4,054 research outputs found

    Incense burning during pregnancy and birth weight and head circumference among term births: The Taiwan birth cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Incense burning for rituals or religious purposes is an important tradition in many countries. However, incense smoke contains particulate matter and gas products such as carbon monoxide, sulfur, and nitrogen dioxide, which are potentially harmful to health. OBJECTIVES: We analyzed the relationship between prenatal incense burning and birth weight and head circumference at birth using the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. We also analyzed whether the associations varied by sex and along the distribution of birth outcomes. METHODS: We performed ordinary least squares (OLS) and quantile regressions analysis on a sample of 15,773 term births (> 37 gestational weeks; 8,216 boys and 7,557 girls) in Taiwan in 2005. The associations were estimated separately for boys and girls as well as for the population as a whole. We controlled extensively for factors that may be correlated with incense burning and birth weight and head circumference, such as parental religion, demographics, and health characteristics, as well as pregnancy-related variables. RESULTS: Findings from fully adjusted OLS regressions indicated that exposure to incense was associated with lower birth weight in boys (–18 g; 95% CI: –36, –0.94) but not girls (1 g; 95% CI: –17, 19; interaction p-value = 0.31). Associations with head circumference were negative for boys (–0.95 mm; 95% CI: –1.8, –0.16) and girls (–0.71 mm; 95% CI: –1.5, 0.11; interaction p-values = 0.73). Quantile regression results suggested that the negative associations were larger among the lower quantiles of birth outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: OLS regressions showed that prenatal incense burning was associated with lower birth weight for boys and smaller head circumference for boys and girls. The associations were more pronounced among the lower quantiles of birth outcomes. Further research is necessary to confirm whether incense burning has differential effects by sex. CITATION: Chen LY, Ho C. 2016. Incense burning during pregnancy and birth weight and head circumference among term births: The Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. Environ Health Perspect 124:1487–1492; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.150992

    A cross sectional study of water quality from dental unit water lines in dental practices in the West of Scotland

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the microbiological quality of water from dental units in a general practice setting and current practice for disinfection of units. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study of the water quality from 40 dental units in 39 general practices and a questionnaire of the disinfection protocols used in those practices. SETTING: NHS practices in primarydental care. SUBJECTS: Thirty-nine general practices from the West of Scotland. METHODS: Water samples were collected on two separate occasions from dental units and analysed for microbiological quality by the total viable count (TVC) method. Water specimens were collected from the triple syringe, high speed outlet, cup filler and surgery tap. Each participating practitioner was asked to complete a questionnaire. Results Microbial contamination was highest from the high speed outlet followed by the triple syringe and cup filler. On average, the TVC counts from the high speed water lines at 37 degrees C and for the high speed lines, triple syringe and cup filler at 22 degrees C were significantly higher than that from the control tap water specimens. The study included units from 11 different manufacturers with ages ranging from under one year to over eight years. The age of the dental unit analysed did not appear to influence the level of microbial contamination. Five of the practices surveyed used disinfectants to clean the dental units but these had no significant effect on the microbiological quality of the water. The majority of dental units (25 out of 40) were never flushed with water between patients. A number of different non-sterile irrigants were used for surgical procedures. CONCLUSION: The microbiological quality of water from dental units in general dental practice is poor compared with that from drinking water sources. Suitable sterile irrigants should be used for surgical procedures in dental practice. Further work is required for pragmatic decontamination regimens of dental unit water lines in a general dental practice setting

    First-trimester or second-trimester screening, or both, for Down's syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: It is uncertain how best to screen pregnant women for the presence of fetal Down's syndrome: to perform first-trimester screening, to perform second-trimester screening, or to use strategies incorporating measurements in both trimesters.METHODS: Women with singleton pregnancies underwent first-trimester combined screening (measurement of nuchal translucency, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A [PAPP-A], and the free beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin at 10 weeks 3 days through 13 weeks 6 days of gestation) and second-trimester quadruple screening (measurement of alpha-fetoprotein, total human chorionic gonadotropin, unconjugated estriol, and inhibin A at 15 through 18 weeks of gestation). We compared the results of stepwise sequential screening (risk results provided after each test), fully integrated screening (single risk result provided), and serum integrated screening (identical to fully integrated screening, but without nuchal translucency).RESULTS: First-trimester screening was performed in 38,167 patients; 117 had a fetus with Down's syndrome. At a 5 percent false positive rate, the rates of detection of Down's syndrome were as follows: with first-trimester combined screening, 87 percent, 85 percent, and 82 percent for measurements performed at 11, 12, and 13 weeks, respectively; with second-trimester quadruple screening, 81 percent; with stepwise sequential screening, 95 percent; with serum integrated screening, 88 percent; and with fully integrated screening with first-trimester measurements performed at 11 weeks, 96 percent. Paired comparisons found significant differences between the tests, except for the comparison between serum integrated screening and combined screening.CONCLUSIONS: First-trimester combined screening at 11 weeks of gestation is better than second-trimester quadruple screening but at 13 weeks has results similar to second-trimester quadruple screening. Both stepwise sequential screening and fully integrated screening have high rates of detection of Down's syndrome, with low false positive rates

    Trabecular architecture of the great ape and human femoral head

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    Studies of femoral trabecular structure have shown that the orientation and volume of bone are associated with variation in loading and could be informative about individual joint positioning during locomotion. In this study, we analyse for the first time trabecular bone patterns throughout the femoral head using a wholeepiphysis approach to investigate how potential trabecular variation in humans and great apes relates to differences in locomotor modes. Trabecular architecture was analysed using microCT scans of Pan troglodytes (n = 20), Gorilla gorilla (n = 14), Pongo sp. (n = 5) and Homo sapiens (n = 12) in MEDTOOL 4.1. Our results revealed differences in bone volume fraction (BV/TV) distribution patterns, as well as overall trabecular parameters of the femoral head between great apes and humans. Pan and Gorilla showed two regions of high BV/TV in the femoral head, consistent with hip posture and loading during two discrete locomotor modes: knuckle-walking and climbing. Most Pongo specimens also displayed two regions of high BV/TV, but these regions were less discrete and there was more variability across the sample. In contrast, Homo showed only one main region of high BV/TV in the femoral head and had the lowest BV/TV, as well as the most anisotropic trabeculae. The Homo trabecular structure is consistent with stereotypical loading with a more extended hip compared with great apes, which is characteristic of modern human bipedalism. Our results suggest that holistic evaluations of femoral head trabecular architecture can reveal previously undetected patterns linked to locomotor behaviour in extant apes and can provide further insight into hip joint loading in fossil hominins and other primates

    Analyticity, Unitarity and One-loop Graviton Corrections to Compton Scattering

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    We compute spin-flip cross section for graviton photoproduction on a spin-1/2 target of finite mass. Using this tree-level result, we find one-loop graviton correction to the spin-flip low-energy forward Compton scattering amplitude by using Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule. We show that this result agrees with the corresponding perturbative computations, implying the validity of the sum rule at one-loop level, contrary to the previous claims. We discuss possible effects from the black hole production and string Regge trajectory exchange at very high energies. These effects seem to soften the UV divergence present at one-loop graviton level. Finally, we discuss the relation of these observations with the models that involve extra dimensions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Boron-Doped Diamond Dual-Plate Deep-Microtrench Device for Generator-Collector Sulfide Sensing

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.A BDD-BDD dual-plate microtrench electrode with 6μm inter-electrode spacing is investigated using generator-collector electrochemistry and shown to give microtrench depth-dependent sulfide detection down to the μM levels. The effect of the microtrench depth is compared for a "shallow" 44 μm and a "deep" 180μm microtrench and linked to the reduction of oxygen to hydrogen peroxide which interferes with sulfide redox cycling. With a deeper microtrench and a fixed collector potential at -1.4V vs. SCE, two distinct redox cycling potential domains are observed at 0.0V vs. SCE (2-electron) and at 1.1V vs. SCE (6-electron).F. M. and A. J. G. thank EPSRC for financial support (EP/I028706/1)

    Holographic Approach to Regge Trajectory and Rotating D5 brane

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    We study the Regge trajectories of holographic mesons and baryons by considering rotating strings and D5 brane, which is introduced as the baryon vertex. Our model is based on the type IIB superstring theory with the background of asymptotic AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5. This background is dual to a confining supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) with gauge condensate, , which determines the tension of the linear potential between the quark and anti-quark. Then the slope of the meson trajectory (αM′\alpha'_{M}) is given by this condensate as αM′=1/π\alpha'_{M}=1/\sqrt{\pi } at large spin JJ. This relation is compatible with the other theoretical results and experiments. For the baryon, we show the importance of spinning baryon vertex to obtain a Regge slope compatible with the one of NN and Δ\Delta series. In both cases, mesons and baryons, the trajectories are shifted to large mass side with the same slope for increasing current quark mass.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Evaluation of the efficacy of Alpron disinfectant for dental unit water lines

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    AIMS: To assess the efficacy of a disinfectant, Alpron, for controlling microbial contamination within dental unit water lines. METHODS: The microbiological quality of water emerging from the triple syringe, high speed handpiece, cup filler and surgery hand wash basin from six dental units was assessed for microbiological total viable counts at 22 degrees C and 37 degrees C before and after treatment with Alpron solutions. RESULTS: The study found that the use of Alpron disinfectant solutions could reduce microbial counts in dental unit water lines to similar levels for drinking water. This effect was maintained in all units for up to six weeks following one course of treatment. In four out of six units the low microbial counts were maintained for 13 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Disinfectants may have a short term role to play in controlling microbial contamination of dental unit water lines to drinking water quality. However, in the longer term attention must be paid to redesigning dental units to discourage the build up of microbial biofilms

    Keeper-animal interactions: differences between the behaviour of zoo animals affect stockmanship

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    Stockmanship is a term used to describe the management of animals with a good stockperson someone who does this in a in a safe, effective, and low-stress manner for both the stock-keeper and animals involved. Although impacts of unfamiliar zoo visitors on animal behaviour have been extensively studied, the impact of stockmanship i.e familiar zoo keepers is a new area of research; which could reveal significant ramifications for zoo animal behaviour and welfare. It is likely that different relationships are formed dependant on the unique keeper-animal dyad (human-animal interaction, HAI). The aims of this study were to (1) investigate if unique keeper-animal dyads were formed in zoos, (2) determine whether keepers differed in their interactions towards animals regarding their attitude, animal knowl- edge and experience and (3) explore what factors affect keeper-animal dyads and ultimately influence animal behaviour and welfare. Eight black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), eleven Chapman’s zebra (Equus burchellii), and twelve Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra) were studied in 6 zoos across the UK and USA. Subtle cues and commands directed by keepers towards animals were identified. The animals latency to respond and the respective behavioural response (cue-response) was recorded per keeper-animal dyad (n=93). A questionnaire was constructed following a five-point Likert Scale design to record keeper demographic information and assess the job satisfaction of keepers, their attitude towards the animals and their perceived relationship with them. There was a significant difference in the animals’ latency to appropriately respond after cues and commands from different keepers, indicating unique keeper-animal dyads were formed. Stockmanship style was also different between keepers; two main components contributed equally towards this: “attitude towards the animals” and “knowledge and experience of the animals”. In this novel study, data demonstrated unique dyads were formed between keepers and zoo animals, which influenced animal behaviour

    Exact Results and Holography of Wilson Loops in N=2 Superconformal (Quiver) Gauge Theories

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    Using localization, matrix model and saddle-point techniques, we determine exact behavior of circular Wilson loop in N=2 superconformal (quiver) gauge theories. Focusing at planar and large `t Hooft couling limits, we compare its asymptotic behavior with well-known exponential growth of Wilson loop in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. For theory with gauge group SU(N) coupled to 2N fundamental hypermultiplets, we find that Wilson loop exhibits non-exponential growth -- at most, it can grow a power of `t Hooft coupling. For theory with gauge group SU(N) x SU(N) and bifundamental hypermultiplets, there are two Wilson loops associated with two gauge groups. We find Wilson loop in untwisted sector grows exponentially large as in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We then find Wilson loop in twisted sector exhibits non-analytic behavior with respect to difference of two `t Hooft coupling constants. By letting one gauge coupling constant hierarchically larger/smaller than the other, we show that Wilson loops in the second type theory interpolate to Wilson loop in the first type theory. We infer implications of these findings from holographic dual description in terms of minimal surface of dual string worldsheet. We suggest intuitive interpretation that in both type theories holographic dual background must involve string scale geometry even at planar and large `t Hooft coupling limit and that new results found in the gauge theory side are attributable to worldsheet instantons and infinite resummation therein. Our interpretation also indicate that holographic dual of these gauge theories is provided by certain non-critical string theories.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figures v2. more figures embedded v3. minor stylistic changes, v4. published versio
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