38 research outputs found

    Rapid evolution of metabolic traits explains thermal adaptation in phytoplankton

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    Understanding the mechanisms that determine how phytoplankton adapt to warming will substantially improve the realism of models describing ecological and biogeochemical effects of climate change. Here, we quantify the evolution of elevated thermal tolerance in the phytoplankton, Chlorella vulgaris. Initially, population growth was limited at higher temperatures because respiration was more sensitive to temperature than photosynthesis meaning less carbon was available for growth. Tolerance to high temperature evolved after ≈ 100 generations via greater down-regulation of respiration relative to photosynthesis. By down-regulating respiration, phytoplankton overcame the metabolic constraint imposed by the greater temperature sensitivity of respiration and more efficiently allocated fixed carbon to growth. Rapid evolution of carbon-use efficiency provides a potentially general mechanism for thermal adaptation in phytoplankton and implies that evolutionary responses in phytoplankton will modify biogeochemical cycles and hence food web structure and function under warming. Models of climate futures that ignore adaptation would usefully be revisited

    On the community and ecosystem level consequences of warming

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    PhDThe carbon cycle modulates climate change, via the regulation of atmospheric CO2, and it represents one of the most important ecosystem services of value to humans. However, considerable uncertainties remain concerning potential feedbacks between the biota and the climate. I used an ecosystem-level manipulative experiment in freshwater mesocosms to test novel theoretical predictions derived from the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), in an attempt to understand the consequences of warming for aquatic communities and ecosystems. The yearlong experiment simulated a warming scenario (A1B) expected by the end of the century. The experiment revealed that (1) Ecosystem respiration increased at a faster rate than primary production, reducing carbon sequestration by 13%. These results confirmed my theoretical predictions based on the different activation energies of these two processes. Furthermore, I provided a theoretical prediction that accurately quantified the precise magnitude of the reduction in carbon sequestration observed experimentally, based simply on the activation energies of these metabolic processes and the relative increase in temperature. (2) Methane efflux increased at a faster rate than ecosystem respiration and photosynthesis in response to temperature. This phenomenon was well described by the activation energies of these metabolic processes. Therefore, warming increased the fraction of primary production emitted as methane by 21%, and methane efflux represented a 9% greater fraction of ecosystem respiration. Moreover, because methane is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas, relative to CO2, this work suggests that warming may increase the greenhouse gas efflux potential of freshwater ecosystems, revealing a previously unknown positive feedback between warming and the carbon cycle. (3) Warming benefited smaller organisms and increased the steepness of the slope of the 3 community size spectrum. As a result the mean body size of phytoplankton in the warmed systems decreased by an order of magnitude. These results were down to a systematic shift in phytoplankton community composition in response to warming. Furthermore, warming reduced community biomass and total phytoplankton biomass, although zooplankton biomass was unaffected. This resulted in an increase in the zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratio in the warmed mesocosms, which could be explained by faster turnover within the phytoplankton assemblages. Warming therefore shifted the distribution of phytoplankton body size towards smaller individuals with rapid turnover and low standing biomass, resulting in a reorganisation of the biomass structure of the food webs. The results of this thesis suggest that as freshwater ecosystems warm they become increasingly carbon limited, resulting in a reduced capacity for carbon sequestration, elevated greenhouse gas efflux potential, and altered body size and biomass distribution

    On the community and ecosystem level consequences of warming

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    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Gabriel Yvon-Durocher para obtener el título de Doctor en Philosophy por la Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), realizada bajo la dirección de la Dr. José María Montoya del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 173 pages, 6 appendicesThe carbon cycle modulates climate change, via the regulation of atmospheric CO2, and it represents one of the most important ecosystem services of value to humans. However, considerable uncertainties remain concerning potential feedbacks between the biota and the climate. I used an ecosystem-level manipulative experiment in freshwater mesocosms to test novel theoretical predictions derived from the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), in an attempt to understand the consequences of warming for aquatic communities and ecosystems. [...]Peer Reviewe

    Evolutionary temperature compensation of carbon fixation in marine phytoplankton

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    The efficiency of carbon sequestration by the biological pump could decline in the coming decades because respiration tends to increase more with temperature than photosynthesis. Despite these differences in the short-term temperature sensitivities of photosynthesis and respiration, it remains unknown whether the long-term impacts of global warming on metabolic rates of phytoplankton can be modulated by evolutionary adaptation. We found that respiration was consistently more temperature dependent than photosynthesis across 18 diverse marine phytoplankton, resulting in universal declines in the rate of carbon fixation with short-term increases in temperature. Long-term experimental evolution under high temperature reversed the short-term stimulation of metabolic rates, resulting in increased rates of carbon fixation. Our findings suggest that thermal adaptation may therefore have an ameliorating impact on the efficiency of phytoplankton as primary mediators of the biological carbon pump

    Comparative experimental evolution reveals species-specific idiosyncrasies in marine phytoplankton adaptation to warming

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    A number of experimental studies have demonstrated that phytoplankton can display rapid thermal adaptation in response to warmed environments. While these studies provide insight into the evolutionary responses of single species, they tend to employ different experimental techniques. Consequently, our ability to compare the potential for thermal adaptation across different, ecologically relevant, species remains limited. Here, we address this limitation by conducting simultaneous long-term warming experiments with the same experimental design on clonal isolates of three phylogenetically diverse species of marine phytoplankton; the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp., the prasinophyte Ostreococcus tauri and the diatom Phaeodoactylum tricornutum. Over the same experimental time period, we observed differing levels of thermal adaptation in response to stressful supra-optimal temperatures. Synechococcus sp. displayed the greatest improvement in fitness (i.e., growth rate) and thermal tolerance (i.e., temperature limits of growth). Ostreococcus tauri was able to improve fitness and thermal tolerance, but to a lesser extent. Finally, Phaeodoactylum tricornutum showed no signs of adaptation. These findings could help us understand how the structure of phytoplankton communities may change in response to warming, and possible biogeochemical implications, as some species show relatively more rapid adaptive shifts in their thermal tolerance

    Five Years of Experimental Warming Increases the Biodiversity and Productivity of Phytoplankton

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    Phytoplankton are key components of aquatic ecosystems, fixing CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and supporting secondary production, yet relatively little is known about how future global warming might alter their biodiversity and associated ecosystem functioning. Here, we explore how the structure, function, and biodiversity of a planktonic metacommunity was altered after five years of experimental warming. Our outdoor mesocosm experiment was open to natural dispersal from the regional species pool, allowing us to explore the effects of experimental warming in the context of metacommunity dynamics. Warming of 4°C led to a 67% increase in the species richness of the phytoplankton, more evenly-distributed abundance, and higher rates of gross primary productivity. Warming elevated productivity indirectly, by increasing the biodiversity and biomass of the local phytoplankton communities. Warming also systematically shifted the taxonomic and functional trait composition of the phytoplankton, favoring large, colonial, inedible phytoplankton taxa, suggesting stronger top-down control, mediated by zooplankton grazing played an important role. Overall, our findings suggest that temperature can modulate species coexistence, and through such mechanisms, global warming could, in some cases, increase the species richness and productivity of phytoplankton communities

    Disproportionate increase in freshwater methane emissions induced by experimental warming

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    Net emissions of the potent GHG methane from ecosystems represent the balance between microbial methane production (methanogenesis) and oxidation (methanotrophy), each with different sensitivities to temperature. How this balance will be altered by long-term global warming, especially in freshwaters that are major methane sources, remains unknown. Here we show that the experimental warming of artificial ponds over 11 years drives a disproportionate increase in methanogenesis over methanotrophy that increases the warming potential of the gases they emit. The increased methane emissions far exceed temperature-based predictions, driven by shifts in the methanogen community under warming, while the methanotroph community was conserved. Our experimentally induced increase in methane emissions from artificial ponds is, in part, reflected globally as a disproportionate increase in the capacity of naturally warmer ecosystems to emit more methane. Our findings indicate that as Earth warms, natural ecosystems will emit disproportionately more methane in a positive feedback warming loop

    Climate-Induced Changes in Spring Snowmelt Impact Ecosystem Metabolism and Carbon Fluxes in an Alpine Stream Network

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    Although stream ecosystems are recognized as an important component of the global carbon cycle, the impacts of climate-induced hydrological extremes on carbon fluxes in stream networks remain unclear. Using continuous measurements of ecosystem metabolism, we report on the effects of changes in snowmelt hydrology during the anomalously warm winter 2013/2014 on gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (ER), and net ecosystem production (NEP) in an Alpine stream network. We estimated ecosystem metabolism across 12 study reaches of the 254 km2 subalpine Ybbs River Network (YRN), Austria, for 18 months. During spring snowmelt, GPP peaked in 10 of our 12 study reaches, which appeared to be driven by PAR and catchment area. In contrast, the winter precipitation shift from snow to rain following the low-snow winter in 2013/2014 increased spring ER in upper elevation catchments, causing spring NEP to shift from autotrophy to heterotrophy. Our findings suggest that the YRN transitioned from a transient sink to a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in spring as snowmelt hydrology differed following the high-snow versus low-snow winter. This shift toward increased heterotrophy during spring snowmelt following a warm winter has potential consequences for annual ecosystem metabolism, as spring GPP contributed on average 33% to annual GPP fluxes compared to spring ER, which averaged 21% of annual ER fluxes. We propose that Alpine headwaters will emit more within-stream respiratory CO2 to the atmosphere while providing less autochthonous organic energy to downstream ecosystems as the climate gets warmer