112 research outputs found

    The interferometry technics applied on residual subsidence analysis measurement of closure coal mines, example from Nord-Pas-de Calais coal mine, France

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    International audienceThis paper describes the residual movements associated with deep coalmines (France). The Nord-Pas-de Calais basin has been monitored since 10 years by traditional method. The interferometry technics are applied on Nord-Pas-de-Calais coal basin. In this study, both differential SAR Interferometry (DINSAR) and Persistent Scaterrers Interferometry (PSI) are used to estimate the induced deformations during 12 years (1992 to 2004) after the end of exploitation. 88 images of ERS scenes, distributed on two adjacent tracks, are processed, using DIAPASON software for DInSAR and GAMMA-IPTA for PSI. The area undergoes high temporal decorrelation due to the high amount of vegetation. Deformations are well detected; they present low amplitude with a maximum rate of only 1 cm/year during 7 years after the end of the exploitation. They show a good agreement with the traditional methods of levelling. A robust methodology can be developed to use Interferometry for surveying surface above abandoned minesL'article dĂ©crit les mouvements rĂ©siduels induit par l'exploitation de mines de charbon profondes (France). La surface est suivie depuis plus que 10 ans par la mĂ©thode de nivellement classique. La mĂ©thode d'interfĂ©romĂ©trie a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e dans le basin du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais, les deux techniques (SAR et PSI) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour estimer les mouvements rĂ©siduels durant 12 ans (1992-2004) aprĂšs l'arrĂȘt de l'exploitation. 88 images de ERS ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es en utilisant le code DIAPASON pour la mĂ©thode DInSAR et le code GAMMA-IPTA pour la mĂ©thode PSI. La zone Ă©tudiĂ©e est caractĂ©risĂ©e par une couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale trĂšs dense, ce qui induit une forte dĂ©corrĂ©lation temporelle. Les mouvements ont Ă©tĂ© bien dĂ©tectĂ©s, ils prĂ©sentent une amplitude de 1 cm/an pendant les 7 ans aprĂšs l'arrĂȘt des travaux miniers. Les rĂ©sultants de l'interfĂ©romĂ©trie ont montrĂ© une cohĂ©rence avec les mesures par la mĂ©thode de nivellement traditionnel. Une mĂ©thodologie robuste peut-ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour suivre les mouvements induits par les exploitations miniĂšres abandonnĂ©e

    Evidence and modeling of mechanoluminescence in a transparent glass particulate composite

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    International audienceMechanoluminescence (ML) of a transparent alkali-phosphate glass composite with SrAl2O4:Eu, Dy particles is reported. Uniaxial compression experiments show the linear dependence of the mechanoluminescence intensity with the mechanical power. A theoretical model, based on the physics of delayed processes (in analogy of viscoelasticity), is proposed. This model accurately predicts the ML intensity changes induced by a complex mechanical loading and provides a convincing description of the mechanoluminescence response

    Indentation-induced stress distribution and pressure effect on the resistivity of YSZ

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    International audienceIonic conductivities measured under GPa-order high pressure provide various information about ion hopping mechanisms such as the activation volume (ΔV). Traditionally, anvil cells have been used for high-pressure measurements. We previously reported a new method for high-pressure impedance measurements, up to a few GPa, employing an indentation-induced local stress field. In this method, both mechanical and electrical (Young's modulus and high pressure impedance) properties can be obtained simultaneously. However, in this method, high pressures are induced only around the tip of the indenter, and such stress distribution should be considered for the estimation of ΔV accurately. In the present study, employing a finite element method (FEM) calculation, the stress distribution around the tip of the indenter, and effects of such GPa-order high pressures on the O2− ion conduction of Y2O3-doped zirconia (YSZ) are shown

    Physical properties of the GexSe1 − x glasses in the 0 < x < 0.42 range in correlation with their structure

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    International audiencePhysical properties, including mechanical, thermal and optical properties, have been investigated for chalcogenide glasses in the GexSe1 − x system, for x ranging between 0 and 0.42. In the 0 = 2.4). Conversely, the chemical threshold ( = 2.67) clearly induces a change in the compositional trend of these properties. In the x > 1/3 range, Tg decreases and the elastic moduli markedly increase, which is not expected from the continuously reticulated model. The change of the physical properties in this range is an indicator of the existence of separated Ge-rich domains

    A relationship between non-exponential stress relaxation and delayed elasticity in the viscoelastic process in amorphous solids: Illustration on a chalcogenide glass

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    International audienceInorganic glasses are viscoelastic materials since they exhibit, below as well as above their glass transition temperature, a viscoelas-tic deformation under stress, which can be decomposed into a sum of an elastic part, an inelastic (or viscous) part and a delayed elastic part. The delayed elastic part is responsible for the non-linear primary creep stage observed during creep tests. During a stress relaxation test, the strain, imposed, is initially fully elastic, but is transformed, as the stress relaxes, into an inelastic and a delayed elastic strains. For linear viscoelastic materials, if the stress relaxation function can be fitted by a stretched exponential function, the evolution of each part of the strain can be predicted using the Boltzmann superposition principle. We develop here the equations of these evolutions, and we illustrate their accuracy by comparing them with experimental evolutions measured on GeSe 9 glass fibers. We illustrate also, by simple equations, the relationship between any kind of relaxation function based on additive contribution of different relaxation processes and the delayed elastic contribution to stress relaxation: the delayed elasticity is directly correlated to the dispersion of relaxations times of the processes involved during relaxation

    Photoinduced fluidity in chalcogenide glasses at low and high intensities: A model accounting for photon efficiency

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    International audienceDetailed measurements of photoinduced fluidity in Ge-Se glasses were performed using a novel shear relaxation test in torsion mode. It is shown that photofluidity is significant even at a very low intensity and that there is no apparent threshold for activating the photostructural processes. Instead, the mechanism of photofluidity is described as a cumulative process involving photoinduced motions of every atom within the irradiated volume. Based on this assumption, a model is proposed, which is shown to accurately predict the power and wavelength dependence of photofluidity using a single fitting parameter n. The factor n represents the photon efficiency for inducing an atomic motion. Photofluidity experiments performed on glass fibers of various mean coordination number indicate that the process is rapidly reduced in overconstrained glasses. The values of n obtained for these glasses correlate remarkably well with the mean coordination dependence of other photostructural changes (photodarkening, photoexpansion). This indicates that the model is physically sound. Moreover, the model is shown to quantitatively describe photofluidity data from other glass systems from literature, therefore suggesting that it could be universally applied to all chalcogenide glasses

    Unexpected Lack of Deleterious Effects of Uranium on Physiological Systems following a Chronic Oral Intake in Adult Rat

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    Uranium level in drinking water is usually in the range of microgram-per-liter, but this value may be as much as 100 to 1000 times higher in some areas, which may raise question about the health consequences for human populations living in these areas. Our purpose was to improve knowledge of chemical effects of uranium following chronic ingestion. Experiments were performed on rats contaminated for 9 months via drinking water containing depleted uranium (0.2, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, or 120 mg/L). Blood biochemical and hematological indicators were measured and several different types of investigations (molecular, functional, and structural) were conducted in organs (intestine, liver, kidneys, hematopoietic cells, and brain). The specific sensitivity of the organs to uranium was deduced from nondeleterious biological effects, with the following thresholds (in mg/L): 0.2 for brain, >2 for liver, >10 for kidneys, and >20 for intestine, indicating a NOAEL (No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level) threshold for uranium superior to 120 m g/L. Based on the chemical uranium toxicity, the tolerable daily intake calculation yields a guideline value for humans of 1350 Όg/L. This value was higher than the WHO value of 30 Όg/L, indicating that this WHO guideline for uranium content in drinking water is very protective and might be reconsidered

    Ethnography of digital audio music practices of students with socio-scholar difficulties

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    La notion de « difficultĂ© socioscolaire » est examinĂ©e dans une dimension critique relative Ă  des « destins scolaires » – dont l’influence sociale apparaĂźt manifeste – concernant des Ă©lĂšves et ancien·ne·s Ă©lĂšves de collĂšge ayant connu des situations d’échec et/ou de dĂ©crochage ou ayant Ă©tĂ© orienté·e·s dans des filiĂšres de relĂ©gation de faible prestige ou de faible utilitĂ©. Dans ce contexte – et en dĂ©pit des injonctions politiques Ă  l’endroit des usages numĂ©riques dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  la pĂ©dagogie scolaire –, l’intensitĂ© des pratiques audionumĂ©riques d’écoute et/ou de productions musicales personnelles de ces jeunes demeure invisible au regard de l’institution Ă©ducative, y compris en Éducation musicale, dont l’attachement historique et structurel Ă  une forme scripturale scolaire continue d’y entraver, d’une part, la valorisation des compĂ©tences juvĂ©niles induites par ces pratiques Ă©mergentes et, d’autre part, l’inclusion en son sein des pratiques musicales sociales de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Face Ă  cet « angle mort » Ă©ducatif, la notion de « capacitation poĂŻĂ©tique » permet d’étudier ces nouvelles formes de crĂ©ativitĂ© musicale juvĂ©nile, Ă  l’aune des dispositions musicales qu’un individu Ă©tablit – au niveau musicologique des stratĂ©gies poĂŻĂ©tiques –, en intermĂ©diation avec des dispositifs et des formats disponibles, et au travers desquelles il se constitue en « capacitĂ© ». Dans un triple ancrage Ă©cologique, interactionniste et ethnomusicologique, notre ethnographie des pratiques audionumĂ©riques d’élĂšves et ancien·ne·s Ă©lĂšves en situation de difficultĂ© socioscolaire rĂ©vĂšle des « carriĂšres » musicales juvĂ©niles marquĂ©es par un principe de rĂ©alitĂ© Ă©conomique, une intensitĂ© d’inscription de l’action dans le collectif et un gradient d’éclectisme corrĂ©lĂ© Ă  une influence de la famille et/ou des pairs. Par ailleurs, les valeurs Ă©thiques engagĂ©es dans ces « carriĂšres » se constituent en tension vis-Ă -vis des valeurs morales de l’institution scolaire, des tensions que mĂ©tabolise « l’angle mort » Ă©ducatif dĂ©crit ci-dessus.The notion of “socio-economic difficulty” is examined in a critical dimension relating to “school destinies” – whose social influence appears to be obvious – concerning pupils and former pupils of secondary schools, who have experienced failure and/or dropout situations, or have been oriented towards relegation pathways of low prestige or low utility. In this context – and despite political injunctions regarding digital uses dedicated to school pedagogy –, the intensity of the digital audio practices of listening and/or personal musical production of these young people remains invisible to the educational institution, including in Music Education, whose historical and structural attachment to a “school scriptural form” continues to hinder, on the one hand, the value of the skills induced by these emerging practices and, on the other hand, the inclusion within it of “social musical practices of reference”. Faced with this educational “blind spot”, the notion of “poĂŻetic capacitation” makes it possible to study these new forms of juvenile musical creativity, in the light of the musical “dispositions” that an individual establishes – at the musicological level of poĂŻetic strategies – in intermediation with available “plans” and “formats” through which he constitutes himself in “capacity”. In an ecological, interactionist and ethnomusicological triple anchoring, our ethnography of the digital audio practices of students and former students in situations of socioscultural difficulty reveals juvenile musical “careers” marked by a principle of economic reality, an intensity of action engagement in the collective, and a gradient of eclecticism correlated with an influence of the families and/or peers. Moreover, the ethical values engaged in these “careers” remain in tension with the moral values of the educational institution, tensions metabolized by the educational “blind spot” described above

    Non-equilibrium viscoelastic behavior of chalcogenide glass fibers

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    International audienceViscoelastic behavior of chalcogenide glasses have been investigated far below their glass transition temperatures. We show here the experimental method to measure properly a non-equilibrium viscosity in this situation and all other viscoelastic components. Additionally, chalcogenide glasses are photosensitive: their structural relaxation, their viscosity and viscoelastic behavior are drastically impacted by even weak light exposure. It induces a metastable new equilibrium stabilizing the viscoelastic properties, and gives rise to new specific viscoelastic processes

    Mécanismes de l'hyperlipidémie provoquée par les immunosuppresseurs

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    Non disponible/Not availableLes pathologies cardiovasculaires sont devenues la principale cause de dĂ©cĂšs chez les patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de transplantations d'organes. Ces patients prĂ©sentent frĂ©quemment une hyperlipĂ©mie post-transplantatoire caractĂ©risĂ©e par une Ă©lĂ©vation persistante du cholestĂ©rol total, du LDL-cholestĂ©rol et des triglycĂ©rides dus aux traitements immunosuppresseurs. La rapamycine (RAPA,sirolimus) est un nouvel immunosuppresseur macrolide qui n'engendre pas de nĂ©phrotoxicitĂ© mais pour lequel persiste une hyperlipidĂ©mie tout comme pour la ciclosporine A (CsA). Le foie joue un rĂŽle central dans l'homĂ©ostasie du cholestĂ©rol: il effectue la synthĂšse du cholestĂ©rol, participe au transport du cholestĂ©rol via les lipoprotĂ©ines et est l'organe essentiel de la transformation du cholestĂ©rol en acides biliaires. L'objectif de notre travail est d'identifier les mĂ©canismes responsables de ces effets secondaires hyperlipĂ©miants causĂ©s par la RAPA et la CsA dans la lignĂ©e cellulaire HepG2. Dans un premier temps nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'effet de ces immunosuppresseurs sur le mĂ©tabolisme du cholestĂ©rol. La synthĂšse hĂ©patique des acides biliaires, Ă  partir du cholestĂ©rol, est la voie principale d'Ă©limination du cholestĂ©rol. Plusieurs cytochromes P450 dont le CyP27 AI jouent un rĂŽle clĂ© dans cette voie mĂ©tabolique. Le mĂ©canisme d'inhibition de l'activitĂ© CYP27Al par la CsA et la RAPA a Ă©tĂ© approfondi par la rĂ©alisation de cinĂ©tiques enzymatiques afin de dĂ©terminer les Ki respectifs et le type d'inhibition : la RAP A est un inhibiteur compĂ©titif alors que la CsA qui est un inhibiteur non compĂ©titif de l'activitĂ© CYP27 A I. L'association de ces deux immunosuppresseurs (situation des essais cliniques) aboutit Ă  un effet inhibiteur additif sur l'activitĂ© CYP27AI. Cette inhibition de la production de 27-hydroxycholestĂ©rol, qui est un rĂ©gulateur important de l'expression de l'HMG-CoA rĂ©ductase, serait responsable d'une diminution du catabolisme du cholestĂ©rol mais aussi d'une augmentation de sa synthĂšse liĂ©e Ă  l'augmentation d'expression de l'HMGR. L'activitĂ© CYP7B, la seconde enzyme importante de la voie acide du mĂ©tabolisme des acides biliaires, est Ă©galement inhibĂ©e par la CsA mais pas par la RAP A. Aucune diffĂ©rence significative n'a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e concernant l'expression des CYP7AI et CYP27AI aprĂšs traitement par la CsA ou la RAP A renforçant l'hypothĂšse d'une action spĂ©cifique sur l'activitĂ© enzymatique. Ensuite, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'effet d' immunosuppresseurs sur le transport du cholestĂ©rol et des triglycĂ©rides par les lipoproteines et plus partuliĂšrement leur capture par des recepteurs specifiques (LDL-R SR-BI) qui reconnaissent certaines apolipoprotĂ©ines Ă  la surface de ces lipoprotĂ©ines. Les traitements par la CsA et la RAPA diminuent de façon dose dĂ©pendante l'expression du LDL-R dans les cellules HepG2 et pourrait participer Ă  l'augmentation de WL-C observĂ©e chez les patients. Nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© que ABCAl, un transporteur ATP dĂ©pendant du cholestĂ©rol, responsable de l'efflux de cholestĂ©rol est induit en prĂ©sence de CsA mais pas de RAPA. Dans le mĂȘme temps l'expression de LXRa, un rĂ©cepteur nuclĂ©aire responsable de l'activation de ABCAI, est augmentĂ©e en prĂ©sence de CsA. Enfin, nous avons mesurĂ© la sĂ©crĂ©tion des apolipoprotĂ©ines AI, B, CIII et E. La sĂ©crĂ©tion d'apoB par les cellules HepG2, composant essentiel des Wb nĂ©cessaires pour leur reconnaissance par le LDL-R, est fortement affectĂ©e en prĂ©sence de CsA. L'apoAI, l'apolipoprotĂ©ine majeure des HDL, est Ă©galement lĂ©gĂšrement diminuĂ©e en prĂ©sence de RAPA et de CsA Ă  de fortes concentrations (I et IOJuM). La sĂ©crĂ©tion des apoE et CIII ne varie pas de façon significative dans notre modĂšle d'Ă©tude. Nous avons donc mis en Ă©vidence une augmentation de synthĂšse, une augmentation d'efflux et une diminution d'entrĂ©e de cholestĂ©rol dans les hĂ©patocytes sous l'influence des immunosuppresseurs. L'ensemble de ces variations explique l'augmentation de la concentration de cholestĂ©rol lors des traitements immunosuppresseurs. Si l'augmentation de synthĂšse est commune Ă  la CsA et la RAPA, l'effet sur ABCAI ne l'est pas. Les mĂ©canismes de l'hypercholestĂ©rolĂ©mie ne sont donc pas totalement communs aux deux immunosuppresseurs testĂ©s. Concernant les apolipoprotĂ©ines, l'effet de la CsA et de la RAP A est Ă©galement diffĂ©rent et expliquerait Ă©galement l'augmentation de la concentration de cholestĂ©rol et de triglycĂ©rides du fait d'un dĂ©faut de leur transport
