895 research outputs found

    \Omega-deformation of B-twisted gauge theories and the 3d-3d correspondence

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    We study \Omega-deformation of B-twisted gauge theories in two dimensions. As an application, we construct an \Omega-deformed, topologically twisted five-dimensional maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on the product of a Riemann surface Σ\Sigma and a three-manifold MM, and show that when Σ\Sigma is a disk, this theory is equivalent to analytically continued Chern-Simons theory on MM. Based on these results, we establish a correspondence between three-dimensional N=2\mathcal{N} = 2 superconformal theories and analytically continued Chern-Simons theory. Furthermore, we argue that there is a mirror symmetry between {\Omega}-deformed two-dimensional theories.Comment: 26 pages. v2: the discussion on the boundary condition for vector multiplet improved, and other minor changes mad

    Expression and Differential Responsiveness of Central Nervous System Glial Cell Populations to the Acute Phase Protein Serum Amyloid A

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    Acute-phase response is a systemic reaction to environmental/inflammatory insults and involves hepatic production of acute-phase proteins, including serum amyloid A (SAA). Extrahepatically, SAA immunoreactivity is found in axonal myelin sheaths of cortex in Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis (MS), although its cellular origin is unclear. We examined the responses of cultured rat cortical astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) to master pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-\u3b1 and lipopolysaccaride (LPS). TNF-\u3b1 time-dependently increased Saa1 (but not Saa3) mRNA expression in purified microglia, enriched astrocytes, and OPCs (as did LPS for microglia and astrocytes). Astrocytes depleted of microglia were markedly less responsive to TNF-\u3b1 and LPS, even after re-addition of microglia. Microglia and enriched astrocytes showed complementary Saa1 expression profiles following TNF-\u3b1 or LPS challenge, being higher in microglia with TNF-\u3b1 and higher in astrocytes with LPS. Recombinant human apo-SAA stimulated production of both inflammatory mediators and its own mRNA in microglia and enriched, but not microglia-depleted astrocytes. Co-ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide/luteolin, an established anti-inflammatory/neuroprotective agent, reduced Saa1 expression in OPCs subjected to TNF-\u3b1 treatment. These last data, together with past findings suggest that co-ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide/luteolin may be a novel approach in the treatment of inflammatory demyelinating disorders like MS

    Interactive metagenomic visualization in a Web browser

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A critical output of metagenomic studies is the estimation of abundances of taxonomical or functional groups. The inherent uncertainty in assignments to these groups makes it important to consider both their hierarchical contexts and their prediction confidence. The current tools for visualizing metagenomic data, however, omit or distort quantitative hierarchical relationships and lack the facility for displaying secondary variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present Krona, a new visualization tool that allows intuitive exploration of relative abundances and confidences within the complex hierarchies of metagenomic classifications. Krona combines a variant of radial, space-filling displays with parametric coloring and interactive polar-coordinate zooming. The HTML5 and JavaScript implementation enables fully interactive charts that can be explored with any modern Web browser, without the need for installed software or plug-ins. This Web-based architecture also allows each chart to be an independent document, making them easy to share via e-mail or post to a standard Web server. To illustrate Krona's utility, we describe its application to various metagenomic data sets and its compatibility with popular metagenomic analysis tools.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Krona is both a powerful metagenomic visualization tool and a demonstration of the potential of HTML5 for highly accessible bioinformatic visualizations. Its rich and interactive displays facilitate more informed interpretations of metagenomic analyses, while its implementation as a browser-based application makes it extremely portable and easily adopted into existing analysis packages. Both the Krona rendering code and conversion tools are freely available under a BSD open-source license, and available from: <url>http://krona.sourceforge.net</url>.</p

    In situ observation of oscillatory redox dynamics of copper

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    How a catalyst behaves microscopically under reaction conditions, and what kinds of active sites transiently exist on its surface, is still very much a mystery to the scientific community. Here we present an in situ study on the red-ox behaviour of copper in the model reaction of hydrogen oxidation. Direct imaging combined with on-line mass spectroscopy shows that activity emerges near a phase boundary, where complex spatio-temporal dynamics are induced by the competing action of simultaneously present oxidizing and reducing agents. Using a combination of in situ imaging with in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy and scanning photoemission microscopy, we reveal the relation between chemical and morphological dynamics and demonstrate that a static picture of active sites is insufficient to describe catalytic function of redox-active metal catalysts. The observed oscillatory redox dynamics provide a unique insight on phase-cooperation and a convenient and general mechanism for constant re-generation of transient active sites

    Структура вірусних діарей у дітей на Сумщині

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    Гострі кишкові інфекції (ГКІ) стійко посідають одне з провідних місць серед усіх інфекційних захворювань, характеризуються широкою поширеністю, високою частотою розвитку тяжких форм і ускладнень. Прогрес у галузі лабораторних методів діагностики дозволив істотно розширити уявлення про етіологічні чинники хвороби: у країнах, що розвиваються, домінують діарейні інфекції бактерійної етіології, а в економічно розвинених країнах - вірусної. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3228