly, due to psychological barriers imposed by society. It is important to recognize that, even when these initiatives have been beneficial to people with disabilities and also are a good starting point towards inclusion, these should not be regarded as charity since access to equal employment, education, training and other rights are a responsibility that has to be fulfilled and not just a mere act of good will. It is undeniable that the Salvadoran government and its institutions still have a lot of work to do when it comes to inclusion and enforcing the Law of Equal Opportunities. Is also undeniable that there is an urgent need of opening more spaces and creating more opportunities particularly in the employment field since it is through employment that people can achieve a better quality of life, financial independence and decision-making power. In this context, an initiative that could be well received in El Salvador and that could generate a positive impact in the topic of inclusion and employment for people with disabilities is Social Business. This is a recent trend that is on the rise and is also an innovative alternative that proposes a sustainable way of addressing social and environmental issues that have not been solved or covered by the government. Fortunately, El Salvador already counts with a network of professionals and groups of people with long experience in this field. There is also a network of trainees with a certain type of disability that are ready to take up on jobs and are just waiting for a job opening. These conditions represent an opportunity for Social Businesses that aim to increase and promote inclusion and start breaking gaps among the different sectors of the Salvadoran society. These businesses are also supported by successful stories in other countries such as the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Spain. These initiatives demonstrate that the positive impact is not only perceived by the direct beneficiaries but by the whole society since they create an added value and tackle issues that societies have struggled to solve for long periods of time. The following questions have been selected for this document: What are the conditions that exist nowadays in El Salvador in regard to disability? What are the main barriers and challenges that are faced by people with disabilities in El Salvador when it comes to employment opportunities? What are some of the initiatives that are being implemented by businesses in order to contribute to solving issues in El Salvador? What are the areas of opportunity that can be used to promote inclusion and generate employment for people with disabilities in El Salvador? Are there any international examples that can be replicated in El Salvador? The ultimate and expected goal of this study is understanding the existing barriers for people with disabilities in El Salvador and identifying successful social businesses endeavors that can be replicated in the country as well as detecting opportunity areas that can be used to create sustainable jobs and promote inclusion in the country.1. Disability in El Salvado 2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Businesses 3. Social Business as a pathway to Job Creation for people with disabilities in El Salvadormaste

    Dano a outros causado pelo álcool: o papel das variáveis socioculturais

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    This paper describes the changes in alcohol research, from a traditional individual focus on individual bodily and mental effects, to a broader focus on harm to others. This shift has coincided with broader sequential definitions of the progression from normal through harmful alcohol dependence, both in the specialized epidemiological and also in the newer classificatory systems (DSM 5 and CIE 11 draft). After presenting updated global, regional and chilean data, an international collaborative Project (Alcohol Harm to Others, ATOH) is described, with the participating institutions: the local study and the chilean components of the research team, the conceptual framework of harm to others (families, children, women; neighbors, friends, co-workers; society at large). Ethical aspects and institutional approval are presented and the principal results outlined: socio-demographic data (with special focus on the role of gender, socio-economic level and religiosity/spirituality). The data is presented for the chilean sample, with examples from other participating countries. The complexity of the link between alcohol harm to others and religious and spiritual factors is studied comparing data from several of the participating countries, and the impact upon vulnerable populations, especially women and children. The discussion reviews some of the confounding and intervening factors that could influence the results. The conclusion about prevention and policy development closes the paper.Este artículo describe los cambios en investigación sobre el abuso de alcohol, desde un enfoque tradicional sobre los efectos corporales y mentales en el individuo, a un enfoque amplio sobre el daño a otros. Este cambio ha coincidido con definiciones secuenciales más amplias de la progresión desde el estado normal a la dependencia dañina al alcohol, ambas en la especialidad de la epidemiología y también en los nuevos sistemas de clasificación (DSM 5 y propuesta de CIE 11). Después de presentar datos actualizados globales, regionales y chilenos, se describe un proyecto internacional colaborativo (Daño a Otros por Causa del Alcohol, ATOH) con las instituciones participantes: el estudio local y los componentes chilenos del equipo de investigación, la estructura conceptual de daño a otros (familias, niños, mujeres; vecinos, amigos, compañeros de trabajo; la sociedad en general). Se presenta la aprobación institucional y aspectos éticos, así como se delinean los principales resultados: datos sociodemográficos (con enfoque especial en el rol de género, nivel socioeconómico y espiritualidad/religiosidad). Se presentan los datos de la muestra chilena, con ejemplos de otros países participantes. Se estudia la complejidad del vínculo entre el daño por alcohol a otros y factores religiosos y espirituales, comparando datos de varios de los países participantes, y el impacto sobre poblaciones vulnerables, especialmente mujeres y niños. La discusión revisa algunos de los factores de confusión y de intervención que podrían influenciar los resultados. Se cierra el artículo con conclusiones sobre prevención y desarrollo de normativas.Este artigo descreve as alterações na pesquisa do álcool, a partir de um foco individual tradicional sobre os efeitos orgânicos e mentais individuais, para um foco mais amplo sobre danos a outros. Essa mudança coincidiu com mais amplas definições sequenciais da progressão do normal através de dependência de álcool prejudiciais, tanto na epidemiologia especializada como nos sistemas classificatórios mais recentes (DSM 5 e CIE 11 minuta). Depois de apresentar dados atualizados globais, regionais e chileno, um projeto internacional colaborativo (Alcohol Harm to Others, ATOH) é descrito, com as instituições participantes: o estudo local e os componentes chilenos da equipe de pesquisa, o quadro conceitual do dano a outrem ( famílias, crianças, mulheres, vizinhos, amigos, colegas de trabalho, e sociedade em geral). Aspectos éticos e aprovação institucional são apresentados e os principais resultados delineados: dados sócio-demográficos (com especial destaque para o papel do sexo, nível socioeconômico e espiritualidade / religiosidade). Os dados são apresentados para a amostra chilena, com exemplos de outros países participantes. A complexidade da relação entre efeitos nocivos do álcool para os outros e fatores religiosos e espirituais é estudada comparando os dados de vários dos países participantes, bem como o impacto sobre populações vulneráveis, especialmente mulheres e crianças. A discussão revê alguns dos fatores de confusão e intervenientes que poderiam influenciar os resultados. A conclusão sobre a prevenção e desenvolvimento de políticas define o papel

    Seating arrangements : impact on the development of speaking abilities in EFL classrooms

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    Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)This research explores how seating arrangements impact on young EFL learners’ development of the speaking skill in Chilean classrooms. The methodological design was a mixed approach using checklists, field notes, and questionnaires to collect data. The participants were 45 students, 28 from 3rd grade, 17 from 8th grade, 2 teachers and 2 researchers. Results show that working in groups have more positive impact for 8th graders, from the students’, teachers’ and researchers’ perspectives. On the contrary, working in pairs was more beneficial for third graders.Esta investigación explora cómo la distribución de las mesas impacta en los estudiantes de nivel básico en el desarrollo de la producción oral en idioma inglés en salas de clases chilenas. El diseño de metodología consiste en un método mixto utilizado lista de cotejo, observaciones y cuestionarios para recolectar información. Los participantes fueron en total 45 alumnos, 28 alumnos de 3ro Básico, 17 de 8vo Básico, 2 profesores y 2 investigadores. Los resultados desde las perspectivas de los estudiantes y profesor, muestran que al trabajar en grupos, tiene un impacto más positivo en los estudiantes de 8vo básico. Por el contrario, trabajar en parejas es más beneficioso para los alumnos de 3ro básico

    Campaña de mercadeo social escúdate tu piel perdona pero no olvida, no la expongas al cáncer

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    Taking into account that skin cancer is the second type of cancer with the highest incidence in the country, the second in women after breast cancer and the second in men after the prostate cancer, it is needed to address the topic in order to promote a proper sun exposure in the city of Quito. Especially because we are in a geographical area in which the sun's rays fall perpendicularly due to the proximity to the sun and where there has been registered up to 23 points of radiation, overcoming the extreme value established by the World Health Organization that is 11 points. In addition, this type of cancer may go unnoticed due to a lack of knowledge by people who do not distinguish dangerous lesions on their skin. However, although the incidence is high, the mortality rate is not, and, if detected on time, it is a curable disease.Tomando en cuenta que el cáncer de piel es el segundo tipo de cáncer con mayor incidencia en el país, el segundo en mujeres después del de mama y el segundo en hombres después del de próstata, consideramos necesario dirigirnos al tema con el fin de promover una exposición solar adecuada en la ciudad de Quito. Especialmente porque nos encontramos en una zona geográfica en la cual los rayos solares caen perpendicularmente debido a la cercanía al sol y donde se han registrado hasta 23 puntos de radiación, superando el valor extremo establecido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud que es de 11 puntos. Adicionalmente, este tipo de cáncer puede pasar desapercibido debido a la falta de conocimiento por parte de las personas que no distinguen lesiones peligrosas en su piel. Sin embargo, si bien la incidencia es alta, el índice de mortalidad no lo es y, en caso de ser detectado a tiempo, es una enfermedad curable

    Progression of age-related periodontitis: Literature review

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    Antecedentes: La periodontitis actualmente es definida como una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica multifactorial asociada a la desregulación de la biopelícula con el huésped susceptible, lo que puede llegar a generar daños en el tejido periodontal debido a una respuesta inmunitaria inapropiada, caracterizadas por una inflamación neutrofílica con la posterior destrucción proteolítica del tejido conectivo. Objetivo: realizar una revisión de la literatura que vincule la progresión de periodontitis asociada a la edad y determinar si a mayor edad existe mayor prevalencia de periodontitis. Materiales y Métodos : Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática en 5 bases de datos científicas: PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO de 45 artículos publicados en inglés y español en los últimos 5 años (2018-2022). Resultados: La evidencia sugiere que pacientes de edad avanzada (60 años en adelante) son más propensos a desarrollar periodontitis debido a una respuesta inmunitaria deficiente que le impide tener una respuesta inflamatoria correcta ante diversos factores, además se postula la exposición prolongada al factor etiológico. Conclusiones: La evidencia reporta que los pacientes a mayor edad presentan mayor prevalencia de periodontitis debido a que en el envejecimiento disminuye la respuesta inmunológica, la cual es la encargada de proteger al cuerpo ante diferentes factores. Finalmente, a medida que los pacientes envejecen, el estado nutricional se ve alterado por ende el proceso digestivo y la absorción de nutrientes de los alimentos, las cuales interactúan con otros factores de riesgo bien definidos para aumentar la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad periodontal.Background: Periodontitis is currently defined as a multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease associated with deregulation of the biofilm with the susceptible host, which can lead to damage the periodontal tissue due to an inappropriate immune response, characterized by a neutrophilic inflammation with subsequent destruction of proteolytic connective tissue. Objective: To carry out a literature review that links the progression of periodontitis associated with age, in addition to determining if at an older age there is higher prevalence of periodontitis. Methodology: A systematic bibliographic search was carried out in 5 scientific databases: PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Science Direct, EBSCO of 45 articles published in English and Spanish in the last 5 years (2018-2022). Results: Evidence suggests that elderly patients (60 years and older) are more likely to develop periodontitis due to a deficient immune response that keep them off from having a correct inflammatory response to various factors, there is also postulated a prolonged exposure to the etiological factor. Conclusions: Evidence reports that older patients have a higher prevalence of periodontitis because aging decreases immune response, which is responsible for protecting the body against different factors. Finally, as patient’s age, nutritional status is altered thereby the digestive process and nutrient absorption from food, which interact with other well-defined risk factors to increase susceptibility to periodontal disease.0000-0002-7843-967

    Newborn skin reflection: Proof of concept for a new approach for predicting gestational age at birth. A cross-sectional study

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    Current methods to assess the gestational age during prenatal care or at birth are a global challenge. Disadvantages, such as low accessibility, high costs, and imprecision of clinical tests and ultrasonography measurements, may compromise health decisions at birth, based on the gestational age. Newborns organs and tissues can indirectly indicate their physical maturity, and we hypothesized that evolutionary changes in their skin, detected using an optoelectronic device meter, may aid in estimating the gestational age. This study analyzed the feasibility of using newborn skin reflectance to estimate the gestational age at birth noninvasively. A cross-sectional study evaluated the skin reflectance of selected infants, preferably premature, at birth. The first-trimester ultrasound was the reference for gestational age. A prototype of a new noninvasive optoelectronic device measured the backscattering of light from the skin, using a light emitting diode at wavelengths of 470 nm, 575 nm, and 630 nm. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis models were employed to predict gestational age, combining skin reflectance with clinical variables for gestational age estimation. The gestational age at birth of 115 newborns from 24.1 to 41.8 weeks of gestation correlated with the light at 630 nm wavelength reflectance 3.3 mm/6.5 mm ratio distant of the sensor, at the forearm and sole . The best-combined variables to predict the gold standard gestational age at birth was the skin reflectance at wavelengths of 630 nm and 470 nm in combination with birth weight, phototherapy, and adjusted to include incubator stay, and sex. The main limitation of the study is that it was very specific to the premature population we studied and needs to be studied in a broader spectrum of newborns

    Acid-Base Properties of the Adsorption of Synthetic Dyes from Solutions

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    The presence of synthetic dyes is often underestimated in environmental protection. However, it has been demonstrated the impact of colored compounds in ecology and human health. Green tea (GT) and peppermint (PM) tea bag wastes were used as potential adsorbents of dyes from aqueous solutions to evaluate the effect of pH on the adsorption. Basic yellow 57, basic blue 99 and crystal violet were chosen as model dyes due to their widespread use in the industry. Dye solutions at different pH values were placed in contact with the adsorbents in batch experiments at room temperature. Results indicate that crystal violet is totally removed from the solution by the adsorbents (100% removal), followed basic blue 99 and basic yellow. PM reports the highest dye removal. Our data was compared to recently published reports, indicating their potential applicability to real wastewaters, as it is optimum at neutral pH values. These results demonstrate that these materials are excellent and cost-effective candidates for the removal of dye pollutants from contaminated solutions

    Desarrollo de una red de sensores inalámbricos utilizando tecnología LoRa para el monitoreo de un sistema

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    El presente documento detalla el desarrollo de una red de sensores inalámbricos implementada en un prototipo didáctico que simule un proceso real, utiliza tecnología LoRa para la transmisión de datos de forma inalámbrica entre los dispositivos con el fin de monitorear las variables involucradas en el proceso mediante una interfaz gráfica desarrollada por un aplicativo web. La red de sensores inalámbricos consta de tres nodos clientes que recolectan información de la planta a través de sensores. Estos tienen comunicación directa mediante LoRa con el Gateway para transmitir los datos de la planta. El Gateway retrasmite la información que recibe de los nodos clientes a un Servidor en Internet denominado “The Things Network” la cual ha conformado una sociedad abierta de Gateways y nodos que admite conectividad de diferentes dispositivos IoT a nivel mundial de forma gratuita. El proyecto servirá para futuras investigaciones o aplicaciones referentes a las redes de sensores inteligentes que utilicen tecnología LoRa.This document describes the development of a Wireless sensor network implemented in a didactic prototype that simulates a real process, it uses LoRa technology for Wireless data transmission between devices in order to evaluate the variables involved in the process through a digital interface developed in a web application. The Wireless sensor network consists of three client nodes that collect information from the process through sensors, nodes have direct communication by LoRa with the Gateway to transmit information from the process. The Gateway relay the information it receives from client nodes to an Internet Server called “The Things Network” which has forme an open society of Gateways and nodes that supports free connectivity of different IoT devices worldwide. The project can be used for future research or applications related to smart sensor networks with LoRa technology

    Diseño de un modelo de negocios para la empresa Lobo Car y sus sucursales en la ciudad de Cuenca

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    En los últimos años el sector automotriz en Cuenca ha crecido de manera acelerada convirtiéndose en una importante industria. Esto ha provocado que la demanda por servicios de mantenimiento y comercialización de implementos para vehículos aumente. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es el de diseñar un modelo de negocios para la empresa “Lobo Car” y sus sucursales en la ciudad de Cuenca, mediante la creación de estrategias y lineamientos para mejorar el reconocimiento de marca, viabilidad del negocio y rentabilidad, dado que dichos factores se han venido manejando de manera empírica. En el primer capítulo se aborda la fundamentación teórica de la herramienta Business Model Canvas de Alexander Osterwalder y Yves Pigneur (2011, p. 15-47) el cual está estructurado por nueve bloques, englobados en cuatro áreas: infraestructura, oferta, clientes y modelo económico. En el segundo capítulo se analiza la situación actual de la empresa de manera interna y externa. Además de la metodología que se aplicó, la línea de productos y servicios que abarca la empresa, su estructura organizacional, el manual de proceso y sus reglamentos. En el tercer capítulo se desarrolló la formulación de Canvas, el análisis FODA, la evaluación de factores internos y externos y la matriz de perfil competitivo. Además, también se elabora los objetivos estratégicos, propuesta de plan estratégico de acción y plan de operaciones. En el cuarto capítulo se compone del análisis económico y financiero correspondiente al mes de mayo y a partir de ahí se realizan las proyecciones. En el quinto capítulo se describe la viabilidad y el análisis del riesgo del modelo con la aplicación de las medidas de mitigación. Finalmente, se realizan las conclusiones y recomendaciones del modelo orientadas a la creación de valor y viabilidad.In recent years, the automotive sector in Cuenca has grown rapidly, becoming an important industry. This has caused the demand for maintenance services and marketing of vehicle accessories to increase. In this context, the objective of this work is to design a business model for the company “Lobo Car” and its branches in the city of Cuenca, through the creation of strategies and guidelines to improve brand recognition, business viability and profitability, given that these factors have so far been handled empirically. The first chapter addresses the theoretical foundation of the Business Model Canvas tool by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (2011, p.15-47), which is structured into nice blocks, encompassed in four areas: infrastructure, market offering, clients and economic model. The second chapter analyzes the current situation of the company internally and externally. In addition to the methodology that was applied, the line of products and services covered by the company, its organizational structure, the process manual and its regulations. In the third chapter, the formulation of the Canvas, the SWOT analysis, the evaluation of internal and external factors and the matrix of the competitive profile were developed. In addition, the strategic objectives, proposed strategic action plan and operations plan are also prepared. The fourth chapter consists of the economic and financial analysis corresponding to the month of May and from there the projections are made. The fifth chapter describes the feasibility and risk analysis of the model with the application of mitigation measure. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of the model oriented to the creation of value and viability are made.0000-0002-3431-280