4,319 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la aplicación de lista de verificación ¨Cirugía Segura¨

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    La Alianza Mundial para la seguridad del paciente fue puesta en marcha por el DirectorGeneral de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en Octubre de 2004. Creada con elpropósito de coordinar, difundir y acelerar las mejoras en materia de seguridad delpaciente en todo el mundo. El problema de la seguridad de la cirugía está ampliamentereconocido en todo el mundo y surge como una reflexión sobre el tipo de atenciónmedica que brinda cada uno de los integrantes del equipo multidisciplinario de salud.Actualmente la falta de comunicación y trabajo en equipo son factores que puedenpropiciar dificultades durante la cirugía.La Lista de Verificación de Cirugía Segura, aborda la seguridad en la atenciónquirúrgica, ayuda a garantizar que los equipos sigan de forma sistemática las medidasde seguridad esenciales, minimizando así los riesgos que ponen en peligro la vida yel bienestar del paciente quirúrgico. Su objetivo es mejorar la seguridad de la cirugíaen todo el mundo definiendo para ello un conjunto básico de normas de seguridad quepueden aplicarse en todos los Estados Miembros de la OMS

    Maintenance of Gains, Morbidity, and Mortality at 1 Year Following Cardiac Rehabilitation in a Middle‐Income Country: A Wait‐List Control Crossover Trial

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    Background-—Despite the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in middle-income countries, few trials are testing the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). This trial assessed (1) maintenance of functional capacity, risk factor control, knowledge, and hearthealth behaviors and (2) mortality and morbidity at 6 months following CR in a middle-income country. Methods and Results-—Eligible Brazilian coronary patients were initially randomized (1:1:1 concealed) to 1 of 3 parallel arms (comprehensive CR [exercise plus education], exercise-only CR, or wait-list control). The CR programs were 6 months in duration, at which point follow-up assessments were performed. Mortality and morbidity were ascertained from chart and patient or family report (blinded). Controls were then offered CR (crossover). Outcomes were again assessed 6 months later (blinded). ANCOVA was performed for each outcome at 12 months. Overall, 115 (88.5%) patients were randomized, and 62 (53.9%) were retained at 1 year. At 6 months, 23 (58.9%) of those 39 initially randomized to the wait-list control elected to attend CR. Functional capacity, risk factors, knowledge, and heart-health behaviors were maintained from 6 to 12 months in participants from both CR arms (all P>0.05). At 1 year, knowledge was significantly greater with comprehensive CR at either time point (P<0.001). There were 2 deaths. Hospitalizations (P=0.03), nonfatal myocardial infarctions (P=0.04), and percutaneous coronary interventions (P=0.03) were significantly fewer with CR than control at 6 months. Conclusions-—CR participation is associated with lower morbidity, long-term maintenance of functional capacity, risk factors, and heart-health behaviors, as well as with greater cardiovascular knowledge compared with no CR. Clinical Trial Registration-—URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT02575976. (J Am Heart Assoc. 2019;8: e011228. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.118.011228.) Key Words: cardiac rehabilitation • coronary disease • morbidity/mortality • rehabilitation • risk factorYork University Librarie

    Book review: A feminist reading of debt by Lucí Cavallero and Verónica Gago

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    In A Feminist Reading of Debt, Lucí Cavallero and Verónica Gago offer a feminist understanding of debt that explores its impact on women and the LGBTQ+ community and examines the relationship between debt and social reproduction, set within the context of the Argentinian feminist movement and wider activist resistance in Latin America. This book is of great value to those interested in the financialisation of everyday life and social reproduction and essential reading for those studying and involved in building feminist movements in Latin America and beyond, writes Gabriela Neves de Lima. A Feminist Reading of Debt. Lucí Cavallero and Verónica Gago (trans. by Liz Mason-Deese). Pluto Press. 2021

    Caracterização reológica e microstrutural de emulsões água em óleo para uso alimentar

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    As emulsões inversas água/óleo são sistemas multifásicos complexos, constituídos por uma fase líquida aquosa dispersa numa fase lipídica (contínua), e cristais de gordura para estabilizar a fase dispersa. O mimetismo lipídico nestas emulsões advém da estabilização através do controlo da cinética da cristalização das gorduras [1]. A natureza e a morfologia das fases formadas estão correlacionadas com as propriedades mecânicas e reológicas destes sistemas. Foram estudadas cinco emulsões inversas a/o com diferentes formulações, utilizando diferentes técnicas experimentais: espectrometria mecânica (ensaios reológicos), microscopia óptica (visualização e registo de ensaios reológicos) [2], avaliação instrumental e sensorial de cor e textura. Os ensaios reológicos incluíram ensaios de relaxação de tensões e ensaios dinâmicos, para determinação experimental das funções materiais das emulsões. A microestrutura e a composição, o tamanho de gota e a distribuição de tamanhos de gota das emulsões inversas foram analisadas e medidas por microscopia óptica e análise de imagem. A visualização de escoamentos foi efectuada utilizando uma célula óptica de torção acoplada a um microscópio óptico e a uma câmara digital para observação em tempo real das alterações de textura causadas por deformações ou velocidades de deformação. Foi também efectuada avaliação sensorial e instrumental (cor e textura) das cinco emulsões inversas. A interpretação dos resultados experimentais dos ensaios reológicos foi feita com base no modelo de Palierne [3], considerando um modelo da emulsão inversa constituída por uma fase lipídica contínua, modificada pela presença da rede de cristais lipídicos, e dois tipos de inclusões da fase aquosa: inclusões com uma interface lípido-água sem cristais lipídicos, e inclusões com a interface modificada pela rede de cristais lipídicos. O ajuste efectuado às funções materiais reológicas mostrou que o modelo utilizado consegue descrever, com boa aproximação, os resultados experimentais obtidos. A caracterização reológica da resposta da emulsão a diferentes histórias da deformação foi complementada com a observação em tempo real das alterações de textura ocorridas em cada um dos ensaios referidos, utilizando uma câmara digital. Por utilização da análise de componentes principais, verificou-se que a avaliação sensorial e a avaliação instrumental são correlacionáveis, e que essas correlações podem ser analisadas em termos das constantes materiais reológicas medidas experimentalmente. REFERÊNCIAS: [1] McClements, D., Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2007, 47, 611–649. [2] Bower et al., Rheol Acta, 1999, 38, 145-159. [3] Palierne, J. F., Rheol Acta, 1990, 29, 204-214. Química Agro

    Dialogic functions of repair by lexical synonymy in the process of writing and rewriting of an opinion article

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    This article presents a study that aims to identify and analyze dialogic functions of repair by lexical synonymy in the process of writing and rewriting of an opinion article. The data were collected in the Research Laboratory entitled 'Workshop of Reading, Writing and Rewriting of Opinion Articles', an activity of the Research Group UTFPR-CNPq LAD'Humano, in 2015. The opinion articles were written by first term undergraduate students of the Letters Teacher Certification Program in Portuguese-English of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná, Brazil, Pato Branco Campus. The writing of the texts was recorded by the software AutoScreen Recorder and Inputlog. The analyses are mainly based on Bakhtin, Volosinov, and Vygotsky and show that repair by lexical synonymy has the dialogic functions of addressing the target audience of the text, of textual adjustment, of giving the desired content to discourse and of acting in the process of construction of the writer's image. As "the meaning of the word is completely determined by its context" (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2014, p.109), it is the verbal and extraverbal context of a certain word choice that will contribute or not to building the meaning intended by the writer, and that is why synonymy study in the process of writing is important

    Used food oils: physical-chemical indicators of quality degradation

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    Comunicação apresentada em 11th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food science and technology in achanging world” FOODBALT 2017 Conference Proceedings. Jelgava, LLUUsed food oil (UFO), designated as frying oil, is a residue. Degradation by reuse or during storage, may occur by contacting, chemical, enzymatic and microbiological pathways, but oxidation is a major concern of the industry, as it affects sensory and nutritional quality of edible oils, with potentially toxic compounds formation. In Portugal, UFO's main destination still is the sewerage system, an environmental problem and waste of raw material, which can be re-qualified for non-food uses. However, quality control applied to UFO's, often results into expensive analysis inappropriate for small laboratories and catering industry. This project, developed with the Musketeers Group Portugal co-promotion (2012-2016), aimed to identify low-cost physicochemical parameters for further implementation as UFO's Quality Degradation Indicators (QDI) indicating defects quickly and accurately. UFO's analysis was tested on the use, for industrial frying, and by degradation induced in the laboratory (frying and heat stability tests) by applying following parameters: moisture, water activity (a(w)), total acidity, peroxide index, iodine index, colour (CIE, CIE Lab), UV absorbency, total polar compounds and microbiological indicators. Internal procedures (ESAS) were validated, redefining working ranges and test conditions, as standards procedures did not provide reliable results for the entire life cycle of oils, whose profile changes with time and reuse. Results demonstrate significant differences with quick response parameters as Total Acidity, Peroxide Index and CIE Lab colour, outlined as QDI's. Moisture, aw and CIE Lab colour proved to be inadequate for this purpose. Iodine Index and UV Absorbency are more complex and time-consuming and were profiled as reference methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coolhunting : metodologia ou intuição

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    Monografia (Graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação Social, Departamento de Audiovisuais e Publicidade, Projeto Experimental em Publicidade, 2013.Esse projeto consiste na busca por uma metodologia única aplicável ao processo da profissão de Coolhunting, a partir de um aprofundamento dos conceitos relativos à profissão, com destaque para o estudo de tendências e da geração Y, e análise do produto final entregue pelas agências de Coolhunting. Propõe-se um aprofundamento dos processos que envolvem a profissão, assim como reflexões acerca do futuro da mesma. _________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis project consists in finding a single method applicable to the Coolhunting process, by making a deeper study of the concepts relating to the profession, especially the study of trends and generation Y, and analysis of the final product delivered by coolhunting agencies. This paper proposes a deeper search of the processes involving the profession, as well as reflections on it's future

    Urban growth and loss of green spaces in the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Mexico City: effects of land-cover changes on climate and water flow regulation

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    Urban green spaces provide ecosystem services that directly or indirectly benefit people, however, urban growth (especially in developing countries) generates the loss of these green areas and consequently of their ecosystem services. This paper aims to present the effects of land use and land cover changes in the last 30 years on two basic urban ecosystem services, water flow regulation and local and regional climate in two of main Latin American megacities (São Paulo and Mexico City). The study focuses on urban green spaces because they reduce the urban heat island effects, improve air quality, create habitats for biodiversity conservation, provide cultural services, and contribute to flooding prevention and groundwater conservation. A spatial analysis with the aid of geographic information systems was performed to assess (i) the urbanization process of the Metropolitan Areas of both cities over time; (ii) how this process generated changes in the land cover in both metropolises, and (iii) how these changes caused environmental negative impacts on ecosystem services. The loss of green areas as a consequence of urban expansion in the Metropolitan Areas of São Paulo and Mexico City changed the spatial distribution of urban heat island and increased the surface runoff, generating floods during the rainy periods. Our results suggest the urgent need for implementation of ecosystem-based spatial planning and ecological restoration of urban green areas in both studied cities to prevent further losses in ecosystem services and to improve the quality of life of urban inhabitants

    Barriers to cardiac rehabilitation delivery in a low-resource setting from the perspective of healthcare administrators, rehabilitation providers, and cardiac patients

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    Background: Despite clinical practice guideline recommendations that cardiovascular disease patients participate, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs are highly unavailable and underutilized. This is particularly true in low-resource settings, where the epidemic is at its’ worst. The reasons are complex, and include health system, program and patient-level barriers. This is the first study to assess barriers at all these levels concurrently, and to do so in a lowresource setting. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data from three cohorts (healthcare administrators, CR coordinators and patients) were triangulated. Healthcare administrators from all institutions offering cardiac services, and providers from all CR programs in public and private institutions of Minas Gerais state, Brazil were invited to complete a questionnaire. Patients from a random subsample of 12 outpatient cardiac clinics and 11 CR programs in these institutions completed the CR Barriers Scale. Results: Thirty-two (35.2%) healthcare administrators, 16 (28.6%) CR providers and 805 cardiac patients (305 [37.9%] attending CR) consented to participate. Administrators recognized the importance of CR, but also the lack of resources to deliver it; CR providers noted referral is lacking. Patients who were not enrolled in CR reported significantly greater barriers related to comorbidities/functional status, perceived need, personal/family issues and access than enrollees, and enrollees reported travel/work conflicts as greater barriers than non-enrollees (all p < 0.01). Conclusions: The inter-relationship among barriers at each level is evident; without resources to offer more programs, there are no programs to which physicians can refer (and hence inform and encourage patients to attend), and patients will continue to have barriers related to distance, cost and transport. Advocacy for services is needed. Keywords: Health care services, Cardiac rehabilitation, Cardiac care facilities, Attitude of health personnelYork University Librarie

    Proprioceptive training on dynamic neuromuscular control in fencers: a clinical trial

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    Fencing is a sport of agility, with a higher incidence of lower-limb injuries, of which the ankle sprain is the mostprevalent. Injury prevention is very important to improve performance and decrease the withdrawal time of athletes.Proprioceptive training programs can be added to the training of athletes, since, in addition to easy application and lowcost, proprioception has the function of stabilizing the ankle joint to prevent injuries.Objective:To verify the influence of a12-week proprioceptive training program on dynamic neuromuscular control in fencing athletes.Design:The study was aclinical trial, and the athletes were allocated, for convenience, in the intervention group or in the control group.Setting:The studywas developed in 4 stages (preintervention, intervention, postintervention, and follow-up of 3). The neuromuscular controlduring the star excursion balance test was evaluated.Participants:The participants were 19 fencing athletes (intervention group:10, and control group: 9), aged 14–35 years, from a multisport club.Interventions:The athletes performed the proprioceptivetraining during 12 weeks, 3 times a week, with a duration of 30 minutes.Main Outcome Measures:Dynamic neuromuscularcontrol.Results:The data and SE were considered for statistical analysis, submitted to the generalized estimates equations testwith Bonferroni post hoc. The level of significance was .05. The distance reached in the star excursion balance test increasedsignificantly in all 8 directions evaluated in the 2 legs of the intervention group.Conclusions:The proprioceptive trainingprogram was able to improve dynamic neuromuscular control in fencing athletes